Feng Shui

Feng Shui Money Wallet

Feng Shui Money Wallet

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  1. Features
  2. Meaning of flowers
  3. Ideal size
  4. How to choose?
  5. What and how should it lie?
  6. Where to put an old wallet?

The wallet is an important attribute in the life of every modern person. This is a very convenient and compact accessory, where not only banknotes and coins are located, but also a wide variety of bank cards or discount cards of stores and supermarkets. Also, many of us have repeatedly met wallets with photos of loved ones: children, spouses and parents. What can be stored in it, and what is better to get rid of, so that material well-being does not leave you, will be discussed in detail in this article.


A wallet is not an easy accessory. Following the laws of Feng Shui, with his choice, you can improve your well-being and financial situation. You can pick up this important and already familiar accessory in such a way that it contributes to enriching its owner.

The wallet can be decorated with images of any animals or emblems, printed patterns, floral ornaments and much more.

All this is important when purchasing an accessory. There are several important and useful tips for choosing this attribute to attract money for Feng Shui.

Meaning of flowers

Color has one of the most important values ​​when choosing a wallet. Each color has its effect on this accessory. You can choose a wallet based on which group you belong to according to the Eastern calendar.

In order to determine which group you belong to, you need to pay attention to the last digit of the year in which you were born:

  • 0 and 1 - metal group;
  • 2 and 3 - water;
  • 4 and 5 - a tree;
  • 6 and 7 - fire;
  • 8 and 9 - the earth.

For representatives of the metal group, the most appropriate colors when choosing a wallet will be: white, silver, gray and gold. A group of water suitable black, blue, blue and purple. It is best for representatives of the group of fire to purchase wallets of all shades of red, as well as fiery colors: yellow and orange. The land group is recommended to purchase accessories of brown, green, beige colors. Representatives of the tree group are recommended to choose purses of green color and all its shades.

Perhaps many have already noticed that wallets of all shades of red are very popular: scarlet, burgundy, garnet. And this is no accident! Red color and all its shades are rightfully among the most relevant from the point of view of enrichment when buying a wallet.

The influence of the shades of this particular color gamut is most favorable for monetary welfare.

Particularly impressive are such options, made in patent leather, shiny and incredibly smooth to the touch. No wonder that the money will want to be more often in such luxurious apartments.

A purse of brown color and of all warm shades, for example, red and orange, has a very favorable effect on finances. Brown is the color of fertility, growth and prosperity. It helps to increase profits, its growth. Gold color also occupies a leading position. The color of gold is by right the color that attracts wealth and luxury.

Silver color will also favorably influence the financial position of its owner, it will attract material stability to a person’s life. A purse of sunny bright yellow color will also contribute to the prosperity and enrichment of its owner. Positive energy will extend not only to the monetary sphere, but also to the general mood of a person.

Blue and purple wallets are much rarer, but their energy is rather positive. Blue is considered to be a magical color, which contributes to the awakening of the sixth sense of its owner. Its intuitive abilities are strengthened, which is more likely to contribute to the improvement of the material situation.

The black color of the wallet is one of the most popular and popular due to its practicality and versatility. However, you can choose a model with an unusual printed pattern or a beautiful clasp in the form of a turtle or an elephant. This will contribute to luck in money.

Pink purse, in addition to the favorable impact on finances, accompanies luck in love and personal life.

Ideal size

The ideal is considered to be an accessory of a rectangular shape, in which the whole bill is placed in unfolded form. It is strongly not recommended to keep money folded in half or with a straw, since in this way the inflow of monetary energy is blocked, which will contribute to difficulties in material terms.

Money is very sensitive to the disrespectful attitude towards them, and if they are stored in an inappropriate way (crumpled, rolled up in a hurry and how horrible), then you should not be surprised that they all evaporated somewhere, like water through your fingers. Therefore, it is strongly not recommended to use small and inconvenient wallets, in which the notes are tight and where they can easily be washed. It is better to choose not too bulky wallets, from which you can easily get bills without damaging and crushing them.

In centimeters, the ideal size of the most suitable fan purse should be up to 5.4 cm and from 16.2 cm to 21.5 cm. This can be any of its sides or the size of a pocket.

How to choose?

When choosing a wallet for yourself, it is important that the accessory first of all fell in love. You need to hold the purse in your hands for some time, listen to your inner feelings: if you like the product, then it is more likely that the accessory is right for you.

It is preferable that the wallet was made of genuine leather. Such wallets are not only pleasant to the touch, very smooth, soft and at the same time durable, but also have a beneficial effect on the material well-being of their owner.

If possible, you should not save on your wallet, preferring products made of fabric or polyethylene, because the energy of money will be blocked by Feng Shui, but if financial opportunities do not allow the upgrade to be more expensive, it is better to choose a product from high-quality leatherette.

What and how should it lie?

It is important that the bills in the wallet are laid out evenly and in order of seniority (from bills of higher denomination to smaller ones), while it is necessary to ensure that the corners of the banknotes do not hesitate. In addition to bills, you can not put checks in your wallet, any paper candy wrappers or notes - they have no place in the cloister of money. This may adversely affect the financial welfare of the owner.

You cannot keep photos of your loved ones in your wallet, since it is commonly believed that such a neighborhood with banknotes negatively affects the financial well-being of your relatives and yourself. It is much more appropriate to store photos of native people at home: in the sideboard or on the desk of the office.

To attract monetary wealth, you can keep three Chinese coins in a purse, which are tied with a red string. You can also put a small-sized mirror in your wallet: it will certainly attract economic stability to your life. A very favorable effect has a bill in denominations of one US dollar, which will always be stored in a wallet as a symbol of financial success.

Favorable energy has a rare bill in denominations of two US dollars. If you managed to get exactly this, then it certainly should be in the secret pocket of your wallet as a symbol of enrichment.

It is important that the wallet is never empty.Although a five-ruble coin, but there should be, and preferably a few paper bills.

This will contribute to the fact that the money left in the wallet will serve as a kind of beacon for subsequent capital inflows.

It is believed that mint has a beneficial effect on the emergence of money, it is enough to drop a few drops of mint essential oil in the nooks of the wallet. It is also recommended to put a cinnamon stick in the secret pocket of this accessory. Cinnamon is a talisman of material well-being and contributes to financial stability.

It is also important to remember that it is not recommended to recalculate money in the evening and at night. The most favorable time of day for this pleasant procedure is morning. The reason lies in the biological natural processes: morning - the time of awakening and dawn, and hence the finances will increase, and their reserves replenished.

Where to put an old wallet?

An old wallet can be thrown away, but if you truly believe in the power of feng shui, you can perform several ritual actions. For example, if the wallet did not bring you financial well-being, and while using it you experienced need and financial difficulties, you can burn it.

If, on the contrary, the purse brought you good luck, you were not denied yourself anything during its use, but it simply wiped off and no longer has a presentation, then you can put several bills in it and leave it as a talisman in your home. wealth zone - in the southwest side of the apartment or house. Such a wallet will serve as a talisman that will attract even greater financial stability in your life.

How to choose a purse that attracts money by feng shui, see the following video:

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


