Stones and Minerals

Amethyst: deposits, types and properties

Amethyst: deposits, types and properties

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  1. Features and history of origin
  2. Place of Birth
  3. Properties
  4. Varieties and colors
  5. How to distinguish from fakes?
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. Stone care

If we talk about precious, semi-precious stones, it is simply impossible not to touch one of the most famous. Amethyst - a stone, of course, very beautiful, but it is known not only for external data. A curious story and one of the most powerful magical qualities among minerals made purple quartz truly unique.

From our publication, you will learn what chemists, geologists, and esoterics tell about the stone. We will tell who will approach amethyst, and how to use it for good.

Features and history of origin

Amethyst is a type of quartz and belongs to silica. In its structure, trace elements such as cobalt, manganese, and iron are traced.

As a rule, the mineral grows in rocks on an opaque substrate of grayish color. Under natural conditions, the stone is found in the form of individual crystalline translucent or transparent formations with a diamond-shaped elongated shape.

The main attraction of the stone is its spectacular purple color. The color intensity of the mineral is from completely faded to dark, almost black color. Especially great color opens with natural light, which highlights the depth of color and shine.

The origin of the original purple color of amethyst mineralogists interpret in various ways. There is a view that manganese and cobalt enclosed in a stone give violet. Some see the reason for the presence of organic matching pigments. Others are inclined to say that the source of the color is hidden in violations of the crystal base of the stone and in the presence of iron particles.

Translated from the ancient Greek language, the word "amethyst" (amethystos) means "not drunk" or "not drunk." There are several explanations for this title. The most elegant of them - the mythological. The ancient legend tells how Dionysus (Bacchus, Bacchus), the god of winemaking, fell in love with the beautiful nymph Ametis, who, in turn, did not respond to his feelings.

For a long time, the jealous god had beloved the beloved; however, he did not manage to kindle love in her.

Tired of amorous persecution of intoxicating deities, Ametis turned to the goddess of the moon and the hunt Artemis. She turned her to stone. Dionysus attempted to cheer up his beloved. He sprinkled a stone with his magic wine, but the drink only sank into the crystal, and so he acquired his purple hue. Subsequently, Zeus split the amethyst into pieces, and so the great stones flew around the world.

The second interpretation is more mundane. The ancient Romans and Greeks found it a disgrace to drink strong wine. In this regard, they each time placed a transparent amethyst crystal next to a jug. Drinking befitted with water until it becomes the same color as the mineral. At the same time, purple quartz itself was attributed to the ability to protect against intoxication. Therefore, they were often decorated with cups, and they put necklaces with him on the feast.

In the Bible, you can read that the purple mineral was one of the stones that adorn the vestments of the high priest in Jerusalem. The Chinese wore amulets made of crystal on the eve of the battle. In the Middle Ages, the mineral fell in love with the church, it was even called "monastic" or "episcopal."

There are other names of the gem, for example, "bishop" (Old Russian) and "Apostolic" (in Orthodox tradition) stone.

It is curious that in the 16th century in Russia the mineral with a red tinge was nicknamed “amephis” or “varenik”.

In that era, this stone was of more value than a ruby. Amethyst was a favorite stone of the church fathers, and for this reason, crosses, icons of saints, and an altar were often decorated with a purple nugget.

The mineral, among other things, is called the "widow's stone" (as alexandrite and pearls). Mineral is considered a symbol of great love and devotion of a woman. Such items of jewelry are worn by beautiful women who have lost their much beloved spouse, as well as those who vowed endless devotion to their beloved.

Place of Birth

Crystal is mined in various places around the world.

Its deposits are present:

  • in North America and Brazil, the Brazilian deposits of these minerals are rather extensive, but the stones there are not endowed with high quality characteristics;
  • stone is also mined in South America;
  • Africa;
  • Asia;
  • Russian Federation;
  • Germany;
  • Armenia;
  • in Sri Lanka (island of Ceylon);
  • in Madagascar.

Minerals mined at various points differ in their characteristics and properties. In Asia, nuggets of the highest quality are mined, but their volume is not too large.

In our country, purple stone is mined in the Urals. The Ural mineral is of the highest quality and has the name “Deep Siberian”. There is another domestic field, which is considered the most rare. Name it "Violet Coast" or "Cape Ship". It is located on the Kola Peninsula in the Murmansk region.

Minerals mined in this zone are distinguished by a rich dark purple color.


Amethyst is unique in its properties, which distinguishes it from other minerals.


As mentioned above, amethyst is a kind of quartz, which is dominated by the faces of the parallelepiped. Chemical formula - SiO2. As a rule, the mineral can be found in the form of neat brushes and drusen.

The color of the stone is very rich and depends on the inclusions of iron in the crystal. Under the influence of the sun-colored mineral burns out and loses its color saturation. If the mineral is heated to 200 degrees, then it begins to change its own color from yellow to green and absolutely colorless. As it cools, Amethyst recreates its own original color. At 300-500 ° C, the stone becomes colorless forever (only directional ionization can assist); and at a temperature of 500 to 600 ° C, the stone acquires a bright yellow color and is converted to quartz. In the course of every 25 years of its own existence, the stone loses approximately 20% of its color.

The mineral has substantial hardness, which is estimated at 7 units in accordance with the Mohs evaluation table and a density of 2.6 grams per cubic centimeter.


From the history of the mineral becomes clear its purpose. Amethyst personifies serenity, chastity and infallibility. The color of violet quartz protects against bad habits and attachments, as well as from disrupting the process of falling asleep. An excellent talisman will be this mineral for someone who lives according to classical moral views.

According to its characteristics, the stone turns as if in addition to its owner. As a result, the pure and bright mineral in conflicts is reorganized into the mood of the owner’s negative emotions. If you assume that discord is brewing, remove the decoration to avoid trouble, and later wash it in running water.

The purple color of amethyst corresponds to the Sahasrara chakra, located in the crown. She is responsible for wisdom, foresight and spirituality.Consequently, harmony with the mineral will help the formation of such features. The talisman with the mineral, in addition, will teach you to feel the hypocrisy and awake. With it, you will be free from nervousness and incontinence.

The mystical characteristics of this amulet are rather contradictory. He is able to both strengthen the marriage, and turn it into dust. It happens that a stone is given for the purpose of a love spell. In this episode, amethyst actually initiates reciprocity (and is capable of upsetting a long-term union or relationship), but such black magic does not give any luck.

In ancient times, the weather was predicted on violet quartz - it becomes dark if a hurricane approaches. Of course, all the features about which we told, owns only natural stone. The mineral grown in the laboratory is lifeless based on the beliefs of magic, no matter how ideal it is.

Regarding the painted pieces of glass is completely silent.

The following magical characteristics of a mineral are usually distinguished:

  • saves his master from hypochondriacal disorder and bad thoughts;
  • reveals the sixth sense and extrasensory perception;
  • can help resolve a controversial state of affairs without loss;
  • gives happiness;
  • protects from divination;
  • removes the blues, heals mental pain;
  • protects from nasty dubious actions;
  • helps its owner in love, protects against infidelity.
  • Amethyst amulet will protect the marriage from confusion and discord.


Ever since ancient times, the mineral is credited with the ability to relieve intoxication. It helps not only to be sober for a long time in the process of libations, but also clarifies the mind of an already drunk person, and in the morning makes it easier to hangover.

A wide wellness feature of amethyst and its use in alternative medicine - the release from addictions: from addiction to drugs and alcohol.

Wearing a stone talisman is not capable of replacing drug therapy and working on it, but it forces and simplifies the process.

The healing qualities of amethyst are widely used in stone healing (lithotherapy). Through the mineral treat many ailments.

  • Kidney disease.
  • Nightmares.
  • This amulet, laid on the stomach, cures headaches as well as the blues.
  • It helps during the diet to fight hunger, which improves the result of losing weight and facilitates the diet.
  • Removes psychological stress.
  • It can help to relieve tension and anxiety at various mental loads.
  • Restrains the process of falling vision.
  • Heals infertility, contributes to carrying a healthy baby.
  • During epidemics, the talisman protects against infections due to the disinfecting effect of the stone. This feature was used in ancient China. The mineral was used to make boxes and flasks to preserve drugs, so that they would not deteriorate and not absorb bad energy.
  • Sexual disorders.
  • Saves memory.

And also if you wear jewelry made from this stone, your eyesight will improve, emotional excitement will leave, insomnia will disappear and the activity of the nervous and endocrine systems will normalize. The stone can suppress the pain if applied to the painful area. Anyone who wants to lose weight can overcome the feeling of hunger through a natural doctor.

In the role of a drug that facilitates the flow of a cold, you can use amethyst water. To do this, put an amethyst crystal in a vessel with water, and so insist on the night. To recharge additional vital energy you need to install water so that it reflects the full moon. This water can wash your face in order to remove acne.

To get rid of despondency or psychological problems, ancient practice advises to take the purple mineral, hold it in your hands and watch for a long time in order to establish a spiritual connection. Then imagine the sea at sunset. In thoughts to place the sun in amethyst and enjoy its rays. This pacifies the thoughts, brings them back to normal, relieves them of negative and anger.

At the end of the session, the talisman is thanked for the help.

Varieties and colors

There are various colors: light, hardly distinguishable in purple, bluish, lavender, blue, black, purple. Often there are non-uniformly colored minerals. It is known that the coloring of gems depends on what foreign substances they include. The characteristics of the mineral depend on the type of crystal.

A particularly popular type of amethyst is one that has a purple color.

Nevertheless, the mineral also happens in different colors, and for this reason it is of great interest among collectors and jewelers.

  • Green Amethyst (proselyte) has a natural origin. This sample is quite rare, is used in the creation of jewelry. Due to the high density and strength of the master stone cutter perform unique cut, for example, cabochon.

With amethyst of such a color, exquisite pieces are made, as it turns out to combine multicolor ensembles with a stone.

  • Pink Amethyst is a symbol of happiness, associated with tenderness. This “romanticism” containing the color of the mineral is extremely rare, as a result it costs a lot of money. The unsurpassed beauty of the stone deserves a rim of high quality. There may be blotches in the crystal, and while long in the sunlight, it loses saturation.
  • Black amethyst - Especially rarely found in nature. Another name is “Black King”. According to some information, this stone can neutralize radiation. This gem does not disregard either the practicing magician or the collector. The mystical qualities of the stone make it possible to realize tasks of varying complexity, in addition, they assist in the cure of many diseases. This crystal is especially often practiced in magical ceremonies.
  • Violet Amethyst recognized by color saturation. The stone may be pale lilac, lavender or violet, bright lilac color. The hue is affected by the iron content. A transparent mineral with a minimum amount of inclusions is especially appreciated by jewelers.

How to distinguish from fakes?

The main characteristic that distinguishes natural stone from counterfeit is hardness. Quartz stones are stronger than steel. When you buy products from amethyst, take a knife or a blade with you. Try to scratch - a genuine stone cannot be scratched. This technique is enough to separate the mineral from a clumsy fake made of plastic or glass. However, when you face a purple mineral grown artificially or artificially enriched with color, scratching will not be able to help.

The coloring technique makes it possible to expose not only colored pieces of glass, but also stones that have acquired color under a specialized lamp. In natural minerals, the color will be slightly uneven, in some place more intense, in some places less bright. Very rarely comes across in nature and flawless transparency. In short, an impeccable mineral is likely to be, if not an outright fake, then, apparently, simply artificial.

To the note: jewelers prefer similar crystals more than natural ones. They look more attractive in jewelry.

To separate the true jewel from a false one, water will equally allow you. Just dip the stone in a vessel with water and hold it there for a moment. The original amethyst as if absorbs moisture, its edges will be more colorless. Artificial - no.

Try to warm the stone in the palms. Minerals practically do not absorb heat.Consequently, the natural sample will be kept cool to the touch, and the counterfeit will heat up from your palms.

The sun will also be an excellent help if placed under the rays of the decoration for a couple of hours. Natural amethyst loses color under their influence proportionally, fake - no.

Inspect the mineral under a magnifying glass. As already mentioned, there are practically no flawless minerals in nature. It is clear that the question of the naturalness of the mineral is the first question of value. When you seek to sell a fake amethyst at the price of the present, the seller is an obvious swindler.

When purchasing amethyst, do not forget to ask for documents on the mineral, inquire about its authenticity and origin.

This is of great importance! If there are no cracks, chips, inclusions on the outer side of the stone, then it is probably unnatural.

Who is suitable?

Amethyst is a fairly strong stone, and, as a result, its help tends to be as great as the damage if it is used incorrectly.

Experts in the field of astrology in describing the stone argue that it is best suited to Gemini, Aquarius and Libra. The bulk of other signs of the zodiac mineral will not bring great benefits, but also does not cause trouble. The only exceptions are Taurus and Lion - a stone is strongly contraindicated for them. These signs of the zodiac have opposite traits of character - composure and activity, arrogance. The crystal is able to become a factor of the blues for Taurus, and Lions to obstruct the manifestation of their natural charisma.

In addition, we must not forget another important detail: women need to wear the mineral on their left hand, and the stronger sex on the right hand.

Stone care

In order for amethyst to have the opportunity to serve you as long as possible, follow a few unsophisticated recommendations that how to wear this stone.

  • So that the mineral does not lose its own miraculous power, it is required to feed it from time to time. It is advisable to perform this on the growing moon.
  • As previously mentioned, the purple stone turns pale under the influence of sunlight. Temporarily do not wear jewelry with quartz, save it in a dark place. And wrap in soft matter in order to protect from damage.
  • Stones are adversely affected by temperature fluctuations. Over time, they are taken to crack and fade.
  • Mineral bracelets, as well as rings, it is desirable to remove when you wash the dishes, do a hand wash or do a wet cleaning. Detergents and cleaners have a bad effect on amethyst.
  • Quartz ornaments accumulate negative energy on themselves. To clear them of negative information, systematically rinse your jewelry. The best is running water, it should be noted that it is not from the water supply system.
  • It happens that the mineral becomes turbid. In such a situation it needs to be cleaned. With very advanced options should be engaged jeweler. However, something can be done at home. To do this, hold the amethyst in soapy water for a certain time, and then clean it with a soft toothbrush.
  • Protect the stone from bumps and falls. It is quite durable, but for all that it is not necessary to risk. The most fragile minerals are inexpensive amethysts from Brazil.

The stone must be kept separate from other minerals that are softer or stronger.

Luxurious and mysterious stone is unique in its kind, but products with it are actually available for the average budget. This refers to silver jewelry. They will be an excellent gift for yourself or a loved one, an exquisite addition to the image, a healing amulet and a miraculous talisman from negative energy.

How amethyst is mined - see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


