
Weather conditions and features of rest in Djenovici in Montenegro

Weather conditions and features of rest in Djenovici in Montenegro

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  1. What food is worth a try?
  2. Weather features
  3. Description of beaches and hotels
  4. Guest reviews

A paradise for all who are tired of the hustle and bustle of the megalopolises is Montenegro with its cleanest waters of the Adriatic Sea and beautiful natural landscapes. Djenovici is a small town in Montenegro, located on the shores of the Tivat Bay.

The population is no more than 1,500 people, many of whom are engaged in fishing, agriculture or work in the tourism sector.

What food is worth a try?

The resort town is attractive for its diverse vegetation.

Olive trees and citrus, numerous fragrant gardens with mimosa and magnolia give a special charm to this settlement.

Traditional cuisine in Montenegro is a kind of symbiosis of Italian, Hungarian, Austrian and Turkish cuisines with the addition of national cooking features.

Menu and food will vary depending on location:

  • in the seaside area dominated by fish and seafood, there are concentrated a large number of fresh vegetables and fruits;
  • in the mountain area in the north of the country is dominated by dishes from meat and milk.

Djenovici is located in the coastal zone, so you can try a variety of seafood delicacies.

For breakfast you can try the national tsitsvara - porridge from boiled lightly salted young cheese and cornmeal, or more nutritious poparu - soaked bread with butter, milk and young cheese.

Also very popular Chavapchichi - traditional sausages from minced beef or pork meat with the addition of onions and spices

In local restaurants and cafes for lunch offer a ready-made menu with soup, hot and dessert.

The first dish is traditionally served here. chorbu - rich broth with the addition of various ingredients (noodles, vegetables, meat, fish and seafood).

In such places you can enjoy ribbi (soup based on several types of fish) and nettle chorba.

On hot can be ordered fish cooked on charcoal or seafood.

Meat eaters from traditional dishes can try lamb from sacha or lamb in milk.

As a snack you must order Negushsky prshut - dried pork ham in combination with cheese cutting (cheeses are prepared from goat or sheep milk).

Sweet addition to the feast will be ice cream, tulumba, baklava with raisins and nuts, donuts with various fillings and palachinka - big pancakes with sweet filling.

    For any dessert must be served strong Turkish coffee.

    From alcohol you can try local wines, beer and Kruna raki.

    Weather features

    Montenegro has a mild continental climate with no sudden temperature changes and minimal precipitation.

    In the city of Djenovici you can relax almost all year round. Early spring and late autumn - time for long walks, taking air baths and visiting sights.

    The lack of crowds and comfortable weather conditions allow you to get real pleasure from the holidays.

    Useful information for lovers of the sea and beach holidays: the season here begins from mid-April and lasts until the end of September.

    The maximum air temperature rises to the level of +30 degrees.

    In winter, it often rains in Djenovici (the total volume per year is 1359 mm), the minimum temperature is +7 degrees.

    Therefore, even in winter you can come here to take a breath of fresh air, stroll through the cozy streets and enjoy the local cuisine.

    Description of beaches and hotels

    The coastline of the settlement is a sandy-pebble or concrete beaches with a total length of 279 m.

    All areas of the beaches are equipped with showers, dressing cabins.

    For a fee, you can rent a sun lounger and umbrella. Some beaches have water rides and playgrounds for children.

    Water on the coastline is very warm and clean. In some places for launching the stairs and handrails are equipped.

    You can also rent a boat or a yacht and enjoy a boat trip or go diving.

    In the evening, the embankment is also not empty. An abundance of restaurants and cafes offering delicious national cuisine, small souvenir shops and stunning views of the bay attract crowds of tourists.

    Staying in Djenovici, you can choose a place of residence depending on the wishes and financial possibilities. There are hotels and hotels from two stars to class De Lux.

    It is possible to rent an apartment or villa with a private pool for the required period.

    Recommendation: when choosing a place to live, you should pay special attention to the real reviews of tourists, and not to the information and pictures posted on the sites.

    Preference should be given to settling on the second and third lines, so prices will be much lower, and the view from the windows is more picturesque.

    Guest reviews

    After visiting the resort town of еновenovići, many tourists especially remember the great beauty of nature and the warm sea.

    The benevolent and hospitable population of the city causes positive emotions, and the abundance of delicious national dishes made from natural products did not leave indifferent even the most demanding gourmands.

    Here everyone will find an institution with a kitchen to their liking (there are restaurants for vegetarians, with European and local cuisine).

    The compactness of the town allows you to get from the most remote part to the embankment on foot, which is especially welcomed by holidaymakers.

    The presence of the bus station allows you to get a reasonable fee to larger cities and carry out excursions on your own.

    Many tourists point out the following disadvantages of rest in Djenovici:

    • lack of sufficient infrastructure for young people (bars, discos and places of entertainment);
    • concrete slabs on the coastal strip (not very convenient if you did not manage to book a chaise longue);
    • limited space on city beaches during the season;
    • the presence of only two highways in the city, one of which coincides with the pedestrian along the embankment;
    • low level of housing provided by themselves.

    Depending on the goals, expectations and attitude of the tourists, they go on holiday to Djenovici, their perception and residual impressions will be different.

    How to relax in Djenovici and the surrounding towns, renting a car, you can learn from the video.

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