Baidar Gate in Crimea: history and location

  1. Description
  2. Appearance history
  3. Where are and how to get?
  4. What is nearby?

Mountainous Tavrida is popular due to the large number of fascinating and picturesque places that tourists from different countries of the world enjoy visiting. Here there are not only natural, but also man-made cultural monuments. However, there are those where two in one are united in themselves, that is, the beauty of nature is complemented by skillful human hands.

And the Baidar Gate in the Crimea is considered to be such a place. This is one of the most magnificent creations on the planet. All lovers of history, culture, architecture and natural beauty of this place will surely seem something magical and mysterious.


Baidar gate are construction, which is located above sea level above the rest of buildings - by 503 meters. With its complex architecture, intricate cornice, small columns, a magnificent observation deck on the roof, the Baidar Gate is somewhat reminiscent of an antique portico. During construction only stone and limestone were involved. Moreover, from such a material are also built thumbs located on both sides of the building.

And in one, the right before was the office space, about 30 square meters. meters where various inventory was kept. To date, all the doors and windows are carefully walled up.

The gates are so narrow that 2 cars are unlikely to pass each other, because there is a detour nearby. You can climb the roof by a specially built staircase and from there you can already look at the Crimea, admiring the Black Sea, the picturesque valley, high mountains and green thickets. In the summertime, a dazzling landscape of the picturesque beauty of the southern part of the peninsula is visible from the observation deck. And in the winter - a fascinating area, which with its cold shades creates a real harmony of pristine nature. Consequently, here you can come anytime, regardless of the season.

Appearance history

Being on the Baidar Pass, about half a kilometer above sea level, you can easily admire the marvelous natural landscapes opening around. At the same time, the air temperature in summer is very comfortable and keeps at around +25 degrees. There are almost no midges and mosquitoes. All this was noticed in tsarist times, when there was nothing in sight, only one primeval nature.

But already in 1837, the Governor-General of the Novorossiysk Territory, MS S. Vorontsov, personally led the construction of a new highway, which stretched from Alupka to Sevastopol, passing along the coast past the village of Baidary, as if peeling a mountain range. As a result, the pass got its name thanks to the village and became known as Baydarsky. And after he descends to the village of Foros.

After completion of all the works that were carried out for almost 10 years, in 1849 a beautiful architecture structure was installed on the pass Baydarsky gate, built in a strict classical style with stones and limestone. Their author is considered to be KI Elishman. They instantly became a strategic object and a place of rest for many travelers.

In 1962, the modern road Sevastopol-Yalta was built, as it is considered shorter and safer. However, the old road, which has rarely been traveled lately, as a rule, makes it possible to take a ride very close to the mountains, overcoming the serpentines and at the same time admiring the nature opening up before our eyes with small elevations. The path will never be able to grow, because the thrill lovers will simply not be allowed to do this.

Many cultural figures, who visited the gate earlier, to have a little rest, admire the views, get inspiration, then they would definitely leave their own impressions in written works with which any person can get acquainted.

For example, L. Ukrainka, V.V. Mayakovsky and other writers and poets visited it.

Until the 1930s, there were 2 hotels near the gate, where travelers could spend the night. There was also a post office and a small restaurant, which still stands in the same place, still in operation. And you should not forget about the nearby local spring, thanks to which tired travelers can easily quench their thirst by drinking pure mountain water before a long journey.

Thus, the pass, as well as the arch located on it, are considered not only the most beautiful place, but also the most important strategic object, which was proved in November 1941, when Soviet border guards held defense for almost a day.

Of course, in the end there were very few heroes left, however, this helped stop the fascist offensive. Now this all means little, than once in the past, everything has changed a lot. More modern and safe roads were built, new monuments were erected, however, the tourist significance of this object remained the same.

Where are and how to get?

Baidar Gate is located between two delightful mountains - Chelbi and Chhu-Bair. They represent an unusual entrance of the southern Crimea, along which the Sevastopol-Yalta highway passes, and from where you can get to the Baidar Valley through the small village of Foros. Getting to the gate is very easy. There are several ways to do this.

You can buy any tour. A visit to this cultural monument is usually included in every popular route offered to tourists. Perhaps it will be "Ai-Petri - boat trip - Yalta", "Big Yalta" and the like.

In addition, it is desirable to begin your journey from the direction of Sevastopol, because in this direction the various landscapes for which the peninsula is famous show themselves from a better side.

You will be able to learn a large number of fascinating facts concerning this area, walk on foot, adding the Baidar Pass to your route. You can also arrive by private car or take a taxi, you just need to go along the highway Yalta-Sevastopol, guided by the signs. It is impossible to get lost even at night. The place is located very close to the road.

At the same time there are always a lot of people. On the map the Baidar Gate means the following address: Orlinoye, Old Sevastopol Highway. Coordinates: N 44.2422 E 33.4655. It is advisable to leave from Yalta or Sevastopol.

What is nearby?

Every year, many tourists come to the Baidar Gate. And the locals also do not mind coming here. Therefore, enterprising souvenir sellers are very much engaged in trade here, offering crafts made of wood, stone, sets of essential oils, fascinating literature, beautiful paintings, postcards, and much more interesting. Also located very close to the famous restaurant "Hut", where you can easily order dishes and Crimean wines for every taste.

Not far, a few kilometers away, at an altitude of 402 meters above sea level, is the legendary Foros Church, where not only they pray, light candles, buy religious goods, but also admire the scenery while on the terrace of the temple. You can get there if you go down from the gate a bit. During the period of its existence, the church was built only 2 times. The first - it was 1892. The second - after the collapse of the Soviet Union, when at first there was a camp site, then a restaurant, in the end everything fell into complete decay.

However, the time came when complete restoration was carried out at the highest level, quite decently.On the cliff, where the temple now stands, there are openly innumerable sites for viewing. So you can easily feel the greatness of the surrounding nature.

In addition, the beauty of this picturesque architecture is visible not only from above, from the side of the pass, but also from below, from the road or from the village of Foros, above which it is located.

Also pay attention to Forossky park of 70 hectareswhich is in no way inferior to the famous Nikitsky garden. Here, all kinds of flower beds, rosaries, lawns are equipped with taste, on which not only local plants, but also introduced strange plants grow. In addition, there are ponds, lakes and ponds, through which unusual figure bridges are scattered.

In addition, natural tourism is superbly developed in this place: the famous Laspinsky pass, Chernorechensky canyon. Also here a large number of different caves are “scattered”. And in one of them - Skelskoy you can even go down. Or just go for a swim in Chernorechensky reservoir. Thus, in the "Crimean Switzerland", where everything can be seen in full view.

And in order to feel how fresh and pleasant the mountain air is, you just have to close your eyes and take a deep breath, with a full chest, feeling like a happy and harmonious person in the world. Of course, it is better to take a phone, a video camera or a camera with you, so that with their help you can try to preserve for many years all this magnificent, incomparable beauty. The seen sight deserves to be captured.

It is important to remember that the Baidar Gate is actually considered the beginning of the Crimea. So, this man-made object can rightfully be called the very first monument of the Crimean roads.

About Baidar gate in the Crimea, see the video below.

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