Feng Shui

Chinese characters: value, choice, placement nuances

Chinese characters: value, choice, placement nuances

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  1. A bit of history
  2. Writing and meaning
  3. How to pick up?
  4. How to use?

According to Feng Shui, hieroglyphs-symbols have very serious power and powerful energy. With their help, you can literally manage your destiny, attracting good luck in those cases where it is especially necessary. Qi energy, which is responsible for the aura, mood, microclimate and well-being of your home, depends largely on how correctly you activate it.

Experts believe that With the help of symbols of this kind, you can wake up and make different zones work. They are placed on the wall, desk, monitor screen, carried with them along with the money. The article will look at how they work.

A bit of history

First of all, it is necessary to understand that the Chinese character - This is a graphic type sign that is used in the Asian language. Invented hieroglyphics more than 6 thousand years ago, it is one of the oldest varieties of writing. Everyone knows that it was the invention of writing that pushed humankind towards rapid development and served as the starting point in the history of civilization. Thanks to the letters, we now have culture, art, and statehood at the highest level. The Chinese writing was older than all the others; later, Japan and Korea would process it for themselves.

Creating hieroglyphic symbols, people focused on the external silhouettes of mountain ranges, river lines, strokes, reproducing the traces and movements of various animals, reptiles. There is a legend according to which China was given the secret of the arrangement of the planet in gratitude for the written language. Archaeologists have found the first letters on turtle shells, on dishes, vessels.

Of the 10 thousand hieroglyphs, the Chinese actively use no more than 3 thousand. However, this amount is enough to compile a variety of phrases and sentences.

Writing and meaning

Linguists say that Chinese is the most difficult language to learn, because each hieroglyph is an image that is always unique.

All this needs to be remembered. The hieroglyph is not written in many respects, but is drawn and looks appropriate. Any of the characters has a rich history of creation, it has its own distinctive features, its meaning, the nuances of writing. Each character traditionally has the ability to denote a part of a word, several syllables, or a whole word. When people start learning Chinese writing, at first they are given the rules:

  • the hand does not come off;
  • written from top to bottom;
  • direction is strictly from left to right.

It is recommended to think through immediately what a particular sign is associated with, otherwise it is extremely difficult to remember them. They can resemble figures and outlines of animals, dragon, silhouettes of plants, compositions. Hieroglyphs are depicted using 200 graphic type drawings. Individually, they do not mean anything, they do not make sense. Only by combining them together in different sequences do they create a composition symbolizing one or another value.

The main graphic variations used to create a hieroglyph:

  • vertical bar;
  • horizontal line;
  • points;
  • broken line type;
  • dash going up;
  • left and right hinged line;
  • hook.

The difficulty of interpretation lies in the fact that very many hieroglyphs are very similar, they are sometimes distinguished by one imperceptible line, dot or dash. Moreover, this small nuance can completely reverse the meaning of the sign.

Signs denoting this or that meaning, according to Feng Shui, are capable of bringing wisdom, faith, hope, prosperity, and peace into the family to people.It is important to interpret them correctly.


The meaning of happiness hieroglyph is very voluminous in meaning, as is the very idea of ​​happiness. A drawing for each person meaning something personal, personal, is called “fu.” It has two components - wealth and divine power. This sign is perceived as an inexhaustible source from which a person receives the fulfillment of dreams, what he lacks for a feeling of happiness.

He draws the energy of the heavenly, divine powers and directs them to help ordinary people. Depending on the placement sector, you will receive the fulfillment of the desire to which you aspire. This may be a zone of wealth or love, health.

In any case, a universal sign to attract happiness.

Double Happiness

The figure also promises the fulfillment of desires, but with the amendment - family. If your marriage lacks harmony, then it is this sign that can correct the situation. The hieroglyph works not to attract a double portion of happiness, but for the harmony of two. That is, for singles, this option is not suitable. He will bring the fulfillment of dreams to a husband and wife who are in love. The concept of happiness here is also universal, it can be a completely different success of a couple.

To present such an image as a gift means to show sincere friendship, to truly wish all the best for the couple.


Luck in business is another very frequent human desire. A symbol in the literal sense can help grab luck by the tail and create an atmosphere in your home or office that is conducive to success. This sign is quite specific in meaning and is most often located in the career sector.. There he works most intensively and to a point.


Those who dream of eternal great love should turn to such a sign. It is him who is most often given to newlyweds, because the symbol is able to attract love energy, can give the couple a long and happy life, harmony in relationships. A happy marriage and a sign of love are inextricably linked. The marriage will be strong, the conflict in the couple will be resolved easily, without serious outbreaks on both sides.

The symbol of love is able to give a family peace, happy peace, enjoying each other. This sign is not only suitable for couples, it can be safely used to search for your soulmate.


The hieroglyph speaks for itself: if you want to increase your income, attract money, prosperity and any material success to your family, it is perfect. However, the golden sign means not only an invitation to the world of wealth and abundance. Such a sign is capable of attracting positive energy of the spiritual level, qi energy. If you are faced with the task of making the atmosphere in your home or workplace positive, supportive, this sign is perfect.

It is often presented as a gift to colleagues, friends, and superiors. If you want the gift to work, be sure to do it sincerely, desire with soul.


This is one of the universal popular signs, hieroglyphs, which can help people in different areas - to improve health, ensure longevity, attract success. The main thing is that growth and prosperity can be absolutely in any direction. It all depends on what you want, and where to place this generic sign. You can achieve success in love, spiritual development, business.


This sign is extremely popular with all Feng Shui fans. It is as specific as possible, therefore it works strictly in one direction, but one of the most significant in the life of every person. So it is different from the sign of Wealth, which is more general.

The sign works exclusively with cash flows, attracts material success, contributes to the search for good work or additional sources of income.

Eternal love

Very bright symbol, behind it stands a strong love, which is not afraid of neither time nor obstacles.It is recommended to acquire and use as a talisman, amulet of happy and tender love. If you want your feeling to always be deep, give yourself this sign.

It will also be a very good gift to the couple to whom you want eternal harmony.


Symbolizes a long healthy life, strength of the body and spirit. This is a real hit of Chinese symbolism. It is recommended to give to parents, elderly relatives and friends. Be sure to invest in the gift of a part of your sincere energy, then it will work more actively.


Another popular sign that helps to make health stronger, improve health. As a rule, this hieroglyph is given to close people with wishes for health, thus charging it with the right energy, activating. However, it can be purchased independently if someone is sick in the family. It contributes to the speedy restoration of health, cleansing the house of negative energy.


It symbolizes harmony, ennobles the room in which it is located, attracts favorable energy. It should be given and acquired to people of creative professions, those who cannot find themselves, are not satisfied with themselves.


One of the most generalized signs that can work in different areas of life. No matter what you crave - strong love, great wealth, fame, luck, success in creativity - the symbol is able to fulfill your dream. Hieroglyph works with the energy of growth and prosperity, respectively, contributes to the approximation of the goal that you set for yourself at a certain time.

It works great in tandem with other characters, you can safely strengthen it with additional characters.

Fulfillment of desires

The name is rather “speaking”, if you are very dreaming about something, this symbol will help you bring the cherished day closer. The main thing is to visualize the desire, placing the symbol in the appropriate sector. After all, dreams can be completely different nature: love, money, health, talent, the birth of children. Determine which priorities are more important to you now, in a business or personal sphere. Perfect gift for friends and relatives.

Business success

Do not think that this talisman works only for business people, in business. He will perfectly help creative people, creative people in achieving success. It is presented to customers and partners. A mark is good to acquire when you are standing at the very beginning of a path, mastering a new project, field of activity, and so on. He activates the energy of creativity, talent, success.

How to pick up?

To attract one or another energy, different hieroglyphs work, so to begin with, decide what you want to achieve in life, what result you are most striving for. Hieroglyphs are generalized and concretized, many of them work perfectly in a pair, reinforcing the effect of each other. This also needs to be considered when choosing. If you choose a talisman for a gift, proceed from the desires of a person. Older people are perfect options for characters for long life and strength of the body: Health, Longevity.

If you do not know what to emphasize, present a symbolism of a generalized nature: Well-being, Happiness, Abundance, Fulfillment of desires, Wealth.

The couple will like symbols that harmonize relationships: Love, Eternal love, Double happiness. Hieroglyphs Dragon, Luck, Money, Business success, creative people - Beauty, Business success, Abundance, Prosperity.

Pay attention to a few important characters.

  • The Dragon - a powerful sign, giving great strength to man, his family, his business. Particularly works in new affairs.
  • Luck - it is also good at undertakings, it is able to relieve indecision, to give strength at the very beginning of the road, self-confidence.
  • Strength - works as a strengthening of the physical condition, and spiritual, will make you and your loved ones stronger.
  • Yin and Yang - symbolizes life and the general harmony of the world, extinguishes conflicts.
  • 100 years of happiness in marriage - will give a long and happy life to the couple. It is acquired and presented as a talisman, protecting the family from negative external influences, betrayals, quarrels and conflicts.
  • Wisdom - suitable for those who strive for excellence in any field, looking for an answer to an important question. This is a good sign for the boss, the head of the family, the one who learns something. It helps to find the right decision, to make the right choice.
  • Prosperity - can not only attract cash flows, but also save savings, suitable for those who need to save capital and increase it.
  • Talent - boldly give pupils, students, those who are looking for themselves, their hidden talents, vocation, life path.

Here are some recommendations of experts when choosing a hieroglyph.

  • Use only those images in the interpretation of which are 100% sure. If you do not have such confidence, contact a specialist, or do not use this symbol. After all, signs are capable of harm.
  • Do not forget about logic, be guided only by it. The “I like this image” argument is completely inappropriate here. Symbols similar in appearance can mean completely different things due to the presence of a single point or the absence of a hook. Accordingly, they act in different ways.
  • Set a task, and then select an executive sign for it, and not vice versa. The symbol should work exactly with your problem.
  • Do not combine activating symbolism and generalization in one sector. The latter should be in priority areas.
  • If you pick up amulets, symbols of a protecting character, do not match anything else to them. They must work independently, without interference.

How to use?

Applying hieroglyphs correctly is no less important than choosing them correctly. Very often people just don’t know how it works, that it’s not enough just to donate or buy a symbol. It is necessary that he worked, attract the energy that will solve your problems. Flows can be cash, love, positive, negative.

First of all, there are different ways of embodying Chinese symbolism: paintings, pillow covers, amulets and talismans, painting on clothes, nail art, tattoos, screensavers on the monitor screen. There are a lot of variations of use, it all depends on your wishes and possibilities. Hieroglyphs painted by themselves are very well implemented. If you want to practice calligraphy, this is the most suitable way to get a talisman:

  • creating each stroke, activate your energy, invest it in writing, dream, think, desire;
  • follow the rules of writing, it depends on the result of your work.

    Signs of longevity, health, luck often have on interior items: furniture, dishes, textiles, pillows, home clothing. Such use, of course, creates a positive atmosphere in the house, activates positive chi, attracts harmony, comfort, makes marriage stronger. In addition, such an aura in the house contributes to success in career affairs, as it forms the necessary attitude. If you want to attract good luck in business, use symbols on the desktop, in the office or in the Wealth sector, that is, in the southeast.

    Symbols responsible for longevity, works well in the bedroom, It will positively affect not only the body, but also the marriage, will strengthen it. The hieroglyph Health is often placed beside the bed of the patient, over the crib, they are responsible for the new life.

    Tattoo and nail art with the use of Chinese characters is very relevant. It is believed that the application on the body, especially the tattoo, can change a person's life. Experts recommend placing a tattoo on the neck, arm, but so that they are not accessible to prying eyes.

    Most often, the body is painted with signs of happiness, health, beauty, love.The choice should be approached very carefully, because reducing the tattoo is not easy, and the wrong sign can bring a lot of negativity to the life scenario.

      Money charms are often carried in a wallet or purse. They must be hidden from view and work in the immediate vicinity of money or in the Wealth sector. How to properly place the symbols depending on the area of ​​coverage:

      • southeast is responsible for the money;
      • the south - for what others think of you, such as fame, good name;
      • southwest activates romantic streams of love;
      • East is responsible for the health of the body;
      • Northeast - for obtaining knowledge, human development;
      • north - for climbing the career ladder;
      • Northwest will help in finding like-minded people and partners;
      • West will help in the works, support your children, help them conceive.

      By placing appropriate signs within the respective zones, you will make them work much more powerful and more active.

      Give your amulet time to activate, get used to a new place. Only after that it will start to work, as a rule, this period takes about two months. Believe in it, think about your desire in a positive way, so it will work more efficiently.

      For the meaning of Chinese characters, see the next video.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


