
Mechanical treadmill: the subtleties of choice, the pros and cons

Mechanical treadmill: the subtleties of choice, the pros and cons

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  1. Features and principle of operation
  2. Advantages and disadvantages
  3. Comparison with electric track
  4. What is different from magnetic simulators?
  5. Popular models
  6. How to choose?
  7. Operation and care
  8. Reviews

Mechanical treadmill - a simple simulator that allows you to get the necessary physical activity without leaving your home. Compact dimensions make it the best choice for installation in a small apartment. And the versatility of the loads produced by the device provides a beneficial effect on all muscle groups. The mechanical treadmill has practically no contraindications. It allows you to adjust the duration and intensity of the load as naturally as possible, taking into account the physiological characteristics of each person.

Initially, such simulators were used as a tool for diagnosing diseases - moderate cardiac loads revealed the sources of health problems much more efficiently than other methods. And even their development involved certified cardiologists, who patented their offspring in 1952.

Pretty soon, innovation was appreciated outside the hospital walls. A decade later, the first mechanically driven serial treadmills began to appear in gyms and training centers for athletes, representatives of special services. In the future, the use of running tracks expanded even more - they appeared in the home arsenal of exercise lovers.

Features and principle of operation

Let's take a look at what a mechanical treadmill is and how it works. As part of the construction of such a simulator, you can find two shaft, with a rubber band stretched through them. The canvas is put into action by mechanical contact with the runner’s feet, and by the principle of its work is quite strongly reminiscent of a conveyor belt. Does this mean that the technology of the equipment resembles a conveyor? In fact, only in part.

In most modern treadmills of the mechanical type there are options for adjusting the angle of inclination of the platform, there are handrails to maintain a comfortable body position during exercise. The design does not provide for connection to the power supply.

The sports equipment is completely autonomous, safe and economical to use.

Among the design features of a mechanical treadmill, you can highlight a number of points.

  1. Complete dependence on the actions of man. Such simulators are recommended for beginners. You can safely stop at a convenient time without risking your own safety, move in a convenient rhythm. The naturalness of the resulting load is an important point when it comes to rehabilitation or strict dosing of physical activity.
  2. Compact dimensions. The simplest models take up minimal space, providing opportunities for sports at home, in the country. You can even put the simulator on the balcony.
  3. Two types of ways to strengthen the load. The first of the options encountered is a change in the angle of inclination, which makes it possible to imitate an ascent uphill or movement in a straight line without a significant incline (normally, an angle of 150 degrees is normally). The second option is to use the brake shaft. With him to adjust the intensity of the applied force can be in the horizontal plane.

All these points should be considered before making a choice in favor of a mechanical treadmill for a house or apartment.

Advantages and disadvantages

The pros and cons of mechanical treadmills are obvious even to inexperienced users of sports equipment. Their advantages traditionally include:

  • budget cost - significantly lower than other models;
  • compact size - the simulator will fit even in the pantry or on the balcony;
  • no extra cost - the general energy consumption does not increase;
  • preservation maximum natural pace of movement.

There are disadvantages, which are also associated with the design features of a mechanical treadmill. The need to independently regulate the pace of running largely relaxes a person, allows him not to gain 100% of the load. In addition, the load on the joints in this case increases significantly. After all, the rotation of the tape occurs only at the expense of the user's own efforts.

The functionality of the mechanical simulator is also not amazing. The lack of an electronic display greatly limits the range of control over the state of the body. But for beginners, this functionality is generally not very necessary.

Separately, it is worth noting the need for mechanical models in regular maintenance. The treadmill needs lubrication, allowing the canvas on the shafts to slide smoothly.

In the absence of care, the simulator may fail over time.

Comparison with electric track

The variety of choices of products for home workouts in sports stores is really amazing. Then we will talk about what is better to buy, what is different from an electric mechanical treadmill. Let's discuss what is best for the house, and what should be taken into account.

The main difference between mechanical treadmills and electric is non-volatility. To work they do not need to connect to the electrical network. Even in the country you can create conditions for classes. Ease of management also matters.

Mechanical models are optimal for beginners or people who are new to the latest technological advances. Electric ones have customizable options, modes, additional monitoring and measuring sensors, which provide an opportunity to assess the pulse, metabolic rate, and other characteristics of the body during training. This is convenient when it comes to serious training, requiring careful monitoring of the results achieved. In addition, electric paths have a reduced impact on the joints and the musculoskeletal system, and there are no restrictions on the state of health.


What is different from magnetic simulators?

If the mechanical path can be compared with a conveyor belt, controlled only by the driving force of the human foot, the magnetic options work a little differently. The difference is in the following points:

  • minimization of noise level in comparison with mechanical solutions;
  • the uniformity of the broach - without jamming or other obvious difficulties;
  • reducing the load on the joints;
  • optimized braking system with a smoother course.

In fact, magnetic treadmills can be called the next link after the mechanical models. They are equipped with control consoles, powered by batteries or electrical network.

Have the ability to adjust the angle of inclination and other track options.

Popular models

Considering the variety of models of mechanical treadmills, it is quite difficult to choose a specific solution. To properly evaluate the pros and cons of models Atemi and HouseFitFor example, when buying children's and adult versions of sports equipment, you need to carefully evaluate all the characteristics.



Mechanical treadmills brand represented model AT 605. The Taiwanese brand produces a model with a magnetic system for changing loads, provides an opportunity for manual control of the angle of inclination. The package includes an on-board computer with an assessment of training parameters. The platform is long and wide - 139 × 62 cm, user weight is limited to 110 kg.

Body sculpture

The company produces mechanical tracks model TM-1556-01. They are designed for the user's body weight in the range of up to 100 kg, have an adjustable angle of inclination. In stock transport folding rollers, built-in display controls training time, duration and speed of run, controls the cost of calories and pulse rate. A small platform makes the model suitable only for children’s classes or training for a small adult.

HouseFit HT-9147HP

Foldable mechanical walkway with wide and long cloth 42 × 102 cm, ergonomic handrails. The model is designed for a user weight of not more than 110 kg, has an adjustable angle of inclination. There is a heart rate monitor on the handle, there is a display in the set, a depreciation system. The weight of the simulator is 23 kg. In comparison with the model from Atemi This option loses somewhat due to the narrow and short platform.


The company produces several models of mechanical treadmills, which are popular. Model DFC T1004 It has a magnetic load system, which is changed by means of a special handle. The user has 8 levels of intensity classes. Previously, this model was sold Part Number DFC LV1004, but today it is presented on sale under the new marking.

The running belt has a thickness of 1.2 mm, dimensions 34 × 94.5 cm. The angle of inclination of the platform does not change, the set includes a monochrome display with an English-language menu, parameter scanning, speed control, and calorie burning. Maximum user weight - no more than 100 kg.

DFC T2002

Mechanical track, equipped with a magnetic system for adjusting levels of difficulty. Model folding, easy to store, designed for home use. The speed of the tape is not limited, there are touch sensors, as an option - a belt for measuring body parameters. Battery power console, user weight limit is 110 kg.

Onlitop ET-204B-3

Modern mechanical treadmill from the Chinese brand. The model has a clumsy design, supports user weight up to 100 kg. Ease of execution is combined in it with an affordable price. The rest of the model loses to competitors in technical equipment.

Bradex "Eclipse" SF 0058

Treadmill with mechanical drive, designed for home use. Among its advantages is a fully autonomous operation, the presence of the function of folding the product at the time of storage. The compact onboard PC in the kit displays the distance, time, speed, number of calories spent on the screen. Weight limit is set in the range of 120 kg.

How to choose?

It is better to buy a mechanical treadmill for the home - it allows you, without striving for sports records, to get a comfortable and functional simulator to maintain body health. It can be used for weight loss or simply in order to maintain optimal muscle tone. Such a path will be easier to manage than a professional one, and it will be no less effective in fighting hypodynamia than more expensive counterparts.

If the purchase is made for weight loss, the mechanical option will allow you to achieve maximum energy consumption.

When selecting a suitable model, you should pay attention to several parameters.

  1. Type of construction. Folding models that are conveniently stored between use are best suited for home use.
  2. Web width. Versions with a tape less than 37 cm are considered to be for children or teenagers, suitable for women of frail physique. For a man, an adult lady, this figure should be equal to 43 cm and more.
  3. Height and configuration of handrails. They must have an adjustable design or have fairly convenient fixed indicators. Ergonomic supports greatly facilitate the process of training.
  4. Maximum load level. It is calculated based on the user's weight with a margin of 10-15 kg.No need to choose models with a maximum load close to the values ​​of body weight. The conveyor can quickly fail.

Given these factors, it is possible to ensure the selection and acquisition of an inexpensive and comfortable treadmill with a mechanical drive type.

Operation and care

To extend the work of the simulator, it is necessary not just to practice it correctly, according to the instructions, taking into account the manufacturer's recommendations. To run was easy, and the mechanical path itself produced a minimum of noise, you should pay attention to the rules of care. Maintenance is a snap.

  1. Take care of the tape - it needs to be lubricated fairly regularly. Usually the manufacturer indicates in the instructions the desired type of fuel. If not, you can buy in the sports shop silicone compound in a balloon, and lubricate them with rubbing parts.
  2. Change broken items. If the breakdown is associated with failure of parts of the structure, it is imperative to ensure that the diagnostics is carried out by a specialist from the service center.
  3. Center against frame edges. The moving fabric must be adjusted so that it does not come into contact with the friction parts of the base. Any tilting may contribute to injury or damage to the entire structure.

When applying the lubricant, it is necessary to observe a certain frequency - approximately every 30 running hours. Signs of its absence is the appearance of squeaking, heating, deterioration of the web.

During the lubrication you need to lift the canvas from the deck from different sides, with a broach to yourself.


Mechanical treadmills - a simple and convenient simulator for home exercises. User feedback on this type of sports equipment looks pretty optimistic. Buyers have a wide selection of models presented in a very attractive price range. Compact size, the ability not to depend on the location of the electrical outlet are also mentioned among the main and most significant advantages.

But in many low-cost versions, fixed-angle versions are used. The lack of precise adjustment is not very convenient if you are seriously involved in sports. The reduced length of the platform is also not to everyone's liking. It is worth paying attention to the fact that people with long legs will run here quite difficult. At best, it will turn out to be fast.

The principle of the mechanical treadmill you can find out by watching the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


