Everything about the Crocodile mountain in Crimea

  1. Location
  2. History reference
  3. Local Attractions
  4. How to get to the place?
  5. Climbing tips

Mount Arman-Kaya, which is located in the Bakhchisaray region of Crimea, has another local name - Crocodile. Of course, it was named so not by chance, but for its striking resemblance to a predatory reptile, if we consider the mountain landscape from afar, for example, being in the nearby village of Tankovoe. From this place it seems that a large stone crocodile, stretched out, lies along the Belbek River.

For this reason, this natural landmark of the central Crimea has always been popular with tourists.


Mount Arman-Kaya (Crocodile) is located on the border of the Belbek and Karalez valleys near the Belbek River, its height does not exceed 300 meters above sea level, and its length reaches approximately 500 meters. The main rock here is white limestone, which is why Bor-Kaya is also called the “chalk rock”. Due to the fact that limestone is a soft rock and is easily eroded, the outlines of the mountain take on such fanciful shapes.

The western side of the stone crocodile is flat, and the eastern side is surrounded by steep, inaccessible rocks. The name Arman-Kaya translated from the language of the Crimean Tatars means “the place of threshing,” since agriculture was developed here, and the fertile soil is still suitable for sowing various crops.

History reference

According to many scholars, in the Middle Ages, in place of Mount Arman-Kai, there was a sentinel point of the warriors of the principality of Theodoro. He allowed to see the road to Mangup-Kale and Eski-Kerman. This is indicated by remains of a campfire site and two man-made caves found in the mountains, as well as traces from the installation of a signal pole, a paling, a protective wattle fence. The well-known archeologist Mikhail Yakovlevich Choref actively participated in the study of this place.

In 1926, the Arman-Kai mountain range was taken on state accounting.

Local Attractions

The particular popularity of Crocodile Mountain is due to the fact that Not far from her were shooting the film "Skiff". To see this site, you need to walk to the "head" of the stone reptile. There are still cinema decorations: staircases leading to heaven, statues of pagan gods, a sacrificial altar, drawings on the rocks. Tourists love to take photos and shoot videos against the backdrop of this harmoniously fitting props. Mystics and ufologists consider this area a place of power and communication with spirits.

The image of the stairs to heaven can be found in the legends of the peoples of the whole world, starting with the biblical story about the dream of Jacob. The ancient Egyptians believed that along this ladder the souls of the dead rise to heaven. According to the legends of the peoples of America, the gods created such a ladder in order to make on its summit two sources of eternal youth. Africans believe that there were times when a higher power descended and climbed such stairs in order to participate in people's affairs.

Many ancient tribes put stairs to heaven to help spirits and gods descend from heaven to earth.

Near the mountain there is an ornamental crocodile sculpture, which clearly demonstrates the undoubted similarity of the mountain with this reptile. There are always a lot of tourists with children who are eager to make a spectacular memory photo of this amazing place.

In addition, two kilometers from the village of Tankovo ​​is an observation deck, from which you can see the stone crocodile in all its glory. Here there is a cozy cafe, in which there is a special Crimean coffee and various aromatic teas from mountain herbs.

How to get to the place?

If you get to Crocodile Mountain by bus, then there are two options for starting the route: Bakhchisarai and Sevastopol. By bus from these cities should get to the village of Red Poppy. From here the mountain Arman-Kaya is clearly visible, and it is easy to walk to it.

By car you also need to get to the village of Krasny Mak (it is easier to do this from Bakhchisarai, heading towards Sevastopol) and stop at the road bridge over the Belbek river. In this place is an improvised parking. You can also turn left at the signpost in the village of Tankovoe and drive about another 5 kilometers to the target. The coordinates of Crocodile Mountain by GPS for motorists are N 44.65832 E 33.78105.

Climbing tips

It is best to start the ascent to Mount Arman-Kaya from the tail of a crocodile - from the village of Red Poppy. The road is simple and convenient, it is even suitable for climbing with children, allowing you to admire the beauty of the Crimean nature. It is only necessary to step carefully in places where the rocks look destroyed, and do not approach the edge of the trail. In advance, you should choose comfortable shoes that will not slide over the stones, and take water with you.

You should know that visiting the mountain is free, and the stay on it is absolutely unlimited.

Crocodile Mountain is an ideal place for lovers of romance, nature and outdoor activities. Having made this journey with children, family and friends, you can get a tremendous charge of energy, breathe the clean mountain air of the Crimea. In addition, such places with ancient history have a special aura, allowing you to establish spiritual contact with our distant ancestors by touching objects that surrounded them.

See the crocodile mountain tour below.

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