Dress styles and models

Dress bag - for extravagant women

Dress bag - for extravagant women

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  1. Features
  2. Types of styles
  3. Who is going to?
  4. What to wear?
  5. Footwear
  6. Accessories

Despite the fact that pants and suits have long been firmly settled in our wardrobes, the dress is still the most feminine element of clothing. Only in a dress can a girl feel like a truly graceful and fragile creature. However, the classic fluffy or slinky dresses quickly get bored, so designers are in the eternal search for new fashionable solutions.

Over the last century, many original styles of dresses for a variety of occasions. This article is devoted to one of the most extravagant models - dress-bag. We will talk about what it is, who is suitable and how to properly wear it.


Dress bag has an extremely simple cut: it is a spacious garment, devoid of chest lines, waist and hips. It completely hides the figure from the shoulders to the knees or even lower.

Despite the fact that such a bold style is considered a recent invention, its prototype appeared about 300 years ago. At that time, women thought that the outfits should be not only beautiful, but also comfortable, allowing them to move comfortably. It was then that dresses appeared distantly similar to modern “bags” - with a classic tight bodice and long sleeves, but with a very fluffy and loose skirt.

Pretty quickly, the fashion for spacious outfits was forgotten and the next time the dress bag appeared on the fashion scene after the First World War - when they began to prefer simple and unpretentious clothes. However, the real popularity came to this model only in the middle of the last century, when it began to appear in the collections of famous couturiers.

Today the dress bag is a variant of casual clothes for girls who lead a dynamic lifestyle. In the modern incarnation, such a dress can be complemented with various details: pockets, sleeves or a collar.

Types of styles

Dress bag straight cut. This is a classic version of this model. Under this dress hides all the curves and bumps of the figure, so many girls intercept the outfit at the waist with a belt or a strap to create a more feminine image.

Crop dress bag. This is a summer version of this style. In a spacious dress with a skirt to mid-thigh, you will be comfortable even on the hottest day. Models for summer are usually made from thin, natural fabrics of bright colors - chiffon, chintz, flax, etc.

Dress bag with pockets. This is not only a comfortable outfit for every day, but a great option for the office. Large patch pockets will add a bit of mischief to a strict and uncluttered business dress. Often, the pockets are made of a material contrasting in color or texture.

Dress bag with zipper. Another variation of this outfit. Lightning on clothes can be not only functional, but also a decorative element. Dresses with a long zipper on the back look especially impressive: a vertical line visually pulls and narrows the figure.

Dress bag with a smell. It is a cross between a dress and a bathrobe without a belt. It looks very unusual, but not every girl will risk putting it on, since it can visually distort the proportions of the figure. Quite often such dresses have wide sleeves.

Who is going to?

The dress bag is a very specific outfit and, unfortunately, is not suitable for everyone. It is considered that only tall, slender girls can afford a dress of this style, since the rectangular shape makes the figure shorter and more voluminous.

In fact, the dress bag can be worn with any height, you just need to choose the right length:

  • Elongated models covering their knees fit long-legged young ladies - minus a few centimeters of growth does not matter to them.
  • Miniature ladies should pay attention to the dress-bags with a skirt above the knee. Models for the cold season can be worn with tight tights or leggings - so you will not sacrifice either beauty or your own comfort.
  • Slender girls dress-bag does not hurt, but only creates the desired volumes in the right places.
  • Pyshechki in such a dress, too, will feel confident, as it can hide problem areas. If you have a short stature and a full figure, the bag dress should be handled very carefully. Avoid models with patch pockets, short sleeves, draping, and horizontal patterns. In addition, be sure to wear to this side heels.

What to wear?

Despite the fact that at first glance the dress bag seems rather extravagant, it is a truly multifunctional piece of clothing, on the basis of which several images can be formed in different styles.

  • To create an image in style grunge - a mixture of punk outfits and work uniforms - dress-bag should be combined with heavy lace-up boots and a leather jacket resembling a leather jacket. Embellished outfit with metal studs and trendy torn tights.
  • Style casual implies simplicity, convenience and, at the same time, elegance. A wide coat in a cage with a shortened sleeve, long gloves, high boots - together with a dress bag all form a harmonious ensemble that is appropriate in any situation.
  • Clothing for sports or active forwarding is not necessarily a suit of pants, t-shirts and sweatshirts. Dress can also be an element sports clothes, especially if it is a comfortable and spacious dress bag. Put it on with leggings and sneakers, complement the image with a sports cap - and go ahead, go in for active rest!
  • In order to turn the dress-bag into the basis of a working wardrobe, you need to combine it with classic elements. business style. To form a waist, tie a corset belt on the dress. Wear a narrowed jacket with a cropped sleeve and accompany the outfit with classic pumps.


To choose the right shoes for the dress bag is not a difficult task at all. The choice of a pair depends on the weather outside the window and on the image that you intend to create.

If you choose an outfit for cool weather, the most suitable option is boots. Those who can boast tall, can safely wear boots without heels with a high shaft. Girls-inches are more suitable shoes with heels.

For the off-season, laced shoes are perfect - high, on the platform or classic light oxfords.

In the warm season, ballet flats, sneakers and moccasins will look great with a bag dress.

Going to a celebration, accompany the image with shoes or heeled sandals. Dress bag goes well with sandals on the straps, which are tied at the ankle.


  • Handbag. With the bag dress should not carry large bags, as it is in itself rather voluminous. Look at the bags you need to hold: clutches, envelopes, etc. Also, a small purse with a long chain is suitable for this.
  • Scarf. A warm knit scarf or an elegant neck scarf (depending on the season) will be perfectly combined with a bag dress. In the first case, this detail will help to balance the too voluminous skirt, and in the second - will draw attention to the notch on the chest.
  • Beads. Long beads in one or several rows will be the most appropriate adornment to the dress bag. The vertical direction of the lines will pull out the silhouette.In this case, the length of the beads can absolutely anyone - the main thing is that they are shorter than the dress itself.
  • Gaiters and socks. These wardrobe details will not only warm your legs, but also help in creating a funny, flirtatious look. Mischievous dress bag goes well with bright accessories. You can wear them on tights or straight on bare legs. Gaiters and knee-highs will go well with sneakers or slippers.
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