Sapun Mountain in the Crimea: what are the features, where is it and how to get there?

  1. Description
  2. Story
  3. Where is located and how to get there?
  4. Where to go and what to see?

Sapun Mountain is a geographical elevation that lies north of Sevastopol. From a biological point of view, the object is not remarkable, but from a historical point of view it is very important. During the Great Patriotic War the most bloody battles took place here.


The height of the mountain above sea level is 240 meters. Sapun Gora is located near the central city streets: between the Fedoskino forest belt and the temple of the Korsun Icon of the Mother of God. Nearby are several garden partnerships. The whole ridge consists of three heights, starts from Inkerman, continues to Balaklava. In fact, the hill goes around the Balaklava Valley. The length of the entire hill is about 7 km. The forest around the mountain is a gathering place for the local population. People use a place for attacks on nature on holiday dates.

Some areas that are closer to Balaclava are planted with vineyards. Once on the slopes of the mountain there was healing white clay, but now it is no longer mined. Not very remarkable natural array has acquired great importance, playing the role of a natural defensive structure.

To date, the name of the mountain is a legend, it is included in the list of attractions that must be viewed. The object is of world fame and is a mandatory item of the cultural program of many tourists. The memorial complex with military equipment is curious to both adults and children.


The historical mention of Sapun Mountain first appeared by the 1854 period. At this time, the famous Balaclava battle occurred. Combined battalions of England, France and Turkey on one side and a battalion of Russian troops on the other participated in the battle. The forces of the enemy have differed many times, but the heights of the mountain were not taken for several assaults. All Russian troops repulsed the attack, the surviving soldiers fled from the battlefield. About this event on the battlefield now nothing like, but Sapun-gora itself entered English folklore as a dwelling place of evil spirits. It is the old fighters who populated the forests and hill tops with various spirits who jinxed invincible cavalrymen.

Historians believe that this battle was not decisive for the Crimean campaign. The capture of Malakhov Kurgan - the most important event in the war of 1853-1856, it is here that the memorial complex is located in honor of the historic event.

Crucial Sapun mountain found during the Second World War. The collision involved other technical means. The highway to Yalta and Simferopol has already been built. Roads used to move military equipment. From the height of the hill, you can control the roads in both directions, which gives an advantage to the troops who occupy this place. The Red Army troops had to fight twice for the summit. Both battles were bloody and fierce. What on the one hand, on the other hand, there were great losses. In 1942, the slope almost turned into burning lava.

During the second period on the mountain was a strategically important point of the fascist troops. The powerful fortification was conveniently defended, and the Red Army had to take the height, moreover, from the most inaccessible point. This stage was important, because without it it was impossible to liberate the city. The battles were practically hand-to-hand, but the main battle took place on May 7, 1944. Success was promoted to feats, and by the 9th the whole city was liberated. Sevastopol celebrates a double Victory Day - 7 and 9 numbers.

Information about the losses on Sapun-mountain in different sources vary greatly. The funds of the diorama itself give out general data about those killed during the defense of Sevastopol - 6 thousand people. According to some reports, 350 people were registered during the storming of Sapun Mountain between May 7 and 9. In the historical information on the enemy: more than 3 thousand soldiers and officers were killed and up to 10 thousand Germans were captured. Among the destroyed: guns and mortars - 495, hand and machine gun machine guns - 168, cars - 287. More than 100 guns, about 2000 cars, a lot of other property passed into the hands of the Red Army.

An obelisk appeared almost immediately on the legendary hill. Also there was a museum and a memorial of the guns left on the battlefield. Locals planted a lot of trees. In 1958, the artists Maltsev, Marchenko, and Prisekin created a large-scale canvas, called a diorama. The place is very popular among tourists of all countries. Later, in 1964, the memorial was reconstructed. For example, a monument to Eternal Glory to the soldiers-liberators. The names of the heroes fought on the memorial plates. In the year of the 50th anniversary of the Victory the chapel of St. George the Victorious appeared here.

Where is located and how to get there?

About Sapun-mountain there is a lot of information in the Crimean guidebooks. In Sevastopol, many come precisely for historical sites. Buses, taxis rush to this point from different parts of the Crimea. Mountain from the city 6 km, which is actually a suburb. To get to Sapun mountain by personal transport, it’s enough to drive a navigator on the map: latitude - 4455′51 ′ ′, longitude - 3358′51 ′ ′ or the exact address is Crimea, Sevastopol, Nakhimov quarter, Sapun-gora.

For traveling by public transport, you must first arrive at the airport of Simferopol, there is no other point for receiving airplanes in Crimea. The main air gate take several dozen flights per day. You can fly to Simferopol by direct flights from Arkhangelsk, Volgograd, Yekaterinburg, Moscow, Kazan, Krasnodar, Krasnoyarsk, Omsk, St. Petersburg and many other Russian cities. The average ticket price will be about 10 thousand rubles. Moscow and St. Petersburg flights are usually inexpensive, are at a discount of 6 thousand rubles for a trip back and forth.

Direct routes leave from Sevastopol airport, so getting to the city is easy. The journey will take about three hours, and you will have to pay about 500 rubles for a ticket. Economical tourists can use the option of moving on public transport to the Simferopol Railway Station. There are enough bus routes: 49, 50, 98, 113 and 115. At the railway station, you can choose the train in the right direction and go on a journey. By the time the road will be longer, but if you are lucky with the departure of the train, it will also be about three hours, but you will have to pay only 150–200 rubles for the trip.

With the advent of the bridge, direct bus routes from various cities of Russia began to be sent to Sevastopol. The fare depends on the remoteness of the city of departure, the journey time will take at least a day. The tracks are now modern, comfortable, for example, the Don or the M-4 is laid from Moscow itself, and the A-290 road leads to the Crimean Bridge; you can get to it from the A-146 highway. The main thing is to get to Kerch, on the way, after you have to keep your way to Feodosia, then to Simferopol, and then just follow the straight road to Sevastopol.

The town can be reached from Yalta, but the journey takes about 40 minutes by private transport, since you will have to drive 75 km. Yalta highway is currently renovated, is in acceptable condition. Between Sevastopol and Yalta runs many buses, which depart every 30 minutes. You can choose any flight, sending takes place in the interval from 6-00 to 22-00. The same routes take travelers from the stopping point "Sapun-gora" in Yalta.

If the goal is only Sapun Mountain, then you will not have to pay extra for visiting it.The memorial is free, the locals just spend time on weekends. During the May holidays, there is the largest crowd of crowds, for a more comfortable pastime it is better to choose other days of visiting the sights.

Throughout the warm season, various sports clubs and historical associations organize interesting events on the mountain. They are dramatized, colorful, usually timed to coincide with historical dates. In May, a horn loudspeaker starts working on the mountain, from which military songs and various information about the complex or planned events sound.

Where to go and what to see?

Diorama is one of the largest objects of the complex. Today it is housed in a stately circular building that is located in the center of the memorial. Analogues of the installation, which appeared in 1959, has not yet been created. On the first floor of the building is now a museum, and on the second - the picture itself with accompanying objects. Also on the second floor there is a panoramic balcony with views of the natural panorama. The diorama is open daily, except Tuesday, you can visit it from 10-00 to 18-00. It is not necessary to book a tour, photography is available, but you need to pay for the service. In the museum shop you can buy various souvenirs.

The diorama consists of several paintings, the first of which is called “The Assault of Sevastopol”, another work - “The Defense of Sevastopol” - formally devoted to the Crimean War, and not the years of the Second World War. The battle diorama itself was prepared by a group of artists, but very precisely corresponds to historical facts. It is curious that all the fragments of the diorama were written separately, only on the spot puzzles were combined into one canvas. Already to the created artwork added subject plan. The exhibition turned out to be large-scale, so the opening ceremony, held in 1959, turned into an important cultural event.

In comparison with the diorama, the memorial complex, built by architects Zakker and Artyukhov, looks like a modest monument. He appeared immediately after the war. Then it was supplemented with plates with the names of the parts that participated in the liberation of the city. In recent years, 240 names of soldiers with the title of Heroes of the Soviet Union have appeared here.

Another attraction of Sapun Mountain is a chapel, which attracts with mosaics depicting St. George the Victorious. It is located above the entrance to the temple. Artist Brusentsov is listed as the creator of this work of art. On the truncated cone-shaped top of the complex is set the figure of an angel and a cross. The most interesting is Sapun-mountain with military equipment, which, of course, was delivered to the summit specially, but it refers to the period of the Second World War. All weapons are placed at open exhibits, which number 7. With the technique can be photographed for free. There are almost always many tourists.

The greatest variety is represented by artillery weapons. There are guns from 45 to 160 mm. The exhibition presents both divisional and anti-tank guns, mortars, howitzers, anti-aircraft guns.

An interesting exposition with naval technology. Here is the famous Komsomolets torpedo vessel. There is also a bottom-type magnetic mine, as well as a vapor-gas torpedo. Propeller, stereo range, torpedo device, stern anchor, bombard, naval guns, armor-piercing and practical projectiles - all this is also included in the composition of the exposition. There are some vehicles from among the air defense systems, they are represented by the M-1 car and anti-aircraft gun. In the tank exposition there are many types of this equipment from medium to heavy types, and together with self-propelled guns. Among combat vehicles, more Katyusha collect more curious people, but the assembly still has the BM-13-16 and BM-13-12 devices.

In addition to Soviet-made equipment, exhibits of German artillery are on Sapun Mountain, which also arouse the interest of the public. The guns are in the so-called trophy collection - according to the organizers of the exposition, the guns were used on the territory of the city during the Second World War. However, some copies were brought here from Perm. Before the eyes of tourists appear products, dated 1918 year. For example, this period includes a heavy mortar and light howitzer. Most of the trophy exposition items are from the beginning of the last century.

About why you need to visit Sapun Mountain in the Crimea, see the next video.

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