Stones and Minerals

Apatite stone: deposits, properties and application

Apatite stone: deposits, properties and application

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  1. Description and origin history
  2. Place of Birth
  3. Properties
  4. Varieties and colors
  5. How to distinguish from fakes?
  6. Who is suitable?
  7. How is it used?
  8. Stone care

One of the most attractive and mysterious minerals is apatite. The name of the stone speaks for itself, as translated from Latin it means “deception” or “riddle”. Why is apatite so deceptive and what is its mystery? The fact is that this mineral has a huge amount of various substances in its composition, and their abundance makes apatite very similar to other groups of stones. He seems to be disguised as other minerals, which is why he got his name. A person who does not really understand stones can hardly understand from the first time that it is apatite before him. For example, inexperienced buyers often confuse this mineral with topaz or beryl.


Description and origin history

Apatite is one of the most ancient minerals, but it was allocated in a separate group and was given a characteristic only in 1788. Due to its extreme similarity with other groups of minerals, this mineral has long been “hidden” from humanity, only with the development of geology, apatite became an independent mineral and acquired its own, in a literal sense, mysterious name. We can say that apatite lacks individuality, because it looks like other stones. But apatite is unique in its own way. It belongs to semiprecious stones, and the rather complex internal structure of the mineral allows it to acquire different shades depending on the lighting or viewing angle.

The most pure and transparent stones are highly appreciated by jewelers.

Place of Birth

Many countries are engaged in mining apatites. Large deposits of this mineral are found in Russia, Canada, USA, Norway, Sri Lanka. It should be noted that in each country apatite has its own individual color. Sri Lanka mined stones, which are used by jewelers, because in this country, this mineral has a beautiful glass shade. The largest apatite in history has been found in Quebec, Canada. The weight of this mineral was about 5 tons. In Russia, mostly blue and blue types of stones. In Canada, apatites dominate with a green and brown tint.

In Norway, minerals similar to malachite are often found, they are aquamarine, and a natural patterned pattern is seen inside. The largest Russian mineral deposit is located in the Murmansk region and it is called Khibinskoe, since the Khibiny Mountains are located nearby. By the way, there is a town nearby, which is called Apatity. In addition, active production of apatites is carried out in Buryatia (the Oshurkovskoye and Beloziminskoe deposits) and in Yakutia (the Neryanzhinskoye and Ulkhan-Melenkinskoe deposits). The main deposits of minerals are in rocks that have been formed since the eruptions of ancient volcanoes.

Large deposits are also found in Mexico and in Brazil.


Apatite has a lot of characteristics due to which it received the title of a semi-precious stone. It is necessary to distinguish several groups of properties - physical, chemical and therapeutic. And the ancient traditions of the ancestors and the prevailing superstitions are pushing to select another group of properties - magical.

    Chemical properties of these minerals can be divided into three main groups:

    • hydroxyapatites;
    • fluorapatite;
    • chlorapatite.

    This separation depends on the chemical composition of apatite. In chlorapatites, as the name suggests, chlorine is present, which gives such stones a white color with a glare. Fluorapatites are quite common and have a large amount of fluorine in their composition. The color of this stone can be varied. Hydroxapatites are widely used in medicine and dentistry, as this substance is the basis in the mineral composition of bones and teeth.

    The physical indicators of the stone are also very impressive. The density of such a fossil is 5–5.5 g / cm ³, and its hardness is 3.2–3.4 on the Mohs scale. However, apatite is a rather fragile stone, which can easily split. In addition, apatites are found in nature in completely different, but very attractive forms. For example, in the form of a prism or needle shape. This is an incredibly beautiful creation of nature.

    Since ancient times, apatite has been used for medicinal purposes, which continues to this day. In ancient times it was believed that the owner of such a stone is protected from negative energy. That is, this mineral was used as a kind of charm, bringing spiritual stability, bright thoughts and peace of mind. Today, apatite is used as a means to strengthen bones and tooth enamel. It nourishes the body with calcium, helps with bruises and fractures. Some experts believe that this mineral has a beneficial effect on the thyroid gland and eliminates stomach problems.

    The magical properties of apatite were of great importance among our ancestors and were extremely popular in ancient times. It was believed that such a mineral is able to increase the level of intuition of the wearer and even inspire him dreams in which you can see the future. It was also believed that this stone can warn the owner of the danger. This was reported unpleasant sensations at the place of wearing jewelry from apatite.

    Apatite jewelery had extremely light energy, so they were often used not only as a piece of jewelry, but also as a guardian of powerful force.

    Varieties and colors

    As mentioned above, the color of the stone depends on the chemical compounds that make up this mineral. The most common stones with a high content of fluorine can have a wide color spectrum. Often among them are yellow, pink and brown stones.

    White, green and gray shades give the stone chlorine contained in it. The abundance of water gives the mineral blue, white and purple hues.

    How to distinguish from fakes?

    To date, fakes are found in many areas. And jewelry is a leader in the abundance of jewelry made of fake or artificial stones. Moreover, apatite is a chameleon stone, so it is difficult to distinguish it from any other stone. But fakes are often made of plastic or colored glass. It is not difficult to distinguish real apatite from such materials. The main rule is that each apatite is individual.

    Absolutely similar stones from such a mineral simply cannot exist. Therefore, if there are several jewels in the window, in which the stones are one-on-one, and the seller gives them for natural apatites, then there is no need to doubt that the stones are fake. It should also be said that apatite heats up very slowly and certainly does not melt. Of course, to identify fakes do not need to try to melt the jewelry. Simply hold the stone in the palm of your hand. Plastic or glass will heat up immediately, and apatite will maintain its temperature for a long time. And by weight, natural apatite is heavier than plastic or glass jewelry.

    There is one more way to distinguish natural stone from glass imitation, but it is quite radical and will not be allowed to use it in the store. The fact is that when breaking glass breaks up into sharp and small fragments. But when apatite is broken, it breaks into pieces without sharp edges. But resorting to this method, of course, is not advisable. After all, even if apatite turns out to be natural, then in a broken form it is unlikely to be suitable for further wear.

    Who is suitable?

    If the stone is selected depending on the sign of the zodiac, then professional astrologers do not recommend wearing jewelry with Pisces apatite. Such a stone does not suit them at all, but Gemini, Aries and Capricorn are extremely useful. Apatite also goes well with crystal or diamond ornaments.

    Apatite is perfect for people with nerve problems. These stones bring peace and tranquility.

    The stone adjusts to a positive attitude in moments of sadness and sadness, so it will be extremely useful to people who find themselves in a difficult life situation.

    How is it used?

    Apatity is used in manufacturing, jewelry and medicine.

    In industry, these minerals are used for the production of natural fertilizers with a high content of phosphorus or for the production of phosphoric acid. Also, this stone was widely used and used in metallurgy, and glass and ceramics are produced from it.

    Jewelers use in the manufacture of jewelry pale or translucent stones. These minerals are quite fragile, so they are used for the production of jewelry much less than the more durable counterparts. Necklaces, cufflinks or earrings are often made from this mineral.

    In medicine, apatite is valued not only for improving the psychological and emotional state, but also for the beneficial effect on teeth and bones.

    In addition, there are attempts to manufacture prostheses using apatite, close to the natural composition of human bone.

    Stone care

    As mentioned above, this stone is quite fragile, so it is worth treating it with particular care. In no case should random blows be allowed, otherwise the stone will simply crack. Do not allow the interaction of jewelry with other chemicals, and it is not recommended to clean it with soapy solutions. From them, the decoration can significantly fade. To wash off dirt or dust from a stone, you should use ordinary warm water and a soft cloth. You should not wear this jewelry too often, as it is prone to scratching and will lose its original look from everyday wear.

    Keep apatite should be separated from other ornaments with sharp edges, which can scratch it. Damage to the stone leads to the loss of its positive properties.

    So, apatite today is the mineral that is used in many industries. The stone has a number of properties that positively affect the health and emotional background of its owner. It is worth noting that the cost of jewelry from this mineral is extremely low and compares favorably with more expensive competitors. Caring for apatite is not at all difficult, the main thing is to choose the right natural stone, and not fake, and treat it carefully.

    The story of apatite - in the next video.

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    Information provided for reference purposes.Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


