Stones and Minerals

Eudialyte: types, properties, who is suitable?

Eudialyte: types, properties, who is suitable?

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  1. Stone description
  2. Properties
  3. Kinds
  4. Where does it apply?
  5. Who is suitable?

The Sami stone - this is exactly what eudialyte is called in other words - is known to the inhabitants of the north of Europe. There were legends and legends about him, in which there is information that this mineral is the frozen blood of warriors. Eudialyte was also used by the Sami shamans in their rituals, as it has certain isoteric properties.

Stone description

For the first time, eudialyte was discovered in Greenland, where it is preserved to this day. Mineral deposits are also located in the region of Canada, Norway, USA. There are isolated specimens in the Madagascar region and in Austria. On an industrial scale, Sami stone is mined in the Russian Federation, the Murmansk region. It has an important industrial, domestic, magical value.

Eudialyte is a rare accessory mineral of alkaline rocks. He is recognized as one of the most attractive options for the semi-precious gem.

The gem is a zirconium, calcium, sodium silicate. It is known that the component of the stone may vary. Its main property is considered acid dissolution, as well as weak radioactivity. Besides, The mineral is polishable.

The stone has a glassy shine, its crystals can be transparent and opaque. "Sami blood" is inherent in the complexity of the chemical structure. It is difficult to meet stone in its natural form - it is often mined in the form of potassium, strontium, niobium or titanium impurities.

The distinctive characteristics of the mineral are the following indicators:

  • color: from yellow to yellow-brown;
  • presence of a white line;
  • Mohs hardness - 5-5.5, which indicates a high fragility of the stone;
  • density indicator - 3.0 g / cm3;
  • fracture is characterized by unevenness, camber;
  • trigonal syngony;
  • the structure of the crystals is unique: it consists of rings of three varieties;
  • the crystal may be thick or flat;
  • in nature it often has the form of granular type inclusions;
  • imperfect cleavage.

During heating, the eudialyte melts - even with little effect of heat, it becomes an opaque glass-like mass. To distinguish a rare mineral from a fake can be quite simple: a fake of an identical color will not look like it is like glowing blood.

It is also worth knowing that due to the extreme fragility of the mineral, it is not worth dropping it, since the stone may break if dropped.

If the coloring of the Sami stone is saturated, and the dimensions are large, then it can be dangerous to human health. Mineral has a weak electromagnetic sensitivity. It is often confused with pomegranate, but eudialyte is characterized by a different crystal shape, more brittleness, less hardness, a low refractive index, and rapid decomposition in acid. Zircon is considered to be the main accompanying mineral for it, as well as sodalite and molybdenite.


It has been known for a long time that crystals have healing and magical properties. Cases are known when spells were cast when applying eudialyte to a diseased area. This radioactive stone is used today to fight cancer. It has a beneficial effect on the brain and its rhythms. Eudialytic plates are used to positively affect human organ systems.

Mineral has a positive effect on the well-being of people with the following ailments:

  • gastric ulcer;
  • hepatic and renal failure;
  • inflammations of the pancreas;

There is also information that With a long examination of the gem, the intraocular pressure normalizes and the quality of vision improves. Eudialytes have a positive effect on the condition of the blood, cleaning it and saturating it with oxygen. Gem assists in the elimination of depressive states, migraines, it eliminates melancholy and hallucinations.

According to the litherapists, This mineral has a positive effect on the brain of people and its functionality. It is worth wearing a stone to replenish the body’s strength and energy.

Sami legends say that evdialite is a symbol of courage and strength. People have long believed that when wearing an amulet with this mineral warriors can avoid injury and the occurrence of wounds. In addition to military personnel, such pendants can be worn by police, firefighters, climbers, divers.

In addition, the gem protects against hallucinations and the negative of other people. His wearing dispels depression, sadness. It is worth remembering that eudialyte enhances the power of other stones - talismans, including both positive and negative.


Eudialytes can have a transparent and translucent structure. The color of the mineral is influenced by the elements that form its basis. It can be a variety of colors:

  • saturated red;
  • maroon red;
  • brown;
  • cherry with a purple tinge;
  • brown with a yellow tinge;
  • purple.

Potassium, titanium and strontium can be found as impurities in the gem. If eudialyte has a high percentage of strontium, then it is excessively radioactive.

Where does it apply?

Eudialyte is not often found in the form of a crystal, since its size is rather small, therefore the mineral in its pure form is rarely used for making jewelry. It is also worth noting that due to the high level of radiation, the gem is not cut. During the production of jewelry, eudialytes are framed with metals, often silver. Connoisseurs of natural stones can replenish their collection with copies, which will be discussed below.

  • Cabochons Thanks to a special finish, a game of impurities is revealed that is contained in a gem. Cabochons can be simple, natural, full, low-convex.
  • Earrings. This type of decoration looks very nice and original, since eudialyte has a grainy structure. The stone can be combined with beads, beads of small size.
  • Rings. They look quite stylish, as the natural stone combines the harmonious texture of the inclusions.
  • Pendants, brooches. Smooth mineral, characterized by translucency, resembles lollipop. The use of Sami stone determines the solidity and beauty of the products, since its color gamut has no resemblance to other gems.

In addition to the production of talismans, this mineral is used to make boxes, figurines, magic-type balls. The mineral has found its application in industry: in the direction of production of zirconium ore, as well as ore of rare-earth elements. The Sami gem is used when embroidering icons.

Who is suitable?

Eudialyte is considered a semi-precious stone, which has magical and healing properties. There is information that this mineral has no contraindications for astrology. Some people may not feel its influence, while others, on the contrary, see perfect compatibility. Astrologers recommend wearing jewelry and talismans with eudialyte Virgins.

The stone is able to protect these people from evil power, witchcraft, and negative influence. On top of that, a gem can attract good luck, reveal talents and abilities of Virgos.

It is recommended that women wear a mineral in a depressed state, in which life has been shocked. Gem is able to save the owner from depression and despondency.

Men who are born under the sign of Virgo should also wear eudialyte, as it can give them courage as well as self-confidence. Sami stone protects the life and health of the owners, protecting them from danger. As a talisman, eudialyte is suitable for Strelets and Lions. Aries semi-precious stone will assist in overcoming the tragic moments, protect from evil spirit and negative.

Taurus talismans with eudialytes help to overcome the difficulties of life, as well as return faith in their own strength. The twins, who own the Saami stone, do not frighten life's troubles, they quickly recover from trouble.

People born under other signs of the zodiac can wear a stone, as an ornament - it will not have much effect.

Eudialyte is a mineral that does not need special care. The stone should be kept in a cool room, it should be protected from the influence of high temperature. It is necessary to clean the mineral with simple cool water, while not using detergents.

With a warm and caring attitude to eudialytic he is able to respond the same. Decoration, in which there is eudialyte, is inexpensive - almost everyone can afford it. Also affordable are cabochon, souvenir, and Sami stone boxes.

Many auctions, souvenir shops and shops offer such goods to buy for yourself or as a gift to relatives and friends.

According to the reviews of the gem owners, evdialite is a stone for individualists, It provides great assistance in decision making, and also provides an opportunity to achieve its goal. He brings great benefits to people who are suitable for the sign of the zodiac. The mineral looks beautiful, expensive and unusual, it can be easily distinguished from a fake.

Healers and astrologers recommend to buy a eudialyte and wear it as a talisman or amulet. Also, the stone is a wonderful souvenir and a gift for a loved one - it will not bring harm to its owner.

For the properties of eudialyte, see the following video.

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Information provided for reference purposes. Do not self-medicate. For health, always consult a specialist.


