Feng Shui

Feng Shui for love and marriage: symbols, their meaning and advice

Feng Shui for love and marriage: symbols, their meaning and advice

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  1. Work with home
  2. Love zone
  3. Characters
  4. Activation
  5. Additional tips

It is no secret that Feng Shui can be used to attract mutual love and happiness in marriage. Each of us radiates energy that changes depending on how his family life develops. Feng Shui teaching allows you to direct your own energy and the energy of your home so as to bring relations with representatives of the opposite sex to almost ideal.

Work with home

Our world is full of invisible energy flows, while some of them are beneficially charged, while the other, on the contrary, is negative. The first allows you to fill your personal life with harmony and joy, and the second delivers a lot of experiences and pain.

Feng Shui masters are sure that none of the techniques for stimulating the sector of love and marriage will work if you do not work with the dwelling itself. Therefore, in the first place, you should put your interior decoration in order, and only then try to influence the love side of your life.

The main thing that needs to be done is to arrange a general cleaning of the house. Keep in mind that every object in your home has its own energy, even walls tend to be impregnated with invisible flows. It is extremely important to distinguish items that carry a positive from those that are painted negatively. Any things associated with the painful part of your life absorb all the negative vibrations and continue to radiate them.

In simple terms, this can be compared with the effect of radiation — any metal that has been exposed to radiation remains forever radioactive. Such things should be thrown out of the room without pity and regret. Immediately after that, clean all the dirt, disassemble the debris, no matter how large they may seem. Any pollution is a good environment for the reproduction of negative.

The next stage after cleaning and getting rid of the old rubbish will be refining your home - this is where you will need advice on setting up the love sector in the house.

Love zone

The love sector, according to Feng Shui, is located in the southwest of the dwelling. To understand exactly where this area is located, you can use the usual compass and Bagua mesh.

The basic element of the zone responsible for love and marriage is the Earth and the element that generates it - Fire. That is why the zone is better to draw a fiery red, yellow and orange hues, they bring in the relationship of passion and saturation. Brown and terracotta elements have a rather positive effect - they are referred to shades of fire, this determines the duration and stability of the pair.

But wooden and metal objects in this sector should be avoided, they weaken, and even destroy love bonds. Silver, as well as white, black and blue are referred to unfavorable shades.


The love sector is quite capricious - if you put something in there incorrectly, then all efforts to direct the energy towards harmonization of your personal life will be negated.

The first thing you need to know is that the marriage zone only perceives paired objects. These can be decorative pillows, candlesticks or figurines. By the way, mandarin figures as well as swans, pigeons or cranes are considered to be a powerful activator of the marriage sector. According to Eastern legends, these birds symbolize infinite love and loyalty, so relationships are protected from betrayal, betrayal and parting. Quite a good solution would be the placement of butterflies, they bring lightness, joy and tenderness.

It will be right to buy a pair of scented candles and, of course, they should not stand idle - light them, and the more often you do it, the better. However, at the same time try to remember the requirements of fire safety, because you are unlikely to add happiness to love in the burnt sector of marriage. As an alternative, you can hang double sconces, and if you drop some aromatic oil on them, the result will be just as impressive.

Keep in mind that floating candles in water tanks should not be here, as well as fountains, mini-aquariums and all sorts of attributes associated with water.


If your personal life is not yet everything goes as you like, then you can additionally activate the sector of love and marriage. To this end, it is recommended that paintings depicting loving couples be mixed in the south-west direction of the apartment. However, it is important that while they are impersonal - if you use images of a particular person, then you condemn it to love and strong feelings, but not to yourself, and such relationships are unlikely to bring happiness to anyone.

If you do not yet have your own half, you should use monophonic, preferably contour images of a woman and a man, united in a kiss or gently hugging each other. All single photos here are subject to a strict ban.

If you already have a couple, and you want your relationship to move to a new level, place a photo in the marriage zone, but choose one where you both look happy and in love.

Nowadays even children know well what the music of the wind is. These thin tubes, which emit a gentle melody with gusts of wind, can be bought in every souvenir shop. However, not all wind music is suitable for attracting love energy - it should be pink, with red heart pendants.

Single people can go for a little trick - for this in the sector of love you need to put your photo, and put an image of a man (woman) of your dream near it, you can cut it out from a glossy magazine or print it from the Internet. Next to such a "joint" picture should hang the music of the wind. There are cases when real miracles occurred in the personal life of a person in the literal sense of the word - passion arose completely unexpectedly, and sometimes even the names of a new acquaintance coincided with the name of a person from a photo.

In Feng Shui, crystals are often used to stimulate the love zone. They have the ability to dissipate negative energy and exude positive. Crystals should be positioned so that light must fall on them (natural or artificial). From the refraction of the rays, solar hares begin to scatter around the room, which dissipate the energy of love throughout the space. In order to increase the impact of crystals, and thus make them faithful assistants in the harmonization of personal life, they need to be charged.

It is very simple to make: immediately after the acquisition, the crystal should be put in a container with ordinary salt for a week, during which time all foreign energy will leave it, and it will work for the benefit of you only. It would be nice to additionally charge it with your own personal energy - for this you need to hold it in your hands a little or bring it to the “third eye”, which for each person is located between the eyebrows.

At this point, you need to think about the good and visualize your desire, you can even call the crystal by some name - so you will establish an even closer relationship with it. Do not forget to wash it with salt water from time to time and thank for the help and support - words of appreciation should be pronounced in advance, but using only the present tense.

For example: "I say thank you to you, crystal, for successfully helping you to meet a person with whom I can make a strong and happy family."

If you do not have a crystal at hand, then you can activate the sector of love with the simplest stones that you found during a pleasant walk or brought from interesting trips. However, it is important that you like the stone very much. Like a crystal, it needs to be cleaned with salt every 7 days and then laid in the southwest of the house. Periodically talisman should be fumigated with incense and ask to attract harmony in your personal life and well-being into your family.

Whenever you stay in the marriage area, by all means turn on the unobtrusive pleasant melody, better classical - it will set you up in a love mood, and thereby start attracting the most positive events. Too loud and depressive songs should be avoided - this will not only scare away auspicious energy, but also lose your personal desire for a quick marriage. In the sector of love, a girl should always have an order; bright relationships cannot arise where there is dirt and confusion.

Additional tips

Feng Shui experts identify another effective way to attract love, passion and personal well-being into your life. If you have already tried all the methods described above, but Mendelssohn’s cherished march has sounded, it’s time to start acting as strongly as possible, and the red color will help you with this.

Be sure to buy a set of bright scarlet underwear and place it in the southwestern part of the bedroom.

Decorate at least one wall in the marriage zone with scarlet hues - you can completely repaint it or place spectacular scarlet accents. The point here is that in such a case you sort of “explode” energy in the love zone and, thus, our Universe not only hears the “order” to attract a couple, but also receives an extremely strong demand to give you a good companion as soon as possible.

If you live with your relatives and are forced to take their opinion into account when designing and decorating the interior, you can unobtrusively paint the wall or furniture where it is not visible to others. Feng Shui is good because it acts even that which is invisible to prying eyes. For example, if a closet is located in the south-western part of an apartment, then you can simply paste over its flaps from the inside with red paper.

As practice shows, after such a sharp and clearly expressed punishment of her intention to enter into a happy marriage as quickly as possible, a girl can receive a long-awaited offer to marry even from an inveterate bachelor.

Tip: after the ring finger decorates the coveted ring, be sure to repaint the scarlet color in more relaxed shades, otherwise the representatives of the opposite sex will continue to seek your location, and no one knows how this will affect family life.

For the meaning of feng shui for love and marriage, see the following video:

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