
Islands of Montenegro and their attractions

Islands of Montenegro and their attractions

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  1. Virgin on the Reef
  2. St. George (Isle of the Dead)
  3. Miholska Prevlaka (Island of Flowers)
  4. Other popular places

Montenegro - a lost corner of the earth, surrounded by the Adriatic Sea. It is a group of islands on which dozens of monasteries and ancient sites are located, as well as lakes and national parks. Rest here is an inexpensive pleasure, but allows you to enjoy nature, as well as immerse yourself in the atmosphere of antiquity to the full.

In this article we will tell you more about the popular islands of Montenegro and their attractions.

Virgin on the Reef

Other island name Gospa od Škrpjela. It is a small island in the bay of Kotor, opposite the place where the coastal city of Perast is located. It is a significant landmark of Montenegro. By its nature, the island of the Virgin is artificial - for its creation, ships were intentionally flooded with stones.

The largest building on island land is the Catholic Church of the same name. Mother of God on the Reef. In addition, there is a museum, a lighthouse, as well as a souvenir shop.

According to the old legend, the island was built by the hands of local sailors - it took them more than a hundred years. So, it was the rock that saved two sailors from inevitable death. Here, later, they discovered historical value (according to historians, it happened on July 22, 1452) - the icon “Madonna and Child”. The sailors who believed in the miracle with even greater desire began to strengthen the rock in order to increase the scale of land for the future buildings of the temples.

After this story, every sailor sailing home threw a stone to this rock - so such an action turned into a custom that has survived to our times.

Every year on July 22 at sunset the locals take the water transport to the land of the Virgin Mary - however, stones are thrown into the water, thus expanding the boundaries of the island part.

In 1452, a small Orthodox church was built on the site of the found relic, and already in 1630, the Venetians who arrived arrived to erect a true Catholic church under the name Virgin on the Reef. Soon this part of the land began to bear the same name. A little later, the church supplemented with domes and a bell tower.

If you go inside the temple, you can see the Baroque paintings of a local artist of the XVII century Tripo Kokol. The most popular work is the 10-meter canvas - "The Assumption of the Virgin."

In addition, the temple is a beautiful marble altar, set by the Genoese sculptor Capelano Antonio. At this moment in time, the icon of the “Mother of God on the Reef” by artist Lovrenti Dobrishevich is located on it.

Not to mention the famous tapestry, on its creation took as much as 25 years (the author - Yasinta Kunik-Majdovits). For weaving the girl used not only the threads of gold and silver, but also her own hair.

St. George (Isle of the Dead)

This island is located near the main town of Perast (Bay of Kotor), from a geographical point of view - the origin is natural.

The city is notable for the fact that a nautical school once operated here, where noblemen’s sons learned under the command of Peter I. In addition, tourists are attracted by the beautiful cypress grove.

Another significant place on the island of St. George - the church cemetery. Famous captains of Perast are buried here. So, tombstones are decorated with rare heraldic emblems.

Since the time of construction, paintings of the XIII-XIV centuries hung on the walls, a little later, the church priors decorated the walls with canvases by the famous Kotor painter Lovrenti Dobrishevich.

The Isle of the Dead attracts tourists with a tragic love story. As the old legend says, a French soldier fired a cannon in the direction of Perast. By chance, the shell hit the beloved's house - she died, and he wanted to go to the coffin with her.

According to official data, the Isle of the Dead is considered closed, but curious tourists do not miss the chance to touch the ancient walls, as well as walk through the cemetery.

View from Perast to the island

Miholska Prevlaka (Island of Flowers)

According to official data is considered a peninsula. Its second name - the Island of Flowers - received for the abundant flowering of plants. In past centuries there was a monastery here. St. Michael the Archangel.

Prevlaka Island is located in the Gulf of Tivat. Nearby there is a valid airport, which can be reached via the bridge only by car.

Before the war, there were many gardens in the Montenegrin territory in which flowers, palm trees, and olive trees grew. Unfortunately, hostilities adversely affected the number of gardens. However, to this day a beautiful beach has been preserved with some flowering plants.

The second attraction - the ruins of Miholska Prvlaka Monastery (XVI century), St. Michael the Archangel (XV century). The shrines were destroyed by the Venetians with the help of a planned poisoning of the inhabitants. Only in the XIX century. the temple was restored. The new Trinity Church allows tourists to attach themselves to the relics of the murdered monks (there were 70 of them).

Other popular places

Among the other islands of Montenegro, it is worth mentioning the island-fortress of Mamula, located near the popular resort of Herzog Novi. In addition to the picturesque beauty, this place attracts another attraction. During the war there was a prison (founder - Austrian General Lazar Mamula). You can get to this place by boat.

A popular destination for tourists in Montenegro is the fortress Grmozur, located on the same island. It is a rare military historical object since the confrontation of Montenegrin and Turkish soldiers. On the lands seized by the Turks, a prison fortress was built (1840).

The islands of Montenegro are ancient, beautiful, storing many legends and stories that attract tourists from all over the world. Touch the shrines and rocks, walk through the places destroyed during the war buildings, admire the amazing scenery, in the end, listen to the sound of the sea - you will remember the rest in Montenegro for a long time.

Review of one of the islands of Montenegro, see below.

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