
Features of the treadmill Yamaguchi Runway

Features of the treadmill Yamaguchi Runway

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  1. Description and principle of operation
  2. Specifications
  3. Advantages and disadvantages
  4. The lineup
  5. Operating rules
  6. Reviews

Treadmill - one of the most functional cardiovascular machines, which is just perfect for frequent use in the home. Everyone knows that running and walking will help to strengthen the heart muscle, blood vessels, nervous and respiratory systems, allow you to maintain the muscles of a person in the necessary tone, improve stamina and well-being. In the article we will consider the features of the compact treadmill of the Japanese brand Yamaguchi in more detail.

Description and principle of operation

The only weighty problem for many who want to get a good treadmill is its size. This kind of simulator will take up too much space even in a fairly large apartment, so for small rooms such as a one-room dwelling, such equipment is clearly not suitable. Japanese brand engineers Yamaguchi were able to solve this problem by designing at the same time unique and fairly compact home run track.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it can be used without any problems in a modern apartment with any footage. And the quality of full-fledged trainings in running and walking will not suffer at all.

The compact track from the Yamaguchi Runway is considered to be practically the only one already available, where there are no handrails or a control console.

Such unique equipment without handrails looks like a flat rectangle with a small thickness, which is less than 5 cm, which will allow you to quickly and effortlessly remove the structure under a low bed or hide behind a drawer after active exercises. Storage significantly simplify and 2 strong fasteners made of metal - they will be present in the set with the simulator.

The fastener data must be mounted on the wall. They are necessary in order to keep the path of the track as firmly as possible upright.

The ultra-thin and lightweight floor model has a laser sensor for easy speed control. The novelty of this type of device lies in the fact that the simulator can easily adapt to any speed of the person who uses it, and not vice versa, as it is done in analog models of similar equipment. In the thinnest running track from Yamaguchi, the display is structurally inscribed on the surface of its canvas. This display will fully display such important indicators as:

  • total running time or walking;
  • the number of steps that have been completed;
  • specified distance.

    You will not find various kinds of switches and switches to increase or decrease the load in this track. In order for the thin running track to start working, the user needs to take only 3 steps: first, he needs to stand in the first zone, after that he goes into the second and immediately into the third. In the instructions for this simulator, all these actions are described in detail, the borders of all three zones are clearly indicated, therefore operation of the simulator will seem unusually easy.


    Before you opt for a specific model of a treadmill, you will need to familiarize yourself with the technical characteristics of the model you like.

    Standard dimensions of the Yamaguchi Runway walkway are 62x143.5x9 cm. By type, it refers to electrical equipment, its power source is a network of 220 V.The power of the engine is 350 watts.

    When choosing a device a very important criterion is the level of noise produced by them during operation. In this case, it will be 65 dB (almost like a normal working refrigerator, or like hearing a normal conversation at a distance of 1-2 meters).

    The lowest speed is 0.5 km / h, the maximum speed is 6 km / h. Maximum permissible load - 100 kg, therefore, all family members will be able to practice on such a simulator.

    Such a universal track can be used only in those rooms where the temperature regime will not be lower than + 5 ° C and not higher than + 30 ° C.

    IP20 protection allows this popular device to be used in a completely dry and uncontaminated environment. The best solution is an ordinary apartment, a private house or a warm office space.

    Advantages and disadvantages

    The amazing performance of this Japanese running equipment from the Yamaguchi Runway will be guaranteed by the use of advanced technology.

    • In this sports equipment there is the latest technology "instant start" called StepTo. Thanks to this innovation, the device already after the third step of the user on the field that started to move, also starts to work automatically.
    • The presence of another intelligent technology, Infra-ray, will allow the machine mode to maintain 3 positions of stop on the equipment without problems in normal condition. As a result, the required pace of integrated training in the three most important modes will be ensured: from running and walking to a complete stop.
    • The special technology Engine-RACE promises increased power of the electric motor of the equipment, although it differs by small parameters.
    • The introduction of a 2-stage cooling system of an electric motor 2-Frost will increase the duration of its work, for this reason such a motor will be able to work almost 2 times more than a conventional motor.
    • The simulator is easily combined with a fitness track. High-tech bracelet Pulse PRO will allow for any period of time to track calorie consumption during active daily activities.
    • Present in the simulator and special shipping wheels, which can greatly facilitate the movement of this track to the desired point of the home.
    • The presence of special fasteners made of metal will allow you to easily install and fix the equipment near the nearest wall - for its greater stability.

    There are additional advantages to electric treadmills that are best suited for home use.

    • Availability of shock absorbers - They allow you to prevent possible injuries of the joints.
    • Constant pace of speed. The user can quickly adjust to the rotation of the canvas.
    • Durability. The possibilities of modern electric tracks with active exploitation may well justify the rather high cost of this equipment. The tape, which is used in many electrical modifications, will consist of a series of durable layers. They calmly withstand even significant loads. With the gradual wear of the front side of the tape, you can always just turn it over to the wrong side and use it without problems later on for its intended purpose.
    • Users also note the ergonomics of such a track. its small weight, compact size, lack of buttons.

    However, there are certain negative aspects of the operation of such electric as thin as possible tracks for a standard apartment.

    Unlike the sought-after models that have handrails, these are much more simplified modifications that will work only on one program. Second minus - to complete the work of the track, she needs a permanent source from which she will eat.

    Another drawback that almost all users point out is that the cord is too short, as it is only 1.5 meters long.It is for this reason that the area for constant training has to be picked up in close proximity to an existing outlet, or you have to purchase an extension cord, which is already an extra expense.

    The lineup

    In the line of the brand there are 3 types of universal cardiovascular machines:

    1. Runway;
    2. Runway PRO;
    3. PRO Gold.

    Models differ stylish design, a certain bundle, as well as technical characteristics, and, of course, cost.

    Yamaguchi runway

    The simulator has a completely standard package - in it, as stated by the manufacturer, there are no handrails and the usual console for the tracks. This kind of fixture weighs 25 kg - to rearrange it anywhere in the apartment (for example, even an ordinary schoolboy can get it out of bed and pull it up to a specially selected place). The parameters of the track itself are 120x47 cm.

    It will be driven by special infrared sensors that are built into the design. Depreciation system quality dulls any possible vibration, increasing the comfort of home workouts, even without the use of special shoes for training.

    Yamaguchi Runway PRO

    The ultramodern modification is great for recovery and rehabilitation, significantly different from other models in the presence of a convenient folding-type handrail. Thanks to this adaptation, the track can be used in two modes: standard and enhanced - they will depend on the tasks that the practitioner sets himself.

    The handrail has a pneumatic basis and will become a reliable support for the user when working at the highest speed. The largest speed limit of such a simulator is 8 km / h, which is a quarter higher than the previous model. If this handrail is removed, the simulator will immediately reduce its speed to the standard 6 km / h.

    As soon as you finish your workout and slow down, the simulator independently includes the option to reduce the speed limit automatically. The manufacturer decided to expand the functionality of the popular equipment, adding to the four main tasks another 1 called Energy-saving.

    If you make a detailed review of the model, then you will notice that after 5 minutes of idle idling the device will be put into standby mode, and this will significantly reduce the power consumption of the model.

    Yamaguchi Runway PRO Gold

    The model without pens was released in a limited series and was primarily designed for true lovers of home workouts and expensive colors. The manufacturer, familiar to the inhabitant of a greyish-colored canvas, has decided to replace the canvas with a warmer shade of champagne, which also has a glossy sheen.

    A treadmill in a similar color will look much more expensive and much more noble. In its parameters, technical properties, a set of components and features of use such an updated color modification will no longer be different from other PRO models.

    Operating rules

    Included with this simulator is a special silicone grease, which is necessary for the smooth operation of the equipment. The manufacturer strongly recommends using it for every 200 km of the distance that has already been traveled by users. In everyday use, the lubricant should be used once every one and a half to two months.

    This lubricant ensures smooth operation of the web, significantly slows down its wear, it can even prevent its possible drying. If you familiarize yourself with the composition of the material from which the lubricant is made, then you can make sure that there are no solvents or hazardous toxic substances in it, because it can be used without danger in closed rooms.

    Before you apply silicone grease, you will need:

    • first turn off the fixture;
    • turn it to the side;
    • slightly delay the edge of the blade at the bottom of the equipment;
    • insert and deepen a special nozzle tube 10 cm inside the track web.

      Grease will need to be applied along the entire length of the track for running - approximately every 15-25 cm. After performing preventive actions, you need to return the canvas to its original position, turn on the structure into the network and walk along the canvas at the slowest pace for at least 5 minutes. This is necessary so that the silicone can be distributed as evenly as possible over the material.

      The brand gives 1 year warranty for all models of training equipment. If trouble happens to your simulator after the end of the warranty period, you can easily find the brand's service center - such centers operate in almost all major cities of Russia.

      According to the instructions, the permissible time of continuous operation of the simulator is 60 minutes. After that, you need to make a 20-minute pause.


      Many users leave more than enthusiastic reviews of the running tracks of this famous manufacturer. Basically, everyone notes their intellectual component and convenience during active use. Many admit that at first they were even afraid to get up on the simulator, because he did not have handrails, and after they were convinced that it was even much better - the lack of handrails brings more benefits during training.

      Many like the fact that There is no need to control the simulator, because the equipment itself will react to the user's steps, because there is no familiar control panel in it, but there is only a special screen where you can see the speed readings, turns. The original design and reduced standard sizes did not go unnoticed - it is easy to move the track and find a place for it in its small apartment quite easily.

      Professionals also appreciated the functionality Yamaguchi Runway. They consider this unique simulator an excellent example of progress in the home fitness industry. Older versions of large and overly bulky simulators are clearly signs of yesterday.

      The users are very impressed with the construction of the equipment without handles - they believe that it is much more comfortable to run like this; There is also a good quality of the covering of the canvas - there is no smell of rubber, you can walk on it without problems even barefoot, but for running, of course, you will need to purchase special sneakers.

      The design has excellent depreciation, the rate of movement can be easily changed. - the trainee just needs to slow down and retreat to the end of the treadmill. On the panel, all the available indicators will be displayed in large greenish numbers - they can be easily read even with quite bright sunlight.

      Of the shortcomings, they note only the high price.

      For more information on the Yamaguchi RunWay, see the following video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


