What should I do to ensure that roses stand in a vase for a long time?

Roses are one of the most sought-after and beloved flowers by many representatives of the fair sex. Bouquets, which include such flowers, give on various occasions. Having received such an amazing bouquet, many girls wonder what needs to be done so that the roses stand as long as possible in a small vase, delighting the eye with their sophisticated appearance. It is necessary to consider the basic rules of water preparation, as well as recommendations and tips for the care of a beautiful bunch of fresh roses.
Water preparation
The main emphasis in order to preserve fresh flowers for a long time, you need to do on the preparation of water in a vase. It would seem that there is more to think: you open the tap and pour it into a vase, put flowers there and enjoy beautiful flowers. This opinion is wrong. It is necessary to seriously approach the preparation of water in order for a bouquet of roses to stand in a vase for a long time.
- First, you should take measures for the resuscitation of flowers. The first step is to arrange the bouquet in a large container so that the latter is completely located in the water. This should be done even for the freshest roses, since most of them from the moment of cutting from the flower bed travels hundreds and thousands of kilometers before entering the market or the flower shop.
- Water must be selected depending on the seasons - so the flowers will be better acclimatized. If you buy a bunch of winter, you need to put it in water at room temperature. For flowers purchased in the hot summer, you need to prepare a cool little water.
- The best option is to leave the flowers lie in the water within a few hours, but no more. Since the prolonged presence of the whole plant in the aquatic environment can trigger the process of decay and destruction of both the stems and buds.
- Chlorinated water is not recommended.because the flowers do not like this type of water. If there is no other source (as soon as you draw water from the tap), then try to keep it for several days until the maximum chlorine content is evaporated. A small proportion of chlorine contained in the settled water will act as a disinfectant, perfectly fighting bacteria that appear in the water when there are flowers.
- Change the water should be every morning, including special supplements that will help flowers to preserve natural freshness over a long period of time. At night, they are recommended to be placed in a basin filled with water or in a bath, trying to protect the buds from liquid ingress.
Choosing effective supplements
Quality indicators of water in which there is a bouquet with roses, will have a serious impact on its freshness. To change the structure of water, you need to add a variety of active ingredients. For this purpose, substances specially developed by florists can be used, as well as the usual means used in everyday life. The choice of such means will depend on various purposes.
- For antibacterial prophylaxis, aspirin should be added to keep the roses longer in the vase. Consider that for 1 liter of liquid there should be 1 aspirin tablet. If a larger volume of water is placed in a vase, then the number of aspirin tablets must be proportionally increased.
- Instead of aspirin, it is recommended to use the usual bleach or liquid dishwashing detergent. In 1 liter of water you will need to add a few drops of bleach or a drop of detergent. Such tools will help stop the development of the process of decay. In addition, aspirin also allows you to keep the color of the buds of roses, which is very important for plants with brightly colored petals.
- To achieve the antibacterial effect, a solution of borax, glycerin and alcohol is often added.
Important: to speed up the process of dissolving aspirin in water, it must be crushed into crumb before use.
- If you want the bouquet to please the eye for more than 10 days, then you need to put it in sour water. To do this, 1 dessert spoon of table vinegar is added to 1 liter of water (its concentration should be 9%). Vinegar can be replaced with a solution with citric acid. For a similar amount of water, it takes half a teaspoon.
- To achieve a preservative result, ammonia is used. This substance will need only a few droplets. In addition to liquid ammonia, experts advise you to pour 1 tablespoon of vodka per liter of liquid into liquid water.
- In order to prolong the existence of flowers, it is worth adding wood or activated charcoal to the vase, which is sold in tablets. Some housewives use several crystals of potassium permanganate or a pinch of alum.
- You can feed the roses with ordinary sugar. To do this, pour 2 tablespoons of sugar into 1 liter of water.
- If you want to achieve a lush bouquet and speed up the process of blooming buds, then pour 2 tablespoons of camphor oil in proportion to 1 liter of water.
- Of the special tools that are used by florists to extend the life of bouquets, you can opt for such drugs as "Live Rose", "Bouquet", "Living Flowers".
Important! Experts do not recommend multi-component formulations. It is better to choose only one of the above recipes and use it. In this case, do not forget to change the water in the vase daily. The container, where the flowers are located, is worth every time to properly wash and update the sections on the plant.
Daily Care Rules
An important role in preserving a bouquet of fresh roses is played by daily care. Compliance with simple rules will significantly increase the life of your flowers.
- Try to daily spray the buds and stalks with a spray bottle. Use only separated water for this purpose. Every day, wash the stem with water once a day to help rid the plant of bacteria that form in the water, reducing the risk of rotting. A similar procedure must be performed before replacing water in a vase.
- Every day, try to place the roses in the bathroom or in the basin, which were filled with water. Leave flowers for 12 hours, it is better to do it at night. When placing roses in water, be extremely careful with white buds. Their petals are much softer than those of darker varieties. In addition, any flaws are immediately visible on such petals.
- Do not forget to periodically update the sections of the plant, which will improve its metabolic processes. This should be done at a distance of 1-2 centimeters higher than the previous section. If you do not regularly cut flowers, because of the lack of moisture and nutrients, they will quickly wither and dry.
- For your information, you need to cut the stems in a special way using a sharp tool for this purpose: scissors or pruner. The incision is made diagonally, and the cut must be under water. Due to this, the air will not fall to the slice, there will be no traffic jams in the vascular bed of the stalk, and the plant will live longer. It is also recommended to cut the cuts themselves into several parts in order to provide the plant with better water absorption.
- Do not place the bouquet nearby with fresh fruits and vegetables, as they produce ethylene, which negatively affects the flowers. And also do not advise to put roses in one vessel with other flowers. The best option is a similar arrangement of plants a few meters from each other.
Florist tips
Many florists recommend follow the following simple rules to extend the life of a bouquet at home:
- before immersing a plant in a vase, tear off all the leaves that will be at the water level, which will help minimize the risk of the formation of pathogenic bacteria and save the flower from premature decay;
- it is better to use a tall vessel so that the water reaches a level not lower than the middle of the stem of the plant; the best option is to place the bouquet in a ceramic vase, since such material is not capable of transmitting solar radiation, as a result of which it will prolong the life of the bouquet at home;
- do not put in the vase pre-cut roses, because they will rest against the bottom of the tank and will not be able to receive nutrients;
- for the roses to stand for a long time, the vase should be placed in the shade, so that no direct sunlight would be directed at it, and it is not recommended to place the plants close to the heat source, for example, with a battery in winter;
- roses love coolness, but at the same time they do not tolerate drafts, so do not put them side by side with an open window leaf;
- to cut the flowers to stand a little longer, some experts recommend boiling the tip of the stem; it needs to be dipped for 5 minutes in boiling water, and then placed in a cooled liquid;
- if you were presented with a bouquet in winter and brought it from the frost, you should not immediately place it in a vase with water, leave such flowers for a few minutes, giving them time to warm up a little.
If you notice that your flowers began to fade, then it is necessary to implement measures for their resuscitation.
- It is necessary to make a preliminary pruning of the plant according to the usual method. But they put roses not in cool water, but, on the contrary, in very hot (its temperature should reach +90 degrees). To save the plant from possible burns, leaves and buds are recommended to be carefully wrapped in paper. It is necessary to wait until the water cools down, and its temperature equals the environment. Being in hot water, the rose will gradually change, becoming beautiful and fresh again.
- At night, wrap each bud in a plastic bag. It is important that it is a bit wet. Cellophane bag should be fixed, observing tightness, while not try to damage the pedicle. Thus, you will create a greenhouse effect for the plant as in a greenhouse, thanks to which it will raise its bud.
In some cases, cuts on the stem can cause premature wilt. If you see a similar damage, then you need to cut the stem of the plant above this place. Vodichku should be heated to a temperature of + 38– + 39 degrees. It is poured into a not very deep ceramic container, which has a wide neck, and the damaged roses are placed there.
If you purchased a rose in advance for delivery at a solemn moment and noticed that it was a bit of a basement, make a new cut and place the flower in the water. After a few hours, the plant is taken out of the water, its stem is wrapped in a damp cloth, and the whole rose should be wrapped in paper or newspaper. In this form, the flowers are placed in the refrigerator, which will provide them with freshness for an extended period of time.
As you can see, keeping a bouquet of roses fresh for a long time is not very difficult. The main thing is to follow simple rules and recommendations for daily care, then you will be able to admire exquisite flowers for a long time.
How to keep roses in a vase for much longer, see below.