All about the Beaded Temple in Bakhchisarai (Crimea)

  1. The skete of St. Anastasia
  2. Where is?
  3. How to get there?

The coast of Crimea has always attracted holidaymakers with clear sea, healing beaches, healing air and an abundance of historical sights. But, in addition to well-known tourist points, in Crimea there are a lot of wonders hidden from the eyes. For example, such as the Beaded Temple in Bakhchisarai.

The skete of St. Anastasia

The small hermitage, which was named in honor of the Holy Great Martyr Anastasia the Modelers (also known as the Beaded Temple), is currently attached to the Holy Dormition Monastery in Bakhchisarai.

The decoration of the skete is very different from the well-known. The first thing that catches the eye at the entrance is the light from the lit candles and lamps, multicolored reflections from the walls and ceiling. Everything here is decorated and decorated with colored beads, beads and stones. Next you can see the icon of St. Anastasia with a multitude of attached cloth bags. As it turns out later, here the parishioners and pilgrims leave their deepest desires and prayers for help.

If you go further, you can get into the tunnel, where services are held.

There are no windows in the temple, and therefore only the soft light of candles and light bulbs illuminates the space, which, combined with the smell of incense, gives an extraordinary atmosphere to this place.

Along the walls are high chairs with folding seats. Ten commandments are written on the backs of the chairs with beads. They are used by monks during long services.

History is silent about the exact date of the shrine. But according to the drawings on the walls of the caves, one can speak of the VIII century, the times of church persecutions and the active relocations of the orthodox Byzantine monks.

Persecuted Christians who fled from Constantinople settled here and built the first monastery in the gorge. They brought here the miraculous icon with the face of the Great Martyr Anastasia, who, according to legend, helped the prisoners and the persecuted, believers in Christ.

There is a version that Holy Anastasia was born in Rome, in the family of a pagan father and mother - a secret Christian. After her mother died, her father forcibly married her to a heathen. Referring to nonexistent diseases, she managed to preserve innocence in the name of Christ.

She devoted her entire life to helping prisoners imprisoned persecuted for believing in Christ. She went through many trials and tortures, saved many innocent souls and perished crucified over a fire. Her remains, not damaged by fire, were buried. And in the V century, her relics were moved to Constantinople, where a temple was built, named after her. Later, the head and the hand were sent to the monastery of St. Anastasia the Girlmaker, built near Mount Athos.

The period of 1778 is associated with the active resettlement of Orthodox Christians from the territory of the Crimea peninsula. Leaving the walls of the monastery, the believers took away the icon - the symbol of this place. The abandoned monastery remained for many years, until the XIX century, when the efforts of St. Innocent were the beginning of the restoration of Orthodox monasteries on the Crimea peninsula. Thus, the monastery was restored, adjacent places were sanitized, a new church of St. Anastasia the Patternsters was erected, a road was laid.

During the Soviet era, all property of the shrine was seized, monks and novices dissolved, and the temple was turned into a quarry. Soon she was covered after earthquakes and landslides, and the shrine was given the status of a reserve, prohibiting work. So the holy monastery was empty until the beginning of 2005.

After the blessing by the rector of the Holy Dormition Monastery in Bakhchisarai, hieromonk Dorofey, the reconstruction of the holy monastery begins for a good cause.

After parsing the rubble, having received a refusal from the government to restore the ancient cave monastery of St. Anastasia, they decided to build a new one on the site of the gallery. This unique temple was named Biserny.

The name of the temple also has its own history. It all started with the design of the temple lamps with pendants in the likeness of Athos. Each lamp is unique and made with the prayers with his own hand by Father Dorofey from beads brought by believers, earrings and fabric elements.

Due to the high humidity in the temple, ordinary icons and painting on the walls quickly became useless. Therefore, we decided to create a panel and decorate all surfaces of the sanctuary with beads, beads and stones.

Starting the restoration of the monastery, Father Dorofey and his assistants faced many difficulties. But thanks to prayer and diligence, the temple grew, becoming more and more ennobled with each passing year.

The great martyr Anastasia reacted favorably to the actions of the brethren and endowed the hermitage with a source of healing water (before that, it was necessary to make a way with tanks for several kilometers). He was highlighted by the name of Sophia.

Every year the number of assistants and novices increases, which, together with the prayer and support of St. Anastasia, contributes to the revival of this mysterious place.

More recently, in 2018, a fire started in the boiler room of the shrine. The consequences were deplorable - many wooden buildings and cells were damaged, but thanks to the timely help of the Emergencies Ministry, it was possible to do without human victims and even more damage.

After the shock suffered, the novices and pilgrims took up with new forces for the restoration of the holy monastery. Help came from different cities, but a huge contribution to the restoration was made by Bakhchisarai.

Now in the temple there are:

  • own garden and garden where novices grow various vegetables and fruits, extraordinarily beautiful flowers;
  • barnyard (engaged in the breeding of cows and goats);
  • mini-hotel for pilgrims;
  • workshops where unique panel icons, lamps and other souvenirs are created;
  • warehouses;
  • dining room and kitchen;
  • monastic cells;
  • shops with souvenirs, where everyone can buy a piece of this wonderful holy place (handmade soap, yeast-free bread, sbiten and grape kvass, sour cream and cheeses, and, of course, a variety of beaded products - the symbol of this place).

    To date, the construction of another temple "Three-handed" is underway on the territory of the Bead Temple.

    Visitors are offered to purchase souvenir white cardboard bricks to help build the temple.

    Where is?

    The sanctuary of Anastasia the Patternsite is located next to the old vintage center and the valley of the Kachi-Kalyon grottoes, 8 kilometers from Bakhchisarai. Located in the crevice of Tash-Air on the mountain slope of Fytsky. Outwardly, the rock resembles a ship-ark, on one side of which there are natural cracks, similar to a cross. Hence the name of the place “crucifixion” - Kachi-Kalyon.

    Along the entire perimeter of the cliff, you can count 5 natural grottoes and several artificially created caves (on the walls of which you can also find drawings of crosses) serving as wineries and warehouses to the ancient settlers. In the fourth largest grotto is located the source of St. Anastasia, feeding the centenary cherry tree at the entrance.

    In one of the caves, carved in limestone, at an altitude of 150 m above sea level Skete of St. Anastasia the Models.

    How to get there?

    And to get to the shrine in several ways.

    • By public transport. From the station "Zapadnaya" of the city of Simferopol you need to take a bus going to Bakhchisarai (hourly departure). After about 2 hours in Bakhchisarai go to the route taxi going to the village of SynapseOn the road from s. Bashtanovka to with. Preamp need to get off at Kachi-Kalyon. This is the end point. Then follow the path up the steep tracks, lined with tires from cars, about 20-30 minutes. This road is called “the path of sinners”, which must be passed slowly and with prayers.
    • By car. Driving to Bakhchisarai, go in the direction of the village Preduschechnoye. Then there are two options: to get to the foot of Kachi-Kalyon and climb to the temple or, after passing the village of Preduschelnoe, along country roads, along the edge of the canyon, enjoying the unforgettable view of the Kachin Valley, get to the very entrance.
    • Sightseeing bus tour (many of them also include visits to Kachi-Kalyon itself).
    • Ordering a taxi (a bit more expensive, but quickly and comfortably).

      Opening hours of the temple from 8 to 19 hours. Entry is free for everyone. And also at the entrance you can get a special robe for walking around the monastery.

      In addition to a beach holiday, the peninsula of Crimea is rich in mysterious historical sites and monuments. Enjoying physical relaxation, they often forget about the spiritual realm. But it is here, in the Crimea, hidden ancient temples, monasteries and monastic complexes. After spending one day of vacation, having been in a similar place, you can recharge your batteries for the rest of the year.

      All about the Bead Temple look in the next video.

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