Feng Shui

Feng Shui Money Toad

Feng Shui Money Toad

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  1. What does symbolize?
  2. Kinds
  3. How to choose?
  4. Where to put correctly?
  5. How to use?
  6. What not to do?
  7. Is it possible to give?

Since ancient times, to attract into their lives any benefits (health, success in business, finances, family happiness, etc.), people began to seek help from talismans. It is believed that statuettes, made according to all the rules, have the energy that can give the desired. So, to improve the material condition there is a “money toad”.

What does symbolize?

To understand the meaning of the “money toad” (or frog), you need to turn to Eastern culture. By Feng Shui, this talisman brings happiness, good fortune, wealth and longevity to its owner. She gives the latter due to the fact that she herself is a long-liver and shares her years. In addition, the money toad maintains the energy order in the house, is responsible for the health of its residents and favors good deals.

However, when buying a “money toad” you should pay attention to its size, material, color and related items.

Figurines of “money toads” came to us from China. Almost always the toad is located on a treasure hill, consisting of precious stones, coins, gold. In the mouth the toad holds two coins. In the same place, in China, legends were born, telling about the three-legged toad.

The first of the legends tells that in ancient times a robber lived in the world who plundered travelers passing by his lair. He kept all his stolen wealth in a cave and did not share it with anyone. One day, people turned to the gods, praying to deliver them from an evil robber and return their money. The gods heard the prayers and demanded that the robber return the stolen goods, but instead he swallowed up all the riches in order not to share them. Then the gods turned the villain into a toad.

But the legend does not end there: when it became clear that he not only did not repent, but also tried to escape, they deprived him of one paw. Despite this, the robber still did not want to return the stolen goods, and then the gods made it so that every time the villain opens his mouth, everything that he had stolen from people spilled out of him. Thus, coins, precious stones and gold began to pop out of the mouth of a robber always when he tried to say something. This explains the view of the talisman.

The second legend is about the Chan Chu frog. The character of this frog was just as bad as the robber of the first legend we told: she was greedy and evil. Buddha deprived her of one paw as a punishment for bad deeds and forced her to carry only good things to people, giving them well-being and wealth. Some sources also mention that the frog gave people longevity.

There is also a sign associated with the “money toad”: the image of a frog, which appeared to man at midnight, speaks of the imminent profit and improvement of the atmosphere in the house.


When purchasing a “money toad”, you should know that the talisman to the talisman is different. Three-legged frogs come in various forms and, accordingly, have slightly different meanings in attracting wealth into your life.

  • Three-legged frog, sitting on treasures. Such a toad promises a rational use of money and the possibility of savings. If you once again realize that you do not understand where your finances are being spent, and you also cannot save a certain amount, then this talisman to attract wealth in the monetary sphere is your option.
  • Three-legged toad, in the mouth of which is a coin. The coin, by the way, with a square hole in the center, and decorated with its characters.This talisman is very strong, but to properly set it up for work, the following conditions must be met: the hieroglyphs on the coin must be directed towards the sky, and the coin itself can be easily removed from the mouth of the figurine. It is believed that the easier it is to get a coin, the easier it will be to get wealth into the house.
  • Frog with an empty open mouth It works the same way as the previous version, but in this case it is necessary to put its “happy” coin or paper bill in her mouth. There is a sign: if the inserted from the mouth suddenly fell, then soon cash receipts are foreseen.
  • Toad with a gold ring. The ring can be both in the mouth and on the foot, but it always means one thing: good luck in the family business.
  • Toad with the symbol of ba-gua. This symbol is an octahedron, where each side represents its element. Such a souvenir looks like this: Ba-Gua, there is a mountain of coins on it, and a toad on top. The talisman is responsible for the energy in the house and promises wealth to all its residents.
  • Frog and Hotei - God of wealth. Hotei, as a rule, is represented by the Buddha with his mouth wide open from laughter. It is believed that the prosperity God helps not only to attract money into his life, but also to rise in his career, to attract success in his endeavors.

The “money toad” can be in the form of a monolithic statuette or in the form of a piggy bank. This moment when choosing is irrelevant and depends only on your preferences.

On treasure
With the symbol of Ba-Gua

How to choose?

As for color, then it is necessary to give preference to the toad of gold or green hue. These two colors symbolize prosperity in financial affairs, which will only contribute to the attraction of wealth.

Choosing the size of a frog, you must first pay attention to the area of ​​your house. So, in small houses it is not necessary to install large talismans: the tenants will be fixated on money, which will negatively affect the energy of the family. But in large houses, on the contrary, it is worthwhile to have a larger frog, since the little talisman simply does not have the strength to “work” for a large space.

The number of paws in the toad also has an important role. There should be three of them, as in the legends discussed. Frogs with four paws already belong to other talismans (as well as with a different number of paws).

The frog's mouth must be open regardless of whether there is something in it or not. When the mouth is closed, it promises difficulties in financial matters.

One of the important attributes are red eyes of a toad from stones. Without this, the talisman is allegedly not activated in full force.

When choosing an oriental souvenir, you should focus on natural materials.

  • Since metals gold, silver and bronze themselves are symbols of prosperity in money matters, the toad of such materials will bring great luck to its owner. Pure metal figurines have twice the strength of other materials. And the female gender should prefer the silver toad, and the male - golden. The traditional bronze toad has on its back the constellation of the Big Dipper, which additionally opens the way to welfare.
  • Pink Quartz Frog promises success in the field of cultural activities. Actors, singers and other workers in this field should take a closer look at this material.
  • People with low self-esteem fit amber toad. Such a talisman, according to beliefs, helps to become more confident and get rid of external flaws, that is, to become more beautiful.
  • Suffering from unrequited love is recommended to choose malachite toad. Such a souvenir gives inner peace and “heals” a broken heart. Toad from malachite promises success in any matters that you have in mind. It is also believed that the malachite frog protects against "evil tongues."
  • If you change your place of residence or work quickly will help crystal toad. In addition, the toad of crystal helps to tune in the desired fashion, pushing all the extra experiences.
  • Diamond toads and sapphires help to avoid conflicts.
  • Talismans natural jadeite stone Contribute to the development of your business.
  • Red Color Toad promises, rather, health promotion and long life, rather than the financial component.
  • Frogs from wood You should not buy it, because water will destroy the material rather quickly.

If we talk about the number of “money toads” in a house, then it is worthwhile to focus on the size of the house and a small rule: toads should be no more than nine.

Where to put correctly?

To complete the work of the amulet you need not only to purchase it, but also to properly place it in the house. So, the toad should not stand:

  • in the bathroom and toilet rooms: in these places the “work” of the toad will be extinguished by another energy reigning in them;
  • on the floor: it is believed that the toad will take it as a sign of disrespect;
  • in the bedroom: the toad will succumb to the energy of sleep and will not work at full strength;
  • on the south side of the house: this side is considered the personification of the fire element, which negatively affects the frog;
  • in the kitchen: the same rule as with the south side;
  • opposite the entrance: in this way the toad will look at the exit, as a result of which finances will flow away from the house and not flow into it;
  • too high: the same situation as with the door, but in this case the money will go through the windows.

So where is the mascot in the apartment? Perfect for this is a living room, a window sill (the toad should sit facing the house) or a wall opposite to the front door (again, the toad should sit with its back to the door, and better diagonally). The ideal option would be to place the frog on the table where transactions are made, if you have an office, and near a fountain or aquarium. On the desktop it is better to put a talisman in the left far corner.

With all this, the three-legged frog is considered modest; therefore, it should be placed in the room so that it does not catch the eye of everyone who comes to your house. Putting her face where you most often are is not worth it either - the toad will not appreciate the extra attention.

Placing "money toads" next to each other is undesirable, but possible. The best option for a large number of statues is the location of talismans on all sides of the ba-gua in the house.

How to use?

To begin with, the “money toad” is activated immediately if it has a red object (eyes, pebble, etc.). In other cases, it is necessary to activate the statuette yourself. To activate the talisman is to perform one of the simple rituals. Three ways of “including to work” of “money toad” are considered traditional. The first method, which is the most common, involves the water that frogs love so much. It is necessary to place the figurine in a container with water for twenty-four hours. After a day, you need to get a talisman and, without wiping it, set to a permanent place. If you wash the talisman twice a week under the tap water, then all its strength will be used. It is also worthwhile to place the frog in a bowl with water for twenty-four hours, if you suddenly need money.

The second method is ambiguous and causes controversy among people studying Feng Shui. It implies a conspiracy, and Eastern culture does not recognize conspiracies. In any case, the method looks like this: when stroking a souvenir with a hand (necessarily left) on the back, it is worth saying out loud: “Toad is a toad, bring me grandmas. For five days, bring me three thousand rubles. ” At the same time, the amount and term are always different and depend on your desires and, most importantly, opportunities. You should not ask the talisman that you, in principle, can not implement.

Speaking of conspiracies, it is worth considering that this is not the only wording. There are quite a few conspiracies, and if you decide to use it in this way, then you should look for one of them that you prefer to hear.

The third method involves adding a red element to the toad. For example, you can make a bow of red ribbon. Considering that in eastern culture the symbol of wealth is also a bell, you can combine these methods: hang a bell with a red element around the neck of a toad. In this case, you can say a prayer bell, which promises financial success.

What not to do?

If the coin or bill from the mouth of the toad suddenly fell out, you just insert it back. As mentioned earlier, this sign is treated as a quick infusion of money into your home.

In the case when a coin or bill is lost, you need to replace it with another coin or bill as soon as possible. Remember that the toad with an empty mouth does not work. At the same time, it is not so important that there was a “factory” coin with a hole, and now you have inserted a regular one.

If the monetary figurine broke, then do not panic: there is no sign that says it is for bad luck. Just an accident with a toad. A broken talisman must be replaced with a new one (the old one must be taken out of the house) and henceforth be careful with a fragile souvenir.

Is it possible to give?

“Money Toad” as a gift not only promises material well-being to the recipient of the gift, but also to the one who gives it. At the same time, both according to the teachings of Feng Shui and the law of giving energy, the gift must necessarily be from a pure heart. If you are afraid of losing your financial component, then it is better to refuse such a gift. By the law of our universe, we always lose what we fear to lose the most.

If you are obsessed, that together with the statuette you will give your money - it will be so. In this case, choose another souvenir, which will give you a pleasure, and the person will get happy.

How to allocate a money toad on feng shui to attract wealth, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


