Overview of Pergolas in Crimea

  1. Where is?
  2. Where did the gazebo come from?
  3. What can be seen from the mountain?
  4. What is interesting in Gurzuf?
  5. How to get to the gazebo?
  6. Lifting problems
  7. This reserve

Visiting the Crimea peninsula, each traveler can find several attractions on the map at once. This mountain-sea area is famous not only for its impressive nature, but also for its particular popularity. One of these places - Arbor winds. If we consider that it is located in the open area of ​​the mountain peak, then the name seems even more beautiful.

The gaze of winds in the Crimea is one of the observation platforms located on the mountain specifically so that the neighborhood can be clearly seen from above. It offers a great overview, and there really is something to see!

Where is?

This popular tourist spot is located within the boundaries of a nature reserve on the plumb line of the Shaan-Kaya cliff. However, before traveling to this wonderful heritage of architecture, it is worth remembering about some of the features and rules of its visit. From the Pavilion there is a view of the far expanses protected by the reserve, which means - on nature, untouched by human hand.

On a clear and sunny day you can observe landscapes up to 200 kilometers into the distance.

And it’s really worth looking at the bright and colorful nature of the sunny expanses of Crimea, because due to the warm climate there grows incredibly many diverse greenery.

Where did the gazebo come from?

This is both a simple and complex question. It appeared at the top years in an understandable way - it was erected, and, by the way, quite recently by the standards of historical architecture. The Arbor of Winds was built during the time of the Soviet Union, in the mid-50s of the last century, in time for the planned visit by the head of state Khrushchev of the Crimea peninsula. However, something did not work out according to the schedule, and Nikita Sergeevich never had a chance to arrive at this place, but the gazebo remained. By the way, Archives did not preserve the names or the names of the architects.

The further history of this arbor is more optimistic. It has become a favorite destination for tourists and locals. In addition, at the end of the last millennium, at the end of the 90s, the building was restored, and it became even more attractive than before. Immediately after the reconstruction and restoration, a sign with a name that described it as a “star of memories” was installed above the entrance of this arbor. Despite this colorful comparison, it turned out that there is already a place in Koktebel that has a similar name. Precisely because its original and more familiar name over the years, the Arbor of the Seven Winds, was attached to this gazebo.

What can be seen from the mountain?

Since the weather in Crimea is often very clear, the visibility from the mountain is excellent. From the Pavilion of the Seven Winds you can see the following.

  • Cape PlakaIt is on the right - on the east side. There you can observe the structure, called the palace Gagarin.
  • From this place you can see another mountain, which has the name Ayu-Dag - Bear Mountain. It is also very beautiful and is used in tourist routes.
  • In front of the mountain is a children's camp, which has a famous name. "Artek". But behind this you can find the village Gurzuf.

What is interesting in Gurzuf?

Besides the fact that this settlement is located near the sea and is a resort, it is located near a natural reserve with unprecedented beauty.

In addition, it is also an “open-air museum”, as its architectural heritage keeps a huge history.

For example, we can mention the cottage of Anton Pavlovich Chekhov.Of course, the places of residence of such interesting people are not left unattended after their death. They established a museum there, inviting tourists to visit Chekhov's dacha and stroll through a beautiful large park.

How to get to the gazebo?

To get to the Arbor of the winds is not so easy, because it is located on a mountain within the framework of a nature reserve, that is, it is a controlled and protected area. Entry and entry to it costs money and is carried out as part of tourist excursions or in person. If you want to be inside, then you have to buy a pass for 1400 rubles, for children is twice cheaper, and for children under 6 years old for free.

By itself, the tour will cost an additional fifty rubles, but this is not a mandatory event. It is worth taking it only in the case of historical and cultural interest, if you wanted to enjoy the landscape yourself - do so without a guide. Getting on foot is also not easy. Full independence to achieve will not work, because escort is still necessary: ​​it will be a guide, guide or just an employee of the reserve, who will control your routes.

You can be in these places from 8 to 17 hours. And it is better to be there not earlier than May and not later than October, because here strong winds blow (it is not for nothing that the gazebo received such a name) even in summer, and the snow cover can reach a level higher than human growth. You can travel around the reserve by several routes, each of which is notable for something special and interesting.

You can visit from monasteries and farms to the dachas of famous people or historical buildings. You can try to climb the mountain on foot, but this requires good endurance and knowledge of the terrain, for which it is recommended to study the map and the detour routes.

Lifting problems

By itself, the height of this mountain is more than 200 meters, but this is not entirely correct. It is located on an elevation, and the total height above sea level is already 871 meters, and this, you see, is quite an impressive value. In accordance with such a height of a given tourist zone and the Pergolas of the traveler’s winds, the following difficulties can pursue.

  • Do not forget that this is a mountain where roads are rarely repaired, and it is good if they are laid there by man, and not by nature itself. Accordingly, it is necessary to go carefully, best on a private car, but in clear weather. So you will not only find yourself in greater security, but also be able to see from above more distant corners of the Crimea.
  • Also remember that the wind does not stop anything in the mountains, and it means that it will most likely be present there, and it is by no means the hottest. It is better to take with you just in case a hoodie or a windbreaker, so you may be more comfortable.
  • Despite the fact that this is an excursion zone, there are no places for selling food there, so take food and water with you.
  • Well, and if you are really interested in culture, history and architecture in more detail, then it is better not to rely on the knowledge of the conductor, he is not an assistant to you. In this case, it would be better to hire a guide.

This reserve

Near the Pergolas of the Winds you can find several plants that are listed in the Red Book and really very rare. One of these - Yaglin Smolevka. In itself, this plant has been studied very little, and nothing is known about its pharmacological properties, since it is extremely rare. This shrub belongs to the family of cloves.

Not far from the array of these plants are rocks, looking into the gorges of which you can find arches.

    This is a unique natural phenomenon, which occurs due to changes in the integrity of the mountains of the Crimea, which is affected by karst processes.

    Visit Arbor winds definitely worth it if you come to the Crimea. This place is very beautiful, picturesque, interesting and attractive. So much so that I don’t want to leave here, but only to look into the distance, experiencing peace.If you are a lover of adventure, nothing bothers you, having studied the route, climb the mountain on foot on your own, which is why the views donated by Mother Nature seem even more beautiful.

    You can appreciate the beauty of such an amazing place without leaving your home. All the details in the video below.

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