House ferret

How many ferrets live?

How many ferrets live?

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  1. Lifespan in nature
  2. How many live at home?
  3. What affects the lifetime?
  4. How to properly care and maintain?

Ferrets are small predators, belong to the family of weasels. Many people know them as annoying and uninvited visitors to the households of rural residents. There are several main species of these animals: the steppe, the American ferret and honorik.

Lifespan in nature

Steppe ferret (often such names as light or white) - quite a large species. It grows up to 53–55 cm in length, and its mass does not exceed 2 kg. The American, or black-legged, polecat is a unique genus of North American predators. It is under protection and is listed in the Red Book as an animal threatened with extinction. The size of his body is 30–40 cm, and his weight is from 650 g to 1 kg.

The third species, Honorik, is a hybrid that resulted from mating steppe and forest ferrets, as well as minks. A forest ferret is considered domesticated, which is often referred to as ordinary, dark or black. The size of his body can reach up to 50 cm, and weight - up to 1.6 kg. The animals are nocturnal predators, burrows are rarely dug up, as they often occupy the housing of other animals.

The ferrets have a lifespan of not too long, because in nature they are surrounded by many dangers: larger predators, diseases, various injuries, cuts. In addition, animals do not always get enough food.

Therefore, in natural conditions, they live only 2-4 years, sometimes reaching the age of 5 years.

How many live at home?

The owners protect their pets from various adverse factors, and with good care for domestic animals, life expectancy is much longer.

On average, the age of an animal living in captivity can reach 6–10 years, and in rare cases this figure rises to 14 years and even to 17.

Pets of this age can only be reached with proper care, proper feeding, and also with systematic veterinary care. There are cases when ferrets lived to be 18 years old.

Domestic ferrets need to be sterilized. The procedure is required after 6–8 months from the date of birth. In the sterilized male there will be no rut, and in females in heat. Gon males tentatively begin at 5–8 months, lasting about six months. These dates may shift.

During this period, the males have a distinctive feature: they have an unpleasant odor. And also the ferrets change their behavior. They become aggressive and restless, begin to mark the territory. The structure of the coat is transformed: it looks dirty and sticky, it may thin out. A number of diseases of internal organs that can lead to the death of the pet.

A distinctive feature of females is that estrus does not stop when the mating is deprived. It can last for several months, and this leads to a deterioration of the immune system. Left untreated, will lead to the death of the pet. After sterilization, the behavior of animals changes: they become calm and non-aggressive. It is proved that in animals that have no offspring, sterilization leads to an increase in life expectancy.

What affects the lifetime?

Heredity plays a huge role in the life of a pet. In this regard, acquiring a ferret, you should ask the owner about the health of the parents of the animal. By providing suitable conditions of detention, you can significantly lengthen the pet's life.

So, to increase the lifespan of ferrets, great attention is required to pay for its nutrition. The body of the animal poorly perceives plant food. The basis of the diet should include offal, fish (boneless), raw meat. Products should not be with a mass fraction of fat above 3%. As a treat, you can give a little curd or cheese. It is strictly forbidden to feed ferrets with fatty, smoked or fried food, sweets, nuts, chocolate, flour, bakery and confectionery products.

On average, the animal requires 6-10 meals per day, but in small portions. This is necessary if most of the ferret’s diet is dry food.. If the ferret is given natural products, it is enough to feed 2-3 times a day, but on condition that all the necessary substances are present in the food: trace elements and vitamins. We must not forget that this is a predator, and it must be provided more often with meat and by-products.

Water - one of the most important conditions for the existence of a ferret. Make sure that the pet has constant access to water, as ferrets are prone to dehydration.

This is especially important when using dry feed. For vitamins, their dosage, composition, it is better to consult a veterinarian.

Due attention must be paid to hygiene. Ferrets are extremely clean animals. In their cage it is necessary to clean every day, thoroughly clean the drinker and the feeder, change litter. The house should always be dry and warm.

Consider the psychological factor: like all pets, a ferret needs care and affection. Despite the fact that ferrets sleep a lot, they are very curious and energetic pets, they like to play a lot with a person and are very attached to their owner. No need to shout at the ferret, even if he is guilty of something: for him it is a great stress.

Be sure to do the animal vaccinations. The procedure is repeated every year. Usually need 3 vaccinations for the following diseases:

  • rabies;
  • leptospirosis;
  • the plague of carnivores.

There are still a few vaccinations for common ferret diseases. Your veterinarian will tell you about the needs of your pet.

How to properly care and maintain?

Should purchase a cage. To make it spacious for an animal, its parameters should be at least 80x80 cm, and the gaps between the rods should be no more than 3–6 cm, because ferrets are nimble and energetic. In the cage there should be a bowl with water, a house (it cannot be made of glass or plastic), a feeding trough, a tray. And also the cage should be equipped with various exercise machines: ladders, climbing pipes, platforms, hammocks, and a claw post. Best of all, if the cell will be several floors.

It is possible to open a cage and release a ferret only after adaptation in new conditions. Walks should last about 2-4 hours. Before it is required to remove all things, especially small ones, not that clever and smart friend hides everything.

When the ferret grows up, it will be possible not to close the cage, if the owner of the house, so that the pet can move easily, can run around and play pranks. The beast must move. He constantly wants to study something, to go to different places and hide there. If a ferret will be in a cage day and night, it will have a bad effect on the state of its body and its lifespan.

In warm weather, a pet should preferably be taken outside for a walk. This is allowed only for adults who are vaccinated. This can be done in the winter, the main thing is that there is not much snow and extreme cold. For a walk requires a special leash.

It is necessary to pay special attention to the ferret bed. It should be quiet and not sunny. Terry towel or bike, which you do not wear, you can use as bedding.

Leaving the ferret alone at home, it is better to close it in a cage.

Ferrets love to take water procedures, but after bathing they have a more pronounced characteristic sharp smell. Because of this, pets should be bathed as the wool gets dirty. Bathing can be carried out in a not very hot bath or in the shower. When bathing using a special shampoo for animals. Be sure to cut your pet's nails every month. This should be done very carefully so that the animal does not hurt.

Once a month the ferret should clean its ears. The procedure should be carried out with the use of specially designed drops or oil. A certain amount of the substance is instilled into the ear, and then the impurities are removed with a cotton swab. Cleaning the ears is required to be done carefully so as not to deform the hearing aid. At the end of the procedure, wipe your ear with a soft cloth.

For about 2 weeks (dates may vary slightly) in the spring and fall in the animals go periods of molting. At this time, you need to start combing the old wool. The ferret cannot be licked, as this will lead to the filling of the stomach with hair. In order to avoid problems, it is advisable to give the animal a special paste intended for breeding wool. And you need to add vitamins to the diet, because at this time the ferret's immunity is very weak.

How to care for and keep ferrets in the apartment, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


