A cross between a chihuahua and a toy terrier: features, character description and content

Among pet lovers are rapidly gaining popularity cross breeds. Except rare and expensive species. It is worth noting that mixed breeds (animals that were obtained by mixing varieties) are not considered pedigree. The main feature of such dogs is the fact that pets are a mixture of external data and the characters of both parents. An article devoted to a mixture of Chihuahua and Toy Terrier. Consider the conditions of the breed and other features.
When mixing two breeds of dogs, the pet loses its breeding value. Those who breed and sell mestizo puppies often try to convince the buyer of the pedigree for a higher cost. When the pet is still very small, it is very difficult to accurately determine the appearance of the animal in the future. The main visual characteristics are formed (the shape of the body and head, coat color) when the dog turns one year old. Previously, you can determine the possible color. Its rudiments form at the age of 3 months.
Character traits
It is worth noting that the toy Terera and Chihuahua are considered companion pets. Metis, obtained as a result of a cross between two species, has retained the characteristic features of this breed. In this case, pets in quite different ways demonstrate their attitude to the owner. Chihuahuas have a jealous temper, but, more calm, compared with the active and dynamic representatives of the second species.
Regardless of the differences in the characters of mestizos, they do not like to be alone. When pets are left alone for a long time, they start to get bored. This leads to psychological disorders and even diseases. Character includes certain difficulties.
If the dog does not like something, it may even bite. In this regard, to start such a pet for a child is not recommended. To find a common language with mestizo will have to try.
additional information
Bring your pet for a walk you need on a leash. This is a must, especially if you pass by the road or you plan to socialize the dog. Animal behavior may be unpredictable. The leash will help protect the pet from sudden actions and aggression. As for the puppies' disposition, they have an inherent activity, dynamism and a cheerful disposition.
In most cases, toy terrier prevails in the half-breed, which is an advantage in terms of head structure. Chihuahua's shortened muzzle sometimes causes breathing problems. For metis are characterized by upright ears. The build of dogs can be varied and predict how the structure will develop is almost impossible. Despite this, there are certain signs for mestizo:
- thin paws;
- compactness;
- smartness
Advantages and disadvantages of the form
Positive sides:
- due to the small size of the dog can be kept in small apartments;
- because of the playful temper, the dog will be pleased to spend a lot of time with the owner;
- devotion;
- simple and unpretentious care;
- mestizas love to walk for a long time in the fresh air.
- pets obtained in the process of metallization, difficult to train;
- sometimes a pet may show aggression;
- neutral attitude to all but the owner;
- due to the jealous temper, the dog may become uncontrollable;
- mestizo can not start in the house in which children live.
According to experienced dog handlers, it is possible to cope with all the above disadvantages with the help of perseverance and perseverance. Competent training will make your pet a reliable and cheerful friend.
Breeders say that half-breeds can boast of excellent health. Despite this statement, some breeders think differently, saying that dogs often feel unwell and feel unwell. This may be due to the fact that in some cases, when breeding breeds, genetic diseases of both species are mixed.
If you decide to start such a pet for yourself, remember that it is extremely important to closely monitor the health of the mouth of the dog. The formation of tartar should be prevented. Another prerequisite is vaccinations. An experienced veterinarian will help you with this. He will give your pet all the necessary injections.
Parasites also threaten the health of dogs. To prevent their occurrence, it is necessary to conduct regular inspection of the dog by a specialist. It is much easier to protect an animal from harmful organisms than after treatment.
Unfortunately, food allergies for this breed are not uncommon. This concerns not only mestizos, but also representatives of both species, from which a new species was derived. It is impossible to determine in advance whether pets will suffer from this disease or not. Experts advise carefully choose food for the animal.
The life expectancy of pets is considered high and varies from 10 to 13 years. This indicator depends on the nutrition, care and conditions of detention.
If you notice negative changes in the health of your pet, immediately contact your veterinarian.
It is not recommended to use exclusively dry feed for feeding mestizo. Such a diet will cause problems in the work of the kidneys, in addition, the tooth enamel will quickly erase. If the owners do not have the opportunity to use another type of food, it is necessary to pre-soak the granules before feeding the dog. Also, do not forget to make a wet food in your pet's diet. Natural food for feeding mestizo can and should be used.
Be sure to eliminate from the diet allergenic foods. The perfect menu should be balanced.
Maintenance and care
Pets are great for keeping in houses and apartments, however, they can be on the street for a long time and enjoy walking. For walks in the cold season it is necessary to protect the half-caste from frost with special clothes for dogs. Because of the short wool, they quickly freeze and need to be protected from hypothermia.
When choosing a place for your pet, select a location without drafts. Also in the room should be a comfortable temperature. In the area for eating set up two bowls - with water and food. The tray needs to be put in a lonely place for the reason that dogs often experience constraint and discomfort.
Choice of accessories
Before you go to the zoological shop for a collar and leash, you need to identify the following selection parameters. Products must be comfortable, which can not injure or harm the dog. As for the vests, it is recommended to buy clothes for all seasons. Even in spring and autumn there is a risk of illness.
During the molting period, you should comb your pet once a day. To do this, use a special brush. The rest of the time, comb the wool preferably at least once a week. It is necessary to bathe a pet much less often. 3-4 times a year are enough. It is recommended to use shampoos for animals. A couple of times a month should be to clean the ears of the animal, as well as shear there extra hairs. The nails are trimmed as they grow.
Dogs must undergo socialization, otherwise they will not be comfortable outside the house. Metisov need to accustom to the correct behavior and introduce the basic commands. In the process of training should consider the following features.
- You can not force dogs to learn. The whip technique will not give positive results.
- It is best to conduct training in a game style. It is necessary to maintain the interest of the pet for fruitful learning.
- During education, it is necessary to use the features of their character, namely, curiosity and a desire to spend time in company with the owner.
Do not forget to encourage the efforts of the dog. In addition to delicious treats and strokes, they react remarkably to intonation. A positive effect on animals is praise.
Recommendation from a specialist
Despite their small size, pets often show a dominant temper. This trait of mestizo inherited from terriers. If the dog begins to cheat, this behavior should immediately stop. Do not forget that the leader position in the relationship with the dog should be held by a person. Otherwise, the animal will not obey. It is necessary to occupy the upper stage immediately after acquiring the dog, until its character is spoiled and only formed.
About the features of the two breeds, see the following video.