
The benefits and harm of treadmills

The benefits and harm of treadmills

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  1. What muscles work?
  2. What is useful treadmill?
  3. Harm and contraindications
  4. How to avoid risks?

Researches of scientists show that just 20 minutes of running on a daily basis have a positive effect on health and strengthen both the bone and cardiovascular systems. Regular jogging is an excellent preventive measure for the body and brings many benefits, provided proper exercise.

What muscles work?

The main advantage of the treadmill is that during training almost all the muscles of the human body swing. Of course, the largest load falls on the lower limbs. Besides, The following muscles take the maximum load.

  • Buttocks, which are strongest in the human body. It is they who take the main role in fixing the hull in any position, therefore it is extremely important.
  • The muscles of the hips, especially the quadriceps, as well as the biceps. Their main purpose is to ensure the extension of the body.
  • Caviar, which play an important role in maintaining balance.
  • Front and rear tibial.

    It should be noted that the impact on certain muscle groups depends on what kind of technology a person uses. With the right approach, you can also use the press, intercostal muscles and back.

    Thus, running on the track is a unique exercise that involves the work of almost all the muscles of the human body.

    What is useful treadmill?

    Classes on the treadmill are not only comfortable and functional, but also very useful. They are recommended for children with cerebral palsy, during rehabilitation, pregnancy, etc. Before you start training, you need to carefully study the readings and understand for what purpose the training will be held.


    Experts say that training on a treadmill is extremely useful for getting rid of excess weight and creating the perfect figure. However, in order to achieve the maximum effect, you need to follow certain rules. First of all, it is necessary to train on an ongoing basis, and also to establish the correct angle of inclination, in order to work through thereby the maximum number of muscles.

    During classes, you should always remember that each person has a certain level of training, so the load must be appropriate. It should be noted that a single run for quick weight loss may not be enough, therefore, very often treadmill classes are combined with other exercises. The main advantage of the treadmill to improve the shape is the duration of the session. Do not believe commercials that promise substantial weight loss with a 10-minute run per day. Exercise on the track takes at least 40 minutes so that the body can burn enough calories. If you do not have the strength to withstand such training, then you can simply reduce the load.

    To maintain the overall condition of the body

    Training on the treadmill allows you to put into work almost all the muscles, which has a beneficial effect on the general condition of the body. Moderate physical activity on an ongoing basis makes it possible to strengthen the immune system and be less susceptible to various viruses and diseases.

    To increase stamina

    Due to the fact that when running the muscles are constantly in tension, increases human endurance.Walking over long distances or other loads no longer cause problems, and a person copes with them with a bang.

    For the cardiovascular system

    Training on the treadmill makes it possible to strengthen the human cardiovascular system. According to the US Department of Health, running regularly reduces the likelihood of a stroke by 15%. Often, such exercises are prescribed for patients after a stroke in order to improve their well-being and blood circulation.

    However, the load should be set by an experienced specialist who can take into account all the features of the patient’s body and not harm it.

    For the respiratory system

    Moderate breathing is the basis of treadmill practice. With regular exercises, the state of the respiratory system is significantly improved, and the air supply increases.

    To strengthen and tone muscles

    A distinctive feature of running is that the muscles are constantly in tension, thereby ensuring their strengthening and tone. This greatly reduces the likelihood of myositis or other muscular diseases.

    For psychological condition

    Studies show that running improves a person’s psychological state. During such exercises, the person is constantly in motion, takes off his stress and gets the opportunity to refresh his thoughts. That is why most businessmen prefer to run in the mornings to get rid of negative thoughts and set themselves up for productive work.

    Psychologists say that because running is a natural form of motor activity, it has a calming effect. In such studies, aggression is splashed out and the person completely gets rid of negative emotions. In addition, such prolonged exercise leads to the release into the blood of endorphins - the hormones of happiness.

    Harm and contraindications

    The benefits of running are undoubted, however, even a healthy person needs to consult a doctor before starting a lesson and make sure that there are no contraindications for training. Otherwise, you can not only not improve the condition of your body, but also cause significant harm to it. Among the main contraindications for practicing on a treadmill are the following.

    • Eye disease, including glaucoma. The fact is that too fast runs in this case can cause retinal detachment.
    • During exacerbation of chronic diseases. It also requires prior consultation with a specialist in order not to worsen the patient's condition.
    • In the presence of colds. If you have a strong cough or fever, then it is better to give up training for a few days. Some athletes ignore this rule and believe that physical activity will help to quickly get rid of the disease. It is better to wait for a full recovery and only then start running again, otherwise you can significantly worsen your condition.
    • In diseases of the joints. If you have arthritis, intervertebral hernia, or any other similar disease, then treadmill training should be abandoned, because the workouts load your back and knees, and this can only aggravate the situation. If you do not want to refuse training, then at least use a special equipment in the form of corsets and bandages.
    • When disorders in the respiratory system. When running, the lungs and bronchi are involved in active work, so this can cause asthma exacerbation or pulmonary insufficiency.
    • With heart disease. Not only running, but most other sports activities in the presence of serious heart problems are completely contraindicated.

    With intense cardio training, the heart will experience enormous loads, so it is best to refuse such runs.

    When practicing on a treadmill, you should also be careful about older people, as this can cause a lot of stress on the heart.It is best to walk on the simulator, which will improve the condition of the muscles and the cardiovascular system.

    If you often feel dizzy, then such runs should also be abandoned. The fact is that physical exertion can aggravate this condition and lead to loss of consciousness. Dizziness is very often caused by a lack of oxygen and poor circulation, and such people are strictly forbidden to put themselves under stress.

    You can not run on the track with varicose veins or osteoarthritis of the knee joint, since increased loads will only aggravate the situation, as a result of which even more serious health problems will arise.

    If you have problems of the lumbar spine, then when running you need to be careful and do not load your back. On the market, you can find special corsets that provide protection for the musculoskeletal system during such exercises.

    How to avoid risks?

    So, you definitely decided that you want to practice on a treadmill, and you have no contraindications for this. Then we suggest that you familiarize yourself with recommendations that will significantly reduce the risks of such activities and increase the benefits derived from them. Among the main tips are the following.

    • Before the start of any run, you need to warm up. If the joints are not properly warmed and the muscles are not stretched, this can lead to serious consequences. At first, you just need to be like a track at the minimum speed so that the muscles get into the work and are able to cope with the loads set in the future. Among the effective warm-up exercises can also be distinguished turns of the neck, rotation of the arms and torso.
    • Control your breathing. Most people do not feel well while running, not because they have any health problems or weakness. The main reason is that they knock the breath. The inhale should be short and the exhale should be long. If in the process of running on the track dyspnea appears or stabs in the side, then you should immediately stop. No need to engage through force, as this has a negative impact on both the physical and psychological state of a person.
    • The load must not be increased immediately. On the first day, you should run no more than five minutes, and then rest or go on a regular walk. Loads should increase gradually so that the body has time to get used to them. Over time, endurance will begin to grow, you will feel it and you will be able to independently increase the duration of the workout.
    • To get the maximum effect after training on a treadmill, stretching is necessary. Thanks to this, it is possible to get rid of the cramping, which will definitely appear after the first days of training. If we ignore this recommendation, then the next day, the legs and feet will begin to ache, which complicates the training process or stops it completely.
    • It is necessary to train in the most comfortable shoes, which will have a small but soft sole. In this way, it is possible to provide good cushioning.

    Remember that during the run the foot should roll from heel to toe and nothing else.

    Very often, newcomers make a mistake and try to break all records and prove their professionalism while working on a treadmill. This approach is wrong: first you need to run at the minimum speed and only then increase it. Most experts advise to start with a normal walk and only then increase the load and speed. In the process of running, it is better not to hold on to the handrails, since this significantly reduces the effectiveness and benefits of training.

    Careful attention in the process of running should be given to the choice of clothing. It should be comfortable. It is best to choose the products in the production process which used cotton fabric. It is necessary to refuse synthetics, as sportswear should pass air and absorb sweat well.If the gym is cold, then you can wear a warm jacket to prevent hypothermia. Running in a cold room not only brings a certain discomfort, but can also cause injuries, so the choice of comfortable and warm clothing in such conditions should be given careful attention.

        Thus, exercises on the treadmill are extremely useful for improving the condition of the body, strengthening muscles, as well as losing weight. With the right approach like training both at home and in the gym has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular system, improves metabolism and psychological state. The advantages of running are undoubtedly for both men and women, however, before starting workouts, you should make sure that there are no contraindications for such activities. In this case, the cons will be negated.

        On the features of running on a treadmill, see the following video.

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        Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


