
Tourmaline Beads

Tourmaline Beads

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  1. Features of tourmaline beads
  2. Magical properties
  3. Use in medicine
  4. Varieties

There are about 50 varieties of tourmaline flowers. The stones are expensive, but their price is fully justified, because they have not only healing, but also magical properties.

Features of tourmaline beads

The uniqueness of the stones gives them a colorful shine. In nature, we had to find a tourmaline of two or more colors at the same time. Its color changes with varying degrees of illumination.

In the production of accessories used multi-colored tourmaline: pink-red (rubellite), dark blue, purple (indigolit), brown-yellow (dravit), Black (Sherl).

A wonderful property of the crystal is to collect dust and small objects. The secret of the phenomenon is that a microcurrent circulates on the surface of the stone, giving it properties of a magnet. Solar energy absorbed by the stone is converted into an electric charge, as a result of which it is the only stone known on earth that has a constant electric field.

This stone is a wellness. Radiated infrared rays accelerate the body's metabolism, contribute to the elimination of toxins. He is able to relieve pain and swelling due to illness. In addition, it releases negatively charged particles - anions that can strengthen the body.

Tourmaline beads, due to the unique abilities of this crystal, provide a stronger connection of a man with the cosmos, and protect him with a strong biofield.

Magical properties

Beads from this crystal - a source of human creativity, a positive effect on the preservation of youth.

Owners accessory increases stamina, strengthens health. It allows business people to concentrate, gain clarity of purpose, calculate everything in advance and, as a result, make the only right, balanced decision. They are best suited for accessories made of transparent tourmaline.

Astrological features - brings luck in love affairs, strengthen sexual energy, increase childbearing, make marriage bonds strong. Amulet protects against evil spirits, phantoms, detractors. According to legend, the crystal helps to uncover deception, protects against envious and unkind eyes.

  • Watermelon tourmaline is good for business. Wear it should be in the form of beads or ring.
  • Beads from a crystal of pink color will relieve from unrequited unhappy love.
  • Stone blue will save from nightmares.

Use in medicine

The property of tourmaline products to produce infrared radiation allows to remove toxins and other harmful elements from the deep layers of the skin. Microcirculation and lymph circulation increase in tissues. It is favorable for the regulation of the nervous system, improves immunity. Beads are able to restore and maintain the human biofield, reduce the harm of geopathic zones.

The crystal is able to activate the regeneration of bone and cartilage tissue, joints, the formation of intra-articular fluid. The impact of the field created by them, stimulates blood circulation, normalizes blood pressure, improves appetite.


Black tourmaline - Sherl - contains a lot of iron. Forms around the wearer a protective field from the harmful effects of electromagnetic waves. Beads from it are able to relieve stress, calm nerves, maintain clarity of thoughts, adjust to a positive, even for big problems.

Green tourmaline or emerald has a beneficial effect on heart activity, nervous system, psyche, provides a good sleep.

The color of paraiba has a wide range from emerald to blue. He is the brightest and most expensive. It is believed to provide an opportunity to penetrate the subconscious.

Pink ruble - attracts love. It has a therapeutic effect on the skin and lungs.

Watermelon tourmaline is a combination of red, green and white. Beads from it give the owner sensitivity, compassion, the ability to find a compromise, strengthen the nervous system.

The most expensive - the stones with the greatest transparency and clarity. To a greater extent, its properties of tourmaline in gold.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


