Toplovsky monastery in the Crimea: what is he famous for and how to get there?

  1. Story
  2. What is interesting?
  3. Where is?
  4. How to get there

On the territory of the modern Crimea there are a large number of churches, chapels and monasteries. Tourists and pilgrims visit these amazing places every year with particular trepidation. There they find peace of mind, harmony with nature, answers to their questions, help in various life situations, healing.

One of these monasteries is the Holy Trinity Monastery of Toplovsky, which was named Paraskevievsky after the holy martyr Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.


The legend says that in the II century AD in Rome lived a young girl named Paraskeva. She was a Christian. Having lost her pious parents early, Paraskeva after their death decided to preach the gospel of Jesus Christ to the pagans. It took place in different countries and ended up in the Crimea. In those days, the ruler was King Tarasios.

He hated Christians and the teachings of Christ, subjected his followers to persecution and destruction. Tarasiy persecuted Paraskeva, called Friday, since she was born on this day of the week. During the sermon, she was subjected to terrible torture, and then she was beheaded.

At the place of the execution of the martyrs he scored a life-giving spring. Its water heals various ailments for the past 19 centuries.

At the end of the seventeenth century, an icon of St. Paraskeva Friday was found near the source. Later it was transferred to the Mariupol Church of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin.

The icon became famous for miraculously protecting the city of Mariupol from the invasion of cholera. This event occurred after the procession was made with this shrine around the city. Monk Martyr Paraskeva hears prayers to her and helps all people in need.

A chapel was subsequently erected at the holy spring. The village, next to which the described events took place, was called Toplu during the rule of the Roman emperors. Later it was renamed. Now this village Topolevka.

Over time, near the healing spring, the Toplovsky Convent was built in the valley of the Mokriy Indol river. It is located in a picturesque place in the heart of the Crimean forest land.

The official opening of the women's monastery was in August 1864 with the blessing of Archbishop Alexy, and its formal closure took place in April 1923.

In the period from 1889 to 1928 the management of the monastery was entrusted to Abbess Paraskeva (Vyacheslav). The nuns wove carpets, painted icons, grew exotic fruits, they survived as best they could.

In 1928 a miraculous icon of Our Lady of Kazan, which was later stolen, was donated to the monastery by a wealthy benefactor, and the monastery was plundered.

In the first months of 1929, the People's Commissariat evicted every single nun from the monastery, and the Holy Trinity Cathedral being built was blown up.

The full revival of the Holy Trinity Paraskevievsky Monastery began in July 1993, when its Charter was officially registered by the Council for Religious Affairs.

In 1998, the monastery passed into the office of the Mother Superior with the name Paraskeva (Tishchenko).

During the period of her rule, the chapel of St. Paraskeva Pyatnitsa was restored, and fonts on holy sources were erected. Restoration of the churches of St. Paraskeva and Joy of All Who Sorrow was made.

On the donations of the parishioners built household facilities, conducted plumbing. Paved asphalt on the way to the monastery. The sisters bake bread, prosphora, Easter cakes in their bakery.On the territory of the monastery there is a sewing workshop, it sews church and monastic vestments.

At the moment, there are 40 nuns living in the monastery. Sisters-nuns have their own farm, apiary and allotment of 10 hectares. The monastery passed the pond, in it the nuns bred fish.

The restoration of the Holy Trinity of the destroyed cathedral is being actively carried out.

What is interesting?

The holy monastery attracts tourists and pilgrims from different parts of the country, as well as abroad, with its unique energy.

On the territory of the monastery there are three sources, fonts, temples, relics of God's holy saints, icons. The main shrine of the monastery is the miraculous icon of the Virgin "Kazan". There are arks with the relics of the Kiev-Pechersk elders, Paraskeva Pyatnitsa.

In addition to the chapel, there is a font near the holy spring of the martyr Paraskeva of Rome. She is covered. Water from all three life-giving sources flows into this font.

In it, everyone who wants to do the ablution. Through prayers and faith, they receive healing of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Water from the source helps to get rid of headaches and treats eye diseases. Women suffering from infertility, after visiting Toplovsky Holy Trinity-Paraskevievsky monastery and plunging into the waters of the source of the holy Paraskeva Friday, soon gain happiness of motherhood.

Another shrine is a spring in honor of the great martyr George the Victorious, who died for the faith of Christ under Emperor Diocletian, he is the patron saint of the army and navy. On the icons he is depicted on a white horse, with a spear piercing the serpent. The nuns of the Holy Toitsa-Paraskevievsky monastery saw the rider three times. He appeared to them on the way to the source, and they realized that it was George himself.

The waters of the holy source help the people who washed in them to get rid of nervous disorders, to gain confidence in their abilities. The nuns claim that after dipping at the source, bone pains cease.

From the women's monastery to the holy place revered by pilgrims leads the road. It is located at a distance of about 1.5-2 kilometers from the monastery. The road winds along the slopes of the mountains. So that travelers do not get lost, there are signs all the way. A chapel was built near the spring, where there is a belfry. There are also two fonts for washing in holy waters, separately for men and women.

At a distance of 5 km from the Toplovsky Monastery along a forest road, a 50-minute walk from the St. St. George the Victorious, in the mountains is located another source. It is named after the three saints. (St. Basil the Great, John Chrysostom and Gregory the Theologian).

Its water flows from the cliff directly into the lake, where pilgrims perform ablution.

St. Basil the Great is the intercessor of all offended and persecuted, undeservedly humiliated people.

He gives strength of spirit and helps to study various sciences.

John Chrysostom wrote psalms and sermons. He is a fighter against global injustice. He helps the believers praying to him in raising children, maintaining peace and well-being in the family.

St. Gregory the Theologian strengthens all those who doubt the existence of God, and gives spiritual support. He protects Christians, through their prayers, from being hurt and put under pressure from superiors or colleagues at work if they find out about a believing employee.

The waters of the source of the three Holy Hierarchs have tremendous healing power and they are being treated for various nervous disorders. After washing in them, people leave the state of depression and depression.

If for health reasons someone cannot climb high into the mountain, then it is possible for them to wash with water from a spring in the lower font in the territory of the Toplov monastery. It is located next to the temple, erected in honor of the holy Reverend Martyr Paraskeva of Rome ..

Water from three sources flows into the font.

Where is?

Toplovsky Paraskevievsky female monastery is one of the main attractions of the Crimean peninsula. Situated on the slope of Mount Karatau, surrounded by a thick forest of wondrous beauty, it binds, as it were, all earthly and heavenly, God and people. From the monastery opens a gaze, a unique view.

Geographically, the monastery cloister is concentrated in the southeast of Crimea in the Belogorye area. If you look at the map, the Toplovsky Monastery is located between the cities of Feodosia and Simferopol in the village of Uchebnoy, which is near Topolivka village. Need to go on Feodosia highway. The village itself is located at a distance of 70 km from the city of Simferopol. The exact address of the monastery is on its official Orthodox website.

You can write a letter on the following details: index 297652, address: Crimean Federal District, Belogorsk district, village Educational, Toplovsky convent.

How to get there

Find the Holy Trinity Paraskevievskaya Crimean monastery can easily.

If you are going to go from Sevastopol to the monastery by bus or minibus with children, then you need to take into account the fact that you will have to walk 1.5 kilometers from the road where you will be dropped off Only having overcome this distance, you will approach the cloister gate.

The bus leaves from the bus station, located near the train station. The ticket should be purchased for the flight Sevastopol - Kerch. You need to buy it before stopping with the name "Topoly". There you will be landed, and you will go upwards, following the signs there. If there are no tickets to Topolevka on sale, you need to buy them before the village of Grushevka and ask the driver to drop you off at the turn to the Toplovsky nunnery.

Travelers from Sudak or Theodosia should move in the direction of Simferopol. After the Old Crimea, at the bus stop "Topoly" there will be a sign towards the monastery on the left side.

You can get to the holy place by car. From Simferopol, you need to leave in the direction of Feodosia. After you pass Belogorsk, will be with. Topolevka, and there is a pointer to the right, next to it turn. You must follow the signs and you will arrive at the monastery.

You can get to the Toplovsky Monastery by the federal highway in one hour by car.

Pilgrims and tourists from other regions of the country, as well as foreign guests are best to use the services of airlines. You need to take a ticket for the flight Moscow - Simferopol, and from there go to the monastery, choosing the most suitable mode of transport for you.

See what the Toplovsky Monastery in the Crimea is famous for and how to get there, see the next video.

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