Sightseeing of Simferopol in Crimea

  1. What to see in the city?
  2. Interesting places in the vicinity
  3. Where to go with children?
  4. Top Popular Places

The city of Simferopol is very ancient and famous for its beautiful views and centuries-old history. According to historical data, the city appeared in 1794. Because the region became part of the Russian Empire, it was decided to establish the center of the Tauride region. There are many interesting beautiful places that are worth visiting for tourists.

From ancient Greek, Simferopol is translated as “the city of the collector”, and the name of the city justifies itself, because at all times the locals were engaged in the cultivation of vegetables, fruits, made delicious wine. It is worth taking a keen interest in the peculiarities of culture, age-old traditions, and then the trip will turn out to be very interesting, eventful and unforgettable in any season of the year.

This beautiful city is located on the bank of the Salgir River in the central part of the Crimean peninsula behind the formed ridges of the Crimean mountains, in the foothill region, in a hollow. Winters in Simferopol are warm, without frosts (as the climate is dry), summer is hot and lasts much longer than in central Russia.

The city is home to more than three hundred thousand people. The area is 107.41 square kilometers.

What to see in the city?

Nature Reserve Scythian Naples

This is an archaeological monument, the ruins of an ancient settlement located on Petrovsky Heights. It occupies an area of ​​approximately 20 hectares. For 200 years, the archaeological excavations of this ancient city fell on about 1/20 of its entire territory, and now, perhaps, the innumerable values ​​of the city of the Scythians are still underground. This is an open-air museum. The excavations are carried out weekly, and each time you visit this historic place you can always enrich yourself with knowledge of the history and culture of the ancient city.

In ancient times, the construction of Naples was used as an easily accessible source of material for construction. In 1827, when transporting slabs in a cart traveling from Kermenchik, a lover of collecting antiques Sultan-Crimea-Giray Kata Giray noticed several old plates with drawings and letters in Greek. On one of the ancient plates mentioned the name of the king of the Scythians Skilur (who lived more than 2000 years ago). Then the first archaeological excavations began. And already at the first discoveries, the ancient diggers were absolutely delighted, because the study revealed ancient Greek and Roman coins.

Subsequently, in further studies, archaeologists concluded that in the suburbs of the city of Simferopol there is a much more ancient and ancient city, and its name is Scythian Naples.

Since this museum-reserve is under development, excursions are conducted by archaeologists - employees of the reserve. Those interested can see how the archaeological excavations are carried out.

At present, during the excavations, various household items from the reign of the Scythian king Skilur were found.

Simferopol kenassa

The Crimean peninsula is the place where representatives of different ethnic groups lived at all times. Among the different order of ethnic groups Karaites live to this day.

Karaites profess a special form of Judaism. Kenasa House of Prayer - one of the most beautiful buildings in the city of Simferopol. This unique building mixes several architectural styles (Gothic, Moorish and Byzantine). The kenassa is located on Karaite Street, not far from Holy Trinity Convent. There was a period when the house of prayer was in a closed state.Currently kenassa is active (entrance for visitors is open daily).

Central Museum of Tavrida (Museum of Regional Studies)

Of course, the main museum of Crimea is the Museum of Tavrida, which sacredly preserves the cultural heritage and natural wealth of the peninsula.

Currently, the museum has a unique collection (more than 100 thousand items from the Paleolithic era to the present day). The collection was collected with the help of donations from local people and during archaeological expeditions in the peninsula.

In the museum you can see the personal archives of famous researchers of the Crimea, such as Christian Steven, Alexander Bertier-Delagard, Peter Köppen.

Of great value is the library "Tavrika", in which you can find old books and manuscripts, as well as more than 40 thousand historical and archaeological volumes with a description of studies of the Crimean peninsula.

Several permanent exhibits that are on display at the museum:

  • "Past Taurida";
  • "Golden Pantry";
  • Lapidary;
  • "Crimea in the period of the Russian-Turkish wars";
  • "Tauride Province";
  • "Crimea during the Great Patriotic War".
Also devoted to two museum expositions of the natural history of the Crimean peninsula.

To date Crimean Ethnographic Museum - one of the leaders of the scientific and cultural and educational centers of the Republic of Crimea. In the collection of the museum collections more than thirteen thousand items. The building where the museum is located belongs to the monuments of architecture and town planning (built in 1869, as a shelter for girls named after a certain lady, Countess A. Adlerberg, at the moment since 1992 the Crimean Ethnographic Museum has settled in the building).

The museum is actively engaged in research and educational work on ethnic chronicles and ethnology of the Crimean peninsula, and various exhibitions are open, which tell about the traditions, customs and spiritual culture of more than twenty different nationalities living on the peninsula (these include Bulgarians, Belarusians, Italians, Crimean Tatars, Greeks and many other nations).

Over the years, the acquired knowledge and experience allow the museum to become one of the centers for the preservation and study of architectural monuments of the Crimea, as well as a center for cultural and educational activities for absolutely all age groups and aesthetic education of children.

The museum is like a “model” and “reference book” on the culture and population of the Crimean peninsula.

Human Anatomy Museum

The anatomical museum appeared in 1931 on the basis of the department of normal anatomy of the Crimean Medical Institute. The museum is located in a building that is a cultural heritage. The architectural structure was built in the 18th century, previously this place was a hospital, and the well-known surgeon N. I. Pirogov worked there (the events date back to the Crimean War).

The main visitors to the museum of human anatomy are students of medical institutions, but anyone can also see the exhibits.

The collection can be divided into two groups:

  • the first is devoted to teratology (where the exhibits are shown with congenital deformities);
  • the second is dedicated to the human body (there are more than 1200 artifacts in it, popularly called it the “kunstkamera”).

Museum workers warn that children at an early age and people with an unbalanced psyche watch the exposure is not recommended.

Art Museum

The museum is located in a building built in 1910-1913 (this architectural structure is the only one of its kind on the Crimean peninsula, preserving the original, unreconstructed view). The collection of collections of the art museum is formed by the delivery of exhibits from suburban estates and palaces of the Crimea, as well as the Central Fund of the museum, the State Tretyakov Gallery (Moscow) and the State Russian Museum (St. Petersburg).

The museum consists of two buildings:

  • the first - This is the main building, where the exposition, presented on an ongoing basis;
  • the second - This is the outhouse where the exhibition halls are located.

Historical reconstruction has been performed on the territory of eight halls, where Western European, Russian and Eastern art is shown from the fifteenth century. In winter, on New Year's holidays, charity Tauride balls are often held in the museum.

Alexander Nevsky Cathedral

One of the most beautiful buildings in Simferopol is the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. The temple is located in the center of Simferopol, it contains the remains of saints.

  • Guria Tauris. In order to touch the relics of this saint it is necessary to defend a very long line, as this saint helps in the healing of many diseases, and there are many examples of healing people. His relics are kept in the lower church of the Cathedral.
  • The ark with part of the relics of St. Lazarus the Four-Day.
  • Part of the relics of Alexander Nevskyembedded in the icon (the icon is written in the Alexander Nevsky Monastery of the city of St. Petersburg).

When visiting the cathedral, it is allowed to enter only in closed clothes, and women’s head-dress must be in the form of a headscarf.

Holy Trinity Convent

In the place of the Holy Trinity convent in the eighteenth century there was a small church made of wood, and it was named after the Holy Trinity. After seventy years of existence, the church was demolished and a stone cathedral was built in its place, but in 1933 the city authorities decided to rebuild the church and donate it to the state (the leadership decided to open a boarding school in the church building).

Fate decreed that the authorities did not succeed, because there were many Greeks among the believers, and out of respect for them, the church was left untouched, and in 1937 the church was returned to the believers.

Since 2002, the cathedral has become a nunnery.

In the monastery there are two shrines: the relics of St. Luke and the icon of the Mother of God "Grieving".

Currently, the temple is open to visitors daily.

Peter and Paul Cathedral

The Peter and Paul Cathedral is one of the oldest Orthodox churches in the city. In 1787, Empress Catherine II was passing through Simferopol and ordered the construction of a temple. Construction of the cathedral for a long time could not begin, and in 1805, the residents of the city collected material resources for the construction of the temple. In 1806, the temple was built, consecrated and named in honor of the holy Apostles Peter and Paul.

The temple was built of wood, and after 20 years of operation came into disrepair, and it had to be closed. Within a few years, the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral was built and all church property was transferred to the use of the new cathedral.

In 1866, the construction of the Peter and Paul Church was dismantled, and in its place began the construction of the newest beautiful building of the temple designed by the architect from St. Petersburg K. Lazarev.

When the Great Patriotic War began, the temple served as a warehouse and was in a great desolation until 1980.

Since 1980, the restoration of the Peter and Paul Church began.

After restoration work, the temple fits nicely into the architecture of the old city.

In 2004, a miracle happened: a miraculous face appeared on the glass of the icon of St. Nicholas the Wonderworker. The image of the shrine to this day is located next to the icon of St. Nicholas. Now tourists and pilgrims from different countries of the world come to see the miracle.

Museum of Military Glory

This museum is the center of the military-political education of the youth of the city of Simferopol. Exposure area is 72 square meters. The museum's collection contains 304 exhibits, including photo documentation materials, badges and medals, of which 64 are included in the State Register of the Museum Fund of Russia. There are daily meetings of schoolchildren with the participants of the Great Patriotic War, as well as excursions, lectures and conferences.

All museum exhibits are collected as a result of exploratory research on the battlefield.Museum materials serve as a good example for history lessons taught by school teachers in the museum.

Each year the museum receives up to two thousand people.

Kinopark "Viking"

Kinopark was opened on the basis of the scenery for the film saga "Viking". It is an amusement park for the whole family. This place is a reconstruction of the “Viking village”.

For visitors organized theatrical battles, inside each house shows how these people lived. Also here are often games and various master classes.

Interesting places in the vicinity

Ostrich farm

For holidaymakers in Simferopol, Denisovskaya ostrich farm, which is six kilometers from the city center, can be an additional active vacation. Ostrich farm can be called conditionally, since there, besides ostriches, donkeys, Vietnamese pigs and horses live there. Today, about 100 African ostriches live in Denisovka, there is also an ostrich "kindergarten", which is very popular among children and adults. Horses and donkeys are used on the farm for visitors as a means of transportation around the neighborhood, for sightseeing of the Crimea.

Also on the farm guests expect:

  • detailed tour of the farm;
  • fishing;
  • different programs for children.

In the south, travelers can visit the following natural sights of the Crimea.

  • Plateau Chater-Dag, where it is recommended to visit the Marble and Emine-Bair-Hosar caves. The “marble” cave was named because there are marble deposits nearby, it is known for its length of up to two kilometers. There are a lot of halls in the cave (“Oval” - there are elements of structures that are more than a million years old, “Palace”, “Clay”, “Tiger tunnel”, “Vernadsky Hall”, “Lyustroviy”, “Hall of Hope”, “Pink” and "Theatrical").

The peculiarity of the cave is that it has been preserved in its original appearance, despite its antiquity. The beauty of the cave is supported by a group of specialists. It is impossible to pass the cave at a time, so tourists are invited to make three visits.

  • The Emine-Bair-Khosar cave, a mammoth cave, was discovered in 1927. Presented as a karst cave with a length of 700 meters (if the path is equipped). The walk through the cave takes about an hour and a half. The natural mineralogical reserve of the Crimean peninsula is considered to be the lower abstraction of the cave.
  • Angarsk pass (developed hiking trails that go to the Crimean Mountains and are removed deep into the peninsula).

Taigan Safari Park

This is a very memorable place located in the suburbs of Simferopol. To create the park was spent a lot of effort. Animals were collected over five years from many zoos in the country and not only. For example, unique white lions were brought from distant countries, and this is the only place in Russia where you can admire them live.

Not only lions live in safari parks, but also tigers, roes, bison and even giraffes. It is very interesting to watch animals with special platforms, which are much higher than walking animals. All animals in free mode are walking around the park.

The park is strictly prohibited:

  • expose hands to animal cages;
  • make noise, scare and tease pets;
  • break trees and shrubs;
  • bring other animals with you (especially dogs);
  • go over the fence to the animals;
  • Children who are less than ten years old are not allowed to come unaccompanied.

On the territory of the safari park there is a hotel, a restaurant and many other interesting things, including attractions.

Here you can stay overnight and observe animals at night, because at night many species behave much more relaxed.

Where to go with children?

Chocolate Museum

In this fabulous place will be very interesting for both children and adults. Here are various delicious instances of "modern art" in chocolate.

Chocolate expositions are presented in the form of bouquets, portraits and various world-famous buildings of architecture.

The museum has a cafe where you can try interesting chocolate creations, as well as cakes and pastries.

By the way, museum tickets are also made from delicious chocolate, and after visiting the exhibition you can eat them.

Children's park

The opening of the children's park took place in 1958. There is everything for the rest of children and their parents: cafes, green alleys, flower beds of beautiful flowers. There are many different attractions in the park, cinema halls work. There is a glade of fairy tales with different fairy-tale characters: a hut on chicken legs, three heroes and many others. Also in a small zoo corner you can see horses, ponies and llamas. In any season here is festive and fun.

Emoticon Museum

A visit to the museum of emoticons will be remembered for a long time by children and their parents. This fun, positive museum is located in the open air in the suburbs of Simferopol and has a large set of smiles in a huge amount (the height of yellow emoticons reaches two meters). Each copy represents an emotion: smile, admiration, thoughtfulness, love, etc.

An interactive sociable smiley “lives” in the museum building. This cheerful copy, entertaining, communicates with children, their parents and other visitors of the museum, talking, making puzzles of various kinds and answering various questions.

Zoo museum

Zoological Museum is a very informative and interesting place for children and their parents. Currently, the museum has more than four thousand exhibits, which will be interesting to see children of school age. The museum is divided into two halls: in the first there are invertebrate specimens (mollusks, various kinds of worms, and much more interesting things); in the second - vertebrates: birds, lynxes, bears, elephants and other specimens of the animal world. You need to know that the museum exhibits gathered from all over the world during scientific expeditions at different times.

Top Popular Places

The list of places that must be visited by travel lovers who come to the city of Simferopol:

  • the main attraction is the Scythian Reserve Naples;
  • Alexander Nevsky Cathedral;
  • Holy Trinity Convent;
  • Peter and Paul Cathedral;
  • Simferopol kenassa;
  • Central Museum of Tavrida (Museum of Regional Studies);
  • Crimean ethnographic museum;
  • human anatomy museum;
  • Art Museum;
  • Museum of Military Glory;
  • Plateau Chatyr-Dag (Marble Cave and Emine-Bair-Hosar Cave);
  • Angarsk pass;
  • chocolate Museum;
  • children's park;
  • emoticon museum;
  • Zoo museum;
  • safari park "Taigan".

In this sunny and beautiful city you can brightly and intensively spend your vacation, which will leave the most pleasant memories of the Crimea.

For excursions in Simferopol you need at least five days to see all the beauty. Therefore, it is worthwhile to think in advance where you can stay and book a hotel room. You also need to know in advance the options for excursions offered by local guides - it will be more convenient to draw up a further travel plan for the Crimean peninsula.

No matter what season you visit Simferopol - the city will leave a lot of good, positive memories about itself. And we must also remember that the Crimean peninsula is beautiful at any time of the year. The mild warm climate with barely perceptible marine notes will not only enjoy the rest, but also improve your health.

Below you can watch a video about which places belong to the 10-ke of the best attractions of Simferopol.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


