List of palaces of the Crimea

  1. Popular palaces
  2. Little known places
  3. Old buildings
  4. How to choose?

Crimea should not be taken solely as a place for a beach holiday (although the beaches there are excellent). Not as many southern regions can boast with such a number of attractions as in the Crimea. No wonder - after all, the Russian nobles rested right here, and they lived not in the private sector, but in palaces with the appropriate furnishings. It is about the Crimean palaces, recommended to visit in the first place, today will be discussed.

Popular palaces

Perhaps the most famous is Bakhchisaray (Khansky). It is as beautiful as it is original. His oriental flavor captivates everyone who saw him. Perhaps it would be fair to call the Bakhchisarai Palace a pearl of the Crimea. Its construction began in the middle of the XVI century.

Now on its territory is a working museum. The famous Bakhchisarai fountain, the fountain of tears, is presented to the attention of visitors; it was he who sang in the eponymous poem by A. S. Pushkin. You can also admire the Great Khan's Mosque, the Divan Hall, the chambers of both the Khan and the harem, the Golden Cabinet.

To visit the Palace of Bakhchisarai, you need to go, actually, to Bakhchisarai, on Rechnuyu Street, 133. The museum has its own website, which has both a schedule and prices for excursions for tourists.

Palace of the Emir of Bukhara - one of the most beautiful sights of Yalta. It was built in the late XIX - early XX centuries, then it was surrounded by a park. The emir himself called the palace “Dilkiso”, which in Turkish means “captivating”. The architecture of the building was designed in the Moorish style; it was built by the Yalta architect N. G. Tarasov. For the construction of the walls used Kerch stone. The building has an asymmetrical composition, it is decorated with fine carvings, porticos, loggias and terraces. Now there is a sanatorium inside the palace, so it is available for inspection exclusively from the outside.

To admire the "Dilkiso", you need to go to Yalta, the desired place is located near the Embankment and Seaside Park, on the street of Sevastopol.

Livadia Palace was built for Nicholas II at the beginning of the XX century architect N. P. Krasnov. The architecture of the palace belongs to the Italian style, the amount spent on its construction, by that time fabulous - about two million rubles. Inkerman limestone was used for the construction of the palace, so it is white. Communications at the Livadia Palace at that time were the most modern. The palace is surrounded by a beautiful park with evergreens from all over the world, flowerbeds of stunning beauty and gazebos with benches. The Tsar's trail - the most famous path of the park, passing over the sea shore - is available for walking now.

Livadia Palace is an active museum that conducts tours for tourists. Rest rooms of the crowned family, halls in which receptions were held, as well as the hall for the Yalta Conference (February 4-11, 1945) are available for viewing. To get here, you need to go to Livadia, Baturin street, 44A. You can get both by bus and by boat.

The castle of Princess Gagarina stands on Cape PlakaIt is built in the Gothic style. The entrance in front of it is topped with the inscription: "In ancient times - strength." The construction of the castle the princess wanted to leave for centuries the memory of her dead husband and love for him.

When building the castle, neither did they spare the materials or the finishing. It was built by the same architect N. P. Krasnov, who built the Livadia Palace. The construction was carried out of Italian marble, Venetian glass and German tiles.At the end of construction, the princess died. And after two decades in 1927, there was a strong earthquake. Half the castle was destroyed. It had to be restored according to the description of the castle. Today in this building there is a cliff sanatorium, surrounded by an old landscape park, and through it you can get into the botanical garden Karasan to the palace of the princes Rayevsky.

To get there, you need to go to the Big Alushta, in p. Cliff. From the village of Pushkino you can walk to the palace, you can get from the station in Simferopol.

Karasan Palace is named after the Persian province. It was built by the architect from Crimea K. Eshliman due to the investments of the owner of the estate of M. M. Borodin, who was a general of the army. Construction took place in the 1830s, later the Rayevskys became the owners of the estate. Today, the building found a place for the sanatorium "Karasan". The park, located around the palace, is considered the oldest in the Crimea. Its area reaches 18 hectares, and more than 200 species of trees and shrubs grow on the territory. To get to the sanatorium, you need to get from Yalta to the village of Pushkino, and then walk.

Kichkine - a small palace located on the cliff of Ai-Todor Cape. It is located at some distance from the settlements of Gaspra and Kurpaty, or rather, between them. Tours for tourists on the territory are not held, but you can make them yourself, and since there are quite a lot of beaches and they are excellent, you can spend the whole day there. Now in Kichkine there is a hotel with the appropriate name, and in the other half of it there is a functioning museum, which is open to the public.

Translated from the Tatar Kichkine means "baby." The name of the building was precisely because of the rather modest size. However, this does not negate its inherent luxury. The construction was completed in 1913, the construction took place on the order of D. K. Romanov by architect N. G. Tarasov, who, due to tight deadlines set by the customer, had to be involved in the work of Yalta architect L. N. Shapovalov. So deadlines managed to comply.

To get to Kichkine, you need to drive a little more than a kilometer along the Alupka highway in the direction of Yalta.

Palace "Murad-Avur", which means "fulfillment of desires", was designed by the same N. P. Krasnov on the order of N. N. Comstadius, a Russified representative of the ancient Swedish noble family. Murad-Avur was built in several stages - first, they completed the construction of a three-story stone outhouse, and later - the palace itself. The construction was carried out in full accordance with the topography of the place, from the south it is three-storey, and from the north - two-storey. In accordance with the wishes of the owner, there are no decorations on the facades, however, the interior was rich inside. Unfortunately, the Comstadius family did not have long to enjoy the atmosphere; in 1921 the estate was nationalized. The head of the family died in 1917, and gradually all the members of the Comstadius clan died. Today in "Murad-Avur" is a hotel.

Little known places

Yusupov Palace in Koreiz created as a result of the restructuring of the Pink House, which was owned by Princess Golitsyna. It happened in 1909. The building is very impressive and monumental, solid. One should speak not so much about restructuring as about the demolition and construction in its place of a completely different structure. One of the most memorable parts of the palace are its stone lions guarding the stairs, the park and the territory.

Castle "Dulber" can rightly be called the eastern pearl of the Crimea. He belonged to the list of estates of Russian tsars, as the owner was the great-uncle of Nicholas II, Grand Duke Peter Nikolayevich. The construction was supervised by N. P. Krasnov, but the project was developed by the customer himself. The architect was quite difficult, because the terrain at the site is difficult, and the place is earthquake-prone, nevertheless he coped with the task, Dulber is still in place. The style of the palace is Moorish, but at the same time austere and simple.One of the most interesting features of Dulber are the ornaments that adorn its walls.

Old buildings

The house of the architect Wegener - the building is very beautiful, but abandoned, located next to the Mordvin park. It is decorated with marble statues that would honor any castle. The balcony is decorated with Masonic coat of arms. Unfortunately, today the state of the mansion is very neglected, in some windows there are modern plastic windows that spoil its appearance. However, the old window frames are still in the mansion, good condition of parquet, fireplaces, tiles and wooden panels with carvings.

The building of princess Baryatinsky "Uch-Cham", which means "Three pines", belongs to equally beautiful buildings. Until 1918, the princess owned a mansion built by an unknown architect. Perhaps it was Wegener. After 1920, the mansion was nationalized, during the war it was used as a sanatorium for wounded soldiers. In 1951 it was reconstructed. Now there is a hotel in the building of the mansion.

The palace of Count Mordvinov was built not far from the Three Pines. By its architecture, it is similar to a Mediterranean villa. Construction proceeded under the direction of the same Wegener. In 1927, the house of Mordvinov came under the authority of the USSR Ministry of Internal Affairs. Now it is put up for sale, but since its cost is extremely high - about 220 million rubles - there are no buyers yet.

Another interesting building is the center of children's and youth creativity, the former hospital of S. N. Vasiliev. This is a beautiful old building, however, it has not been repaired for a long time. Two stone griffins sit on the roof, the symbols of the peninsula - they are strong as lions and free as eagles. In the center of Yalta, you can see many more beautiful abandoned buildings, historical and cultural monuments.

How to choose?

Each tourist makes a choice independently, having studied the information available on the Internet. Make a list, a plan of what you want to see. You need to watch what you are really interested in.

And if you have enough time - see everything, the nature of Crimea is gorgeous, the air is fresh, the beaches are excellent. What could be more enjoyable than walking around the most beautiful parks and palaces on a beautiful summer day? Just swim in the sea after a walk! And the next day, once again go to the promenade.

About Khan's Palace, see the following video.

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