Review of reserves of the Crimea

  1. Description of reserves by geographical location
  2. Most accessible zakazniki
  3. Record protected places
  4. What should be considered when visiting?

More and more Russian tourists have recently been preferring our overseas coasts of ours, domestic recreation areas. And one of them is the Crimean peninsula. The amazing natural world and the healing air of the Black Sea coast, coupled with the tops of the Crimean mountains work wonders with tourists.

Agree, to combine business with useful, comfortable vacation and recreational walks in unique places can not be in all corners of our planet.

Description of reserves by geographical location

The unique fauna and flora of the Crimean peninsula contributed to the fact that it is here that a considerable number of reserves (5.4% of the area) are concentrated on a small (relatively) territory. There are a lot of places that are almost not affected by the result of the rapidly developing activities of mankind.

The reserve zone of the peninsula consists of 6 state reserves, as well as 73 natural monuments, more than 30 landscape gardens, 9 tracts and 33 reserves. To determine their exact location, you must arm yourself with a map of Crimea and choose the most entertaining, in your opinion.

The authorities of the Crimean peninsula take care to protect the monuments of nature. Relying on the hydrological results of the study of water resources that ensure the life cycle of nature reserves, people hope that the original nature will be preserved for future generations. Reserves in Crimea began to appear at the beginning of the last century, and the most famous of them today:

  • Crimean Nature Reserve;
  • Yalta;
  • Cape Martian;
  • Karadag Nature Reserve;
  • Kazantip;
  • Opuksky;
  • Swan Islands;
  • Astana floats;
  • Haphal reserve;
  • Nikitsky Botanical Garden.

Of course, there are much more reserved areas, and the residents of Crimea have a careful attitude to each of them. Enjoy the beauty of such natural monuments is permissible for any vacationer, the main thing is not to litter them and not leave behind "bright memories."

On the southern coast

On the southern coast of the Crimean peninsula are famous Karadag Reserve, Paragilmen Botanical Reserve, Cape Fiolent, Arbat Reserve, Cape Martyan. From south to north, stretched the largest Crimean Reserve. Its area occupies more than 44 thousand hectares of the peninsula and amazes with its originality. In the south side is located and Yalta Natural Reserve.

In the West

In the west of the Crimea are the famous Lebyazhy Islands, Cape Aya, on the north-west coast is located Cape Kazantip, and in the western part of the Tarkhankut peninsula - amazing tract Dzhangul. The latter is located on the landslide of the coast, so it may immediately seem that there are harsh and wild places. Rather, Dzhangul recalls the scenery of a fantastic film, the main decoration of which is a limestone column, which is 40 meters high.

In the east

General's natural beaches Karalar reserve, located in the eastern region of the Crimean peninsula, located 35 kilometers from the city of Kerch. Solitary coves with clear water, endless steppes with unique vegetation, sandy beaches with warm sand, hills and hills, unparalleled fishing - many vacationers feel very comfortable here.

Kalinovsky park or reserve occupies an area of ​​12 thousand hectares and was created thanks to the initiative of local residents who are concerned about the ecological status of the territory. More than 150 species of birds live here.

Most accessible zakazniki

The most popular and most accessible reserve of the Crimea - Karadag. Both holidaymakers who come here and a whole galaxy of scientists are delighted with it. It is located 36 kilometers from the city of Feodosia.

The volcanic massif Kara-Dag ("Black Mountain"), 150 million years old, rising above sea level, has become the most beautiful corner of the Crimean peninsula. In 1914 a research station named after T. I. Vyazemsky was opened there. Later, the well-known academician A.P. Pavlov in 1922 proposed to establish a reserve here. His idea was embodied much later, at the end of the 70s of the last century. therefore Karadag Reserve - the youngest of all.

The history of the ancient volcano is covered with many myths and legends, one of which is the existence of the Karadag serpent or monster. The reserve covers an area of ​​more than 3,000 hectares. Bizarre rocks and mountains make up a special attraction of the Crimean landscape: The Holy Mountain, arched formation of 15 meters in height, the Golden Gate, which are the hallmark of the reserve. More than 2500 different species of flora will surprise curious travelers, 52 of which are endemic.

There are a lot of semi-precious stones in the depths of the Karadag nature reserve: jasper, rock crystal, agates, etc. More than 3000 animals live in the protected areas of Karadag. You can travel here both by land and by sea. Karadag volcanic massif is literally riddled with gorges and slab-shaped massifs, what is a pretty pictorial picture.

Yalta mountain-forest reserve "began" in 1973. Today it represents 40 kilometers in length of wonderful views and natural landscapes. Its total area is almost 143 square meters. km The main part of it is covered by forests that replace mountain ridges, and the highest point of the reserve is Mount Roca (1349 m).

You can visit this wonderful world only at certain times, there are many excursion routes here. Most of the time scientific research is carried out by scientists and environmentalists.

Half of the reserve is a forest of Crimean pine, there are also plantations of beech, juniper, pistachio and strawberry. Representatives of the fauna are quite diverse, many of which are listed in the Red Book: burial eagle, peregrine falcon, leopard snake. Landscapes of the Yalta Reserve leave a lasting impression - from the monumental Mount Ai-Petri (1234 m) and the Devil’s Ladder to the Three-Eye Cave.

Rest tired tourists will be in the thickets Cherry Orchard, in the so-called chairah. On the territory of the reserve there is a museum where exhibits representing the flora and fauna of the Crimean peninsula are represented.

Schoolchildren often come here, for whom special lectures are held, introducing the nature of their native land.

Record protected places

Among the numerous reserved places of the Crimean peninsula there are especially popular ones, where tourists who are completely unfamiliar with the pearls of the Crimea go. The list of such record places is pretty impressive:

  • Kazantip Nature Reserve;
  • Caralar Natural Park;
  • Opuksky, though small, but memorable forever;
  • Swan Islands.

A cape in the Sea of ​​Azov, more resembling an elongated gear in shape, having the name Kazantip, fascinates at first sight. Let there be no lush vegetation usual for the Crimean mountains, but its geological and natural features, sometimes even a bit harsh, were especially loved by travelers.

To some, the Kazantip seems to resemble a deserted coast, but such a picture can take place only in particularly hot months of summer.Then the coastal zone of a reserved place reminds of Martian landscapes.

But in spring, after abundant southern rains, the steppe nature seems to be waking up - the territory of Kazantip is covered with indescribably emerald green, this is where the rare type of butterflies of the marigolds is worn, and several of them at once. On the territory of the protected zone are famous monuments of the past - menhirs and ancient settlements, considered to be sources of vital energy. Small castles of past centuries attract the attention of many tourists.

The largest

The oldest and largest reserve of the peninsula, Krymsky, was founded in 1923 and occupies the most significant area in comparison with its “brothers”: from Yalta to Alushta. During the war, the reserve suffered greatly from the fires that destroyed nature and destroyed many animals, but in 1944 the reserve was restored.

Thousands of tourists come here to enjoy the magnificent sight, the miraculous monuments of nature.

Fascinating starts from the very beginning of the journey - mountain serpentine along the Romanovsky highway, trout-breeding farm, wonderful Cosmo-Damianovsky Monastery. From the pass you can see the highest mountain peak of Crimea - Mount Romash Kosh. Later tourists waiting for the famous Arbor of the Windsfrom where you can see the entire southern coast of the Crimean peninsula. Have Red Stone Rockssurrounded by Crimean vineyards, you can breathe the purest southern air.

In this natural area, many rivers of the Crimean peninsula begin: Kacha, Alma, Ulu-Uzen and others. More than 300 natural mountain springs and springs are famous for their healing properties. The most famous of them is Savlukh-Su, whose water contains silver ions. There are many caves and grottos, natural wells.

On the territory of the reserve there are more than a thousand plant species, a considerable part of which listed in the Red Book. On the slopes of the mountains grow oak, oak-pine and beech-pine forests. After the forests, mountain meadows and plagues begin, and various kinds of fish inhabit the rivers and mountain lakes.

Swan Islands - one of the most romantic and unforgettable vacation spots on the peninsula. This reserve zone is part of the Crimean Reserve, although it is at a decent distance from it. This is the so-called specially protected area, which can only be reached by sea with a special permit. The real kingdom of birds, which can only be seen here, includes pink flamingos, gulls, pelicans, cormorants and graceful swans.

Hunting here is strictly prohibited, as well as catching the Black Sea salmon. In the waters of the Kazantip Reserve splash all kinds of Black Sea dolphins, there are also seahorses here.

The restriction in visiting the Lebyazhy Islands leads to the fact that the number of flora and fauna increases markedly, which means that the protected area will delight all new and new visitors.

The smallest

Cape Martian appeared only in 1973 and immediately gained popularity among travelers. The size of the cape is only about 240 hectares, it is located on the territory of the Nikitsky Botanical Garden. Despite the small territory There are growing magnificent exhibits of the Black Sea flora: more than 500 species of trees and shrubs, almost 50 species of moss, about 250 lichens.

Here you can see more than 148 bird species, 28 of which are rare: yellow heron, sandpiper, peregrine falcon. And what is the most attractive, warm weather on the Cape remains almost half a year. The remains of masonry of the medieval fortress Ruskofil-Kale, where curious tourists come, are located on a cliff.

The youngest

Opuksky Reserve was founded quite recently - in 1998. It is located in the south of the Crimea and is named after the mountain of the same name Opuk, whose height is 185 meters. At its western foot is the salt lake Koyashskoe.

The local landscape is quite unusual - rocks, islets, heaps of stone clusters, sea grottoes, and in the distance, in the sea - Rocks-Ships. For a long time, the Opuksky Reserve was a closed territory, therefore Many representatives of flora and fauna survived, not affected by human hands.

A number of rare plant species have been recorded in the reserve, quite rare reptiles are found, many species of birds winter there, and sturgeon, beluga, seahorse and monk seals swim in the waters of the coastal waters.

What should be considered when visiting?

Visiting the protected areas of the wonderful Crimean Peninsula, it must be remembered that not all of them can only be visited by tourists of their own accord. The nature, flora and fauna of the reserves are too fragile and sensitive to the effects of human civilization.

To keep them in their original form, travelers visit them at a certain time and only with the permission and accompanied by employees of the reserve. Therefore, having gathered on the road and deciding to visit the best protected areas of the Crimea, Be sure to contact the administration through the official website and discuss all the details.

In no case can not go to the reserves on their own - you can expect not quite pleasant surprises, and in some cases the danger.

For trips to nature reserves, choose closed clothes and shoes, as well as various insect bite sprays and sunscreen. And, of course, you need to take water on a trip - not less than a liter per person. Then your vacation will surely bring you a lot of pleasure and discovery.

Video review of reserves of the Crimea see below.

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