Stones and Minerals

Citrine: what is it, who is suitable, properties and value

Citrine: what is it, who is suitable, properties and value

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  1. What it is?
  2. Kinds
  3. Where is mined?
  4. Properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. How to distinguish from fakes?
  7. How to care?
  8. Compatibility with other stones

? Citrine is a bright yellow sun stone. He is credited with the ability to bring his owner money fortune, prosperity and well-being. Gem is honored for their jewelry, magical and healing opportunities. Consider what a mineral is, what properties it has, and for whom it can be a happy talisman.

What it is?

Citrine is a semi-precious stone, which is a kind of quartz. Rock crystal, amethyst, rose quartz, aventurine, cat's eye, rauchtopaz are his closest relatives. It differs from its counterparts only in unusual yellow color. Some sources claim that the gem got its name from the French citron, which means "lemon". Others - that of the Greek citrona, in translation - "yellow."

The first mention of the stone dates back to III century BC. er In ancient Greece, it was worn only by famous people, politicians and speakers. The ancient Romans called it the philosopher's stone, bestowing success in the art of eloquence and rhetoric. In the Middle Ages, citrine was called gold topaz, Bohemian topaz, Spanish topaz, and saffronite, although it has nothing in common with these gems. The stone was officially named only in 1747, when the chemist Valerius gave his scientific description and description in the special literature.

For a beautiful rich yellow color, the stone fell in love with the nobility and the royal ladies. Decorations were made with him, he was included in the crowns of the rulers and other attributes of the supreme power. The seal with the jewel was sealed with official documents and personal correspondence. Icons decorated with sunshine were decorated with icons, religious objects, stained glass windows in churches, palaces and rich houses. In the wild tribes of Africa and South America, they truly believed that citrine protects against poisonous snake bites and scorpions.

In the modern world, as before, citrine is the favorite of jewelers. It is easy to process and does not require laborious work to create a cut. With a crystal make rings, earrings, necklaces, beads, brooches, tiaras.

The gem looks great both in the metal frame and without it. Magnificent decorations of citrine in white and yellow gold.

The price of natural citrine depends on the color, weight, degree of purity and saturation of the mineral. The most expensive is a pure uncluttered crystal. It is cut like a diamond. For less transparent cracked stones, a flat cut or a cabochon is used.

Consider a few facts from the world of celebrities.

  • The famous actress Angelina Jolie presented to the keeper of the National Collection of Minerals of the USA (Smithsonian Institute) a necklace of 18-carat yellow gold and 64 citrines in the form of pillows with a pear in the center. "Jolie's Citrine Necklace" was created by the actress in collaboration with the world famous high fashion jewelry designer Robert Prokop.
  • Prince William's wife Kate Middleton was also seen in the love of citrine. Several times she was seen in catkins with solar quartz.
Jolie's Citrine Necklace
Kate Middleton


Citrine is classified primarily by color.

  • Pale yellow is the natural color for the mineral.
  • Golden yellow stone color due to thermal treatment with a temperature of 300 degrees.
  • Honey and bright orange citrines are called "Madeira", after the name of the famous wine. Such specimens are mined mainly in Brazil.
  • Green citrine is a rare stone. Its value is low, as it quickly fades in the sun.
  • Ametrins are rare gems from Bolivia. Combine segments of citrine and amethyst.
  • It happens and yellow translucent mineral interspersed with foreign metals. Jewelers call this kind of moss citrine. It has a very high cash value.
Green citrine

Where is mined?

Citrine is less common in nature than other types of quartz. Mineral deposits are found in metamorphic, igneous rocks, sedimentary rocks. It is extracted by crystals of various sizes, druses and geodes. The largest deposits of this type of quartz are located in Brazil (Bahia, Goias, Minas Gerais). Here the mineral is mined on an industrial scale, and it was there that one of the world's largest minerals was extracted. Its value is 2258 carats or 450 grams. He presented to the public in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution in the United States. In size, it is only inferior to the giant citrine called “Malaga”, which reached 20,200 carats.

In large quantities mined minerals in India and the United States, in the state of Colorado. Small deposits are developed in Argentina, Myanmar, Namibia, Scotland, France, Kazakhstan, Spain, and Madagascar. In Russia, citrine began to be mined in the Urals during the time of Catherine the Great. Savvy craftsmen baked crystals in bread or in ashes to give them a more saturated color. Ural gems have a wine-yellow tint.



Citrine is an unusual stone, and therefore its properties are not limited to the physical spectrum. Consider the stone from different sides.

Physical and chemical

Citrine is a type of silica silica, in other words, it is silicon oxide with admixtures of lithium, iron, aluminum or hydrogen. Inclusions of these elements give the mineral its color and are distinguished from other types of quartz. The color palette of citrine ranges from light lemon to amber yellow. Natural citrine, as a rule, has a light lemon color. Darker receive as a result of thermal processing.

Other options:

  • hardness - 7 units, easily scratches the glass;
  • density - 2.65 g per cubic meter cm;
  • transparency;
  • glass shine;
  • type of symmetry - trigonal.

In nature, citrine is formed by large crystals, often forming drusen, granular aggregates and grains.


Since ancient times, it was believed that citrine is able to make a man intelligent and attractive, and a woman - to bring happiness to motherhood. It was enough to put a pebble in his pocket, as immediately constraint, timidity and tongue-tied. Sure, citrine has magic. The amazing property of the stone does not absorb and does not accumulate negative energy, makes it a very powerful talisman and guard against trouble. The warm, living energy of the stone helps to restore the physical body strength and build mental balance.

Gem saves from insomnia, protects from nightmares, clarifies the mind, gives purity of thoughts. Citrine enhances sociability, grants the ability to speak and convince the interlocutor beautifully. It gives its owner confidence in himself and in any discussion will help to win. The happy owner of the gem, which is in harmony with the energy of the stone, arouses the sympathy of others, is pleasant to all, everyone likes.

Values ​​of stone for a person is ambiguous. Citrine has a flaw: it can bring happiness and good luck not only to honest people with spiritual aspirations. People who are dishonest, but possessing such a treasure, use the power of a stone, rub in trust in people and turn their dark machinations. This property of stone is known since the Middle Ages. Card cheaters, gamblers, adventurers of all stripes revered citrine as their talisman.

In Russia, citrine was nicknamed the merchant's stone because of its ability to bring monetary success. For business people, it has become a symbol of abundance and prosperity. Citrine makes people generous and encourages sharing. Gem favors people with an entrepreneurial spirit capable of benefiting from information, often moving in space due to the nature of their activities.

Lemon quartz will be an excellent assistant for people involved in sales, casinos, on the stock exchanges, in the media.

In Japan, citrine is considered a stone that promotes long life and prosperity. For practicing meditation, prayers, singing mantras, rosary of citrine will help to focus and immerse yourself in a deep process of self-knowledge. When interacting with the stone, mental abilities increase, concentration improves, short-term memory is stimulated, wisdom is acquired.

The stone also protects people engaged in delicate manual work: jewelers, surgeons, artists, craftsmen, as well as magicians and fortune-tellers of fate along the lines of the palm. To enhance the intuition and creative inspiration citrine is recommended to keep on your desktop in an accessible place to look. When making a decision, it should be taken in hand, focus on the problem. The choice will be more thoughtful and informed.

Citrine is able to free its owner from various kinds of addictions: smoking, alcoholism. For this purpose, you can use the property of the stone, which has been noticed for a long time, to transfer its qualities to water, and to take “citrine” water. The mineral is immersed in a glass of water for a few minutes. Then water is drunk in several doses. The procedure is performed by the course.

It should be remembered that the magical and healing properties have only natural clear stones. The stone will show its capabilities in full force, if you wear it constantly in the form of jewelry: pendants, rings, rings. Business people to achieve commercial success are advised to wear a ring or signet with citrine on the little finger. Speakers to enhance the effect on the masses - on the middle or index finger.

To uncover the intuition, beautiful ladies can decorate themselves with catkins with citrine. For regular cash receipts put the pebble in the wallet. Feng Shui practitioners recommend placing objects with citrine in the southeast sector of the room to increase wealth. This may be Druze or jewelry, for example, in the form of a money tree.

As a gift, treasures with citrine in the Russian tradition are presented to spouses for the thirteen years of living together.


Lithotherapeutists recognize citrine ability to help a person with:

  • sensitivity to weather changes;
  • chronic fatigue syndrome;
  • problems with the gastrointestinal tract;
  • diseases of the genitourinary system;
  • brain diseases;
  • speech disorders in children;
  • poor eyesight.

It is believed that the most healing effect of citrine has on the navel chakra and solar plexus, healing the organs located in their area.

The mineral is able to help solve problems with infertility, as well as with climate disorders.

Lithotherapy uses citrine for diabetes, metabolic disorders, endocrine disorders. Observations have shown that contact with stone improves calcium absorption, which affects the appearance of nails, hair, teeth, and is an excellent prevention of osteoporosis.

Who is suitable?

Astrologers believe that the positive solar energy citrine fits any sign of the zodiac. However, there are some nuances.

  • Aries citrine, on the one hand, will benefit, revealing the gift of eloquence, and on the other, can bring trouble, increasing the aggressiveness of violent and over-assertive representatives of the fire sign.
  • In Taurus, gem will awaken creativity, spiritualize his aspirations, teach self-discipline and open up new horizons for self-realization. Good for the sign stone.
  • Gemini Citrine is able to bring benefit and success only in good and clean endeavors, it will attract stability in finance and take-off on the career ladder. The negative manifestations of this sign, such as the tendency to fraud and dishonest adventures, it will only strengthen, so you should be careful.
  • Cancers can contribute to enhancing authority, strengthening moral standards and resolving conflicting and difficult situations in relationships with relatives. It is recommended to wear socially active representatives of this sign.
  • Lions sunny citrine will be a reliable friend and helper in such "royal" affairs as leadership and organization of the process. If you are not proud of the power received, the gem can be the perfect talisman for such individuals.
  • Virgin citrine will bring material well-being, but only with the development of generosity and the ability to share.
  • Scales will help to renounce unnecessary doubts, and with adequate self-esteem will present the possibility of a career takeoff.
  • As a general rule, citrine is not too favorable for Scorpio. Can increase pressure, internal control, which will lead to the suppression of oneself as an individual. It all depends on the individuality of the person. It is necessary to carefully monitor their feelings when in contact with the stone.
  • Sagittarius stone guarantees familiarity with the right people, the establishment of business contacts and health promotion.
  • Capricorn wonder mineral will help you choose the right path, go through all the obstacles and reach the goal, give you sunny enthusiasm and a positive attitude towards yourself and your abilities.
  • With the friendly support of citrine, Aquarius can achieve the cherished goals in a magical way, but you should not abuse these forces.
  • Fish citrine talisman fill with vitality, give energy, vigor. The main thing - do not cross what is permitted.

It is believed that the greatest benefit of lemon quartz will bring people who bear names such as Angela, Daria, Rosa, Caroline, Ioannina, Valentin, Timofey, Leonid and Nikita.

How to distinguish from fakes?

Citrine is in demand among jewelers as a gem, and among collectors as a precious mineral. Big friends and geodes of crystals decorate interiors.

Natural citrine has a high price. Therefore, smoky quartz or heat-treated amethyst is often found under his name. They are an imitation of a crystal. Fake citrines have the most popular colors: deep amber or reddish-orange. It is difficult for a philistine to distinguish an artificial crystal from a real stone. This is only available to an experienced jeweler and minerologist, but you can try, drawing attention to the following points.

  • If you see a stone of thick amber, brown-honey color or reddish hue, then you most likely have a burned crystal. In nature, stones with such qualities are practically not found. Raw stones have light shades.
  • Natural stones have the ability to change color depending on the angle of view, in science called pleochroism. Gems treated with hot temperatures do not have this quality.
  • White matte base, stretching to the top of the crystal - a sign of heat treatment of the crystal.

Glass or plastic fake is easier to determine.

  • In natural stone, transitions from color to color are smooth, in glass they are sharp, with clear boundaries.
  • The sun's rays, passing through citrine, forks. In the glass, you will not notice this effect.

Citrine can also play the role of a false stone. It is given for more expensive topaz and emerald. Minerals have a difference in density.

A refractometer, a special device that measures the refractive index of light in a medium, will help to distinguish a fake.

Yellow topaz
Hand held refractometer

How to care?

Real citrine is very durable and is able to scratch other stones, so it is stored separately. Heat-treated gems, on the contrary, are fragile. They need protection from falls and bumps. Gems may discolor over time, so they should be protected from direct sunlight.

Mineral does not like to interact with cosmetics and perfumery. The best place to store citrine - a bag of thick soft tissue or a special cell for jewelry or minerals. Wash jewelry with a weak soap solution. The gem does not need energy cleaning.

Compatibility with other stones

When combining citrine with other minerals, it is important that the energy characteristics of the stones do not conflict with each other, but harmoniously complement each other. Citrine increases its beneficial effects, being with carnelian and amethyst. Gem perfectly interacts with jade and garnet. Zircon, tourmaline and opal weaken the crystal. Rubies and diamonds are also not the best neighbors for citrine.


About the features of citrine, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


