All about the Bakal Spit in Crimea

  1. History of education
  2. Climate and relief
  3. What is interesting for tourists?
  4. Healing mud lake
  5. End point
  6. How to get there?
  7. Accommodation

In the northwestern part of the Crimean peninsula is located one of the most beautiful landscaped parks of the peninsula called the Bakal Spit. This is a large ledge of a sandy beach that goes into the sea. The length of the spit is several kilometers. This place is a conservation area. The Spit is currently a conservation area.

History of education

Bakal Spit was formed as a result of falling asleep sand out of the bay. This is a natural sand dam between the bay and the open sea. Over the millennium, the squall and storm winds “worked” over the creation of the sand spit. One of the versions says that the name “Bakal Spit” comes from the Turkic word “tank” - frog. And indeed, the shape of the braid resembles this creature. But it is possible that the name of the spit has Siberian roots, because something is similar to the name of the most famous lake in Siberia - Baikal.

But which of the above versions is correct remains a mystery.

Climate and relief

The climate in this part of Crimea is moderately continental. Therefore, the summer season is dry and hot. The most sunny months are June, July, August. The average water temperature during this period is + 20ºС. Most of the summer days are sunny, so for those who like to soak up the sunshine, the spit will be an excellent choice.

The swimming season here opens in May and ends in the second half of September. At the base of the sand spit is quite wide. The farthest and narrowest part of it is no more than 50 meters wide. The shape of the spit resembles a semi-ring encircling the bay. In fact, it is a large sandy beach.

Most of the spit is a desert zone, where there are no buildings and structures. Only the base is habitable.

The total area of ​​the spit is about 1.5 thousand hectares. It is directly a spit - about 300 hectares, Bakal lake, which area is 810 hectares, and a coastal aquatic complex (410 hectares). The lake, the base of the spit, as well as its extreme point are protected areas. Visitors to this area will be charged a fee.

The main part of the spit has no vegetation. This is due to strong winds, scorching sun and soil. The exception is the plant “halophytes” preferring the soil with a high salt content. But at the entrance to the braid, at its base one can observe a kind of carpet of crimson grass. Saline vegetation grows on the shores of the lake. These are wormwood, solyanka, Kermek, Katran, and others.

What is interesting for tourists?

This is a unique place, so if you come to the Crimea, you should definitely visit this reserve. The main natural feature of the braid is that it is washed from different sides by different currents. On the one hand, it is the open sea, and on the other, the waters of a shallow bay. This is the main attraction of the spit.

At present, due to hydrological processes, namely: severe winter storms, as well as human activities (illegal sand mining), the spit is threatened with extinction. Although the authorities carried out a number of attempts to preserve it - the construction of local anti-wreck coastal structures.

But in the opinion of very many specialists, local facilities of this type will not solve the problem, it is necessary to develop a concept for the “rescue” of the entire Crimean coast.

And also this place is interesting for lovers of fishing.In the waters there are such species of fish as sturgeon, hamsa, horse mackerel, red mullet, mullet, and others. There is here and the Black Sea shrimp. In the area in the waters of the Black Sea can be found and dolphins. And in August, thanks to jellyfish, the water in some places turns lilac. Tourists are also offered entertainment such as diving and scuba diving.

It is worth noting that Bakal Spit is an amazing and charming place of nature. Since 2000, this region has the status of a landscape park. The area of ​​this park is about 1.5 thousand hectares. About 15 species of various birds inhabit the territory. And during the period of seasonal migrations there are about 150 species of birds and waterfowl.

The beaches and water here are clean, so the place is great for families with children. The only negative - undeveloped tourist infrastructure. Food and drinking water can be purchased in the nearest village - Guarding And it is located on the spit at a distance of about 8 kilometers. Although all this is compensated by the charming landscapes, as well as the tranquility and tranquility reigning in this place.

Charming and fascinating are here and sunsets. The sea seems to connect with the sky. And all this in reddish-purple hues. Therefore, if you have rested at least once on the Bakal Spit, then this rest will remain in your memory for many years.

And even despite the lack of "charms" of civilization.

Healing mud lake

A part of the regional landscape park is also Bakal Lake, which is located at the base of the spit. The pond has an oval shape. The southern and eastern banks of the reservoir have a reddish color. This is due to the fact that the soil is dominated by red-brown clay. The west and north are sandy shores. It is these peresyp and separate the lake from the sea.

This lake is not only a conservation area. The mud of this lake is very useful as it has a high content of salts and minerals. Therefore, mud treatments are recommended for people with skin diseases, intestinal disorders, diseases of the joints, as well as various gynecological diseases in women. It is worth noting that the waters of the bay are also healing due to the presence of a large amount of algae. Therefore, the water has a high content of iodine.

Bakal Lake is a typical estuary lake. It is located in the extended part of the spit and is separated from the Black Sea by two sandy necks - spit. The water level in this reservoir is replenished by groundwater, as well as as a result of storms and precipitation. There are seasons when the lake almost dries out, and in some summer periods even fish were caught on the Bakal Lake. Now on the shores of the reservoir you can find about 50 species of nomadic birds, namely: chibis, shiloklyuvka, sandpiper, sea fox and others.

There is a source of mineral water on the spit. In Soviet times, the idea was to put the extraction of mineral water of Bakal into the stream. But it still remains an idea. Perhaps there were no “good and intelligent” organizers, maybe the reason was the remoteness and climatic features of the region. And there is a certain benefit from the lake - it is a real “storehouse” of edible salt.

End point

Just 10 years ago, the cape called Sandy was the final or extreme point of the spit. But storms and people "turned" the cape into an island that is separated from the land. The distance today is about 2 km. The main guests of this place are now birds. They have chosen Sandy as the best place for nesting.

There is also a lighthouse on the cape, which was built in 1934. This is a 1st class lighthouse. According to the design of the building, the lighthouse is a pyramidal tower, whose height is equal to 22.8 meters, in white. The complex also included a siren building and a fuel storage depot, a bell, a dormitory building and outbuildings, and a radio tower.The decision to build a lighthouse was pleasant on the grounds that Cape Sandy was considered quite dangerous for seafarers.

The shore where the lighthouse was erected is located in a washout zone. As a result of storms and undermining the lighthouse tower was at a distance of several meters from the water. The fuel depot was undermined and the tower was under the threat of destruction. At the moment the beacon is not working.

On Cape Sandy is located and a trigonometric point.

How to get there?

You can get to the spit by public transport. From Simferopol, Evpatoria and the village of Razdolnoye there is a regular bus. And you can also drive on your own car on the E97 highway, which passes through Kerch, turning in front of the village of Voinka onto the T0107 highway. It is best to walk from the village of Keeping to the spit. So you can also enjoy the charming scenery of the west coast of Crimea.

How to go: public transport or to get to the spit independently - of course, depends on you. But I would like to warn that the quality of the road surface in the region is not the best yet. But the charm of the rest on their own vehicles allow you to forget about the schedule and plan your time for yourself.


The tourist and entertainment infrastructure on the spit is not very developed. Therefore, this place will be especially valuable to lovers of wildlife and recreation in tents. But also on the territory of the spit there is a campsite, where you can live in a three-person wooden house, or spread out a tent. There is also a parking area for trailers. You can rent a house and stay in nearby villages, for example, in the village of Guarding. Here in the private sector there are mini-hotels where you can find housing for every taste and even quite budget.

Although on the Bakal Spit there is no interesting architecture and historically significant monuments, objects of cultural heritage that are present on the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula, there is something more. In this place a person will be able to reunite with wild and pure nature, to feel part of it. And also to be filled with vital energy, to be inspired for new feats and conquest of new heights in life.

For information on how to get to Bakal Spit, see the following video.

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