Compatibility of Gemini and Scorpions in various areas of life

The compatibility of the Scorpio-Gemini pair is very controversial, so the development of events may proceed in different ways. However, with a mutual desire and work on relationships, they can still get along.
In order to understand how different the combination of signs of the zodiac can be, one should be familiar with the characteristics of each individual.
The sign belongs to the element of Water, which makes secretive and mistrustful of people born during this period. Scorpio is characterized by a sharp and inquiring mind, absolute confidence in himself and his abilities, inconceivable work capacity. People living under this sign of the zodiac never seek to be in the center of society, but more often everyone’s attention is riveted to them. They are characterized by a kind of magnetism, due to emotionality, amazing intuition and fortitude. By nature, they are leaders, but they can achieve goals by any means, including manipulation and intrigue.
In some cases, the desire for power makes representatives of Scorpion cruel and vain egoists who seek to control not only their lives, but also the lives of relatives and employees, which often leads to conflicts.
Scorpio man is always focused on winningbut, besides having a goal, he is firmly convinced that it will not be difficult to achieve it - you just need to properly allocate resources and work a lot. Diligence of Scorpio in the blood, he does not shun any work, does not grumble at fate, but purposefully and consistently solves problems of any degree of complexity. A man will never reveal his passion, will be calm and balanced until he gets the result. Tips Scorpio rarely takes into account, following his own path, taking responsibility for everything he does. The search for the halves is delayed for him until the age of 30, or even longer. If found, then for her sake he is ready to move mountains, and to assume all responsibility for both, too, in his rules.
A Scorpio woman is usually described as a vamp because she knows how to use her charm, seductiveness, ingratiating speeches and passion to achieve her goals. At the same time, Scorpiosa perfectly understands people and is a carrier of an extremely strong character. Being the best in everything, a woman does not seek to rule directly, usually her role is the “gray cardinal.” Representatives of the mark, as a rule, prefer men strong. Devotion to your soulmate is a woman of Scorpio in the first place. Despite the strength of her spirit, love of wealth and luxury, she can sacrifice everything for the sake of her chosen career.
The two-faced sign causes the unpredictability and variability of their representatives. Usually they are focused on change, are set to receive new knowledge or impressions. They are characterized by a quick response to any changes that helps to do a lot of things in a short time period.Their reactionary causes unconventional, extraordinary thinking, which leads to perplexity of others. Not everyone understands the ideas of Gemini immediately, but after the time expires, they conclude that the non-trivial approach is fully justified. Element Air protects the sign and brings its own characteristics: the desire to learn, change, think quickly and act, easily adapt to circumstances, be friendly and energetic. The constant process of processing a variety of information is necessary for the Gemini, as air.
Usually, under this sign are many creative individuals and inventors.
Often, quite positive qualities are opposed to less pleasant ones. So, sociability helps Gemini to make new acquaintances, and the inability to keep your mouth shut, blurting out secrets and gossip, on the contrary, contributes to the loss of friends. Variability also varies. Thus, periods of joy and optimism are replaced by despondency and depression.
The Gemini men are considered charming romantics. It is interesting to communicate with them, but only if he is in a wonderful mood. In the opposite case, the conversation will be long and tedious. As a rule, a change of mood occurs briefly and quickly passes — do not take it seriously. More often than not, men of this sign are complete idealists, optimistic and loving freedom. Among Gemini writers, artists, cinematographers and cultural workers are often found - none of them are deprived of their imagination. Laziness and stubbornness are inherent in almost all born under the constellation of Gemini. Ingenious mathematicians or constructors happen in this breed rarely only because of the fact that, striving for an ideal, the fuse is lost, and the project ceases to interest the thinker. The same thing happens in love relationships: a quick fuse and a sudden cooling - it is impossible to predict the reasons.
Twin women are charming and intelligent. Their versatility allows you to cope with several cases at once, while some may not be brought to an end, but this does not embarrass the representatives of the sign at all. Since the Twins usually love freedom, the partner is also given the necessary measure - there is no jealousy. Passion is not the hallmark of the sign. Intellect and spiritual connection are more valued than physical attraction.
Union Scorpio Twins
Wisdom says: "Absolute opposites attract each other." The same can be said about the relationship of Scorpio and Gemini.
There are periods when partners enjoy each other, but after a moment there may be a hurricane of emotions, an inexplicable explosion that will not spare either them or others.
First of all, this interaction is caused by the difference of elements: Air and Water induce fog and cause vision, but when the fog dissipates, the picture turns out to be quite different.
Gemini is curious in nature, open and extremely sociable, they are often cunning and do not always bring things to the end. At the same time, the Scorpions are suspicious, restrained, do not tolerate secrets and see people through, which confuses the Twins. In addition, they bring everything to a logical end and do not tolerate pofigism in others.
As for emotions, then everything is not easy: Scorpio's feelings are deep, requiring understanding and responsibility, and Gemini can not afford it, because it is characterized by ease, variability and childishness. Therefore, often the relationship ends with insults, reproaches of misunderstanding and betrayal.
As a result, it should be recognized that the union of such different signs is possible, but it will require both parties to endure, the ability to understand a partner and accept his demands, work on himself. Not everyone is capable of such sacrifices, so more often everything ends in drama.
Friendship behavior
If the relationship was originally built not on love, but on friendship and mutual trust, then their symbiosis has prerequisites to become strong and long.
Opposite qualities will become complementary, and partnership - equal. This couple will shine at any parties with their intelligence and sparkling sense of humor.
Astrologers warn that friendship signs of opposite sexes is possible only in early childhood or in the case of kinship. Otherwise, she in 99% of cases flows into a love relationship.
Scorpio Woman - Male Twins
If Scorpio is a girl, then she will always be a support for the boy of the air mark, keep him from making the wrong move, save him from adverse effects. At the same time, even in childhood, she is characterized by impulses of jealousy, since she considers her friends to be her property and is very upset if the Gemini has a company in which she does not belong.
The guy will provide great mood and fun, will smooth out conflicts. With age, he will learn not to argue with her vision of the world, he will accept her as she is.
Gradually, adjusting to each other, the girl will feel more relaxed, will even agree to get out of her "box" and travel the world with a friend.
With this set of circumstances, Scorpio and Gemini will keep friendship for many years, become helpers and companions. Even old age will not stand in their way.
Scorpio man - female Gemini
As a rule, friendship arises in childhood and continues throughout life. Moreover, husbands and wives will have to get used to the idea that they will remain in second place.
One should not think that communication is only of a cheerful nature - there will be quarrels and offenses.
But despite all this, friendship will become stronger, secrets - shared, and help - timely.
Same-sex signs
Friendship between guys or girls of different signs promises to be strong. Twins will always strive to make a holiday in the life of Scorpions, to introduce new interesting people, to engage in various activities such as excursions or travels. This will play its role, and the closed, cautious Scorpions will become more liberated and free, will begin to participate in the adventures of a comrade.
The watermark, in turn, is always ready to help not only with practical advice, but also with deed, to save from trouble, to come to the rescue at any time of the day, to keep some secrets, to become a confidant.
Usually such tandems are ready to move mountains, understand each other from a half-look and are unshakable in their faith.
Relationship in love
Compatibility in the love area of signs below the average: there is a lack of understanding, interfere with different life principles and goals. Twins - sprinters, they are enraged by slowness. They do not tolerate pressure from the outside, and the Scorpions are always trying to control everything. The air element contributes to windiness, adaptability, which does not accept the element of Water, whose representatives are stable in their ideals and beliefs. Secretive Scorpions get annoyed when Gemini “bother” with anyone, especially when it comes to personal issues. Therefore, astrologers are confident that the relationship is possible only in the case of great efforts on both sides.
Scorpio man - female Gemini
Girls born under the sign of Gemini are surprisingly optimistic, incendiary and bright natures. They are hard not to notice. They convey their enthusiasm to others. Girls know what they like, and famously take advantage of it when dealing with strong sex. It should be noted that they are not devoid of magnificent manners, so their coquetry does not look cutesy. The twins love comfort and prosperity, which allows you to feel free, so they usually look for successful men who can earn. At the same time, women themselves love to work, they tend to constantly learn and move rapidly up the career ladder.However, if she feels that she can be realized in the family, she will easily leave the service and become the keeper of the home.
Purposeful guy from the constellation Scorpio is extremely stubborn and passionate.
If the girl liked him, he would seek to conquer her by any means. Such men are capable of romantic actions, especially if they see interest in the eyes of the chosen one. Conquer the girl smart and courageous in the actions of a guy usually is not difficult.
The meeting of representatives of these two signs can happen anywhere, they are irresistibly drawn to each other. In their youth, they both have an adrenaline boom. Only the Twins rush into the pool with their heads, and the Scorpions consciously take the risk. The attraction is due to the special energy of the girl and the care of the man with whom he surrounds the chosen one. A woman will appreciate the wisdom, strength and responsibility of a strong half, she will conquer the opportunity to be like a stone wall.
From the first meeting, they understand that they are suited to each other, so that subsequent communication often takes place, during which the couple are fully aware of their full compatibility.
In a love relationship, it all depends on the prudence of both. Scorpio’s jealousy can ruin everything, because he wants to control everything, including the girl’s social circle. But the freedom-loving Twin does not tolerate this: she is faithful, devoted to her partner and believes that he should believe her. If Scorpio can relieve its causeless jealousy and rely more on a woman, then she will decorate his life, giving a sense of stability.
Male Twins - Female Scorpio
A man born under the constellation of Gemini is a joker and a merry fellow, always in the center of attention, the soul of any team. To entice a woman is not a problem for him, but all acquaintances are fleeting and not serious.
Scorpio girl does not accept such novels. She is purposeful, passionate and responsibly approaches everything, including the choice of a strong half. Short romance novels are not for her.
The meeting of these two halves more often happens at some public events or at a party with mutual friends. Scorpions' luxury and well-groomed immediately attract the eyes of Gemini, so he starts the conversation first. The woman, despite the spectacular appearance and high intelligence, always seeks not to attract attention, she is shy, but the man manages to catch her.
Subsequent meetings will be organized by Gemini.
He will put a lot of effort to the chosen one felt special. At the same time, his decision to just be together will always be assessed as good as they both feel well and relaxed when communicating with each other. A woman always takes seriously the outfits for the meeting, realizing that Gemini sees and assesses not only the internal, but also the appearance of the companion. A certain restraint and secrecy of a lady will intrigue a man who does not consider it astonishing that he quickly gains the disposition of a female. For him, it will become mysterious and impregnable, which will highlight the crowd of fans.
At the initial stage of dating, they will be interested in each other. Her frank care and guardianship fascinate her, he likes to discover something new in his chosen one. Scorpio's unbridled passion will open a new world for Gemini. Female jealousy will be the only fly in the ointment. She will prevent the guy from communicating with other women and control his connections. The freedom-loving man is confident in his feelings and does not understand such bias. In addition, the air sign does not need to constantly hear the words of love, while Scorpio needs confirmation in the form of compliments or sensual confessions. Most likely, it is Scorpios want to legitimize the relationship. It should be noted that excessive insistence can permanently turn the Gemini away from this person.
The harmonious existence of two signs is possible only under the condition that representatives of the scorpion constellation learn to trust their lover more, and he, for her part, extinguishes bouts of jealousy from her companion, suggesting to her that, apart from her, he does not need anyone.
Secrets of harmonious marriage
The marriage between representatives of Scorpio and Gemini is a rare and very responsible phenomenon. Since they have different attitudes towards life, it will be very difficult to find a compromise. It is necessary to strive for harmony of both, relationships should be built only by joint work.
Scorpio man - female Gemini
The wedding will be engaged exclusively by a woman. She is full of ideas, thinks over the images for herself, the groom and the guests, as well as organizing the whole celebration in such a way that they talk about it long after the ceremony.
However, the family union will not be as cloudless as it was when they met.
There is a place for comfort, joy and fun with simultaneous stormy quarrels, broken plates and loud accusations. This stranger's activity will make one wonder and wonder why they have not yet broken up. He will still be jealous, her non-existent lovers will make him nervous, but she will quickly dispel all his worries. It should be understood that if the scope of the possible is not exceeded, then such a discharge for these two signs is useful - they are comfortable in such an atmosphere.
Scorpio is a great husband and father. He is full of pride in his children, cares for his family tenderly, sincerely rejoices in the success of everyone. The Gemini woman always sees support in her husband, and is a friend to children. As a wife, she is exceptionally decent, not devoid of cheerfulness and becomes wiser with age.
Male Twin - Scorpio Woman
If Gemini still decides to go down the aisle, he will become an excellent husband. Unfortunately, he can make such a decision only under the influence of parents or close friends. The wedding will be the care of Scorpio, she comes to the point, as always, responsibly and will look gorgeous. Elegance and irresistibility will once again win the heart of Gemini, which will once again assure him of the correctness of the choice made.
Further marriage for outside observers will be incomprehensible for understanding. On the one hand, they are absolutely compatible and deeply in love with each other, on the other - hot squabbles and loud disassembly result in amazement. However, such an atmosphere does not at all destroy the family life, and even more unites them.
Children will not make the Gemini more responsible and serious, on the contrary, he will become their friend and ally in their pranks. Since Scorpio is more indispensable, all the cares of bringing up will fall on her, but this will not become a burden to her.
Interaction in the work
Business compatibility signs - above average. They can work in a team, and it doesn’t matter which of them is the boss.
The amazing work capacity of both signs will allow them to start any business from scratch. And in a short time they will be able to put the company on its feet and make a profit.
Gemini has a unique intuition and non-trivial approach to solving standard tasks, Scorpio does not allow to stray from the intended path and not finish the business on time, he takes responsible negotiations on himself, carefully monitors legal and financial issues.
Tandem complement one hundred percent.
It should be noted that if a team appears like a couple, then they cope with the work together, without needing anyone's advice. They easily bypass competitors, not leaving them a single chance to win.
Possible conflicts
If a woman is a Scorpio, then her possessive nature is very sensitive to the communication between a man and other ladies. If the Gemini does not understand this, treats her outbursts of jealousy frivolously, then a break is inevitable. A strong half will have to put up with the egoism of their chosen one and find ways to dispel all doubts.The partner will have to accept the rules of his game, limit his freedom less, become more diplomatic and learn to trust. In response, the man recognizes Scorpio as a leader in the family, and will even become more responsible. When a compromise is reached, it is quite possible to return peace and tranquility to a family of such opposites.
Astrologers warn that you should not focus on incompatibility.but you should work on yourself, be tolerant to your partner, perhaps, reconsider some views and life principles.
Male Twins - Female Scorpio
Like any other tandem, this pair has its drawbacks.
- They often do not coincide in type of temperament. A woman in any sphere, be it work, love or family, needs strong ties with specific goals and a high level of complexity, and a man is carried away for a while by difficulties — I want to live without obligations.
- Scorpiosch's jealousy can ruin any relationship. If she was not understood by her partner, then the feeling flows into rudeness and rancor. A woman will begin to be offended, weave intrigue, revenge, and ultimately destroy friendship and love.
- The stubbornness of both, each defends his point of view. Intractability and the desire to change the partner in their own way lead to quarrels and conflicts.
- Air is changeable, water is certainty itself. Therefore, the first one performs actions on a whim, and the second - always according to a clear plan.
- Scorpio complexes for any reason and self-criticism, in their youth they have very low self-esteem.
- Excessive mobility and the desire for uncontrolled freedom of Gemini.
- Routine and boredom do not tolerate both.
However, the couple also has indisputable advantages, provided that harmony in the relationship is achieved.
- They create surprisingly strong families.
Scorpio's self-digging requires switching attention to other problems and tasks, this contributes to the inventor Gemini.
- With full and sincere trust, the couple can establish not only a family union, but also a creative one or start their own business. With their hard work, the tandem will reach amazing heights that will bring substantial income. The Gemini will, of course, become an ideological leader, but the goal will be set by Scorpio and will track its implementation. She will also take over financial affairs, although the negotiations are better for a communicative partner.
- Sociability and curiosity of the air mark, the desire for self-improvement of the water element and the intellectual potential of both will make this duet successful. It may take quite a few years to achieve 100% harmony, but reviews from such couples say that this is possible.
Scorpio man - female Gemini
For the reverse pair, where Scorpio is a man, personal space is an important factor.
With such a union, conflicts are also possible.
- A man has absolute intuition and sees through people - nothing can be hidden from him. At the same time, he does not allow anyone into his soul, including his partner, which can cause quarrels.
- In marriage, Scorpio is authoritarian, waiting for perfect behavior and decency from his wife. Getting along with him is extremely difficult.
- Any disputes and disagreement with his point of view is perceived as an insult.
- The twin woman is charming and intelligent, but she is not easy to find a companion, because the demands are clearly high.
- The twin does not endure tedious conversations and dramas, she will never enter into unnecessary disputes, if a man does not conform, she will simply forget him.
- The relationship between these two signs is always like a struggle: a woman defends her personal freedom, a man tries to curb her partner and make her live by the rules.
- The twin lacks passion and Scorpio lacks sensuality. He hides emotions deep inside.
For a harmonious marriage, astrologers are betting on the softness of Gemini. If the wisdom allows them to temper the passions of her husband, then the family will be wonderful.
Tips astrologers
The problems of this couple must be learned to solve before the children appear, otherwise the partners are at risk of running up and causing irreparable harm to their child.
To make an alliance, representatives are advised to listen and not ignore the advice of astrologers.
- It is necessary to give each other freedom for self-realization. Do not push - let everyone do their own thing. If by chance they match, fine.
- A woman should be more emotional, so that the coldness does not disturb her husband’s peace of mind. Positive potential and intuition will help her to reduce the intensity of passions raging inside the strong half.
- A partner needs to temper pickyness and sarcasm, stop criticizing his wife for any trifles, and see more good things in her actions.
- Scorpio should learn to calmly endure the partner's desire to be free and have their own social circle. Jealousy is a bad adviser. You have to trust your wife, otherwise there is a risk of losing her.
- Gemini should be patient, and then after a certain time a man will open up and show himself in all its glory. Perseverance and endurance will be rewarded by the amazing features and versatility of Scorpio.
- A woman should not take leadership from her husband, it is better to wisely step aside, while retaining personal space.
- In no case should twins be given a reason for jealousy. Should respect and cherish the feelings of Scorpio. Only in this case, the sign is imbued with unconditional trust.
- Scorpio needs to understand that the clear goals he is used to following are not the prerogative of Gemini women. They are spontaneous and full of surprises. It should be ready for this, so as not to be annoyed over trifles.
- It is better for a man at an early stage of a relationship to adopt the position of a friend and mentor, not a master. Otherwise, the darling will get away quickly and permanently.
About the compatibility of Gemini and Scorpion will tell astrotipolog Dmitri Shimko in the next video.