
Weather in Montenegro and the best seasons for rest

Weather in Montenegro and the best seasons for rest

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  1. General weather description by region
  2. Climate by months
  3. The best season for a beach holiday
  4. Suitable time for tourism

Montenegro is a picturesque country in the Balkan Peninsula. Magnificent sandy beaches, ski and health resorts are ideal for tourism and family holidays.

The absence of a language barrier eliminates the need to hire an interpreter, which opens the doors of this hospitable state to all the tourists in our country. Travel agencies promise an unforgettable year-round vacation, but every month of the year has its own characteristics.

General weather description by region

The climate in Montenegro is mild, the heat is transferred easily, does not interfere with rest. The whole country is divided into several climatic zones.

  • Coastal - The Mediterranean climate in the summer months is windless and the sun shines, it often rains in winter. Especially a lot of rain in the northern coastal resorts.
  • Mountain - Subalpine climate with cool summers and mild winters.
  • Continental - the climate in the center of the peninsula is characterized by cooler weather, in summer - maximum +25. Uniform rainfall throughout the year.

In summer, the sea in Montenegro warms to a comfortable +25 degrees, the hot air softens the gentle breeze.

In winter, a lot of precipitation falls, and the temperature in the mountains drops to -5 degrees. The wettest air on the coast, a drier climate in the interior of the country

In Cetina, the most precipitation during the winter months is prolonged rainfall and fog. The highest mountain resort Zabljak is a great place for ski tourism: a lot of sun, up to 30 cm of snow falls. The mildest climate in the city of Tivat.

Resort Zabljak

Climate by months

The choice of the month for holidays in Montenegro depends on personal preferences and goals of the trip.

  • January is the coldest month of the year on the Montenegrin coast. The average daily air temperature at night barely reaches +6 degrees, and during the day it warms up to + 10 ° C, the water temperature is very low - only + 8 ° C. This time of the year is characterized by rains and winds, it often snows in the mountains.

The cheapest prices are in the coastal zone, but you will have to limit yourself to visiting the water park instead of the sea beach, or go to the ski resort where the prices are at the maximum level at this time.

  • February is a very rainy time, the average daily air temperature is slightly higher than in the previous month. +13 degrees water + 12 ° C. Walking along the beach will not bring pleasure, raw air and a constant piercing wind pushing tourists to the ski resorts and in the cities in the depths of Montenegro. This month was created for lovers of sailing, which is developed in Budva. You can also visit the mimosa festival in Herceg Novi.
  • March - the weather is still very windy and cool in spite of the fact that the thermometer will show about + 15 ° C. The water heats up to + 12 ° C, the sea is hectic and boat trips are very difficult, snow avalanches occur in the mountains, so ski tourism should be postponed until December. Prices for hotel accommodation gradually begin to grow.
  • April - nature blooms in full color, delicate aromas of the first flowers permeate everything around. The air temperature reaches + 18 ° C, the water warms up to + 16 ° C, the rains become an order of magnitude less, prices continue to rise. Good time for active and sightseeing holidays.
  • May is a complete start of the holiday season (not to be confused with the swimming season), air - + 23 ° C, sea - + 18 ° C, it is still early to swim, but prices are gradually rising in anticipation of the summer. This month is great for recreational recreation.
  • June is notable for the influx of tourists, a noticeable increase in prices for housing and food for tourists, the long-awaited swimming season begins. A light breeze from the sea softens the hot air and helps to get an even tan. However, it is not necessary to spend a lot of time right in the sun (you can get burnt quickly) and light headgear should be worn.

The thermometer rises to +27 degrees, the water warms up to +24 degrees. On the beaches these days it is crowded, in the evenings cafes and parks are packed to capacity. On cloudy days, you can visit excursions, but these days are typed 1-2 per month.

  • July - the air temperature rises to + 35 ° C, the water warms up to + 26 ° C as much as possible. Precipitation and wind fall to a minimum, heat reigns in all parts of Montenegro (a little coolness remains only high in the mountains), the peak of the influx of tourists, prices begin to bite. Boarding houses, motels and recreation centers for July must be booked in advance, preferably in March, finding accommodation on site is almost impossible and catastrophically expensive.

The ideal time for a beach holiday, excursions to such a heat are difficult to carry even in comfortable air-conditioned buses.

  • August - in the second half of the month it gets a little cooler (+ 32 ° Cwater + 25 ° C), prices remain the same. The best time for diving is coming.
  • September - noticeably colder, the velvet season begins. During the day the air temperature is + 27 ° C, at night +20 degrees, the water warms up to + 23 ° C. Prices are slightly reduced. This month is a free time for surfers.
  • October - the decline of the tourist wave. The air during the day is quite comfortable +22 degrees, cold at night - + 15 ° C, water warms up to + 20 ° C. Coastal holiday prices continue to decline. In mid-October, the beach season closes. Ski resorts have not yet begun to work and the only available form of recreation is sanatorium treatment.
  • November: afternoon + 18 ° C, at night about + 10 ° C water + 15 ° C, by the end of the month begins to snow in the mountains. Prices are minimal for coastal holidays, at ski resorts remain at an acceptable level.
  • December - the air warms up a little during the daytime, and the thermometer reaches +14 degrees, at night the temperature in the mountains drops slightly below zero, the water in the sea is cold and during the day it is only + 12 ° C. Snow comes in winter only in the mountains, lingering rains pour on the coast. The price of coastal recreation falls. The beginning of the ski season leads to higher prices for holidays in the mountains. December is also a good month for shopping in Podgorica.

The best season for a beach holiday

Swimming season starts in Montenegro from the end of June and lasts until mid-September. The Adriatic Sea is famous for the transparency of the water, the bottom can be viewed to a depth of 60 meters, which is very important for diving enthusiasts. Especially picturesque off the coast of Bar, where many caves and sunken ships.

Early spring is the best time for sightseeing tours, and the height of summer is great for swimming in the warm sea.

The velvet season is the best time for a wellness treatment. Ski tourism is available from late December to mid-March.

Depending on the purpose of the visit, you should choose the time when to go to Montenegro. Getting there by train will be cheaper, but flying by plane is much faster, and on vacation every day counts.

The holiday season in Montenegro lasts all year round. the exception is November - the month of endless rains throughout the country.

Suitable time for tourism

You can go to rest in Montenegro at any time of the year, it is enough to take a passport (for travel for less than 1 month you do not need a visa, however, you must obtain a paid registration on the day of arrival in the country). It is worth noting that each type of holiday in a certain season is beautiful in its own way, you can also combine several areas of tourism and get unforgettable impressions for many years to come.


Excursion services are provided mainly by hotels and local guides.Be sure to visit the Montenegrin capital - a dynamic city Podgorica with a fantastic symbiosis of old and new styles in architecture, incredibly atmospheric colors and very friendly people.

In Montenegro, in addition to the capital, there are many beautiful and interesting places.

  • Budva Riviera famous for its originality, beautiful beaches and entertainment for every taste.
  • Herceg Nova Riviera amazes tourists with the magnificence of the natural beauty of the northern coast of the country.
  • Tivat surprises with an abundance of cultural events and colorful festivals. Here are the international airport and botanical garden with exotic plants.
  • Tara Canyon Durmitor National Park will impress rafting enthusiasts.
  • St. Nicholas Island it has the shape of a shell, it is also notable for its picturesque views and three sandy beaches (there are deer in the undeveloped part of the island).
  • Boko-Kotor Bay It is famous for specially grown oysters and mussels that gourmets will appreciate.
  • Serbian Orthodox Monastery Ostrog impresses with its grandeur: it has two levels, one of which is carved into the rock (the monastery is active, 12 monks live in it).
  • Island Hotel Sveti Stefan with red pebble beaches available only for tourists staying there.
  • Lake Skadar The area of ​​the water surface of which in the dry season is 490 square kilometers, and with the spring flood - up to 530 km, will impress tourists of all ages.

    You can make an independent excursion to the gastronomic paradise near the city of Cetinje (Negushi village), the abundance of meat and cheese products will leave vivid impressions even among the most fastidious gourmets.


    For medical tourism in Montenegro, the offseason is most suitable (early spring and late fall), the rest will be more budget, fewer people.

    Sea air and water, coupled with a mild climate, as well as a change of scenery, lack of domestic concerns are an effective remedy for the prevention of stress and colds.

    Montenegrin beach sand is of natural origin, it is rich in minerals and unique beneficial ingredients, staying on such beaches helps to treat infertility, and mud wraps increase the chance of conceiving a healthy child twice.

    The most famous wellness center in Montenegro is considered Institute Igalo in the Bay of Kotor. This organization is a rehabilitation and physiotherapy center. The latest equipment, highly qualified specialists, sports equipment, indoor pool, pebble beaches and the seabed with curative mud, comfortable rooms and translation services will make the rest as pleasant and rewarding as possible.

    Comprehensive rehabilitation of patients with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, recovery of patients who have had a stroke or heart attack, as well as people with consequences of disorders of the central nervous system is being carried out. Developed special wellness programs for professional athletes, a set of procedures for rejuvenation and weight loss. Prevention and treatment of stress.

    There are other wellness centers.

    • Prcanj - specializes in the treatment of broncho-pulmonary diseases and asthma.
    • Ulcinj - conducts prevention and treatment of inflammatory processes of internal organs.
    • Kolasin - mountain air resort. Specializes in the treatment of cardiovascular diseases.

      Many wellness centers offer walking and sea excursions in the surrounding area.

      Ski resort

      The ski season in Montenegro lasts from early December to mid-March. In January, the temperature stably keeps below zero, the snow cover at some resorts can reach several meters.

      Among the most famous ski centers, there are several.

      • Turjak - It is famous for several skiing schools for tourists of different age categories.
      • Kolasin - This is a high-mountain resort with picturesque slopes covered with grass and crystal clear mountain rivers. The undoubted advantage is that it is easy to reach by city public transport.
      • Zabljak - surrounded by five canyons. The unique flora and fauna is impressive. The resort is equipped with a variety of ski slopes and trails of any complexity, including children.

      There are many other, smaller tourist bases in the mountains.

      Ski tourism helps to improve health and is suitable for lovers of active recreation.


      Sea fishing is attractive in Montenegro from the end of March to the beginning of November; fishing in lakes is best from May to October. More than 40 species of fish found in the waters of the countryThat is why fishing is not just a weary expectation, but a fascinating and gambling type of recreation.

      Fishing on the Skadar Lake is prohibited during spawning: from March 15 to July 1.

      For fishing in lakes and rivers that are located in the national parks of the country, you will need special permit, and any interested tourist or local resident can fish for bait in the coastal area for free.

      All the limitations and subtleties of fishing can be found out in the Union of Sportfishing Montenegro, and also clarify what gear is allowed to use. You can buy a fishing tour, where the guides themselves draw up all the documents and control the process of fishing: do not clog your head with strict rules, but just have fun. Before buying a tour, you should carefully read the conditions and prices.

      Among the marine life found dorada, sea bass, sea carp, triggerfish, flounder, horse mackerel, catfish and many others, and at night off the coast you can see cuttlefish, moray eels and octopus. Photos with such exotic representatives of marine fauna will decorate an account in any social network, and photos with large specimens will be a source of pride for many years to come. The largest fish was caught in 1985: salmon, which weighed 41 kg.

      With kids

      Montenegro was created for a family holiday: the transparent Adriatic Sea, picturesque landscapes and medieval cities impress with their magnificence both children and adults.

      It is recommended to choose a place to stay in advance, if possible - through early booking in early spring. It is desirable that the hotel provides a children's menu, as well as safe pools and playgrounds for kids.

      The best season for families with children are the summer months: July and August, when the sea is already well warmed.

      In the second half of June, it is still not very hot and not so crowded, and the bathing water is already quite warm. In September, the day is very comfortable, no need to hide from the midday heat in the shade, but the evenings and nights are already cool, so you need to take windbreakers, jackets and light hats for children. May and October are not at all suitable for rest with babies, because swimming is no longer possible, and it is the sea water that best strengthens children's immunity.

      In the swimming season, the rest appreciably becomes more expensive, but you can save a little on food:

      • order accommodation with meals 1 time per day (for example, lunch only, so as not to miss breakfast because of a long sleep, and dinners - because of evening walks along the embankment and visits to cafes);
      • to buy local seasonal fruit away from the places where tourists gather;
      • take light snacks in supermarkets (cheaper than local markets).

      Completely refuse to eat is not worth it, and if the family lives according to a certain daily routine and plans to rest exclusively on the beach, it is better to take three meals a day at the hotel.

      Older children can be sent on an independent vacation under the supervision of experienced teachers in any recreation camp on the coast.

      Montenegro is a great place for family and other recreation.

      Unforgettable impressions are guaranteed, only the level of prices for ski holidays in winter and coastal in summer is sad, but everything can be easily fixed with early booking or last minute trips.

      It is also worth considering that large and close to the sea cities have a high level of prices (Budva, Kotor, Tivat, Podgorica, Herceg Novi), in medium-sized cities, the rates for room and board are slightly lower, and rest in remote settlements from the coastline remains fairly budget all year round.

      For information on what time of year is best for the trip, see the next video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


