Stones and Minerals

Everything you need to know about zircon

Everything you need to know about zircon

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  1. Description
  2. Comparison with zirconium
  3. Place of Birth
  4. Kinds
  5. Properties
  6. Application
  7. Who is suitable?
  8. How to distinguish from fakes?
  9. Care rules

Zircon is a unique stone that is universally used not only in the jewelry industry and industry, but also as a protective talisman. The nugget has miraculous qualities that allow you to extract from it in alternative and traditional medicine. However, it is important to study the information about the stone in advance in order to know whether the zircon is suitable for a particular person.


The name of the stone zircon, also known as Zargun, translated from Persian means “golden”. In some eastern countries, this mineral is called the younger brother of a diamond, and it is no coincidence, because this stone has the same amazing refracting qualities. Despite the name, zircon can be far from only golden. Crystals are green, purple, red, brown, black shades. Colorless or transparent specimens are of particular value.

Natural samples are brown, but when processed they get a sky-blue hue.

The stone has a natural magmatic origin and is a zirconium silicate. If we compare it with the “big brother”, then it has lower hardness indicators and is in itself less brilliant than a diamond. Outwardly, rather, it resembles citrine. Already in antiquity it was customary to assume that zircon is endowed with magic power and is able to bring its master to power.

In addition, according to philosophers and sages, zircon was able to improve the gift of foresight and strengthen intuition.

Comparison with zirconium

Zircon and zirconium, although outwardly and look almost the same, in fact, different stones. To distinguish between two copies, it is recommended to consult a specialist. Self-analysis of external properties will help determine the nature of the stone. So, zirconium always has a silver-gray color with a steel shade, while zircon colors include pink, orange, white, red, blue and even red-green colors. Zirconium shines with a metallic sheen, but zircon glitters with a more glassy sheen.

Note the transparency of the two stones. Zirconium is an absolutely transparent sample through which you can even disassemble the printed text.. At hit on air on its surface the film is formed. Zircon can not boast of flawless transparency. Cracks, drops, bubbles of gas and air can be considered on its cover.

In addition to external signs, the stones bind the joint use in jewelry. However, for healing and magical purposes, only zircon can be used, since it is of natural origin, and zirconium belongs to metals.

Place of Birth

Mostly mineral comes from Sri Lanka, Tanzania, Thailand and Kampuchea. In Russia, stones are found in the Urals and in Yakutia. Small reserves are found in the USA, Canada, Madagascar, Korea, Australia and Brazil. Single copies can be found in Norway.

The mineral most often comes across in prism-like form, but sometimes there are dipyramids from two volume triangles. Some crystals have defects that are formed by radiation. Mineral does not tolerate this process. Under the influence of radiation stones grow dull and even crumble. On these grounds it is possible to judge the high background of the host rocks. The rest of the stone is quite stable withstands chemical effects, for example, it does not respond to the action of alkalis and acids.

Placers are concentrated on the banks and valleys of rivers. Gems are mined in granites, syenites, pegmatites and other mountain igneous rocks. Typically, the value of a find is a few millimeters, but more massive instances can be found quite rarely.


The color palette of the stone is very diverse. The most common types are distinguished according to colors and other qualities.

  • Matar diamond Pure colorless variety. Named after its birthplace - Matara (Sri Lanka).
  • Jargon. A sample of yellow color that can be offered with a gilded, smoky, reddish tinge.
  • Hyacinth. Transparent option, which is found in several color variations - from orange to red-brown.
  • Malacon. It has a dark brown tint, the composition contains additives of radioactive substances.
  • Starlit. Transparent copy in blue-blue color.


According to some lithotherapists, effective medical properties are explained by the shape of the stone. The above-mentioned rare dipyramidal specimens have a special effect on the human body. Most of all healing qualities are inherent in hyacinth. It is in red and thus affects the state of the circulatory and cardiovascular systems.

This stone helps the body to recover faster from injuries and ailments. For example, after the operation it is recommended to put a ring with a hyacinth on the middle finger, it will have a positive effect on the regeneration of damaged tissues.

Suspension with a hyacinth on the neck helps speed up the stop of nosebleeds, improve the overall condition of the body in ischemic disease.

Yellow varieties, such as jargon, help to improve the condition of the liver, contribute to the excretion of toxins and toxins, reduce the symptoms of poisoning, including alcohol. Brown stones, namely malacons, are effective in fighting colds and inflammation of the throat and nose, relieve pneumonia, sinus, rhinitis, sinusitis. Colorless matar diamond recommended for overweight patients. This variety helps with weight loss, maintains muscle tone.

Blue stones improve the functioning of the thyroid and the intestines, and can overcome constipation. Black zircon increases the body's resistance to viral diseases. All zircons are effective in disturbances in the nervous system, help to overcome stress and depression and find peace of mind, harness strength and vigor before starting a hard day at work.

In the magical world, it is believed that Zircon does not tolerate liars and helps its owner to identify people who lie to him. The owners of zircons intuitively feel who of the environment is inclined to speak untruth, hypocrite, flatter. If the owner of this magic stone turned out to be a bad person, for example, a crook, then the mineral is able to do everything so that its owner will respond according to the law for all his actions.

In general, zircon can bring money luck to its owner. For example, businessmen who have invested in a risky project prefer to wear this stone. Especially brave and risky people love hyacinth and jargon. They in every way contribute to the development of the thoughts of its owner when discovering innovations. Even in tourism, zircon is valued for its love of pioneers. Therefore, this stone is preferred by travelers, researchers, inventors, and designers.

It is believed that mostly products from this gem are worn by men, but some women are also encouraged to wear presented stones. So, earrings will help to clear your mind, tune in to an important matter, strengthen logical and intellectual abilities, make you take a fresh look at the problem.

In the Renaissance, it was believed that zircon is able to protect a soldier in battle, but this stone does not like cowards. In Switzerland and Germany, zircon was also a talisman that helps the military bring victory. He is credited with the ability to improve the relations of his master with others. For example, a timid and modest man, he will give strength, confidence, courage, and uncertain women will allow to reveal their sexuality and seduce a man.

Especially this effect is possible due to the stones in yellow and orange shades, so it is recommended to wear such people to lonely people.

Green gems astrologers advise to get someone who has financial difficulties. Green stones are capable of attracting wealth to the house. Transparent species motivate their master to get involved in science, develop attention, perseverance and concentration.


About 90 years ago, zircon became widely used in industry. So, the crystal and its alloys are used in nuclear power, chemical and mining industries, in construction and metallurgy. Most often, the stone serves as raw material for the production of fire-resistant and refractory materials. Also, elements such as hafnium, zirconium and uranium are made from it.

The most common use of zircon in the jewelry industry. Typically, the stones are framed with gold or silver rim, the cut can also be a diamond or a cabochon. You can buy such a jewel as a substitute for a real diamond.

Most often, this stone is used to create earrings, rings, bracelets, pendants, diadems.

There are even some rules for wearing a gem. For example, red-brown and yellow crystals are usually worn when creating a casual look. By the evening along more suitable large stones. It is important to be careful when using jewelry, they are very fragile and scratches quickly appear on their surface. Using such a talisman, try to keep the pendant from touching the skin.

When using zircon, it is important to remember that not all stones can be combined with it. We have already said that the mineral looks harmoniously in a frame made of gold or silver, but zircon will not tolerate a neighborhood with tourmaline or rhodonite. A beautiful image is obtained when combined with jewelry. Despite some affinity with a diamond or a diamond, it is better not to use these stones together. For too bright shine zircon does not like ruby.

In terms of belonging to the elements presented crystal belongs to the union of Earth and Water, because it does not make representatives of the Fire, for example, a grenade. The rest of the minerals of the Earth and Water suit this stone, except for Morion, since it does not correspond to the zircon in planetary terms.

It is recommended to combine zircon with jasper, malachite, heliotrope, turquoise, melanite, serpentine, labrador, emerald, agate, opal. Combination with representatives of the Air is permissible, but may have negative consequences. Therefore, the choice remains with the owner. If he is a skeptic by nature, he can try to wear zircons and crystal, lapis lazuli, amethyst, amazonite or chrysoprase at the same time.

Who is suitable?

Zircon is recommended for those who do not feel the relationship of body and spirit. For example, a pendant with a stone should be worn by overweight people. Particular attention when choosing a jewelry is worth paying attention to your zodiac sign. Astrologers believe that using zircon is not for everyone. So, wear such jewelry can not be Pisces, Libra, Taurus, Sagittarius and Cancers. Representatives of these constellations are secretive and egocentric people who find it hard to live with such a character, and zircon will only strengthen these negative qualities and hinder a comfortable life even more.

Preferred zircon is Aquarius. Especially this sign fit blue, yellow and gold gems. They will allow their owner to develop aesthetic taste, insight and analytical skills. Pay attention to the zircon and should Aries. Usually, Aries are uncharacteristic of caution and attentiveness, and the stone will help them to stock up on these important qualities.

Red and golden crystals have a special power for Aries. Capricorn is recommended to buy jewelry with blue zircon. This product will contribute to the achievement of career growth.

Representatives of the Gemini mark zircon will give strength and calm the nervous system, and Virgo will help you find your soul mate and find loyal friends. Scorpions who wear jewelry with zircon will be protected from problems and unpleasant life situations. Stone and Leo will do - it will help them to strengthen family relations, bring warmth and comfort to the house, and contribute to a pleasant family atmosphere.

How to distinguish from fakes?

Zircon can be distinguished from analogs by the diamond shine. In addition, it is possible to measure the radioactive indicators of the specimen, in zircon this level is usually higher. Nevertheless, these indicators are not dangerous for humans.

To determine the real stone or a fake, you can use the following rules.

  • Carefully looking at the stone at close range, on the original you can see the forked sides of the cone.
  • Measure the density level. In zircon, it is 4.7 g / cm ³.
  • On the surface of natural stone there are inclusions of minerals and natural voids, in contrast to imitation.

The most popular analogue of zircon is cubic zirconia. It differs from the real zircon in its purity, it does not contain natural inclusions. In addition, there is a difference in weight - fianit more severe.

Care rules

In order for zircon jewelry to serve its owner as long as possible, it is recommended to purchase products in a strong frame in advance. For the storage of jewelry is better to allocate a separate box. If you store zircon next to other jewels, it will quickly become unusable, as it is easily exposed to mechanical stress and quickly scratched.

You can clean the product with a flannel cloth moistened with soapy water. Household chemicals should be avoided, as the chemical elements in the composition may adversely affect the appearance of the stone.

About what properties the zircon stone has, see the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


