Feng Shui

What should be the workplace for Feng Shui?

What should be the workplace for Feng Shui?

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  1. Door location
  2. How to put furniture?
  3. Table sectors
  4. The correct design of the cabinet

Work occupies an important place in the life of every modern person. It is difficult to imagine a successful and harmonious personality without a successful career or without a favorite cause, which brings a steady and stable income, as well as moral satisfaction. Unfortunately, it often happens that while working at one place for a long period, you have come to climb the career ladder.

It's one thing if an employee is lazy and takes time off from fulfilling his duties, that is, he himself contributes to this fact in every possible way, and another, if he tries his best and, despite all his diligence, does not receive the promised promotion or recognition from his superiors or colleagues . It is necessary to find out what exactly constantly interferes with career growth.

In this case, the advice of the ancient oriental teachings of Feng Shui come to the rescue, which will help you figure out how to better equip your workplace or office in order to unlock the financial flow or prevent any kind of negative energy impacts that may hinder career development and professional growth.

Door location

Proper arrangement of the desktop relative to the door is one of the most important factors during the work process.

It is strictly not recommended that the door be located behind you. This promises trouble in the labor arena, which can lead to loss of employment and dismissal.

The most appropriate and harmonious arrangement is facing the entrance, diagonally from the door.

This will ensure career success and favorable conditions for the growth of your professional level. It is strictly contraindicated for the door to be near the workplace. Apart from the fact that such an arrangement is uncomfortable due to the constantly coming and leaving colleagues and employees, it also adversely affects the positive energy flows, which are oriented towards enrichment and prosperity.

How to put furniture?

The success of the entire work process depends on the correct placement of furniture in Feng Shui. There are several useful tips and schemes, following which you can significantly improve your success in the labor field. The employee should not sit at the table with his back to the window. To attract money, it is best to have a wall behind your back, as a symbol of support and reliability.

Ideally, behind the wall should be an office accounting or management, then it will be conducive to your enrichment.

It is also impossible for an employee to face the wall while working, this will help block the circulation of positive energy, which is so necessary for development and prosperity.

For this reason, it is important to arrange the desktops so that there is enough free space in front of them. If it is problematic to do this, then in extreme cases you can hang a picture on the wall with the projection of the continuing cabinet shown on it.

It happens that indoors not only several employees work at once, but also a manager. It is preferable to avoid being confronted with colleagues face to face, since, from an energetic point of view, this can contribute to the occurrence of collisions not only related to work issues, but also to the personal sphere of communication. Also, a negative impact in the working room. Each employee should have enough free space, in this case, the efficiency will increase significantly.

It is important that the mirror in the office was rounded, without sharp corners. It should be located in such a way that it reflects something favorable, for example, a picture of a flowered garden, diplomas, awards or a safe with material values.

It is important that the reflection does not display the folders and shelves on which the still outstanding work is stored, that the working volumes do not double, and the hassle is not added. To improve your material well-being, you can also put a special small mirror in your wallet, in which case it will certainly bring good luck in financial matters.

Overhanging furniture and other equipment above your head should be avoided, for example, cabinets and air conditioners that are installed above you will block the flow of Qi energy, which can lead to difficulties in the process of work. It is also important that all doors and shelves in pieces of furniture are closed, otherwise open doors will absorb all the positive energy.

Also, when arranging furniture, it is necessary to avoid sharp corners directed at you, but if this fact could not be avoided, and no one is going to do the permutation, then you can try to reduce the detrimental effect of sharp corners by placing a large crystal on the right side of your desktop, which will dissipate negative energy.

For this reason, when buying chairs for the office is best to choose furniture with a rounded back.

Table sectors

The workplace must be clean and tidy. It is important to regularly wipe the dust that has accumulated in the shelves and on the surface of the table. There should not be any unnecessary papers, old checks and other all kinds of garbage. The desktop sectors are divided into several zones, according to the Bagua grid, which is fundamental to Feng Shui teaching.

Each of the zones is responsible for a certain sphere of life and is subdivided into the right sector, the left sector and the center, and each of these sectors, in turn, is subdivided into another 3 additional zones. They can be defined according to the locations of the cardinal points.


The right sector, when it falls to the eastern side, is responsible for family values ​​and traditions in the central part. In the south-eastern part there is a zone of wealth and profits, it is best to decorate it with a money tree with coins or a living plant - a money tree, which will contribute to the most harmonious circulation of energy responsible for enrichment and prosperity.

Instead of a plant, you can also put a piggy bank, but the best way to lay a red napkin under it is the color of wealth and financial well-being. On the northeast side of the table is a zone of knowledge and wisdom. Here you can place several useful books or magazines with valuable information.


The left sector, located in the west, will be responsible for creative work and inspiration. In the south-western side of the table, which is responsible for love and marriage, it is best to place a photo with your soulmate. The northwestern sector of the table is responsible for patrons and assistants.

Of the items here, it is best to place business cards of representatives of successful companies and business partners, cooperation with which was useful and fruitful.


This zone is subdivided into sectors of career, health and fame. The sector of fame and success is located in the central southern part of the table, here it is best to arrange your awards, medals and certificates. They will serve as a kind of beacon for success and attracting new achievements and wealth. The middle center is responsible for health, and the north central is responsible for career and success in it.

The desktop of a laptop or personal computer also requires special attention.It is very important that all labels and elements located on it are ordered. Also of great importance is the screensaver, it is necessary that it promotes the harmonization of the workflow. It can depict a bright spring landscape, a money tree, a three-legged toad with a coin in its mouth, three Chinese coins with a red thread that contribute to enrichment and much, much more.

The correct design of the cabinet

According to the teachings of Feng Shui office should be clean and tidy. This is the main and fundamental key to success in the financial sector. It is important to keep all documents in order, in folders, folders or individual cells and shelves. Order in the documents guarantees success in business.

When choosing paint for the color of the walls or wallpaper it is best to focus on the delicate pastel light green, beige, milk or light blue tones.

They will not irritate the eyes, and the energy in these colors is most favorable to the working process. You can also use finishing materials with a barely noticeable golden hue or elegant ornament of a similar shade, since the color of gold is the color of wealth and success.

Pictures in the office will have a beneficial effect on the productivity of work, if they show blooming gardens, birds, landscapes with fresh greenery. But by no means autumn, as autumn is a time for nature to wither, and this can have a negative impact on the state of affairs of your organization or company. On the wall of the south side should be placed awards, diplomas and certificates, which were received by you or someone from the staff. This will attract success and good luck in the future. Very good, when in the office a lot of living plants. Besides the fact that they supply the room with oxygen, they have a beneficial effect on the energy of the cabinet as a whole.

For information on how to arrange your desktop on Feng Shui to attract business success, see the following video:

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


