Stones and Minerals

Zoisite: how does it look and where is it mined?

Zoisite: how does it look and where is it mined?

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  1. Features
  2. Where is mined?
  3. Kinds
  4. Stone properties
  5. Who is suitable?
  6. Care

Each stone has special properties. To wear it properly, you need to know about them. Zoisite, which also has a magical effect on humans, was no exception.


In the history of mankind, the rock zoisite turned out to be an important mineral, especially when its new variety was discovered in Tanzania in 1967. This discovery led to the appearance of one of the most popular gems of our time. Zoisite was first discovered by mineral dealer Simon Preshern, who discovered it in the Zoualpe Mountains in Austria in 1805. He brought a sample to the Slovenian mineralogist Zygmund Zois (1747-1819), who recognized it as a previously unknown mineral. The meaning of the stone comes from the word "Maasai", which means green. It was named after Austrian naturalist and scientist Zygmund Zua von Edelstein, who identified the mineral as a unique specimen in his vast collection.

The green form of zoisitis usually includes black veins or inclusions. Often it is made from such smooth jewelry as:

  • cabochons;
  • beads;
  • decorative figures.

The green form of zoisitis usually includes corneas. This saturated mineral with red inclusions is sometimes incorrectly labeled. According to its characteristics, zoisite is similar in composition to the rare transparent gemstone, klinzoisite, although they have radically different crystal structures. Zoisite and klinzoizit are minerals that form magmatic, metamorphic and sedimentary rocks during regional metamorphism and hydrothermal changes. In environments, they are found in massive form and like prism crystals that cut slates and marble. They are also found in the form of crystals in pegmatites formed on the margins of magmatic bodies.

These two minerals are dimorphs - they have the same chemical composition, but a different crystalline structure. Zoisite is a member of the orthorhombic crystal system, and klinoizit monoclinic. They are difficult to distinguish, unless well-formed crystals are present. Optical testing and X-ray diffraction are the best ways to carry out identification. Aluminum calcium silicate can include iron or manganese.

Zoisite is usually found in small quantities. Transparent and colorful patterns are used as precious stones.


Where is mined?

The ancients believed that the mineral surpassed all other gems in virtue, because it provides a vibration that changes the state of consciousness in a positive direction. Man begins to see himself and the Universe better. Large deposits of ruby ​​zoisite can be found in India and Zambia. The production area is small, namely only 4 kilometers wide and 2 kilometers deep. Green and ruby ​​zoisites are found in Tanzania. Other colors are found in Afghanistan, Austria, Cambodia, Kenya, Norway, Madagascar, Pakistan, Sri Lanka and in several places in the United States.

In other countries, deposits were also found:

  • Australia,
  • Belgium,
  • Brazil,
  • Bulgaria,
  • Canada,
  • Chile,
  • China,
  • Czech Republic,
  • Denmark,
  • Ecuador,
  • Egypt,
  • Finland,
  • France,
  • Germany,
  • Greece,
  • Guatemala,
  • Hungary,
  • Ireland,
  • Italy,
  • Jamaica,
  • Japan,
  • Kazakhstan,
  • Mexico,
  • New Zealand,
  • North Korea,
  • North Macedonia,
  • Oman,
  • Paraguay,
  • Peru,
  • Poland,
  • Portugal,
  • Romania,
  • Russia,
  • Slovakia,
  • Slovenia,
  • South Africa,
  • South Korea,
  • Spain,
  • Sudan,
  • Sweden,
  • Switzerland,
  • Taiwan,
  • Thailand,
  • Tanzania,
  • Turkey,
  • Uganda,
  • Great Britain,
  • Ukraine.

Tanzanite is still only where it was first found - in Tanzania. Tulit is a different variety in pink. It was first discovered in Norway in 1820 and named after the mythical island of Thule. Usually, the thulite is cut into cabochons or souvenirs are made from it. Since the first discovery in Norway, other deposits have also been found in Western Australia, Namibia and North Carolina in the United States. Aniolite is also not known to everyone, it was first discovered around Longido in Tanzania in 1954.

Sometimes it is called ruby, as its main feature is an interesting contrast of green zoisite and red ruby.



Zoisite is a mineral that includes several types of gemstones. One variety is presented in the form of an opaque ruby. Other types of this gemstone include opaque pink-red thulite and transparent purple-blue tanzanite, there is still anolyolite.

Tanzanite is the most famous zoisite. There is a clear blue and brown, the second is treated most often. Heat changes the oxidation state of vanadium, resulting in a blue color. Tanzanite is the second most popular blue stone after sapphire. This is a rare gemstone that is mined in only one small area in northern Tanzania. Tulite has a milky pink hue, it is rarely used for commercial purposes, as they find the mineral infrequently.

Zoisite consists of aluminum calcium silicate and has a hardness of 6.5 to 7 on the Mohs scale. When found in various crystals (rather than in massive form), it has a rather high refractive index, which is slightly lower than that of spinel. It is worth paying attention to the following varieties:

  • colorless;
  • white;
  • yellow;
  • brown;
  • blue;
  • green;
  • red;
  • pink (thulite);
  • purplish blue (tanzanite).

Stone properties

They say that the stone has special properties and has a positive effect on the emotional state of a person. It helps to cope with laziness and overcome lethargy, increases vitality, converts negative energy into positive. The person who wears jewelry from zoisite, stone gives courage, determination, helps to go to the goal, to achieve the desired success. His energy allows you to understand yourself, to find individuality, to stand out from the crowd.

The stone has many healing properties that are very useful for its owners. It makes you creative in nature, helps you focus on your strengths and use them to your maximum advantage. Mineral gives a sense of harmony. If a person has such a feature as hyperactivity, then this is the best recommended stone to calm down.

Along with an increase in self-esteem, the stone is also considered a natural detoxifier, which helps reduce inflammation in the body. It improves fertility and has a positive effect on diseases associated with the ovaries and in general with the female reproductive system. Jewelry from it should be worn if a person recovers from an injury or a serious illness.

It usually takes time to feel a positive effect, so the mineral is recommended to be worn for a long period of time.

The head and the heart will begin to work together, zoisite gives inner harmony. By itself, he has a strong spiritual nature, which also helps consciousness, gives access to memory. The spiritual stone zoisite will become a very powerful tool for all who want to awaken their spirituality. The unique harmony of the colors of the stone also symbolizes bliss, which you can enjoy constantly. Mineral gives a feeling of relaxation.

Ruby zoisite gives healing energy to help get rid of feelings of anger or self-neglect. He awakens the desire to act, to submit to a higher goal, to find oneself in life. With zoisite decoration, it becomes easier to control your thoughts, depression retreats, as the energy of the mineral increases the flow of positive energy. As a result, immunity improves, the feeling of fatigue does not come so quickly.

The stone allows you to better cope with heart disease, promotes good blood circulation, increasing and distributing energy throughout the body. In addition, it is in his power to regulate the menstrual flow and relieve pain. Zoisitis is known to be very useful for reproductive organs and is often used to treat infertility, impotence and other sexual dysfunctions and gynecological problems. It can stimulate the kidneys and spleen, as well as regulate metabolism and help with weight loss. In addition, the mineral has a positive effect on hair and nails, as it increases cell regeneration. It must be worn for people with mental disorders, the stone reduces the number of panic attacks, improves sleep.

The main colors of tanzanite stones are blue, violet and deep indigo. Each of them is believed to have a different meaning. The value of blue tanzanite was associated with the sky, and blue is a common symbol of patience, friendship, loyalty, peace and respect. Blue mineral helps to be patient. The meaning of violet tanzanite is often associated with mysticism. In addition, it is also a symbol of nobility, often used as a color of good luck, material and spiritual benefits. Mineral is associated with the ability to fulfill dreams, helps a person to find inspiration.

Indigo is much deeper than other stones. Because the mineral has the deepest color, it reflects the infinite wisdom, spirituality and higher self.

deep indigo

Who is suitable?

Zoisite is a stone of return: to yourself, to relaxation, to healthy norms, and so on.

The creative energy of the mineral is believed to serve as a reset button, bringing the mind back to its goals after an unwanted break. With the mineral, the life of the artist and his art become one. This is a kind of focused, creative empowerment.

For adherents of healing, zoisite will be a good helper. It is believed that the mineral has a positive effect on the following organs:

  • a heart;
  • spleen;
  • pancreas;
  • lungs.

The ruby ​​variety is especially effective for the cardiovascular system. Jewelry and objects from zoisite are needed by those who have lost their muse and cannot return to the previous level of creativity. The stone is astrologically connected with the sign Gemini.


Zoisite is an easy-to-work stone. It always has clear boundaries, like a split dry piece of wood. It also makes him vulnerable to mechanical stress. It is better not to expose it to high or too low temperature. Does not like mineral and long direct light.

Simple soapy water and a soft cloth are suitable for cleaning, you can not clean in boiling water and use ultrasonic cleaners.

The properties of zoisite stone are described in the next video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


