Enikale in Crimea: description and location of the fortress

  1. A bit of history
  2. Description
  3. How to get there?
  4. Interesting Facts
  5. Reviews

The Republic of Crimea is a constituent entity of the Russian Federation, which attracts a huge number of tourists. However, they come here not only to soak up the equipped beaches and enjoy the beautiful scenery, but also to get closer to the history of our country.

For example, in the very east of the peninsula is the oldest city in Russia - the hero-city of Kerch. On its territory you can see a large number of attractions that are rooted in ancient history. A special place among such historical monuments is Enikale fortress.

Her description will interest tourists, and the location makes it easy to get to get acquainted with this attraction.

A bit of history

The ancient fortress has a rather interesting history of its origin and a rather long history of existence. So, it is believed that the building was erected in the distant XVII century. At that time, the Crimea, which was called the Crimean Khanate, was dependent on Turkey.

The primary purpose of the Enikale fortress is to perform defensive and protective functions. I must say that in the place where the fortress was built, and previously there were defenses.

The first place was taken by the inhabitants of the Kingdom of the Bosporus. The purpose of the construction of the fortress Enikale in Kerch - the establishment of Turkish rule in the Black Sea region. Despite the fact that the initiators of this project were the Turks, the direct construction of the fortress was entrusted to architects from Europe.

Thus, in the period from 1699 to 1705, Italian and French worked in the city. On the one hand, the specialists were assigned a fairly simple and explainable, but in practice, a rather difficult task to accomplish - preventing Russian ships from the Azov Sea to the Black Sea.

Despite the fact that the fortress was built quite quickly, and in itself it represents a rather interesting and significant object of fortification construction, she practically did not take part in hostilities. The fact is that right after its construction, military events in the Black Sea ceased, so Yenikale was functionally not needed. But later, in 1768, another Russian-Turkish war began.

During the hostilities Enikale did not withstand the pressure of Russian soldiers and surrendered to them.

After the end of the events described, the fortification fortress Enikale was no longer used for its intended purpose. The thing is that she herself and the Sea of ​​Azov became completely Russian, from which there was no need for any military fortifications. So, over time, the fortress began to serve as a military hospital, which was later completely abandoned.


Today, Enikale Fortress is one of the most famous and popular attractions among tourists who visit the Kerch Peninsula. In this regard, the state took over the protection of the fortress, which is now a historical monument.

By modern standards of security The fortress is considered to be in a state of emergency, but if we evaluate this question from the point of view of history, the monument is fairly well preserved. Quite often on the territory of the Crimean sights various repair and restoration works are carried out.

If we talk about the architectural features of the structure, the fortress is an irregular pentagon that is located on two hectares of land. This scale is due to the fact that it was originally calculated that the fortress will be able to accommodate 2,000 people.

Obviously, the foundation of the fortress is the walls, but in addition to them other additional protective fences were also provided: moat and rampart. In general, there were barracks for soldiers in the territory of Yenikale, the houses in which the officers lived, the arsenal and even the mosque.

Notable is the fact that in the territory of the fortress under the ground there are numerous tunnels. They have repeatedly tried to expose to scientific research, but such attempts remained unsuccessful due to the high level of danger. To date, they are all bombarded, and tourists are not recommended to even come close to such facilities.

Unfortunately, not all elements of the fortress have survived to this day. So, for example, ceramic water supply, which was once organized on the territory of the sights, was of tremendous value and interest, which saved the residents of the city from a lack of water. However, in the post-war years during the period of the restoration of Kerch after the invasion of the German fascist invaders, this water supply was dismantled, and its parts were used in the household of the local residents.

On the other hand, it is impossible not to note the fact that perfectly preserved external structure of the fortress. Even today, everyone who comes to the city will be able to see the walls and 5 bastions of Enikale. Such a majestic view, of course, makes an indelible impression. Often, this location becomes a place for professional photo shoots and filming, the newlyweds often come here for wedding photos.

How to get there?

If you want to enjoy the grandeur and splendor of the most ancient fortification fortress Enikale, which is located on the eastern coast of the Crimean peninsula, then you need to come to the hero-city of Kerch. Depending on your current geographic location, this can be done in several ways:

  • on your own car;
  • on the bus;
  • by plane.

If you use any of the first two options, then you will only need to cross the Crimean bridge, and you will already find yourself in Kerch. For those who will fly by plane, you need to fly to the airport of Simferopol, and from there by bus to get to Kerch.

After that, you should go to the city bus station and use the services of local public transport. Choose routes at number 1 or 19. You should take them to the stop called “Stroygorodok” (you can consult with the driver), and from there you have to walk about two kilometers.

In addition, you can always use the services of local taxi services.

Interesting Facts

If you are interested in history, then you will find curious facts related to the Enikale fortress.

  • It is believed that the construction of the Crimean Bridge has had a negative impact on the current state of the fortress in recent years, namely, the vibrations associated with the working process.
  • Enikale is a word of Crimean-Tatar origin, which in Russian means “new fortress”.
  • In ancient times there was a bathhouse on the territory of the fortress.
  • The Kerch-Yenikalye Society of History and Antiquities operates in Kerch, which takes care of the state of the historical monument.


Many tourists who have already visited the Kerch Peninsula and have seen its beauty leave positive feedback on the tour of the fortress.

First of all, many note the fact that even though the fortress is a historical monument, its visit is absolutely free.In addition, it is important that by visiting the fortress, you can not only feel the ancient history, but also enjoy the beautiful sea views and landscapes that open from Enikale.

Some of the guests noted that the path to the fortress is rather thorny. However, others oppose to them the fact that An excursion around the Yenikale fortress is a compulsory and integral point of the city tour around Kerch. This option is recommended to choose.

According to reviews, on the surface sightseeing you will need one hour. If you want to delve into the history and inspect all the details, then it will take much more time. If you wish, you can hire a personal guide who will devote you to all the details and secrets.

The peninsula of Crimea is a real treasure trove of sights in the territory of the Russian Federation. On the territory of the republic you can find a variety of historical monuments that we inherited from our distant ancestors. A similar cultural and historical object is Enikale fortress. If possible, be sure to visit this facility - you can learn more about the history of our country and become a little closer to it.

An overview of the Enikale fortress in the Crimea, see below.

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