
All about Montenegro

All about Montenegro

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  1. Name and background
  2. Climate and nature
  3. Beautiful places
  4. What to try?
  5. How to get there?
  6. Where to stay?
  7. Precautionary measures
  8. Useful and interesting facts

Each country is unique and uniquely beautiful with some kind of facets. This definition fully applies to such a Balkan state as Montenegro. Before the visit there it is recommended to thoroughly study all its features and nuances.

Name and background

Montenegro is an amazing state, and such a formulation is not at all accidental. Its entire territory is located on the Balkan Peninsula. The only sea whose waves relate to the Montenegrin land is the Adriatic. A country can simultaneously be considered both very old and very young - there is no paradox here. The modern Montenegrin state was formed in 2006, which allows it to be considered one of the youngest not only in Europe, but also in the world. Shortly before, there was a larger entity called Serbia and Montenegro. Neighbors of the country are now:

  • Bosnia and Herzegovina;
  • Croatia;
  • Albania;
  • Serbia;
  • indirectly (across the sea) Italy.

The capital (it is also the largest city of Montenegro in terms of population) is Podgorica. It was built relatively recently, there is no special tourist interest there. The total population of the state is about 0.6 million inhabitants. Montenegro is inferior in its territory even to the smallest of the Russian regions. But a small area did not prevent the local economy from developing significantly.

The total length of the coast does not exceed 294 km. Despite this, the country boasts a wide variety of leisure activities. Each resort is different from the others and, moreover, great. Directly goes to the sea only a strip from 2 to 10 km wide.

The rest of the territory of Montenegro is located behind the high mountains of black color, on which the state is called.

In European languages, a similar name is used - Montenegro. Although Montenegrin lands occupy only 1% of European land, they account for:

  • over 25% of plant species in Europe;
  • at least 116 species of fish;
  • 5 national parks that protect this splendor.

Of the 293 km of coastline, 73% are beaches. From Italy to Montenegro, the coastal strip is the widest - 200 km. At this interval is the deepest part. The official name of the state (in Russian transcription) is Crna Gore.

The Montenegrin coat of arms and flag in its present form were approved in 2004. The emblem of Montenegro shows a two-headed flying eagle in yellow. The dynastic coat of arms of the Byzantine emperors Paleologos is affixed to the bird’s chest. According to the wording of the constitution, he expresses the close cooperation of the authorities and the church, as well as the continuity of generations. The predominant religion is Orthodoxy. Formally, 74% of the country's citizens identify themselves with it. True, there is no exact data, how many of them really meet all the requirements that the status of the Orthodox entails, and which simply pays tribute to fashion.

Nearly 20% of Montenegrins (according to the 2003 census) call themselves Muslims, and about 3.5% - Catholics. 1.27% does not recognize the existence of any supernatural forces. Approximately a quarter of a percent called themselves "just Christians" without specifying the confession.

Despite the separation of church and state, the constitution enshrines the obligation of the government to support all religious movements in accordance with their share in the country.

Public holidays are Christmas, Easter and Kurban Bayram. The country used to be called Ducle (although this name was used during the Roman Empire and later until the XI century). In 1040, the state was renamed Zetas. The first mention of the modern word "Montenegro" falls on the year 1296. It originally belonged to the territory located around the Lovcen Mountain. Zetas independence was interrupted in 1496 by the Turkish conquest.

However, a significant proportion of autonomy has been preserved. During the 18th-19th centuries, as a result of persistent struggle, Turkish troops were driven out of the territory of Montenegro. The legacy of the conquest era remains a fairly large number of the Muslim population; but among the monuments that era is almost not reflected. Montenegro left the former Yugoslavia, nonetheless remaining in the same state as Serbia.

The remains of the Roman Empire
Montenegrin – Turkish War

The government is a parliamentary republic. The President of Montenegro for 2019 is Milo Djukanovicand the chairman of the assembly (i.e. parliament) Ivan Brayovich. According to preliminary estimates, for 2018 the number of inhabitants of the country is about 622 thousand people. The time difference with the Greenwich meridian is + 1 hour, and with Moscow - 2 hours. The longest of the Montenegrin rivers (Tara) reaches 144 km, and Boyana - only 30 km; it used to be used for shipping, but now there is no such possibility.

Milo Djukanovic

Climate and nature

Climatic conditions in Montenegro are closely related to the peculiarities of its relief. Along the narrow Adriatic coast there is a Mediterranean climate. The summer is quite long, the air warms up to 25 degrees. In the summer months the seashore is rather dry. Winter does not last long, average winter temperatures range from +3 to +7 degrees.

During the year on the coast of the Adriatic Sea, the number of hours of sunshine reaches an average of 2600. The average water temperature is 19 degrees, the lowest - a little more than 10 degrees. The swimming season is in May, summer months, September and October. In the center, on the plains separated from the coast by the Dinar Highland, the continental climate is formed. In the summer months, the average temperature reaches 25 degrees, in winter it ranges from -10 to +5 degrees.

The temperature record is about 40 degrees. The mountainous region of Montenegro is located in the north, and the Piva, Komarnica and Moraca rivers are considered to be its western boundary. The main part of the territory is composed of small, well-preserved plains, the average height of which is 1700 m above sea level. The mountainous part of the country has a subalpine climate. In winter it is cold here and there is intense snowfall, in summer it is moderately warm. The mountain belt stops the air masses, and therefore almost no snow reaches the coast. As for the rivers, they are divided into 2 main river complexes.

To the northwest flow:

  • Tara;
  • Beer;
  • Cheotina;
  • Lim

All 4 rivers are tributaries of the Drina (which itself belongs to the Danube basin). The rivers Moraca and Zeta, flowing in the south, replenish the Adriatic Sea with their waters. Tara is famous for forming a canyon about 1.2 km deep. There are no deeper canyons in Europe, and even on the entire planet only one canyon is deeper.


Located in Montenegro Lake Skadar - the largest in the whole Balkan Peninsula. Water mirror extends (depending on the season) to 390-530 square meters. km About 1/3 of the lake belongs to Albania. The reservoir was formed in a huge karst excavation. There are also lakes:

  • Shasskoe;
  • Slan;
  • Krupach.

In Montenegro, there are many small mountain lakes remaining after the end of the ice age.


The flora of the country is diverse, it is approximately 2,800 species. Of these, 212 grow only in the Balkans, and 22 species can be found only in Montenegro itself.Approximately 1/3 cover forests, and even more (up to 40%) falls on pastures.

In the era of ancient Greece, the coast was covered with oaks and cypresses. However, they were cut down, as a result of which the soils were damaged, and Mediterranean-type shrubs were formed instead of forests. In some places on the coast, individual cypress trees, groves of olives and fruit trees, palm trees, and grape thickets are found.

But, of course, it is dominated by maquis, that is, those same Mediterranean shrubs. Oak and coniferous forest covers mostly high mountains.

Olive grove

Mixed forest characteristic of the national park "Biogradska mountain." It grows not only ate, beeches, maples, but even rowan. In the mountainous part of Montenegro there are alpine edelweiss, violets and cornflowers. This suggests that the flora of the mountains is typical of the alpine meadow belt.

Park "Biogradska mountain"

Quite expectedly rich vegetation corresponds and well developed fauna. In the mountains you can meet a boar and a bear, a lynx and a wolf. From the hoofed animals there are deer and wild goats. Sometimes jackals are met on the Adriatic coast. In places where there are many karst formations, reptiles and turtles live.

The variety of birds in Montenegro is amazing. Both eagles (extremely rare in other European countries) and pelicans live here.

On the lake Shkodra and on other lakes for birds the very nature cooked an abundance of fish. Among it dominates bleak, trout and carp. If not limited to freshwater fish, it is worth mentioning those inhabiting the Adriatic:

  • tuna;
  • Palamida;
  • sardine;
  • mullet;
  • mackerel

Beautiful places

Yes, the nature of Montenegro is impressive. But even in such a small country there is nothing to think about exploring the whole territory for a short vacation on vacation. Because it is useful to know which places to visit in the first place.

A good choice would be to visit Komovi Mountains. No agency sells tours there: neither in Russia, nor in Budva or Podgorica. As a result, in the mountains Komovi is quiet and calm, there is no influx of tourists.


There really is a special world where you can stay alone, enjoying nature and relaxing. In terms of beauty, native species are not inferior to Durmitor and the Prokletie. The road from Budva will be a maximum of 170 km. If there is a desire not only to visit these places, but also to live there, you should rent houses near the Treshnevik pass (or just set up a tent nearby).

Another wild place that vacationers praise - Proclet Mountains in the Grebae Valley. 10 years ago, these mountains were declared another national park. Those who wish to make a journey through uninhabited highlands and simply relax rush here. The cliffs hang around menacingly, but several valleys fit among them.

In the past, only pastoralists used the valleys, but in recent years simple restaurants and bungalows with wood-burning stoves have been equipped there.


Experts recommend to go to the valley Grebae through the Albanian territory. There has recently been laid an excellent road that will delight with scenic views and an elegant canyon. Traveling through Albania without a visa is possible from April 1 to October 31 inclusive.

But there is another very beautiful place - Village of Village, located on the coast of Lake Skadar. A few centuries ago, a powerful waterfall made it possible to build a mill and thereby concentrate wealth and influence in the area.

Skadar Lake

However, the 1979 earthquake deprived the waterfall of its former strength and gradually the terrain fell into disrepair. Massive tourists do not go here, as the buses simply can not overcome the terrain. In the village get on powerful jeeps.

It is useful to be there because it is one of the few places where the atmosphere of old Montenegrin villages is preserved. And nature is very beautiful.

Although the Komovi Mountains mentioned above are considered more impressive than Durmitor, many vacationers dispute this view. Especially those who saw live Saddle mountain pass. On the road with a length of 50 km, you can drive only in 90-120 minutes, as it is very difficult, replete with serpentines. Every now and then livestock lives on the road.

But the long way will please tourists with the opportunity to enjoy the spectacle opening from high peaks. The winding path is unavailable to large buses. Therefore, a visit to the Saddle Pass is not included in the Canyons program. Have to go there yourself.

Do not assume that all the beautiful places of Montenegro are located only in the highlands. Exactly to them also applies Sveti Stefan Island. Extreme sports lovers can watch it on a difficult road. to the church of Saint Sava. Even from this temple you can look at the Budva Riviera, in different places which meet nice red roofs. The best time to visit is spring or late autumn.

Nobody can be indifferent to the canyon of the artificial Lake of Piva. Without problems, you can combine his inspection and subsequent acquaintance with the park Durmitor.

Saddle Pass

Of the other attractive points are often called:

  • Kucu Mountains (especially Lake Bukumir);
  • gorge Gorlo Sokolovo (where only private guides carry);
  • Crnojevic River;
  • Lake Trnova;
  • Lustica peninsula (with the cleanest sea, camping and opportunities for a wild holiday).

This does not mean that the "mass" places of leisure something worse. A very good idea would be the first visit to visit:

  • The Bay of Kotor;
  • Perast;
  • Tivat;
  • Kotor;
  • Blue Cave;
  • Skadar and Black Lakes;
  • Moracha canyon.

What to try?

Natural and man-made beauty is important, but Montenegro can please tourists with extraordinary cooking. Hungarian and Slavic, Turkish and German influences influenced its development. Much has been borrowed from the Mediterranean cuisine. Its influence is especially great, of course, near the coast. They cook more often from fish and other seafood, actively use cheese and fresh vegetables.

Residents of the highlands are more accustomed to meat and dairy dishes. Seasoned tourists recommend to try by all means gorilla (so called chops with spices) and chevapchichi (sausages, for which chopped meat is mixed).

In the open air razhnichi go very well: so called veal-pork shashlik.

Being near the Adriatic Sea, it is necessary to give preference to fish dishes. Trout, which is stuffed with prunes or carp yaprak baked in cream, will literally shake even experienced gourmets. Those who prefer Mediterranean cuisine are advised to try pilaf with seafood. You can try kashkaval cheese cakes, which the locals themselves put in the first place. Cheese in Montenegrin cooking is used in the appetizer, in the first course and even in desserts.

As in other regions of the world, it is customary to finish the meal with sweets and drinks. Among the latter, Montenegrins prefer tea and coffee. The local wine is not much traded abroad, but deserves to be tried. The best brand of wines is Vranac. Of the stronger drinks, grape vodka is isolated.

Seafood in Montenegro is quite expensive. In many restaurants, their price is indicated in terms of 100 g, which must be remembered. Often meals cost 10-20 euros. Salads are usually asked for 5-10 euros, desserts from 3 to 8 euros. The first dishes sell for 3-7 euros.

An important national dish Montenegrins consider kaymak (that is, cream cheese). The consistency of the product is close to sour cream, its taste is very delicate. Kaymak is usually added to meat and fish dishes. It is also used as a component of vegetable salads. An attractive choice can be chorba. For the preparation of this rich soup take dissimilar varieties of fish.

Montenegrin cuisine includes many dishes based on lamb meat. A striking example is lamb from under a sacha.. For its preparation, cast-iron containers with heavy lids are used (this dish is called sach). A good alternative would be lamb cooked in milk and spices; It is served with potatoes. Negush Steak, Negush Cheese, Prosciutto, Tsitsvara - dishes that will allow you to complete the first acquaintance with Montenegrin cuisine.

How to get there?

Independent trip to Montenegro is quite simple. The most convenient way is to fly there by plane. Flights are carried out in Tivat and Podgorica. From Moscow airports, the aircraft leaves mainly in Tivat. Using transfers, you can fly to Tivat or Podgorica from any region of our country. There is another way - a flight to Belgrade, from where trains and buses go to Montenegro. What is very important, this solution helps to save money.

Direct trains from Russia also go to Montenegro. But to consider this option is only as a last resort. The meaning of a trip by railroad arises in two situations: when there is a strong fear of flying, or there is an intention to drive through Eastern Europe by land. Travel time, even from Moscow (not to mention more distant journeys) will be more than 48 hours. Fee more than when buying tickets. And another difficulty is registration of the Schengen visa.

Another possible way is to travel by ship; but it is even slower and more expensive than by train.

Where to stay?

In October - May, the number of holidaymakers in Montenegro is small and there is no particular need to book accommodation in advance. Owners willingly make discounts to only attract tourists. But we must understand that with a long leisure time to find a good property is difficult. Every respectable and conscientious homeowner has familiar customers, for whose benefit he can evict temporary guests. The likelihood of such a development is particularly high in the summer when the demand for housing rises to the maximum. You can solve the problem by preliminary (1-3 months) booking.

You can relax well on the shores of the Bay of Kotor. It is recommended to stay there in Kotor, Bijela, Perast, Tivat, Herceg Novi. An alternative can be considered Donja Lastu, Kumbor, Kostanitsu, Nivitsa, Orahovac. Bay of Kotor may not be suitable for families with small children. But this place is ideal for excursions and visiting festivals, for independent walks.

One of the best regions of the country is considered Budva and its surroundings. In addition to Budva, Becici and Rafailovich, you should pay attention on Rezevici, Petrovac and Pržno. The advantages of this area are:

  • high quality beaches;
  • clean sea;
  • an abundance of restaurants;
  • suitability for children's leisure.

A good choice for tourists can be Bar Riviera. In addition to the Bar itself, there are located such pleasant towns as Sutomore, Dubrava, Chan, Steeper. The bays in this place are larger than on the Budva Riviera, the beaches are relatively small and end with steep cliffs. In the bays of the Barskaya Riviera there is a significant difference in depth.

Good and Ultsin Riviera. The more south you go, the fewer people. Closer to the Albanian border, the beach strip merges into one large beach, covered with black volcanic sand. Sands of a very small fraction can clog any things. Due to the lack of natural barriers, a strong wind often blows here, so the beach is suitable not for tanning, but for extreme sports.

Precautionary measures

Talk about a trip to Montenegro is appropriate to add an overview of the basic security requirements. To go there definitely does not make sense to those who are imposed restrictions on exit. The rest can travel to this country quite calmly. The attitude to the people of Russia there is quite complimentary.

To avoid the danger on the roads, you can simply not leave the main highways, which are equipped with all protective equipment. There will be drains for rainwater, and bump stops, and nets for stopping rockfalls. Without a solid driving experience it makes no sense to drive into the highlands and in areas not visited by excursions. According to unwritten custom, those who move from the side of a cliff have priority.

Riding close to the rock must take a back up to the nearest pocket.

Outside the cities, you need to take a closer look at the road. Often there goes cattle uncontrollably. Even in the spring months, mountain trails can be covered with snow. Not all tunnels are lit. Knowing all this, as well as abandoning the night trips to the mountains, you can protect yourself.

Caution in dealing with local people should be exercised near the Albanian border and in other places densely populated by Muslims. Fanaticism is alien to them (nevertheless, the 21st century has done its work), but it is foolish to provoke people. It is necessary to take into account this moment in the selection of clothes. It is undesirable to appear with alcohol or drunk, with prohibited products in Islam. It should beware of the border with Albania and the obsessive Gypsies, who live here in large numbers.

Of course, not everyone is aggressive or dangerous in terms of fraud. But we must always weigh the probable risks and not bragging on fearlessness in vain. In areas on the border with Kosovo, minefields are often found, many of which are not even signposted. Because it is worth it or not to go there at all, or to take a guide from among the locals.

In addition to anthropogenic hazards, it is important to know the natural threats. The lush nature of Montenegro provides space for a large number of snakes. You can come across them anywhere, even on the equipped beaches. Walking through the forest, you should make as much noise as possible, then the danger of an unintended meeting with bears or wolves is reduced to zero.. It is advisable to take along local guides who know the dangerous places. Sea urchins, jellyfish and other potentially dangerous animals and plants inhabit the water near the shore.

At any place, one should strictly observe the elementary rule: if the animal or plant is unfamiliar, even approaching them is not worth it. It is categorically unacceptable to eat picked fruits, mushrooms, berries. To communicate with young people, especially in the southern part of Montenegro, it makes sense to tighten the knowledge of the English language. The police is not a threat if you do not commit gross violations and violate the Criminal Code.

And one more nuance: as in any resorts, you can not show money to strangers.

Useful and interesting facts

Vacationers in Montenegro should take into account that the locals live leisurely and measured. In addition to beach activities and excursions, they also travel here to ski resorts. On the coast of the Adriatic Sea there is green vegetation all year round. In the Bay of Kotor, you can see ocean-class cruise ships. Periodically, under the influence of the winds from the Sahara, the air gets very hot and then waves fall to the beaches up to 4 m high.

The law requires all organizations and entrepreneurs to provide their employees with official weekends in accordance with the confession. Having heard the shooting, you shouldn’t get scared once again - most likely, they just celebrate the birth of children. McDonald's does not work in Montenegro, but there are other options for fast food. Since local people are accustomed to drinking coffee, tea in cafes and restaurants is always of low quality. Finding a disco in the country is almost impossible, usually dancing near the tables, and not on the dance floors.

Montenegrins are one of the most smoking nations in the world.. At the same time they and champions in growth. Buying a beer in this country, be sure to pass the bottle.

Attitude to children is good, including the children of tourists.

In the next video you will be able to go to Montenegro together with the hosts of the Eagle and Toshka program.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


