
Active holidays in Montenegro

Active holidays in Montenegro

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  1. Features
  2. Water activities
  3. Surfing
  4. Hiking
  5. The conquest of the mountains
  6. Cycling tourism
  7. Hunting

Rest is an integral part of the life of any person. After hard work you want to relax with dignity, then long to remember a vacation. Many people prefer active leisure activities, mostly choosing leisure on the water. Montenegro is great for a good rest, recharge your batteries and get a lot of positive emotions.


Nature has tried its best, awarding Montenegro with beautiful landscapes and unique relief. Organizers of active recreation and vacationers themselves need only to properly manage resources, having enjoyed an unforgettable vacation. The natural conditions of this country allow you to relax here all year round.

Especially Montenegrin resorts praise extreme lovers.

Not every country can boast the presence of clean air, plenty of entertainment for every taste and budget. Montenegro is suitable for absolutely all people, including families with small children. The transparent Adriatic Sea, sandy beaches and mild continental climate will not leave indifferent any tourist.

Speaking of active recreation, here you can get it in full. Adrenaline will be off-scale, and the memory of the rest will remain for life. In Montenegro, there are absolutely all conditions for people seeking adventure. In winter, the mountains are covered with a thick layer of snow, which allows you to spend your holidays on skis and snowboards. In summer, most of the extreme entertainment is connected with water, rest can be organized on the rivers or in the sea.

Separately, it is worth noting the organization of rest in this amazing country. Friendly aborigines and entrepreneurs create all the conditions for a pleasant friendly atmosphere, which is also an important factor in the desire to return here again.

Water activities

Leisure on the water is a large proportion compared to other options for active recreation in Montenegro.


Immersion in the waters of the Adriatic Sea - This is an amazing adventure, full of mysteries and surprises. Many scientists involved in the study of the seabed, consider this sea the most unusual and rich in the number of marine inhabitants. Hundreds of small to large fish species will meet on your dive path. In addition to living creatures, at the bottom you can find the wreckage of old ships. Here lurked large warships and small submarines.

For deep sea diving requires a certificate that can be obtained on site. Not everyone can go on a journey on the seabed. But if you belong to those lucky ones who have permission to dive, you will get an incomparable sensation from anything, hitting the world of amazing creatures, the unique sea kingdom.

In addition to deep immersion, absolutely everyone can swim with a mask and snorkel. For such a water lesson certificates and permits are not needed. There is also a lot of interesting things on the surface


Fishing in the waters of Montenegro will be an excellent activity for lovers of such a holiday. Many come here specifically to fish and get to know new types of fish. You can do water hunting from the shore or from a yacht. It should be borne in mind that coastal and deep-sea fish vary greatly in size and taste.

As for the cost of entertainment, fishing from the shore will cost several times cheaper.

Experienced local fishermen set up their own earnings system.For a small fee, they will show the most fish places and allow you to use fishing gear. Thanks to the special equipment fishing becomes even more exciting.

In the seaside restaurant you can immediately prepare your catch.

Inspired by the process of fishing, you need to remember that only certain species of fish are allowed to catch, and the weight and size of the catch is also taken into account. The total catch should not exceed five kilograms.


Yacht sport is just beginning to develop in the Adriatic. Yacht rental allows you to feel like a real sea wolf, swim along the coastal zone or go to the open ocean. Before you get behind the wheel, you are trained, get important tips on how to behave on a yacht in different situations. Experienced instructors will teach you yachting and some tricks.

The sea in Montenegro is quite calm, large waves, causing strong pitching, are extremely rare here. You can safely go on your mini-journey at the helm of the yacht. During this walk, you will not only breathe perfectly clean sea air, but also get an aesthetic pleasure from the landscapes you see. The risk of exacerbation of seasickness here is extremely low due to the calm and friendly sea space.


One of the most dangerous, but very exciting activities is considered rafting on a mountain river, or rafting. As already mentioned, Montenegro is rich in such rivers, so this kind of extreme entertainment continues to gain momentum and is becoming increasingly popular among visitors.

Alloys in Montenegro are organized very high quality and include a range of services.

Tourists are supplied with necessary equipment for a comfortable stay in the boat. All security measures are provided, the price of the alloy includes food, delivery to the starting point and car transfer to the end point. In such entertainment, all the little things must be observed, at the request of the riders, an instructor can be provided who will guide and prompt in the most difficult situations and in difficult areas.


Despite the fact that the sea in Montenegro is quite calm, it does not interfere with windsurfing. To do this, there are specially equipped places with the rental of necessary equipment and equipment. Not only the sea is suitable for surfing, but also Skadarské Lake. The season for surfers does not last long, from July to August. This is the most comfortable time when the correct thermal winds blow, forming waves of the desired height.

An important factor in surfing is the clear, transparent sea, which is why Montenegro is so attracted to those who like to catch the wave. Experienced instructors will show and teach all the tricks, you can order individual lessons or study in a group with other novice surfers.


Kitesurfing is a kind of gliding on the water, but instead of a board with a sail, a simple board is used, which glides over the waves. This type of extreme is considered one of the most dangerous, without experience and skill, you can just drown. That is why It is important to properly assess your strength, train with an instructor in shallow water.

The Adriatic Sea is very insidious, from the shallow it quickly turns into a deep one, the waves can carry the board far away.


If you want to get acquainted with the nature of Montenegro, and extreme entertainment is not suitable for you, then the ideal pastime will be walking. You can go on a long hike with tents and backpacks, or choose a short route for several hours. Whichever option you prefer, walks will make a strong impression on you. The beauty of the mountains, the diversity of the flora, the mild climate and the impeccable organization of the hikes cannot fail to please even the most avid homebody.

You can move along the route on your own or with a guide.The main points are marked with flags, and the direction of movement is indicated by arrows. This will allow you to not get lost and correctly go all the way.

The conquest of the mountains

If there are mountains in the country, then such a direction as rock climbing is developed. Montenegrin mountain slopes in most cases represent a vertical wall, which not everyone can conquer. Here it is necessary to have a decent climbing skill, and the fear of height should be completely absent. It is forbidden to climb mountains without an experienced attendant, with an instructor you will feel confident and safe.

For beginners climbers organized training sessions that take place outdoors only in dry weather.

Having trained and mastered the basics, you will feel more confident. Montenegro has hundreds of equipped trails of varying difficulty.

Cycling tourism

What could be better than seeing the sights of a beautiful country on a bicycle trip? This is a great opportunity to spend time in the fresh air and enjoy the beautiful views. You can rent a bike for any period and drive around the objects of interest on your own. You will also be offered a cycle walk with a group accompanied by a guide.

The guide will tell interesting facts about the mountainous country, will hold on the most memorable places.

Cycling tourism is very developed in Montenegro, so it’s easy to organize such a walk. You can choose between a quiet ride through the city and the conquest of mountain slopes and forests. In this and in another case, you will be offered several routes that do not conceal the pitfalls.


Hunting in Montenegro is allowed by law, so fans come here to shoot from all over the world. All places are strictly defined, you can only hunt for specific animals and birds. In addition, this can be done not all year round, but in certain months, otherwise hunters will be subject to heavy fines. To hunt you will need a license, the cost of which is determined by the location and duration of the event.

The most common location are the Balkans due to the diversity of the animal world and beautiful landscapes. Next to the hunting farms there are modern hotels where you can comfortably spend the night.

On the pros and cons of rest in Montenegro, you will learn from the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


