
Demophobia: causes, symptoms and treatment

Demophobia: causes, symptoms and treatment

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  1. Causes
  2. Symptoms of the disease
  3. Diagnostics
  4. Treatment of fear
  5. Psychologist tips

When there are a lot of people around, it is always unpleasant. Vanity is confusing, and mixing different moods and auras negatively affects the inner state of a person. But these feelings are not all people, but only those who are to some extent susceptible to demophobia. Fear of the crowd badly affects the mood and life of a person.


Man has long been accustomed to live in society. However, some representatives cannot stay in crowded places for a long time due to discomfort. The pronounced nature of the rejection of the crowd is called a phobia. This condition can be divided into three parts.

  • Agoraphobia. It is believed that this is the exact name of the fear of open space. The same term refers to the designation of fear of the crowd. The fact is that this word is translated from ancient Greek as “square and fear”. Usually the area is filled with a large number of people. It turns out that agoraphobia is directly related to the fear of the crowd.

It is necessary to add that social phobes can also be ranked among those who, to put it mildly, do not like a large number of people in the vicinity.

  • Demophobia. This state determines the fear of a large number of people. The accumulation of people in transport, in lines, at rallies causes discomfort, and in some even panic attacks. Such individuals are subject to great fear if they fall into the center of public events. Therefore, demophobes practically do not appear in those places where it is very crowded.
  • Ohlofobiya also has a similarity with the concept of demophobia. It can be said that these terms are synonymous. The only difference here is that only an unorganized crowd of people is afraid of ohlofob. For example, he may be panicked if he suddenly finds himself in the center of a group of people who are going in a column for a rally.

However, the same individual will quietly attend a scheduled public lecture. This behavior is explained simply: an unorganized gathering of people can pose a threat, and the planned meeting of people at a cultural event cannot develop into an uncontrollable problem.

Most people do not pay attention to strangers, but this is in cases where there is no anxiety. Some individuals fear being among the crowd just because they have had negative experiences in the past.

In the crush is easy to pull out a wallet or phone. In a strong crush you can suffer. Fans, leaving the stadium, not once experienced the pressure of the crowd. Those who suffered will long remember the discomfort. therefore causes of demophobia can be a large number.

Fear of the crowd is not irrational, unless it turns into obsessive states, this is when a person begins to think about the dangers that await him every minute. Anyone who lives in big cities is more prone to phobias of this kind due to large crowds. In any case, phobic moods are caused by the fact that a person finds himself in an unfamiliar place, which is also uncontrollable and therefore insecure.

In his opinion, in this place, real or imagined risks to life can be expected of him.

And from this the individual experiences potential helplessness before inevitability. It seems to be driven into a corner from which there is no exit. Demophobia seems that others will feel his fear and start laughing at him or even worse - rob and even kill.

The development of this state entails more serious consequences. A person begins to be afraid of everything connected with going outside. He becomes asocial, and all his actions defy logic. A house or apartment becomes a refuge for him, from which it is terrible to leave. In the end, a phobia affects the personal life, work and physical condition of a sick person.

Symptoms of the disease

Any disease has its own symptoms. In the case of a physical organ, any organ, and in the case of the soul, some deviations appear which are not characteristic of ordinary behavior. People with a healthy psyche perceive the world around them adequately.

They do not fuss and do not worry in case of unforeseen situations.

Another thing, if a person begins to experience severe discomfort, when there appears where so many people. Typically, this area, markets, supermarkets. And then you can say with precision that there are some deviations. Perhaps they are not very common.

Irrational fear cannot be explained by the individual to himself or to close people.. It arises from nowhere and gradually captures the entire consciousness, depriving ordinary thinking. At this point, a person cannot control his behavior. It is driven by fear.

Then the accompanying symptoms appear, which are as follows:

  • dizziness begins, headaches appear in the temples;
  • urge to vomit or vomiting;
  • the pulse quickens, heart interruptions begin;
  • the color of the skin changes: they become pale or purple;
  • possible fainting;
  • frequent urination may begin;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • sweating

With phobias, human behavior changes radically. He becomes uncommunicative, tries not to go anywhere, he has problems at work and in the family. Constant fear plays out in the minds unforeseen situations, such as losing money or fear of getting into an unpleasant story.

A man constantly talks about this and tries to be morally supported. However, no arguments of friends and relatives help. Okhlofobiya does not allow sound thinking to take over the top. When the course of the disease begins to interfere with a full life and threatens a normal physical condition, it is necessary to seek the help of a specialist.


It must be remembered that any stress can provoke a phobia that occurs suddenly and captures your entire consciousness. The specialist will conduct a full survey with the help of tests and confidential conversations.

It must be remembered that only a qualified psychotherapist is able to provide assistance quickly and efficiently.

And if the behavior appears symptoms such as anxiety, anxiety on trifles, tension, memory impairment, feeling of anxiety, fatigue, then you need to pay serious attention to them. It must be remembered that a phobia can be divided into a strongly neglected and normal alarming state. There are many different disorders. They are divided into generalized, post-traumatic, stressful, panic. In all cases, an individual approach is required to eliminate the unpleasant state.

The psychotherapist, after examining the patient's life, will determine the degree of phobia and then prescribe exactly the treatment that will be beneficial to health.

Treatment of fear

It is possible to overcome fear both independently and with the help of a specialist. However, you need to remember that self-medication is fraught with the development of unforeseen situations, so you need to seek help from a specialist. After the diagnosis, he will offer to act on one of the following scenarios.

  • Conducting psychotherapy sessions (cognitive behavioral therapy) will help you relax. In the course of this treatment, the patient's thinking patterns change radically. Calm conversation and appropriate setting determine the origins of the obsessive state.A psychotherapist will teach you how to deal with a phobia. But remember that the success of the whole treatment depends on the person himself and on the strong desire to heal. The patient must understand that you need to make volitional decisions and try to follow all the recommendations.
  • Physiotherapy helps to get rid of phobias. Natural phenomena such as water, current, wave radiation have a beneficial effect on the human psyche and on his body as a whole. Therefore, specialized water treatments, massages of various orientations will contribute to the rapid recovery of the psyche.
  • Drug therapy also helps restore mental balance. However, it must be remembered that such treatment can bring both benefit and harm, so it is necessary to use drug treatment only in extreme cases, when other methods do not help.

Antidepressants and tranquilizers help keep your mind under control. They are prescribed to quickly relieve anxiety and panic attacks. Only a specialist can correctly determine the need for the drug and its dosage. Self-administration of such pills will lead to very sad consequences.

In humans, drug dependence may occur, and improper treatment will trigger an overdose and death.

Psychologist tips

Psychologists very rarely resort to extreme measures. If the situation is not too badly started, then it is possible to get rid of it by making efforts. For this, the patient and the specialist must work together. One gave recommendations, and the other strictly fulfilled all appointments. Plus, there should be a clear desire of the person himself to get rid of the obsessive state.

Psychologists give general advice that is very simple, but has great potential to help lift the phobic attitude. So, what should you do if you feel anxiety and even to some extent panic attacks?

  • A healthy lifestyle will have a good effect on your mental state and on your body as a whole.
  • Running in the mornings and evenings, classes in the gym will complement the therapeutic effect.
  • Lack of sleep has a negative effect on the general condition of the body, so a healthy and long sleep is recommended.
  • No stress!
  • Healthy and tasty food can cheer you up.
  • If you can not attend physiotherapy classes, use the shower or bath. Warm water works wonders. After these procedures, you will feel better.
  • Find a lesson like. Get involved in knitting, embroidery. Communicate more with loved ones.
  • Learn to relax and deal with stress yourself. For this help various breathing exercises:
    • take a slow breath and hold your breath;
    • count to five and slowly exhale;
    • perform such manipulations several times until relief comes.
  • Read more. It is advisable to choose for this light and life-affirming works.
  • Sign up for a circle where you will find like-minded people.
  • Try to overpower yourself and start visiting crowded places. For such a walk, invite a close person (friend, friend) to support you in difficult times. So you will be sure that you are not alone, and in the event of an unforeseen situation you will not be left alone with misfortune.

It is important to remember that everything depends on you. And if you decide that you need to fight phobias, you will overcome all your fears.

On the features of demophobia, see below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


