Teen swimwear

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  1. Features
  2. Models
  3. Color solutions
  4. Spectacular images

A woman always wants to look attractive. The desire to conform to the canons of beauty is manifested in girls as early as adolescence. The independent choice of clothes at this age is a means of self-expression. The difficulty lies in the fact that the figure of a teenager has its own characteristics and this should be taken into account when choosing clothes. Swimming outfit fits your body the most and should fit perfectly.


When choosing a swimsuit for a teenage girl, you should remember that it is important for her to participate in the choice of her wardrobe. It is advisable to consider her opinion and consult on the model, color and material.

Each type of swimsuit has its advantages and disadvantages. It is recommended to pay special attention to the material from which the bathing suit is sewn. No matter how attractive the low price is, it is advisable to choose a quality product. A quality thing will last much longer and will retain a beautiful rich color.

You can safely buy products made of elastin, polyester or lycra, as these materials dry quickly, have increased wear resistance, and fade more slowly in the sun.


The styles of teenage swimsuits often repeat women's options, adapted to the young age of the fashionista.

Closed bathing suits are versatile and practical. Such a swimsuit will make shy girls feel more confident. Active young ladies in a closed bathing suit will not feel constrained while playing on the beach or in the water. The main disadvantage of a closed swimsuit is that it dries longer so it is better to choose a model with the back as open as possible.

One of the variations of the one-piece swimwear is monokini. The model got its name due to the combination of the bodice and panties and its popularity is based on the spectacular contrast of alternation of open and closed parts of the body. Monokini design allows you to hide the most problematic areas of the figure. Very popular monokini with a closed belly. The bodice and panties are connected in such a way that the abdomen area tactfully closes, and the silhouette looks more slender and adult.

Model bikini, consisting of panties and bodice is always at the peak of popularity. The main thing - to choose the right shape of the bodice and panties. The unformed figure of a teenager can be given a bit of femininity with the help of a bodice with push-up and panties with a small flounce. The main advantages of a bikini are that they dry out much faster than closed ones and provide a more even tan.

The fashion model of the tankini has gathered all the advantages of one-piece and separate swimwear. The bodice has become a comfortable T-shirt, hiding the tummy and other problem areas. The choice of style and color of the panties to the top depends on the fantasy and desire of the teenager, you can allow the most courageous experiments and combinations. The likelihood that someone will be in the same bathing outfit is minimal. Tankini are very convenient and practical, allow you to hide the imperfections of the figure and look incredibly stylish.

Color solutions

The color palette of swimwear is wide and diverse, so you can offer a teenager a choice. A girl may prefer bright ethnic prints, a classic strip, gentle romantic shades or various combinations of rich and pure colors. The popularity of paired clothes for mothers and daughters is increasing.

Models may differ slightly in shape, but match in colors and decorations. The main disadvantage of bright colors is their margins, brighter colors will look new longer.

Spectacular images

  • Sea theme is always a good color for a bathing suit. Separate swimsuit with a wide comfortable bodice.
  • A dark blue monokini with a bright and unusual pattern, looks fashionable and modern, and is easy to use.
  • The fashion trend for the split version is plain shorts and a colored bodice.
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