Roman Kosh in Crimea: description and location

  1. Features
  2. What is popular?
  3. How to get there?
  4. Interesting Facts
  5. What is needed for a hike?

The highest point of the Crimea is often called the "Crimean Everest." This is the mountain of Roman-Kosh, which you should definitely visit if you want to see the brightest places of the peninsula, to be inspired by them and to be filled with pleasant memories. The case when you can, if you do not touch the clouds, so see them under your feet: and for this it is not necessary to be a climber and a person who is physically well prepared. The laurels of Hillary and Norgay, the first people who climbed Everest, of course, do not shine for you, but if you have never been to the mountains, you will still experience immense pleasure from feeling your own way, passed by your feet to the high and very beautiful top of our planet.


The Babugan-Yayla massif is the largest in the Crimea, and the Roman-Kosh point on it is the highest mountain in the Crimea. Its height above sea level is 1545 meters. It is considered a failed volcano, having a relatively gentle descent and ascent, which makes it not the most difficult to climb.

For example, Ai-Petri, the famous Crimean peak, is rather steep - an unprepared person will not go there.

Regarding Roman Kosh, scientists still argue. Some say that the inherent woody treelessness (very conditional) is the price for the barbaric attitude of the people who destroyed the forests here. Others do not believe in this version and believe that there has never been a forest here. In antiquity in these places passed the trade route. When the territory began to be explored by a contemporary, many of the most interesting artifacts found here can be seen today in museum collections (in Sevastopol, in particular).

There are several versions of the name of the mountain, and it is difficult to say which of them is close to the truth. Here, by the way, the Slavic name Roman is guessed. But there is also a Turkic "Kosh" - a place for sheep pen. There are lyrical interpretations of the name - "the gorge of the three mountains" and "spirit of the mountains." Finally, there is an assumption that the mountain could be named after a mythical creature that could be worshiped by the ancient peoples who inhabited this area.

It should be noted that the value of Roman-Kosh as the highest point of Crimea is not so old: For a long time, this title was worn by the summit of Demerdzhi. But fortunately, justice prevailed, and long-term measurements established that there was no point higher than Roman Kosh in Crimea. And right opposite the highest point there is another legendary mountain of the peninsula - Ayu-Dag.

On the map you can see that these mountains are relatively close to each other, which means that when planning a trip, you can make a route taking into account the brightest and most interesting heights of the Crimea. Although recently fans of climbing and trekking were worried - Roman Kosh attributed to the territory of the Crimean Natural Reserve, that is, you can not just go to the mountain. But on a paid basis you can. Of course, many are trying to find roundabout ways, avoiding meeting with foresters and huntsmen, but such savings in the form of 2-3 dollars is meaningless: let there be a fee for climbing, if it allows you to maintain the reserve in good condition.

What is popular?

Of course, lovers of romance and adventure know that there is a legend about the Roman Kosh, which is still alive: according to her treasure treasure hiding in the depths of the mountain, and you can still find it. To believe or not is your right, but the legend is overgrown with various details that even the most rational person involuntarily listens to them.

Another sentimental moment - on the way to the top a person can meet a silver deer: such a meeting promises luck, good luck, happiness.

If you climb to the top of the mountain, you can see a pile of stones there. Travelers bring stones here so that the mountain can become even higher. Perhaps this way the climbers want to strengthen the leadership of the Roman-Kosh, so that more incorrect measurements would not oppress the highest point of the Crimea.

People go to the mountain to see breathtaking landscapes. And these are not just lyrical clichés: those species that open from the highest point of the peninsula, indeed, catch their breath. The feeling of unity of earth and sky, the closeness of clouds, the freshest air and infinite space gives strength and inspires.

Selfies made here will then be happy to consider.

Finally, the ascent itself is a recreational walk, which at the same time gives a load and relaxes. New species, mountain landscapes, almost wild nature - all this strains sensory systems, causes the brain to process information from the new route. But at the same time, the body fills lightness, it is fueled by an endorphin "cocktail" that provides fresh air and natural beauty.

Interesting will be for the traveler and the animal world of the mountains. Here you have the opportunity to meet on the way to the top of the roe deer or deer. It’s one thing to see the noble animals in the photo, it’s quite another to see them in their natural habitat. True, the probability of meeting a bear is also there, but much smaller. But it is unlikely that you will fail to notice bright insects - huge dragonflies, colorful butterflies will be companions of your walk.

The birds also live here, the most interesting "characters" - owls and black storks.

From the very top of the mountain, you will have a good look at the Central Hollow, sometimes called the Forest Amphitheater. It is hard not to notice the partisan reservoir near Simferopol.

Finally, an acquisition that no one can take away from you, it cannot be called material - this is a sense of pride, because you have reached the highest point of the famous peninsula. Of course, this is not Everest, Elbrus or Mont Blanc, but, as the famous mountaineer Victor Boboc says, the main thing is to start. And why not start your climbing history with the ascent of Roman Kosh?

Attention! Needless to say, you conquered the mountain. The mountains do not forgive such familiarity - the summit cannot be subdued, it can only be climbed, caught up with it.

How to get there?

As already mentioned, Roman Kosh is the territory of the reserve, so even before the planned ascent you will receive permission for it from the environmental inspectorate.

There are several routes:

  • from the Angarsk pass through the ridge leading to Babugan-Yayla;
  • along the mountain path through Ai-Petri to the northeast;
  • through the settlements - either Soviet, or Massandra;
  • through Krasnokamenka.
The shortest way to climb is the Artek Trail. She leads from Krasnokamenka to the Gurzuf saddle. To climb, you need to roll on Babugan. In itself

Krasnokamenka easy to get: any transport on the highway Yalta - Simferopol takes you to the place.

The ascent itself begins at the Red Stone cliff, surrounded by vineyards. The road is a delight, it passes through a pine forest, on the way the pines are replaced by beeches, you can drink water from clean mountain springs. Therefore, those who consider the way to Roman Kosh completely treeless are mistaken. The forest is not just there, it is thick, because single ascents are not welcome - you can get lost.

It is safer to climb with a group and guide.

The height of 1388 m is the Gurzuf saddle, which is the high mountain pass of the peninsula (the highest). As already mentioned, in comparison with the same Ai-Petri there are no steep and dangerous precipices on the Roman Koshe. This greatly facilitates the ascent, but here the wind here can be strong, and this should be ready.

Interesting Facts

It is always curious to read the diaries of travelers and climbers who describe their adventure in all colors - the more risks, the more interesting it is to read. And being fascinated by such descriptions, many people want to repeat the feat of the extremal: for example, go for Roman Kosh alone, bypassing inspection. But remember that this is a risk that you may get lost, catch a cold, be caught in a crime (illegal visit to the territory of the reserve).

On the other hand, such ascent histories are useful in that you gain someone else's experience by putting a virtual route in your head. As a rule, the authors of such notes fairly supply their stories with photographs, because to see what they are about to expect on their way to the highest point is possible and successful.

And a few more interesting facts about grief.

  • Back in 1966, 1,200 pioneers of the famous camp “Artek” simultaneously climbed the mountain. This mass campaign was timed to the opening of the XV Congress of the Komsomol. At the top of the mountain, as it was supposed in those years, a bust of Lenin was installed.
  • Krylatov's song to Entin’s poems “The First Peak” is dedicated specifically to Roman Kosh’s grief.
  • GPS Coordinates: 44.613889 N, 34.234338 E. Latitude / Longitude

However, great fame never came to this mountain, because the famous Ai-Petri is still more associated with the Crimea peninsula. Stereotypes exist to break them: your ascent to Roman Kosh can be interesting, inspiring and certainly no less significant than visiting the more famous places of Crimea.

What is needed for a hike?

Climbing can be called a walk, but it should be with preparation. The road to any peak is tedious: some kind of ascent will be frankly difficult, some just unusually long. As mentioned above, it is easier to ascend to Roman-Kosh than to Ai-Petri, but nevertheless even here the usual traveler, who does not prepare for the route, will be demoralized.

Even in a one-day trip, you will most likely come in handy:

  • matches or other sources of fire (one box will be small);
  • windbreaker - the weather is changeable at altitude, you can easily get under rain;
  • interchangeable shoes with non-slip soles;
  • replaceable pair of socks (and preferably two);
  • insect repellents;
  • mini-first-aid kit with the most essential medicines (plaster, painkiller, anti-inflammatory, bandage, iodine, antiseptic);
  • sandwiches, water, a bar of chocolate (better than bitter);
  • bottle for a set of pure spring water.

When you rise, be sure to follow the route labels. For example, you have been walking for 10 minutes, and you have not met a single tag, go back to the last fork. It is even more sensible to have a route map with you.

Important! Watch and for the forest path along which you walk, into the fog it is easy not to make out, go astray.

Leave early. Eat tightly so that the nearest meal is not before lunch. If you feel bad on the way, the pressure or temperature has risen, you do not need to continue climbing. Altitude does not cure - with a climb you will only get worse, it is better to move the hike to the top for another day.

Even if the weather is hot, and it seems to you that the shirt and shorts are the best choice of clothes, do not go on about this whim. You walk through a wooded area, somewhere you clamber, somewhere you make efforts to overcome the relief, because you need pants, and you must take a jacket or a windbreaker with you.

The higher, the colder - and the feeling of cold can ruin the whole climb.

When you reach the top, you will not see the bust of Lenin established in Soviet times there. He was dismantled. Today a cross stands on top, and a pile of stones lies. This view becomes recognizable: if it is captured with you in the photo, it means that you, indeed, have risen to the highest point of the peninsula.

As for the development of mountain sickness, the climb is not so significant that its signs appear. But, again, if you feel bad on the road - do not continue the journey. Nevertheless, most travelers calmly, with interest overcome this route. Often it is just such an ascent that makes a man fall in love with the mountains, he searches for new peaks, prepares for the ascent, first becomes a tracker, and then, quite possibly, a climber.

About the ten sights in the Crimea, which are worth a visit, you can learn from the video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


