
How to turn on the treadmill in the gym and adjust it?

How to turn on the treadmill in the gym and adjust it?

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  1. How does the track turn on?
  2. Overview of the main buttons
  3. Information on display
  4. Possible problems
  5. What else you need to know?

The treadmill is probably the most popular simulator for many years since its inception. It allows you to strengthen your muscles and keep yourself in good physical shape. For a beginner, using a treadmill, especially for the first time, can become difficult and unusual. But later, having mastered all of its functionality, most runners later did not even feel that they did not know how to use it once. How to cope with the treadmill and avoid some of the possible problems, this article will tell.

How does the track turn on?

It is worth noting immediately that this article is only about electric treadmills. Now all fitness halls are equipped with them, as they are distinguished by a high level of wear resistance, ease of use and the ability to choose a program for any person. Good old mechanical models are not considered here. The use of the latter does not require special skills and practically does not cause difficulties - to start such a simulator, simply start to move.

In order to properly turn on the treadmill for the first time, you need to follow simple and short instructions.

  1. We must remember that you can not get up on the treadmill itself. You must stand on the runners on the sides of the track.
  2. Now you need to check whether you are comfortable and stable. Lean on the arms of the simulator on the sides.
  3. Look for one large button with Quick Start / Start on the panel with buttons. Usually it is highlighted in bright color. Click on it.
  4. At this point, the simulator will start and you can already start running / walking. The speed is adjusted with the “up” and “down” buttons on the same panel. In order to stop the simulator, you need to click on the big red Stop button.

It must be remembered that now most of these simulators are equipped with a “memory”, so the speed set last time before turning off the track may be preserved. This is especially worth paying attention to if you are in the gym.

This is a short list of rules for using the track in the gym. If you want to work out in the gym regularly and further, we recommend reading the text of the following chapters below.

Overview of the main buttons

You need to be able to use the rest of the buttons in order to create a training program for yourself in the future. Immediately, it is worth noting that setting up programs with the help of buttons will not be difficult - many learn them “intuitively”. However, the latter is not recommended for several reasons.

Most modern simulators are equipped with buttons with English inscriptions. Below are explanations of each of them.

  1. Speed ​​button. It helps regulate speed. As a rule, up and down arrows are located next to it.
  2. Select button helps to choose a program.
  3. Next Incline Button denotes the incline level of the treadmill. Next to it are also located the up and down arrows, which regulate the angle of inclination.
  4. Another Pause Button. It should be used to stop the program.
  5. Stop button means a complete stop and reset of the program / speed.
  6. Such buttons as Program, Mode, Workout Profiles help to configure and install the program. Thanks to them, you can choose any suitable program of running of different intensity and speed.
  7. Buttons with "+" and "-" icons. They can be seen next to Incline, Speed ​​and other buttons. They, obviously, adjust the level of the selected option.

If you still have doubts or unexplained moments, you can always ask the instructor of the gymnasium to give a brief information about each of the buttons. At first, the instructor can install the desired program, over time, digging will not cause any difficulties. The main thing is to regularly visit the gym.

Information on display

We can safely say that, as a display without buttons does not make sense, and vice versa. All selected functions are immediately displayed on the screen. In order to make a fitness workout effective, you need to be able to read the values ​​from the simulator display, which, by the way, as already mentioned, is not difficult. The modern market of simulators offers devices with both a two-color display, and with color, push-button and touch.

There is no big difference between them, but most often models with a color display have the ability to connect via USB. This, in turn, suggests that you can “upload” your training schedule to the simulator.

Below are brief characteristics of each of the numbers displayed on it.

  1. The first thing you need to pay attention on the display, and in general, the first thing that catches your eye is the value Speed. It is indicated by one or two digits before the comma and one after.
  2. The next value is Dist. It indicates the distance traveled during the training in meters.
  3. Calories burned during exercise are referred to as Cal.
  4. Also displayed on screen. running time.
  5. Another value - pulse. It is measured only when the palms are pressed to a special sensor on the simulator. Next to this value, you can see the heart icon. If the pulse is not measured by the simulator, then it is not displayed on the screen.
  6. In a word Target denotes the current goal, it can be both distance and a certain number of calories. Sometimes referred to as Target Total.
  7. Also on the screen you can see the number or name of the program under the label Prog. It shows the symbol of your chosen study program.
  8. A number of columns of different heights shows part of the currently executed program.

At will, you can add a number of values ​​to the simulator in order to improve the quality of training. Among these values ​​are gender, age, weight. For those who want to lose weight and is engaged in interval running, you can enter values ​​such as jog interval and jog speed. The same applies to interval running in the sprint technique. In this case, the values ​​will be called the sprint intervals / speed intervals.

It is the choice of programs that makes training not only more efficient, but less boring.

Possible problems

The most important rule of safety says that you can not get up and start running on a fast moving walkway. Also, you can not jump on the track. You can only get up on the simulator, which is running at low speed and after that start the movement.

Since the simulator is powered by the mains, then if it does not start, most likely the problem is in it. It is necessary to check the working condition of the cord and the electric point itself. If the treadmill makes too loud sounds of obscure origin, and its runners spin unevenly, then this indicates that the device is faulty. The best solution is to turn it off and call the master or employee of the fitness center.

It is important to remember that if you feel uncomfortable (severe shortness of breath, obvious fatigue, sharp pain in different parts of the body), it is recommended to stop the simulator using the emergency stop button.

During long workouts, it is best to turn on the fan built into the simulator. It will protect the device from overheating.

Always remember the security key. According to the rules of using the simulator, it is necessary to fasten one end of it on the belt and the other end of it on the device. Thus, if you accidentally fall, the security key will be pulled out of its cell and the path will stop its movement.

Holding the handrail of a simulator is not the best solution.So you can reduce the results of your workout to no. The center of gravity, thus, will shift, as a result you will be tired, not burning calories to the full. However, the handrails are still necessary, especially when running with a large angle of inclination and for insurance for unforeseen events.

What else you need to know?

Before you start running on the simulator, you need to do an easy warm-up. Performing simple exercises for 5 or 10 minutes will be enough to prepare your body for the run. You can not abruptly stop the track after the end of the workout. Abrupt stop can cause dizziness. It is recommended to gradually reduce the speed over 10 minutes.

In general, jogging is a workout with a high risk of injury, and the most common injury is dislocation of the kneecaps or joints. Therefore, it is imperative to use your own state of health while using the simulator. It is necessary to increase the speed only when the program currently being run is transferred more easily.

In conclusion, it is worth noting that Different simulators can be switched on differently. However, the general mechanism of inclusion and the algorithm of use remains similar for all modern models.

The mode and method of using the simulator depends on what goal you are pursuing - to train your heart, lose weight, increase stamina, or pump up your legs. Do not forget to consult with your doctor about the occurrence of various risks.

For information on how to use the treadmill in the hall, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


