Stones and Minerals

Charoite: who suits, value and properties

Charoite: who suits, value and properties

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  1. A bit of history
  2. How to wear?
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Physical and chemical parameters
  5. Healing and magical effects
  6. How to care?
  7. Beautiful examples

Usually, speaking of ornamental stones, they mention their long past, shrouded in secrets and legends, remarkable events. Charoite does not conform to this scheme, if only because it was discovered in the prosaic twentieth century. But this does not make it less relevant knowledge of the properties of this mineral.

A bit of history

Such a stone as charoite was first discovered in the area of ​​the Chara River. His discovery was largely an accident. Just in the appropriate area was a geological survey. Initially, the newly discovered mineral was conventionally called kumintington slate. Very soon, in the early 1970s, a full description of the basic properties and characteristics of the mineral was compiled.

The first deposit of charoite (the word means referring to the river itself) was discovered in 1973. The stone is truly unique: anywhere else in the world, not even the smallest primary deposits or placers were found. Experts have not figured out before the end of the origin of the mineral. One version associates it with volcanic processes. Others indicate that charoite has emerged from alkaline formulations.

Geological literature indicates that charoite is found in the southwest of the Aldan shield. If we proceed from the existing administrative division, then this is the intersection of the Irkutsk region with Yakutia. Because of the poor acquaintance with the geography of the area, many people think that there are two fields. In fact, it is only one, and it is located on the watershed between the rivers Chara and Tokko. The total area of ​​deposits reaches 10 square meters. km

Although charoite is not a gem, it looks just fine. The main part of the rocks in this field are charoitites. They are painted in purple-violet tones. Surprisingly, charoite was found in the Far North, so the search was conducted in extremely difficult conditions.

Lilac minerals were discovered initially (according to some) in the post-war period.

Studies in Murun Holtz, conducted by the expedition of V. Ditmar, were continued in 1959. But then the level of geological exploration equipment has already changed significantly, its material and technical base has grown. Instead of a group of people breaking through wild forests and mountains, a large team of trained specialists was searching. The base point was the village, built in the middle of the forest, and it was also supplemented by an airfield.

The geological party had at its disposal a mineralogical research laboratory and a workshop for polishing and cutting samples. Such a complex preparation (including the transfer of the scientific base to the place of the search) was due to the exceptional complexity of the mountain range. In addition to charoite, other unique minerals were discovered in those places that were previously unknown. Despite all the efforts, the search was difficult and difficult. The work was carried out throughout the daylight hours; professionals had to perform analyzes of 100% of the samples extremely quickly, otherwise geologists would not be able to quickly correct their searches.

At first, the state commission on new minerals was not going to approve the discovery. Some of its representatives considered that physicists must first be connected. This was necessary in order to precisely set the properties of the elementary cells. But charoite has a fine aggregate structure. The physical methods of the time did not allow this mineral to be studied properly.

The whole year in the leading physical laboratory diligently engaged in samples. And finally a verdict was rendered - nothing will be done. Other specialists, mineralogists, took up the matter. They again went to the Murunsky massif and began to study the issue of deposits more substantively.

The search took place strictly within the limits of the massif, and as a result of research it was found out that there are no areas containing uranium at the only deposit in the world.

Already the discoverers noticed (and their colleagues in geology shared this opinion) that charoite was destined to have a great finishing and jewelery future. The problem was different - no one had yet imagined how large the mineral deposits were, how much raw material could be counted on. In the process of research, it was possible to detect a mass of boulders lying on the surface. Also, field exits allowed the establishment of a series of bedrock exits to the surface. As a result, it became clear that it makes sense to conduct a deeper search.

Curiously, it was originally planned to give the stone the name “kanasit”. But industrial mining and the subsequent sale of decorative items required a more harmonious name. After much discussion, the word “charoite” was finally suggested. Opponents of this objected, referring to NATO, that Chara herself is more than 20 km away from the field. However, criticism was rejected.

It should also be emphasized that in the priority application sent to the international commission on new minerals, the stone was called charaite. In general, the application was approved, with the only amendment to change the letter a to the letter o. This was due to the fact that otherwise it would be an exact match with another natural stone in English transcription. It is curious that in a number of foreign reference editions they began to incorrectly write the name of the river itself. By that time, finally managed to conduct a study of unit cells.

But suddenly another problem arose - an application from an American expert who had applied for the discovery of an identical mineral in Yakutia received an international commission. Formally, its name was completely different, but the chemical composition was exactly the same. I had to file a protest and join the proceedings. As a result, the presentation of convincing evidence was able to approve the priority application.

Officially, at the international level, charoite was approved in the nomenclature of minerals in 1977.

But his story did not end there. She continues. The array where Charoite was once found will provide the groundwork for several more generations of geologists. An extensive family of charoitite is growing steadily. And there is no doubt that researchers will be able to radically expand it in the coming decades.

In addition, if the mineral composition of rocks is already thoroughly investigated, then their genesis also remains to be established. Without knowledge of the process of the origin of the mineral, it will not be possible to say for sure whether discoveries of analogues in other localities are possible. Probably, the chronic failures with their searches are due precisely to the fact that no one knows what exactly and how to search. So far, most professionals tend to conclude that charoite appears due to metasomatic processes.

However, one cannot exclude the possibility that the process of stone formation itself is unique and has not yet been described.

How to wear?

Products from charoite appreciate primarily because of its rarity and unique beauty. Less often pay attention to the mechanical characteristics of the mineral. Attractive aesthetic properties associated with:

  • the finesse of the treated samples;
  • external brilliance;
  • specific optical parameters;
  • unique color;
  • the transparency of the stone;
  • pattern (but the natural ornament can be considered only on opaque copies).

The persistence of charoite is expressed in its various parameters. The stone is not only hard, but also resistant to moisture and aggressive substances.Charoite is very viscous and can preserve its color for a long time. The stone is well processed and looks great in both large and small products. It is used in cabochon type inserts and in a flat insert in brooches, pendants and rings.

But still cabochon is considered the best option. Charoite people passionate about magical practices, is considered a symbol of a stable and peaceful life. He is considered a suitable tool for those who want to get a measured life. The heterogeneity of color in a sense, symbolizes the ability to change the view of life.

Of the extrasensory properties of the stone is often referred to as its ability to provide balance and prudence.

It is also often mentioned that it activates intuitive properties and improves the intellectual level. Mineral theoretically suitable for those who wish:

  • overcome creative and life crises;
  • increase productivity;
  • find the way of life self-realization;
  • find other people (for singles) or support family and friendship unions;
  • avoid despondency and breakdown, emotional exhaustion;
  • add harmony;
  • cope with stress, insomnia;
  • protect yourself from apartment and street thieves;
  • get rid of bad habits of various kinds.

Experts in the field of extrasensory perception often argue that the “magic parameters” of charoite will grow if it is inserted into silver or at least just hung on a chain of silver. But the gold frame is not recommended to use. InoIt is claimed that charoite jewelry is indispensable for hypertensive patients and for those suffering from nervous disorders. It is often mentioned that small charoite balls should be clamped and rolled gently in the palms.

As if this helps to get rid of stress and helps to become quieter. If you wear stones in the form of rings or bracelets, then this is considered a means for lowering blood pressure and for muscle relaxation. A polished charoite pyramid can be used to be worn at the level of the kidneys, liver or pancreas. In this case, the danger of colic and other disorders is reduced.

Some lithotherapists consider it necessary to use stone to eliminate pain in the muscles, in the head and in the bones.

Mystics and psychics cannot yet agree among themselves what other properties and parameters to attribute to charoite. What is absolutely certain in their opinions is that the cut and the raw stone have approximately the same properties. According to experts in these areas, charoite is compatible with the people of the creative plan. He helps them to reduce unjustified mood swings and find themselves. For some reason not quite clear, an exotic stone is advised to be worn by the creators on the right hand.

Introverts to acquire charoit is not recommended. It is not suitable for people of phlegmatic or melancholic temperament. It is recommended to buy a stone to Aquarius and Gemini, but it is especially praised for Libra. Charoite is well combined with turquoise, pink quartz, jasper and amethyst.

A bad idea would be to combine it with carnelian, malachite and sardonyx.

Place of Birth

According to the norms established by the regional government, it is prohibited to export more than 100 tons of charoite per year from Yakutia. Since real demand is clearly higher, even with the export from Irkutsk, the market value of the product is very high. Elsewhere, as has already been said, charoite is not mined in Russia or in other regions of the world. In other localities, sometimes only raw materials are externally similar.

Some falsifiers are trying to pass it off as a true charoit.

The final price is directly affected by the shade of the product. Even in the case of untreated stone, the cost of 1 kg can be from 30 to 150 dollars. At the same time in the processed form the mineral appreciably becomes more expensive. It became quite commonplace to buy rings or earrings for 25-30 dollars.Beads are even more expensive - $ 5 per gram.

Wanting to buy a charoit shell table clock, you should not count on a price of less than $ 1,000. Anything cheaper is a fake. The most expensive item is vases. With a height of 0.3 m to pay for them in foreign auctions will have 1-16 thousand conventional units.

The exact price is determined by the grade and color of the mineral.

Physical and chemical parameters

Charoite is a mineral that is a member of the branched group of chain silicates. It is characterized by the complexity of the chemical composition. In the laboratory analysis of the stone found in his presence:

  • barium;
  • rare earth components;
  • strontium.

The unusual lilac color of the stones is due to the presence of manganese. Due to the multitude of fine fibers, the treated charoite is poured with specific patterns. Their tonality is almost incredible. Over 100 subspecies of charoite are known. For convenience of classification, they belong to several main groups.

Only the best quality stones used in jewelry get into the Extra category. Such minerals are characterized by an exceptionally elegant brilliance; patterns are formed in the form of clear lines. The presence of any inclusions is completely excluded. The first grade includes ornamental stones and raw materials for jewelry. The mineral does not glitter too much, all layers are colored the same or almost the same.

Second-rate charoite is used only in ornamental products. It almost does not shine and can contain 16% of foreign substances. The third grade (charoit) includes up to of unnecessary components. Apply it for decorative facing in the form of finishing plates. In terms of physical characteristics, charoite is very close to jade.

But only he has not green, but purple, light lilac colors; may also be all intermediate shades. Large charoite is extremely rare. The specific gravity ranges from 2.54 to 2.59. The stone can be fully or partially opaque. Its hardness ranges from 6 to 7 points on a conventional scale. Turquoise, pearls, rose quartz, opal, jasper, zircon, amethyst are considered to be a good combination for charoite. Stones that do not work well with him - beryl, malachite, carnelian, sardonyx.

Aquamarine, jade and amber ale Moosa stones can be considered a neutral combination.

Some samples of charoite are characterized by increased radioactivity. This is due to the presence of thorium impurities. Normally, all copies transmitted for the jewelry and finishing industries are subject to instrumentation measurements. If charoite is colored lilac, this indicates the presence of manganese. If the composition of the stone includes manganese-iron compounds, it turns out pink or cherry color.

A beautiful brown honey tint is created by ferric iron. The best look samples with a radiant pattern. This view means that there are almost no impurities inside. The "landscape" structure is named for its characteristic plots. Stones with such a surface form part of the collection of the Far Eastern Geological Museum.

Healing and magical effects

Speaking of meaning for a person, one cannot ignore the popular mythological ideas that surround charoit. So, astrologers claim that the mineral is useful to Libra. Their use of the stone will allow you to become more confident and speed up the adoption of the required decisions. You can also get a fair amount of energy.

Lonely Libra astrologers recommend a stone as a means of building contacts, increasing confidence. Aquarius, in the opinion of the same astrologers, can rely on such a useful charoite property as compensation for excessive emotionality and eccentricity suppression. For this zodiac sign promise even greater determination and addiction to responsibility.

And if you wear a stone continuously, as if you can become calmer and wiser.

Twins are often told that charoite will facilitate the comprehension of their inner essence and the coming to spiritual harmony. Based on the recommendations of most astrologers, it is worth pointing out that they do not advise the stone to Taurus and Scorpios. However, there are so many traditions and trends in this craft that it is simply impossible to understand. Fans of the mystical and mysterious may also take into account the recommendations on the names of carriers. Mineral can give:

  • Elizabeth - protection from extraneous temptations, extra softness of character;
  • Lydiam - guarantee of spiritual purity and deep wisdom;
  • Ruslanam - protection against ill-considered steps;
  • Borisam - health promotion and additional luck.

An important role in the assessment of charoite plays and its color. The purple tone is considered suitable for people prone to philosophizing and thinking in general. It is also recommended for those who value peace and solitude. Charoite managed for a short period of its use to become a symbol of home comfort and family hearth. Of the other mystical and irrational properties note:

  • better control of the situation;
  • flexible response to the "hints" of the external environment;
  • strengthening the intuitive beginning;
  • support the development of talents and abilities.

Some people claim that charoite has healing properties. It is assumed that it removes mental stress and improves memory, strengthens the immune system. Also, this mineral is considered suitable for combating nervous fatigue, to support the vital activity of the organism as a whole. He also fits supposedly in the fight against headaches, with high or low pressure.

Some recommendations indicate that charoitis accelerates the healing of bone fractures. He is credited with the possibility of stabilizing the work of the pancreas and intestines. To suppress local inflammations and pains, it is advised to apply a unique stone to the affected areas. It is advisable to wear charoite bracelets for those who suffer from mental and nervous disorders.

It is also assumed that the mineral increases the efficiency of creative work, gives inspiration.

How to care?

Often a situation occurs when charoite fell and split. Any blows to it are categorically unacceptable. It is necessary to wash the mineral only in warm water, where washing compositions are not added. Cleaning is carried out without abrasives.

Rubbing - extremely soft matter.

Beautiful examples

The charm of semi-precious stone made it very attractive in the production of souvenirs. From charoite make caskets and charms. Often you can see vases and other decorations for guest rooms. In Irkutsk, they plan to make a room completely out of this mineral. Preliminary calculations show that it will take (along with all accessories and furniture) up to 20,000 kg of gem.

About the properties of charoite stone, you can find out by looking at the silent video below.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


