A mixture of husky and malamute: characteristics of mestizos and their contents

Today, there are more than 18 Siberian Husky Métis throughout the world, obtained by crossing with various breeds of dogs. Depending on the breed, they differ in size, external signs and, of course, individual character traits. Despite the fact that there are many crossbreeds of huskies with other representatives of the canine world, none of them had official recognition. In particular, One of the most popular metis is a cross between a husky and an Alaskan Malamute..
External features
A mix of husky and malamute is one of the most successful crossbreeds of the Siberian husky. Both breeds belong to northern sled dogs. Initially, they were used in the harness to transport a variety of goods and people. Over time, thanks to the friendly nature and their dedication, these breeds began to become pets. Thus, this breed migrated to the warm climate and won the hearts of many dog lovers around the globe.
Not everyone can distinguish these two breeds of dogs from each other, although each of them has individual distinctive characteristics, both physical and psychological. For example, Malamute differs in larger constitution, dense wool, massive paws, imposing gait.
On its face there is a characteristic mask that resembles a heart, and in a husky this pattern resembles the top of a tree with branches diverging in different directions. Another interesting feature of this breed is their interesting way of communication: they never bark, but make sounds close to grumbling that differ in tone.
Husky, in turn, smaller in size, although also applies to large dog breeds. Their coat is not as thick and long as a Malamute. Also, the husky has no peculiar dog smell. He is more nimble and free in his movements, while the Malamut is much tougher, but does not differ in great speed. Eye color can be brown or blue, heterochromia is also inherent in this breed, that is, eyes can be of different colors. Unlike the Malamute, where brown eyes color is one of the signs of pure breed dogs.
Therefore, when a mixture of these two breeds puppies have the color of hair, body and color of the eyes of the Huskies, but the size, dense hair and stubbornness are obtained from the Malamute.
Features of his character
Any half-breed should combine the bright character traits of both breeds, both positive and negative.. Since both the Huskies and the Malamutes belong to the sled dogs, they are hardy, active and strong. However, if the husky is more nimble and frisky, then the Malamute is inherently slow, but he is stronger and more enduring.
When these breeds are crossed, mestizo breeds are obtained in some way between them - they are calmer than the husky, but not as impressive as the Malamutes.
Métis have many positive traits that are inherent in one or another dog breed:
- lack of hostility towards people;
- wonderful "nannies" for children;
- friendly character;
- absolute loyalty to the master;
- playfulness;
- high intelligence;
- good learning teams.
Husky, crossed with Malamute - a mobile, energetic dog, which requires constant attention. It is great for families with children, because it loves to play and frolic, which helps to take both for a long time.This dog is a lifelong activity, especially manifested at a young age.
During this period, you should be especially vigilant, as the puppy shows interest in all things in the house that he needs not only to sniff, but also to try for a tooth. Therefore, the owner should be able to switch the attention of a young dog to other useful activities, for example, physical activity, a walk in the fresh air, a lesson with his toys.
When you bring up the half-breed Husky and Malamute, you will be very nervous This breed of dog is stubborn. Such a dog knows its value and will largely resist the owner, so it’s better to start them with people who have sufficient experience in raising dogs. But with regular training and contact with animals such problems will not arise.
Like any other pet, husky and malamute mestizo require constant attention and communication. If this does not happen, the dog will switch to the things around him, and in this case the owner may suffer some material damage in the form of torn shoes, wires and gnawed furniture.
Proper dog maintenance
Any dog as a thoroughbred, and a hybrid or pooch for normal life should be properly and fully fed. If necessary, in addition to the main products in the dog's diet Vitamin complexes and supplements should be includedhowever, this should be done only when prescribing a veterinarian.
Diet of mestizo husky and malamute may consist of both conventional products and special dog food, but of good quality. It is best to stay on one way of feeding - any ready-made feed, or natural products. In the first case, it is necessary to give preference to dry food premium and luxury.
First, you should know the metabolic features of the dog - the husky and malamute mestizos have a good metabolism, so they do not tend to be obese, such as Labradors. They know how to control their appetite, although the portion size still needs to be adjusted by the owner.
Of the usual foods can be included in the diet:
- rabbit meat, beef, chicken, various offal - liver, lungs, heart, trim (meat should take more than 60% of the dog's diet), lean fish;
- vegetables (raw and boiled) - carrots, cabbage, zucchini, pumpkin, etc .;
- various cereals (10-15% of the total diet) - buckwheat, rice;
- dairy products - kefir, cottage cheese, ryazhenka;
- a small amount of fruits, for example, apples, pears.
Due to the physiological characteristics of mestizo do not require a large amount of food, the size of servings directly depends on the physical activity of the dog.
These foods should be excluded from the diet.:
- bakery and pastry;
- fatty meat (pork and mutton);
- spice;
- smoked products;
- tubular bones.
It is best to accustom the dog to a specific feeding schedule, which will greatly facilitate the task of both the owner and the pet.
As for the care of mestizo, it does not differ from the standard care for any other dog. Regular deworming (once every three months), vaccinations, bathing and combing wool are necessary. It is also important in the spring and summer to prevent fleas.
In the next video you will be able to observe the behavior of the half-breed husky and Malamute on a walk in the forest.