All about the city of Simferopol in Crimea

  1. Description
  2. Climate
  3. What to see?
  4. How to get there?
  5. Where to stay?

The peninsula of Crimea is a place where all tourists tend to go. Here you can not only soak up the warm beaches, but also enjoy the extraordinarily beautiful natural landscapes, get acquainted with historical and cultural monuments, and, in general, enjoy your vacation. The absolute majority of people coming to the republic, strives to get to the southern coast of Crimea, because it is there that officially recognized resort cities are located, which are happy to welcome guests.

Despite this, for many, the first point of arrival is the capital of Crimea - the city of Simferopol. This is where the international airport is located, where all flights are located. But do not immediately rush to leave the bustling big city. There is something to look at.


The city of Simferopol, which is the capital of Crimea, is ironically located in the very center of the peninsula. The surroundings of the city are the spurs of the Crimean mountains, the valley of the Salgir river and a large reservoir. The current Simferopol is located on the territory of the ancient city, which was called the Scythian Naples. However, this ancient settlement was destroyed, and a new modern city emerged on its territory, which began to count its history from 1784.

Simferopol is one of the 2 largest cities of the Crimean peninsula, it is considered the economic and cultural capital of Crimea. The name itself is rather ambiguous. For example, from the ancient Greek language it is translated as "city of good" or as "city-gatherer". There is also the Crimean Tatar name of the city, which translates as "white mosque".

The city of Simferopol has a rather long and unusual history of its origin. For example, during the Great Patriotic War, it became the center for the production of various military products. There were several regiments of the national militia, as well as extermination battalions. After the war in Simferopol, as well as in other cities where the German fascist invaders visited, reconstruction was carried out.

During the existence of the Soviet Union, namely in 1984, Simferopol was awarded the Order of the Red Banner of Labor. More than 330 thousand people live on the territory of the modern city. The composition of the population is quite diverse in the national sense: Russians, Ukrainians, Crimean Tatars, Armenians, Belarusians, Uzbeks, Greeks, Bulgarians, Poles, Georgians and many other nationalities live and work here.


Due to the fact that Simferopol is a city that is located in the very center of the Crimea; it combines several characteristic features of the peninsular climate at once. It should be immediately noted that the city has no direct access to the sea, so the climate can be attributed to the foothill or dry steppe categories. In summer it is quite hot here, and winter is quite mild, strong frosts are the exception rather than the rule.

The hottest month in Simferopol, as well as in the whole Crimea, is July. The average temperature here is about +23 degrees Celsius. However, it should be understood that since the indicator is rather average, there can be large deviations from it: for example, the air temperature can even reach +40 degrees Celsius (which is especially uncomfortable given the fact that there is no sea here). In winter, the air temperature here is kept within 0 degrees Celsius or slightly below.

What to see?

Unfortunately, the city of Simferopol attracts tourists and visitors to Crimea with regard to recreation.The thing is that it is quite noisy, there is no sea, but there is a huge stream of people. However, if you stay in the city for a few days, you can make sure that the capital has something to offer tourists. There is a huge number of attractions.

Obelisk in memory of the liberation of the Crimea from the Turkish invaders

The second and more common name of this attraction is the name Dolgorukovsky obelisk. This monument was erected in 1842. Located historical landmark at the intersection of Zhukovsky street and Dolgorukovskaya street opposite the Alexander Nevsky Cathedral. In appearance, the monument is a step pyramid consisting of 4 faces. It reaches a height of about 20 meters.

Central Museum of Taurida

This museum, which is located on the territory of the capital of Crimea, contains in its exposition more than 15,000 exhibits that tell about the history, culture and nature of the Crimea peninsula.

Bust of the Russian statesman Grigory Aleksandrovich Potemkin

This attraction of Simferopol is one of the newest, because it was opened in 2016. The reason for the installation of the bust was the two-year anniversary of the referendum, as a result of which the Republic of Crimea became part of the Russian Federation. The bust is on Gorky Street.

Five hundred year old oak

This attraction is suitable for visits with children. The popular name of this oak is the Bogatyr of Tavrida. The tree is striking in its size and often becomes the hero of various photo shoots. The fact is that the circumference of an oak trunk at a circumference is about 6 meters, and its crown diameter is 5 times larger and is 30 meters. This landmark is located in the Children's Park of Simferopol, which stands at the intersection of Kievskaya Street and Schmidt Street, and is also limited to Kirov Avenue.

In this park you can spend an active day with children: here you will find rides, rollerdromes and cozy gazebos.

Kebir-Jami Mosque

Religious people, as well as those who are interested in the culture of various peoples, will certainly want to visit a Muslim temple, which, in combination, is also the oldest building in the city. The mosque is located on Kurchatov street.

The Settlement of Naples Scythian

Fans of Scythian culture can not pass by the ancient city, which was once the capital of the Late Scythian state. This landmark, located in the capital of Crimea, is an object of cultural heritage of the federal significance of the Russian Federation.

Emine-Bair-Khosar Cave

This attraction of Simferopol is one of the oldest in the Crimea peninsula. It has been known since the 18th century, precisely at that time it was called a well on a hillside near an oak. Today, the cave is open for mass visits and is quite popular among tourists and vacationers.

The length of the galleries Emine-Bair-Khosar is about 2 meters, the cave itself has 5 levels.

Crimean Academic Puppet Theater

A visit to the puppet theater is another opportunity to please and entertain your child. The Academic Theater is one of the oldest in the peninsula, because it began to exist even before the Second World War, namely in 1939.

Square 200th anniversary of Simferopol

This square is a place for a quiet walk and a pleasant stay with your family. Here everyone will find entertainment for themselves, regardless of age.

Monument to Vladimir Lenin

Simferopol, like many Russian cities (as well as cities of the countries of the former Soviet Union), has Lenin Square, on which is a monument to a famous statesman. In the capital of Crimea, a monument to Lenin was opened in 1967.

Crimean Republican Universal Scientific Library named after Ivan Franko

This library is the largest in the country. No book lover can get past this attraction. The library is open to the public, it is located on Quay Street. Within its walls, quite often various seminars, meetings and trainings take place, where the cultural intelligentsia of the capital gathers.

Crimean Academic Theater named after Maxim Gorky

If you prefer cultural recreation, you want to be spiritually enriched, then you should definitely visit the Academic Theater of Crimea. This institution is considered one of the oldest drama theaters in the territory of the Russian Federation. The theater building is an object of cultural heritage of the peoples of Russia, and therefore is under the protection and protection of the state.

Thus, even though Simferopol lacks the sea, sandy beaches and cozy embankments, you can spend your time in a fun and interesting way. For many tourists, a stay in the capital of Crimea is forced, but it can easily be turned into an unforgettable vacation.

How to get there?

Depending on your permanent place of residence, you can reach Simferopol in several ways. The city has just built a modern airport, where there are flights from all over Russia, as well as from abroad. This method is quite convenient and comfortable - to get to the city will turn out very quickly. In the case of the flight, it will be Simferopol that will be your nearest city.

If you live in the southern part of Russia (for example, in Rostov-on-Don or Krasnodar), then you can get to Simferopol by public transport or own car. If you navigate the map, then no difficulties with the passage should arise. In addition, the newly built Crimean Bridge significantly reduces travel time (compared to the once-working crossing).

Where to stay?

Due to the fact that Simferopol is the capital of Crimea, the hotel and restaurant business here is developed at a fairly high level. Tourists can stay in numerous hotels and inns. For example, one of the most modern and equipped is hotel complex "Rio". Rooms in this hotel are equipped according to the latest trends - there is everything you need for high-quality and comfortable rest. For high-class hotels can also be attributed Yalos and Dayana.

Here you can select rooms of any category, depending on your financial capabilities. The rooms are quite cozy.

For housing more budget options include hostelswhich are present in Simferopol in large quantities. Staying here will cost you less than paying for hotel accommodation. In addition, you can cook on your own in the shared kitchen.

Recreation centers, guest houses and guest houses are another accommodation option. You can find such houses, in the complex of services which will also include meals. If you want to stay near a certain area or a particular place, you can always take advantage of the offer of locals who rent out their rooms, apartments or even houses. This accommodation option will provide you with complete independence and comfort.

Thus, you were able to make sure that the capital of the peninsula of Crimea, Simferopol city - it is not only a traffic intersection and a noisy metropolis, but also a beautiful settlement. It is rich in impressions and full of a huge number of unusual and interesting cultural and historical attractions. Here you can get acquainted with the nature and history of the peninsula, as well as explore the culture and traditions of the peoples inhabiting the Republic of Crimea.

About features of rest in Simferopol see in the next video.

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