Domestic rodents

How many degu live and what does it depend on?

How many degu live and what does it depend on?

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  1. Description
  2. Character
  3. Lifespan
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Chilean squirrel degu like adults and children for a smart, cheerful disposition. This animal belongs to rodents, care for them is similar to the care of such animals, but their owners need to observe some nuances of maintenance. What is their specificity, character and how many degu live - you can learn from the article.


A tiny exotic Chilean squirrel degu that looks more like a rat, a mouse, a chinchilla, belongs to a species of South and Latin American rodents from the family of eight teeth. In the scientific world, it is called Octodon Degus (bush rat), or Degus, The natural habitat of which is the foothills with shrubs in the South American countries - Bolivia, Argentina, Chile, Peru.

Chilean squirrels have a body length of 10–24 cm (depending on sex), their long tail is 7–15 cm, weight ranges from 100 to 400 grams. In captivity the weight of a degus does not usually exceed 200–250 grams. On the oblong muzzle of the animal there are dark beady eyes, a slightly flat nose, thick vibrissa whiskers, large round ears sticking over his head. The fur of these rodents is delicate, soft to the touch, and at the end of the tail is a small brush of long hairs. The degu forepaws, with which it captures food, are shorter and weaker than the hind legs.

The color of the animal in nature is gray-brown or yellow-brown, on the back it is usually darker, and on the abdomen the wool is light gray or cream. Now in artificial conditions degus are spotted, blue and sandy. During a danger (in nature, this is an attack by birds of prey) or a stressful situation, squirrels shed their skin with fur from the tail, leaving it to the enemy, then the naked, dead tail of the tail bites itself off. She will not grow a new tail, so, having met a short-tailed shrub rat, we can assume that she survived the stress.

Daegu sleeps at night, leading an active life during the day. In nature, it feeds at the beginning or at the end of the day, at this time the sun in its homeland is not so active and the animal will not receive heat stroke. At home, the protein can adapt to the owners mode.

In nutrition, deguses are unpretentious, prefer fresh grass or hay, roots and leaves of plants, a little grain, seeds or fruits.

Like many rodents, The Chilean squirrel makes stocks for the winter season in his burrow. The teeth of this rodent grow throughout life. Only 20 teeth, their animal periodically grinds on various planks or branches.


Living in natural conditions in packs, the degu are sociable in nature. In the foothills of the Andes, underground, they dug entire communicating tunnels. Brisk and fast (by this they resemble squirrels) in their society, the degus build a strict hierarchy, do not like outsiders and protect the territory belonging to the group from them. Home-grown degu can be described as very nimble, lively animals with a curious and sociable character.

They are quick-witted, intelligent, find out their name, and even be trained. But each individual of the Chilean squirrel has an individual character, which is laid since childhood by the animal. This is especially true of degus grown in captivity. How the animal will behave, what to prefer in the diet will depend on how it was treated, in what conditions it grew.

As for the senses, it is important to note that Degu eyesight is unimportant, albeit with a good overview of 360 °. But the ear is very sharp: in a quiet and calm atmosphere, the rodent's ears are relaxed and almost lie on the head, but they immediately straighten out if they hear a slight rustle or noise. Degu know how to communicate through sounds, to express their positive attitude or dissatisfaction.

Like cats, Degu make cooing, purring sounds when the owner strokes them behind the ear, and if they are unhappy, you can hear a “grumble”.

The only degu in the house will require attention and affection from the owner, who will become a true friend. A couple of Chilean squirrels will not be so boring, they will communicate with each other, delighting the eyes of others with their funny behavior and games. Shrub rats are very shy and nervously react to sudden noise or movement, they need to be tamed with their hands for a long time. This must be taken into account when maintaining them, as well as to warn children and guests coming to the house about their features.


The life of Chilean squirrels in natural conditions, where you need to get food by yourself and defend yourself against enemies, usually shorter than a life spent in captivity. In the wild, degu live only 5–6 years, becoming, as a rule, prey of birds of prey and foxes.

Diseases are almost not susceptible, have strong immunity. Tamed human squirrel can please its owner for 8–11 years (an average of 9.5 years) and even known degu-champions who live to be 15 years old. At the same time degus, having an unusual, artificially bred color, live significantly less than the relatives of the natural color. The life of blue or sandy species is only 3-4 years.

The longevity of these animals is achieved a great care and love of the owners, and also depends on the following factors:

  • creating a favorable microclimate;
  • correct feed;
  • cell size;
  • exclusion of stress for the animal;
  • organization of leisure, communication;
  • timely treatment to the vet.

Content Features


In advance of the appearance of the Chilean squirrel in the house, you need to take care of a comfortable and durable home for her. This can be a metal cage or a glass aquarium of a minimum size of 75x60 cm at a height of 50–70 cm. The floor should be covered with sand, paper or cloth. To absorb waste, it is important not to use coarse cat litter, pellets, hay. The fillers can cut the degu legs, and they eat the hay, sand, an absorbent diaper, is suitable for the toilet.

Inside the cage should be several important accessories for the animal. These are various throw-over bridges made of wood, which the degus gnaws over time, a rotating wheel with a diameter of at least 35 cm. You also need to install a “mink” - this can be a tree house or an unnecessary ceramic flower pot. For grinding teeth fit a few ordinary branches of trees thrown into the home.

If the cage allows, you can install a tunnel made of durable plastic.

A drinker with clean water and a feeder should be selected automatically to avoid scattered feed and spilled water.

Degu love to take "sand baths", capacity-pool with sand for these procedures is better to put temporarily for the sake of cleanliness around. They place the dwelling away from drafts and heating devices, trying to avoid direct sun. Animals do not like noise, so places near the TV and radio do not fit. The kitchen is not the best room for a Chilean squirrel that does not tolerate strong odors and high temperatures. Mandatory cleaning of the dwelling is on duty weekly and general once in 1-2 months.


The ration of degu consists of roots, grains of cereals, seeds, grass, leaves. The most adapted in pet stores for them food for chinchillas is a mixture of cereals, flakes, dried herbs, roots, dried berries. Occasionally, you can feed your pet with fresh unsweetened vegetables, wild rose berries, mountain ash, but in no case sweets.Degu sugar is contraindicated, they are susceptible to diabetes. The daily rate of food for degus is usually divided by 3-5 times during the day.


Being attentive to a pet rodent, taking care of him is an important part of the content of Chilean squirrels. Constant contact with the owners will cause the trust of the animal, it will feel more comfortable. You need to communicate with him calmly, in a quiet voice, avoiding sudden movements. You can not grab hands degu from the back or side, for fear, he can show a defensive reaction and shed the skin from the tail. First show the open palm, holding it all the time in front of the squirrel.

In addition to games and fun, be sure to monitor the external condition of the fur and skin degu. Wool should be smooth, without lumps, skin without corns, redness. The eye mucosa must be clean, without conjunctivitis crumbs. The behavior of a healthy degu should be vigorous, it will be mobile, often jump.

The lethargy and drowsiness of the degus are a signal of the poor state of health of the Chilean squirrel, then consultation with a veterinarian is needed.


Chronic diseases are not susceptible, but they can arise (often due to sugar intolerance and consumption of starchy foods) such problems as:

  • dental;
  • diabetes;
  • baldness;
  • cataract;
  • obesity;
  • digestive disorders.

Often degu have a cold, so hypothermia, water procedures, drafts are contraindicated to them. They are treated for colds by drinking plenty of water, giving rest and washing the mucous membranes. In other cases, timely access to the veterinarian, hygiene and nutrition rules with complete exclusion or restriction of sucrose, fructose, nuts will help.

For information on how to maintain and care for degu at home, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


