Overview of the best and most interesting museums of Crimea

  1. Dedication to Chekhov
  2. Khan's Palace (Bakhchisarai)
  3. Historical and Archaeological in Kerch
  4. Exposition of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol
  5. Museum of Marine Disasters on the Waters
  6. In memory of Julian Semenov
  7. Voloshin Mansion in Koktebel
  8. Underwater world of Tarkhankut

Museums are a special part of the Crimean sights. There are a lot of opportunities for sightseeing on the peninsula: literary, archaeological, historical and art exhibitions. Many of them will like children, for example, a museum of dinosaurs, sunken ships, emoticons, nature. The main thing is to make a list of establishments that will be located near your places of stay and are interesting for you. We offer a brief description of the most popular of them on the Crimean peninsula.

Dedication to Chekhov

One of the most famous literary museums of the Crimea is located in Yalta. In this city, the writer lived, struggling with a serious illness. He not only did not stop working during this period, but also wrote many of his famous works, including the great "The Cherry Orchard" and "The Three Sisters". After the death of the writer, his dacha and cultural heritage went to his sister Maria, who opened up access to visiting fans of Chekhov’s work.

Today this cottage has become the cultural and historical heritage of the country. Around the cottage there is a small botanical garden, the plants of which were once courted by a great writer. In the house itself preserved the situation that surrounded Anton Pavlovich, you can see his personal belongings, books, photos, epistolary heritage. Chekhov's house offers excursion programs for adults and children of school age. In addition, you can visit a musical evening, an exhibition, the annual Chekhov readings.

The museum is available for inspection year-round, there are many preferential programs for different categories of citizens.

Khan's Palace (Bakhchisarai)

This is a unique copy of the architecture of the period of the Crimean Tatars. It was built in the XVI century as the official residence of the genus Giray. In fact, it was a city in a city with a square for ceremonies, a library, a tower, a stable, gardens, mosques, a bath, a cemetery and a harem. The palace impressed with its luxury. Today the museum occupies about 4,500 m 2, in it you can see the Falcon Tower, the Fountain of Tears, admire the unique ornaments, patterns and decorations of stained glass windows. Bakhchisarai Palace is a real diamond in the crown of the Crimea, which is considered a must-see.

Historical and Archaeological in Kerch

This landmark is considered one of the oldest. There you can see the prehistoric exhibits of the kingdom of Bosporus, ancient and medieval relics. Everyone who visits the museum must inspect the Golden Pantry, displaying coins of gold and silver of all periods of government in the Crimea, up to Alexander the Great. TYou can also see collections of weapons and decorations from all historical eras.

Exposition of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol

Her visit will be interesting to lovers of military history. The set of exhibits reflecting the history of the fleet on the Black Sea is amazing. The museum has 8 rooms in which visitors can see awards and maps, trophies and personal belongings of sailors of all periods of military history. An impressive collection of sailing ships and ships of the modern type in mock-ups, a collection of naval weapons, military marine devices.

Museum of Marine Disasters on the Waters

This is an unusual museum that attracts tourists with its uniqueness. It is located in the basement of the modern church, which itself is interesting for tourists. The non-canonical version of the church of St. Nicholas combines the functions of not only the church, but also the lighthouse. It was to this saint that sailors who fell into disaster prayed. The exhibition presents many exhibits telling about famous shipwrecks on the Black and other seas.

The original design of the museum immerses visitors in the right atmosphere: the twilight and darkness, the color of extreme sports, the sand on the floor. The roar of the waves is heard, the sounds of a breaking ship.

Spectacular video projections arising randomly provide an opportunity to see the wreck of ships. Among the halls are "Titanic", "Admiral Nakhimov", "Novorossiysk", "Kursk". Very interesting room, showing the subjects of diving from different periods. The observation deck in the form of a sailboat allows you to enjoy the sea views, you can twist the wheel on it.

In memory of Julian Semenov

Another literary museum worthy of the attention of tourists is the home of the most popular Soviet writer, Julian Semenov. It so happened that the life of the creator of the great spy saga ended in the Crimean Oliva, where the museum is now located. Every fan of the detective genre considers it his duty to look into the former home of the writer. It was in the Crimea that Semenov, who is in love with the peninsula, wrote his best books. He called his dacha "Stirlitz's villa", since, reflecting the hero's country house in the story, he described the house of his dreams.

Today, the museum is a little more than 10 years old; you do not need a fee to enter it, but from time to time it is possible to buy writer’s books at organized exhibitions in it. In the house saved all the situation surrounding the master of a political detective story.

Voloshin Mansion in Koktebel

Maximilian Voloshin, like many artists, poets, was once fascinated by the Crimean landscapes. The Voloshin House stands out for its architecture, as it is the only surviving village house from the end of the 19th century. The artist during his lifetime built his bohemian holiday home, Chukovsky, Gorky, Alexey Tolstoy, Bulgakov, Petrov-Vodkin often visited there. After the death of the owner, he became the home of creativity for many years.

The house has preserved the unique atmosphere that surrounded the creative person and erudite, presented his manuscripts, sketches, autographs, library. The museum regularly hosts festivals, literary symposia, open-airs for artists.

Underwater world of Tarkhankut

Diving enthusiasts go to this cape every year. In addition to the traditional water area, there is also an underwater museum. It is located at a depth of 12 m, 100 m from the shoreline. The first exhibit of the famous "Leaders Alley" was a monument to LeninAfter him, images of Karl Marx, Stalin, Voroshilov, and many Soviet figures fell to the bottom of the sea. In addition to the monuments to politicians there you can see statues of Beethoven, Mayakovsky, Tchaikovsky, Vysotsky, Yesenin, Blok, Shukshin.

Tourists, divers can attend an unusual tour, special equipment is provided. In addition, on the cape you can go fishing and walk along the seabed outside the museum.

In this video you can learn more about the Museum of Marine Disasters, which is so fascinating with its unusual atmosphere and expositions.

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