Overview of the fortresses of Crimea

  1. Fortress in Sudak
  2. The Citadel in Feodosia
  3. Chembalo Fortress
  4. Fortress Funa
  5. Kalamita Fortress
  6. Yeni Kale
  7. Chufut kale
  8. Suyrenskaya fortress
  9. Asandra
  10. Arabat
  11. Ak-Kaya
  12. Aluston
  13. Fortress Charax

The unique climatic conditions and the favorable location of the Crimean peninsula has always attracted the attention of numerous peoples. At different periods of development, Scythians, Romans, Greeks, Sarmatians and many other nations lived on its territory. All of them left traces of their influence on the culture of the Crimea.

But of particular interest are the fortresses that previously performed protective functions on the peninsula, and today surprise with their beauty, power and skill. The list of ancient fortifications is long, each object has special characteristics.

Fortress in Sudak

Sudak is known not only as a resort, but also as a city with a lot of attractions. Most of all tourists are attracted by the Genoese fortress, which rose to the mountain of the fortress, even taking into account the fact that time left little of it. Today you can see only parts of this huge and magnificent structure: the main gate and 12 towers, the ruins of the barracks, a mosque and a Christian temple, storage rooms.

The authorship of this structure is attributed to the Italian colonists because of the presence of inscriptions in Latin. On the walls are the dates of the construction and a description of the ambassadors ruling at the time of the ambassadors.

Now in this area is a museum. Tourists can also witness medieval battles.

The Citadel in Feodosia

On the shores of the Feodosia Gulf, you can see a powerful structure that at one time protected the huge possessions of the Genoese - Cafu. For its construction used rocks, which were mined in the peninsula. This place was completely adapted for living.

Chembalo Fortress

In the Middle Ages, the peninsula became a colony of Genoa. This nation, during its “rule,” builds fortifications in order to defend itself against the raids of nomadic peoples.

On the territory of Sevastopol, scientists are constantly finding evidence of the residence of ancient Taurika. One of the main "exhibits" - a medieval fortress, which is located on the top and slopes of the mountains.

This architectural structure arose as a result of the struggle between the Genoese and the Theodorites. To protect important trade routes and residents from the attacks of enemies, the Genoese constantly strengthened the fortress.

Fortress Funa

In Alushta district in the center of the city is located Funa fortress, which occupies only half a hectare. The construction was almost destroyed due to the wars, the constant attacks of the Ottoman Empire and earthquakes. The next collapse left only the ruins of the church and the pile of boulders. The inhabitants left its walls, because they could no longer put up with the constant onslaught of enemies and violent cataclysms.

Kalamita Fortress

This building belongs to the Byzantine buildings of the VI century. Today it is "represented" by the remains of towers and the ruins of some walls. The constant attacks of the enemies destroyed her building. Initially, trade deals were made in this fortress. But after the trade dried up, the rains and winds continued to destroy it. Of particular interest is cave monastery a huge number of tourists and students studying in the archaeological area wish to look at it.

Yeni Kale

On the Kerch Peninsula, near the narrow sea crossing, a fortress built by the Ottoman Empire towers.It was built to withstand the passage of Russian ships on the Black and Azov seas.

The current remnants are being restored, because the railway branch is not far away.

Chufut kale

For a long time this Crimean fortress protected its powerful walls of the inhabitants. Not every tourist can get to this beauty, because the road to it is half-ruined. But the one who overcomes this path will be able to see the remains of the medieval city. You can inspect the fortress only in good weather, because during the non-flying period there are no excursions. The rock on which the structure is located is practically inaccessible.

From the platform opens a magnificent view, which gives the feeling of flying.

Suyrenskaya fortress

Medieval fortress, which is located in the Crimea. Preserved tower with a dome ceiling and the remains of fresco painting. There are suggestions that a chapel was built on the top floor. It functions as an open-air museum.


Located 4 km from the village of Merry. It represents the ruins of an ancient monument. A large part of the monument was opened, as a result of which restoration works are carried out on the fortress. It is a 5-coal structure. From the height of the fortress reveals a beautiful view of the sea.


The only Tatar-Turkish fortress on the Azov coast of Crimea. It is characterized by an 8-coal shape around the perimeter, surrounded by a deep moat. There is a legend about the existence of an underground passage to the Sea of ​​Azov. However, scientists found no dungeons. It is believed that this facility was supposed to protect from uninvited visits of Cossacks and Kalmyks.

Permanent destruction by enemy pens “took away” the city status of the fortress.


Ak-Kaya or White Rock is located near the village of the same name. It is a vertical rock wall of white color. In the lower part, weathering products are formed - debris, piles of lumps. Scala has always attracted attention. And repeatedly "appeared" in the films.


The fortress raised by the Byzantine masters. It has the form of an irregular 4-gon with three towers. It has thick walls of 2-3 meters. After the Byzantines left the fortress, she constantly changed owners. After the attack of the Turks was destroyed by fire. Restoration work was not carried out.

Today you can see only part of one of the towers of the structure.

Fortress Charax

Roman military camp located on Cape Ai-Todor. It is possible that the name "Kharaks" - this is not the name of the fortress itself, but only a "description" of the specifics of the settlement. The structure is located on a hill and consists of two rows of walls from the north and natural fortification in the form of a cliff from the south. Research is still ongoing.

All presented fortifications are historical monuments that are protected by international organizations. Therefore, they pay a lot of attention: carry out restoration work, protect against the negative manifestation of the environment, as well as from vandals.

Archaeologists always have the opportunity to dig in order to uncover the ancient settlements of Tavrika. They are available for inspection by tourists. Many of them are “points” of excursion routes.

Next, see the review of the Sudak fortress.

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