Stones and Minerals

All about tsavorite

All about tsavorite

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  1. A bit of history
  2. Mineral characteristic
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Healing and magical properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. Beautiful examples

Since ancient times, precious and semi-precious stones have attracted the attention of people. They attributed magical, sorcery spells, healing properties, considered them a talisman, amulet. Currently, interest in this topic has increased unusually. Not only have long been known minerals, but also unfamiliar to a wide range of consumers, such as tsavorite, are becoming more popular.

A bit of history

Tsavorite became known as a stone for jewelry not so long ago, only a few decades ago. The honor of the discoverer belongs to the Scottish geologist Campbell L. Bridgets. In the 60s of the last century, the British Atomic Energy Association organized an expedition to the countries of East Africa in order to search for beryllium deposits. This mineral is one of the most important components in the operation of nuclear reactors.

Once a young explorer was attacked by a furious African buffalo. To escape, the geologist had to jump into the nearest ravine. There he leaned against the slope and stood motionless. Black bulls see poorly and chase the enemy only as long as they hear him. The animal soon set off, and the scientist saw some greenish pebbles on the blurry steep slope. This was the Tsavorite.

The stone received its name from the place of discovery - Tsavo National Park (or Tsavo), which is located in Kenya. Subsequently, Campbell took up the development of the field, lived for a long time with his family in Africa. Collaborated with the world famous company Tiffany, was engaged in the supply of stones, and also worked as an expert on jewelry.

However, the leaders of the local Masai tribe, who considered these lands to be the property of their people, in every way hampered the work, threatened and sent complaints to the local authorities. In addition, a rich businessman appeared envious, who wished to appropriate the company, bringing high income. As a result, it ended in tragedy. When Campbell with his son Bruce and a guard of several people were driving his car through the savannah, they were attacked. Wounded Bruce survived, and Campbell died a few days later in the hospital.

Mineral characteristic

Gem is a variation of a semi-precious red garnet. It is also often called the Kenyan Emerald. In some sources there may be another spelling - tsavorit or tsavolit. The composition of tsavorite includes aluminum and calcium in the form of oxides.

Its green color is due to the mineral presence of rare earth elements, compounds of vanadium and chromium. These metals are always found in the same deposits. The color of stones is usually saturated, even, without inclusions and stains, with good transparency.

Most often, minerals are light green, less often - of medium color with a yellow or gray tint, in rare cases gems can be painted in a very deep dark green color.

Tsavorite has a high strength, so it usually has almost no flaws in the form of chips and cracks. It has the correct crystalline form, it responds well to jewelry processing, faceting. Crystals of small sizes, weighing less than one carat (0.2 grams) are also found, they are relatively inexpensive. Used for the manufacture of silver jewelry.

Cavorites of 5 or more carats are extremely rare, and their cost is quite high. The largest stone found recently has a mass of 30 carats.

It was discovered at a field in the Kenyan National Park Tsavo.

Place of Birth

In addition to Kenya, green pomegranate is mined in Tanzania. The deposits of these beautiful and rare stones are found in the mountains on the island of Madagascar. A very small field is located in Pakistan, in areas bordering Afghanistan. However, it is not possible to start development there today due to the unstable situation and the presence of armed groups. The most extraordinary place where this gem was found is Antarctica, the Land of Queen Maud. Antarctic natural stone is very much appreciated by jewelers and collectors.

Mining in all regions is performed only manually, due to the relatively shallow occurrence of the rock. Another obstacle that significantly hampers the process of getting is the presence of wild animals and poisonous insects and snakes in the areas where these stones are found.. In addition, the enterprise itself, which brings significant profits to its owner, is dangerous because it is impossible to provide reliable protection against attacks by armed bandits both at the field and during transportation.

Healing and magical properties

Like any natural minerals, tsavorite has certain healing properties. It can be said that the useful qualities of all green gems are concentrated in it. For example, it is believed that he copes well with such an unpleasant eye disease as barley. It is enough to attach it several times to the sore spot.

Regular contemplation of stones helps to get rid of insomnia and anxiety. The dream becomes strong and calm, the nightmarish visions disappear. Calmness and harmony come. In addition, tsavorit will be useful to weather-sensitive people, and also it normalizes pressure and can reduce the temperature in case of catarrhal diseases.

As for magic, the ancient shamans and sorcerers never used the Kenyan emerald in their rites. This happened because this gem was discovered quite recently. However, despite this, it was found that the stone has a very positive effect on its owner. It calms, harmonizes personality, improves family relationships.

It is also noted that he is able to increase welfare, attracts financial independence. And not only the one who owns the jewelry, but also his relatives and friends. It is believed that the greatest strength of the mineral occurs when it is adjacent to silver.

If you use this stone as an amulet in the house, it will protect the home from natural disasters, fires and robberies.

Who is suitable?

From the point of view of astrologers, tsavorite is most suitable for the water signs of the zodiac - Pisces, Cancers, Scorpios. It is for these people that the positive properties of the mineral are revealed with all possible force. He brings peace and tranquility, removes any negative from both the person and the house in which he lives. In addition, women with Taurus can wear green pomegranate jewelry. Stylish silver earrings, trimmed with small green pebbles, will look great on elegant ladies.

Beautiful examples

Cavorite is very widely used in the manufacture of jewelry. From the hands of masters, professionals, outstanding works of art, which attract the eye.

From large stones, inserted into a silver frame, make magnificent rings and pendants. These products are quite expensive.

They make beads from smaller ones and use them for finishing many other jewelery, the cost of which is much lower.

Tzavorit can be combined with other stones, it comes out with them on an equal footing and does not lose even in the vicinity of a shining diamond.

For what tsavorit, see the following video:

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


