How is a toy terrier different from a chihuahua and who is better to choose?

Do you want to have a small dog, but do not know which one to choose - a Chihuahua or a toy terrier? After reading this article, you will learn what these breeds are similar and different in, get acquainted with the peculiarities of care and nature of animals and can easily make a choice.
Description of breeds, their pros and cons
People unfamiliar with these breeds are often confused doggies, but between them there are significant differences.
Miniature baby chihuahua - the favorite of many people, regardless of gender and age. The first secretary of the Central Committee of the CPSU, Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev, was fond of this fun. Just yesterday, trendy glamorous fashionistas had a stroll with a handbag, from which a tiny little dog coyly peeps out.
Consider the description of the breed. The body of this dog downed, dense, with a powerful chest. Paws are thick, squat. The tail, thickened at the base, arcuate, like a Turkish saber, rises with a sharp tip to the top. The head of the dog has a spherical shape, from the forehead to the nose of the animal there is a characteristic, pronounced transition. The muzzle is round, small, snub-nosed, the eyes are huge and expressive.
The ears of the animal are upright, high and wide, with feathering. If the puppy's ears are not raised, this is considered a deviation from the breed. The weight of the animal does not depend on gender. There are Chihuahuas weighing from 0.5 to 3 kg. The height of the dog is from 22 to 25 cm.
Chihuahuas are:
- long haired;
- smooth coat
Color by standards for pets can be any, with the exception of marble. A spotted puppy can have serious health problems: be blind or deaf. Popular colors:
- purple
- white;
- the black;
- sable
- chocolate;
- redhead;
- brindle;
- tricolor;
- tan
- blue;
- cream.
- eat little;
- do not require a lot of space in the house;
- can go to the toilet on the tray or diaper;
- do not need long walks;
- no need for intense sports loads;
- good-natured in nature;
- Dog can take with you on a trip.
- Chihuahua boys can tag in the house;
- loud and many bark;
- often endanger themselves without feeling fear;
- do not favor children;
- have very fragile bones;
- very cold;
- need clothes and shoes that are expensive;
- the price of the dog itself is great.
Toy Terrier
This breed, bred here in Russia, gained recognition only recently and quickly won numerous fans. The body of the dog is dry, lean, compact. The animal has an elegant long neck and thin legs. The muzzle is elongated, elongated and slightly pointed. Ears upright, widely set, regular triangular shape. Eyes bulging, nose small, black or in harmony with color.
The height of an adult dog at the withers is 28 cm, the maximum weight is 3 kg. Terriers are both long-haired and short-haired. There are Russian and English toy terrier. Unlike Russian, English is larger. Its weight is about 4 kg, and the height at the withers is about 30 cm. Externally, the Englishman is very similar to a miniature Doberman.
Popular colors:
- black and tan;
- purple
- blue;
- chocolate;
- brown;
- redhead;
- sable
- pale yellow.
Exquisite isabella color - a variation of lilac color is considered rare.
- dogs do not require abundant food;
- do not need large space;
- have good looks and sociable character;
- tolerate long trips well;
- get along with other animals;
- long walks and workouts are optional.
- animals need warm clothing;
- can fearlessly rush on other dogs and strangers, protecting the owner;
- have fragile bones;
- all the time cold;
- very noisy, if not brought up immediately;
- have a number of genetic diseases;
- from an overabundance of feelings boys can inflate a puddle.
Main similarities and differences
Obviously, a Chihuahua and a toy terrier have a lot in common.
- Both the one and the other dog absolutely do not constrain you with their presence in the house. Their sizes are quite comfortable even for the smallest one-room apartment.
- Both breeds are unpretentious in food and food they need a very modest amount.
- Both Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers can't stand frost, need warm clothes and shoes.
- Equally shaking from cold or nervous tension.
- Brave little ones do not know fear.
- They love their master dearly.
- Have very fragile bones.
- Have a distant external resemblance.
- Always bark loudly.
- Need a strict upbringing.
- Ready to accompany you everywhere: on a walk, on a visit or on a journey.
- Dogs' vocation is to be your companions, stay close and please you, therefore these decorative breeds do not need reinforced physical education.
There are dogs and a significant difference.
- Different origin. Chihuahua is a breed with an ancient history, and the toy terrier was officially recognized in 2006.
- Appearance. The toy terrier is slightly taller compared to a chihuahua, has graceful high paws, a neck and a less round head with an elongated muzzle. A Chihuahua, on the contrary, has a more oblong body, shorter legs and neck, a spherical head that looks like an apple, a tiny nose and cheeks. There is a difference in color and wool. Chihuahuas have undercoat, and short-haired terriers do not.
- Character and temperament. Chihuahua is calm, pays less attention to strangers, never fussing. These dogs get along well with older people, not causing them the noise and fuss. A regular lifestyle suits them well.
Toy terrier is different in that it has to be everywhere. He runs, frolics, even become aggressive when he protects his loved ones. Owners of English terriers claim that this breed has perfectly preserved hunting instinct. Temperamental babies can perfectly hunt mice. Toy Terrier will perfectly fit into the rhythm of the life of a large family where there are children.
It is important to consider that the character of the dog is influenced not only by the characteristics of the breed, but also by the situation in the family where the animal is raised. If the dog lives where love and mutual understanding reign, do not shout at the dog and do not raise their hand, then the animal will be kind and obedient. If the pet is a witness of scandals and quarrels, it will be aggressive and nervous.
What to consider when choosing?
When deciding which breed of dog you will take to the house, be guided by the following selection criteria.
Both dogs are miniature breeds. The difference in height and weight is not very large, however, the Chihuahua is recognized as the smallest decorative dog in the world. If your dream is a tiny pet that fits in your jacket pocket or looks cute from a cup, then it’s best to choose a chihuahua. Among the toy terriers there are also crumbs that barely reach 2 kg, but the primacy is reserved for the Chihuahua, since this breed has existed for a very long time.
Attitude towards children and other pets
Both dogs are friendly enough, but the toy terrier is more contact and friendly. This dog will be friends with your child. The movable puppy with pleasure takes part in fun and noisy kids games. If your child is sensible, realizes that it is impossible to offend animals, the heart of a little four-legged friend will belong to him forever.
The toy terrier is loyal to another pet in the house, but the Chihuahua is very jealous, they do not like to share the shelter and love of their owners with anyone. Children these dogs dislike, bypass them.If a child sticks to an animal, the pet may bite him in response.
Proper feeding of dogs is the key to their health and good mood. There is no difference in feeding these breeds. For both pets, both a menu of natural products and dry food are suitable. The main thing is that the food is balanced and replenish the energy consumption of the dog.
Food should contain amino acids, vitamins, minerals that ensure the proper functioning of the body. The finished feed contains all the necessary elements and saves time. If you cook for the dog yourself, follow these rules.
- Do not give the dog food from your table. It contains salt, sugar, spices and food additives.
- Cook only from high-quality and fresh food. Do not give your pet in order to save food that has already begun to deteriorate.
- Serve dog food warm but not hot or too cold.
If you took a puppy, which breeders fed dry or wet food, if you wish, you can gradually transfer it to a diet of natural dishes. Combining regular food with ready-made food is undesirable. Choose one thing.
Chihuahua and toy terrier are equally prone to allergies. Do not give dogs the following products:
- chocolate;
- sweet biscuits;
- brightly colored fruits: kiwi and strawberries;
- citrus fruits: oranges, tangerines, lemons;
- river fish;
- raw eggs.
- be careful with chicken, it is also a strong allergen.
Like any dog, toy terrier and chihuahua you should not be given fatty meats, dairy products, smoked meats, sausages, potatoes and legumes.
From dry feed, it is better to give preference to those that have the following composition:
- probiotics;
- vitamins;
- minerals;
- amino acids;
- several sources of carbohydrates and proteins;
- various fruits and vegetables.
If a dog eats dry food, do not forget to pour clean water in a bowl to it every day. To determine the size of the portion, refer to the manufacturer's instructions. It is determined depending on the age and weight of the pet. Chihuahuas dislike dry food. So that the pet is not naughty, soak dry food in water.
With natural feeding, the calculation of nutrition is as follows: for at least 1 kg of animal weight, at least 50 but not more than 80 grams of food are laid. Do not increase the portion: dogs are prone to obesity, especially Chihuahua.
In keeping the dogs are not very fastidious. Shorthair animals, in general, do not cause any problems. Once a week they are combed or covered with a special rubber glove. Long-haired dogs are brushed daily with a metal comb. Every day, the pet is rubbed with a cotton pad dipped in boiled water or a decoction of chamomile.
Once a month, claws are cut and polished with a nail file, and the ears are cleaned as necessary. Bathe animals with a mild shampoo for dogs. It is advisable not to wet the head, it is necessary to lay cotton swabs in the ears of the animal.
Walking with pets can be less common than with regular dogs, especially in winter, when a toy terrier and a chihuahua can shiver from the cold. Wear them warmly. To the pets are not cold in the cold, teach the animals to use the tray or walk on the diaper.
Place the pet is organized where family members gather together. If he prefers to sit in a chair or couch, arrange a safe descent for him so that the dog does not fall and be injured.
Chihuahuas and Toy Terriers need to be raised from early childhood. Which of the dogs is more capable and better remembers the team - a controversial issue. The owners of toy-terriers claim that their pet will easily understand the most simple commands and will carry them out. Chihuahua lovers say this about their pupils.
How does a Chihuahua differ from a toy terrier, see the video below.