
Neophobia: what causes and how to get rid of?

Neophobia: what causes and how to get rid of?

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  1. What it is?
  2. Varieties
  3. Causes
  4. Symptoms
  5. How to overcome?

Not every person is calm about changes in the habitual way of life and quickly adapts to changing conditions. The change of established stereotypes can cause discomfort, a strong emotional shock and lead to neophobia.

What it is?

Fear of everything new is called neophobia (Latin Neophobia - fear of the new). It is inextricably linked with the fear of any change: relocation, marriage, choice of university, job change, costly purchase, development of new technical equipment. Some have a fear when eating unfamiliar foods, unusual foods.

Not everyone is able to easily adapt to the still unknown life situations. The fear of change is based on a sense of self-preservation. People with such ailment experience unnecessary experiences, often withdraw into themselves, prefer to spend their free time alone, communicate little with others, try to avoid any dialogue, sometimes show aggression.

The state of fear of new phenomena and impressions is not considered a serious pathology, does not cause great harm to health, but its presence affects the quality of life. Unpleasant consequences can affect the implementation of human plans, building a family hearth.

It is difficult for such people to make any serious decisions, therefore, positive changes in their lives are sometimes not destined to happen.


Fear of the new can manifest itself in different ways.

  • Technophobia - Pathological fear of innovative technologies, fear of acquiring the latest equipment, modern technology.
  • Gnosiophobia - fear of new knowledge, unexplored information.
  • Futurofobiya - fear of the future. Any thought about the upcoming event causes great discomfort.
  • Ergaziophobia - fear of work, activity, committing actions and movements.
  • Food Neophobia - fear of eating a new dish. To some extent, this phobia protects a person from the possibility of trying a poisonous product.
Food Neophobia


Neophobes are people with problems adapting to the new environment. Experts identify external and internal causes of the disease. Emotionally unstable people are subject to negative influence from the outside. Economic, social and political instability often contributes to the emergence of fear of everything new.

    A person who is not confident in the future may undergo fear of future changes.

    Internal causes arise from the nature of the individual, his personal qualities:

    • inflexible nervous system;
    • conservative views;
    • unwillingness to leave the comfort zone;
    • increased situational and personal anxiety;
    • suspiciousness, suspicion, closeness;
    • lack of self-confidence, an inferiority complex;
    • low self-esteem;
    • negative past experience;
    • strict upbringing;
    • too high level of responsibility and performance;
    • underestimated level of claims.

    In young children, neophobia is usually manifested in the fear of trying a new dish. It may be due to increased sensitivity to bitter taste or infection of the middle ear. 2/3 of the fears of food products are genetically determined.

    The reasons for children's fear to try a new food can be prevailing preferences for a certain food at this point.For example, a child loves sweets. Feeling bitter or sour in his tongue, he refuses to eat for safety. The negative experience of abdominal pain from eating not quite ripe fruit, or the poisoning that occurred earlier, may affect the child’s further attitude towards unfamiliar food.

    Subsequently, the baby begins to be afraid to try new dishes. Sometimes a child is frightened by the appearance of a product unknown to him, the fear of which may be accompanied by severe hysteria.

    Psychologists do not recommend forcibly feeding a baby with such food, because in the future an aversion to the product may develop.


    Meeting with something new and unexplored can cause a person to have a condition from mild anxiety to panic attack. In case of illness, the following symptoms are often observed:

    • choking, shortness of breath;
    • shiver;
    • cardiopalmus;
    • high blood pressure;
    • squeezing or pricking in the chest area;
    • dizziness;
    • semi conscious state, fainting;
    • fog or ripples in the eyes;
    • visual impairment;
    • feeling of unreality of the events;
    • the presence of thoughts of death;
    • insomnia;
    • distraction;
    • desire to hide;
    • increased sweating;
    • stiffness of certain parts of the body;
    • disorder of the gastrointestinal tract;
    • nausea, vomiting;
    • dry mouth;
    • inability to articulate properly.

    It can be distinguished from viral or infectious diseases by the fact that along with the above symptoms, a person feels fear of something unknown. There is a fear of the completion of a new situation of failure, loss and even success. A person may be afraid of ridicule, refusal, poverty, death, pain, disappointment.

    Waiting for the birth of a child can also cause neophobia, especially during unplanned pregnancy. The fear of an unknown future can lead to a change of mood, a nervous breakdown and a desire to get rid of the child. Psychological manifestations are observed in constant depression, increased anxiety and inability to concentrate. Symptoms can appear even with one thought about the upcoming change in life, regardless of what is to be: a change of profession or the purchase of a new refrigerator.

    How to overcome?

    When diagnosing neophobia in children and adults, specialist help is needed. Kids most often have a fear for a new food, so it’s good to use not only the help of a psychologist, but also a nutritionist. Sometimes it takes several attempts to introduce a new product into the baby’s diet. With age, the phobia gradually decreases and subsequently completely disappears. Some recommendations to parents:

    • one should not feed a child by force, which he refuses;
    • it is necessary to teach the child food culture, talk about the benefits and harms of various products: food is not always used for pleasure;
    • it is desirable to be interested in his story about the origin of the dish;
    • it is necessary to explain to the child that sometimes the food begins to be liked not immediately, but after repeated consumption;
    • it is necessary to tell the little man various stories about the gradual transition of some unloved product into the category of adored food, while it is desirable to rely on your life experience;
    • It is necessary to diversify the diet.

    For adults, there are some effective therapies. A psychotherapist or psychologist will help get rid of the fear of the unknown to the new and adapt to the existing realities. Changing the direction of thinking, believing that future events do not carry any potential threat, contribute to the gradual eradication of phobias.

    A mature person with enormous willpower is able to cope with the illness on his own.

    Self help

    To help yourself you need continuous work: meditation, relaxation, training.If a stressful situation arises, it is necessary to drink a glass of pure water, preferably rubbing whiskey with ammonia. It is imperative to monitor your breathing: a slow breath through the nose and exhale with a breath hold through the mouth is done with full chest. You need to breathe smoothly.

    You need to mentally distract yourself from frightening thoughts, while you need to remember some pleasant events. Focused attention to the environment helps to bring the mind back to normal. A detailed description of the items, the account in the mind will help get rid of the impending fear. You can relieve stress through any kind of exercise. Well help repeated squats. If possible, should be wrung out several times.


    Only an experienced specialist is able to select the appropriate medications. Tranquilizers and sedatives help restore the nervous system and reduce symptoms. Although medications serve as a good sedative, the main problem with their help is not always eradicated.


      The psychologist will help to establish the cause of the appearance of this phobia, rooted deep in the psyche. The specialist will analyze the current situation, open his eyes to the disadvantages and advantages of the upcoming changes. A person needs to realize all the advantages of the upcoming changes, as well as morally prepare for overcoming possible difficulties. The attention of the patient should be focused on finding constructive solutions, and not on past psychological problems. Fight with the disease called:

      • specially developed various psychotechnics;
      • neuro-linguistic programming;
      • psychological training;
      • hypnosis sessions.

      The psychotherapist will be able to train the client to relax in time, concentrate on his own condition and distract himself from the outside world. These actions contribute to the normalization of respiration, pulse and lower blood pressure. Fear is gradually receding, a sober outlook on life, the ability to assess the situation and overcome the difficulties encountered.

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      Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


