White rock in the Crimea: where is it and what is famous for?

  1. Description
  2. History and Legends
  3. Where is?
  4. How to get there?

Some of the sights of the Crimea peninsula can not be called "promoted", however, they are of great interest for tourists who prefer active recreation to the usual "lying" on the beach. It is to such places can be attributed White Rock Ak-Kaya, which is considered a small Crimea in a concentrated form.

Here you can find everything that only the soul desires - and the mysteries of geology, and the beauty of nature, and amazing legends, and, of course, a rich history.


In 1981, Ak-Kaya was recognized as a natural monument of republican significance. Besides, White Rock is considered a federal historical heritage site, so everyone who comes to Crimea can safely recommend this amazing place to visit.. For millions of years, snow, rain, temperature drops, the action of winds and tectonic processes have formed the most bizarre and intricate forms of the slopes and outlines of the rock, on the western part even formed numerous eolian grottoes. The White Rock is a not-made monument, a part of Crimea, which was not touched by the destructive power of man. The highest point of Ak-Kaya rises at an altitude of 325 m above sea level, as if it hangs over the small river Biyuk-Karasu.

The difference in height between the valley of this river and the mountain peaks reaches 100 meters.

The mountain has a pleasant unique shade that is visible from afar. - thanks to a combination of light sandstone and white limestone, the rock can be called a true wonder of nature. At the top of Ak-Kaya there are stone pillars, grottoes and spacious niches, and in the lower part, due to the weathering of limestone rocks, colorful scree appeared. The length of the White Rock cliffs reaches 107 meters. Scientists believe that once this mountain was the top at the bottom of the ancient Tethys sea, but after it disappeared, turned into a peak on the land surface.

For many millennia, under the influence of water and air erosion, the sheer cliffs of Ak-Kaya took the form of a man-made structure resembling a castle or an ancient fortress.

History and Legends

It is established that the rock itself, like its surroundings, was inhabited by living beings from ancient times. During the archaeological excavations, many fossil remains of underwater inhabitants were found. Many animals found their refuge here.

So, in the second half of the last century, the remains of a cave bear, a mammoth, primitive deer and even a wild bull were found on one of the mountain slopes, horses and saigas lived here.

Found about 20 sites of ancient people, it is assumed that in fact there were a lot more - in the rock were found the graves of children and adults. At the same time, many ancient tools that Neanderthals used for everyday life, hunting and defense were excavated. The age of finds is estimated at about 150 thousand years.

At a later time, Scythians and Sarmatians lived here - their ancestral signs, tamgas, were found on the stones.

In the Middle Ages, lands fell under the dominion of a noble Tatar family Shirin. At the top of Ak-Kaya, elections of the head took place, here the most notable Tatars organized gatherings, and the disgruntled "revolutionaries" gathered people to express their discontent with one or another ruler. The steep slopes of the White Rock are often used to execute prisoners and criminals. By the way, in 1620, Bogdan Khmelnitsky also visited the role of a captive here. It is known that he was asked for a huge ransom, threatening death in case of failure.

In the same period, part of the Great Silk Road passed here.

In 1777, during the Russian-Turkish war on Ak-Kaya, the great Russian commander A. V. Suvorov set up his headquarters. - it was he who defeated the Tatars Shirin. At this place, an agreement was signed between Yuri Dolgoruky and the Turkish Khan Sahib Giray, who confirmed the independence of the Crimean Khanate from Turkey. Six years later, Prince Potemkin-Tavrichesky arrived here - then Crimea officially came under the authority of the Russian Empire, and the prince took the oath of the local nobility for loyalty to the new homeland. White Rock was a popular place for filming Soviet movies. In this picturesque place such pictures as “Headless Horseman”, “Armed and very dangerous”, “Man from Capuchin Boulevard”, as well as “Witches Underground”, “Mustang-ambler” and some other tapes were created.

The creators of the picture attracted this place with its unusual and extremely epic look.

Like any other place, on the Crimean peninsula Ak-Kaya is rich in mysteries and legends. Most of them were composed of the Golden Mountain - the very cave where the remains of the Neanderthals were found. According to legends, this place is something like the Serpent Gorynych's lair, which for hundreds of years kept the local beauties at bay.

One of the legends says that the monster stole cattle from people, but once fell in love with a beautiful, young girl and stole it.

The beautiful woman cried for a long time, but then managed to find out the secret of how to kill a snake and threw a letter with information into the village, hoping for an ambulance. But no one answered her call, and a year later she gave birth to a child, for whom Gorynych built a golden cradle. One day a warrior was passing by, who heard a child crying and managed to kill a monstrous beast.

At the fairytale, the unfortunate end - a distraught beauty rushed from a cliff with a child, and only the golden cradle remained in the cave, which many treasure hunters are still looking for.

According to another version, those 40 brigands from a famous fairy tale hid their stolen treasures. However, nobody found gold. But there are more than enough “black archaeologists” robbing Scythian burial mounds. Local old-timers tell the legend that the cave is actually very long and stretches all the way to Theodosia.

However, this version is easy to check by looking at the map, which clearly shows two objects separated by distance.

Where is?

Getting to the top of the mountain is easy. Near the eastern ledge to the top of the cliff leads trail. On the flat side, the height of the White Rock in Belogorsk is about 100 m. In some areas, the ascent is quite difficult, but all the difficulties, no doubt, are worth it.

Moving along this path, tourists get to the lower grotto, along the road the most picturesque panoramas are opened.

The very top of the mountain is a flat flat surface, but if you turn to the east, you can see the oldest Scythian burial mounds. In the west, there is the Biyuk-Karasu river and the city of Belogorsk, closer to the horizon line the series of the Crimean ridge mountains is clearly visible. On the way to the top you can see a big stone block. It will become a guideline indicating that the direction is right.

It is best to rise to Ak-Kaya in the evening - the heat at this time subsides, and the rays of the setting sun paint all around, giving the area a fantastically beautiful and unforgettable view.

How to get there?

Usually excursions to the mountain start from Belogorsk. The distance from this town of Simferopol is 47 km. You can overcome this path by public transport - first by bus, following the flight Simferopol – Belogorsk, then by local bus to Belaya Skala station, and from there to the mountain you can travel exclusively on foot.

You need to go along a wide street to the river, then go through a small wooden bridge and get to the foot of the mountain past apple orchards.

If you plan to drive your own car, then you need to get to Belogorsk, then turn in the direction of the mountain and move about 5 km. It is best to choose an SUV for trips and travel in the summer. By the way, to the very summit it is not necessary to climb on foot. A horse farm is located near the foot of Ak-Kaya, where you can always rent a horse.

For tourists there are two options for horseback riding - a one and a half hour climb up the steep path and then a descent down or a three-hour walk along a quiet path.

Tourists going to Ak-Kai can not only see the stone wonders of nature, but also enjoy the beautiful air, get acquainted with fascinating facts of ancient history, see the ancient sites of the ancient Scythians, excavations and artifacts with their own eyes. Believe me, you will find a lot of wonderful and unforgettable impressions on the way. If you decide to climb to the peaks of White Rock, first of all you should take care of the convenience of moving. The main thing is to choose the right shoes, sneakers will cope with the task best of all, but sandals, sandals and especially shale are not suitable here. Do not forget that nowhere on the plateau there is no shadow, therefore both adults and children will need a hat.

Clothing is better to use multi-layered.

As a rule, the trip requires certain forces, so it will not be superfluous to bring along drinking water and a small snack. And, of course, any ascent in the mountains is fraught with injuries, so it is advisable to bring along a first aid kit with disinfectant solutions, cotton wool and a bandage, as well as drugs that make it easier in the sun or heat stroke. From the height difference, some tourists experience sensations similar to those that arise in an airplane - it lays their ears, dizzy.

You can eliminate all unpleasant symptoms with ordinary mints.

Fans of extreme sports must bring with them everything they need for dumping, and the most romantic ones can always set up a tent and spend the night with a guitar near a fire under a star-filled sky. The best time to visit is April and May. In need for roojumping, and that time is already warm, but there is no sweltering heat, so the vegetation has not yet withered in the sun. Not far from the rock you can see amazingly beautiful wild peonies.

Onosma blooms right at the foot of the plant - a plant with funny yellow bells, in general, flowers of yellow coloration predominate in the district, especially on the plateau - the arid flat top.

On the white rock in the Crimea, see the video below.

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